As we all know, today's human beings are still helpless when faced with natural disasters such as earthquakes. When they occur, the only thing humans can do is remedy them.And since human science and technology cannot prevent earthquakes from happening, we can only suppress the disaster to a minimum.

This time the Lion King Agency acted with this idea in mind.

"Let's ask about your history study - why do you think the Sanctuary Treaty has been able to exist for so long? Kaslana?"


The sudden question made Exia pause for a moment. She lowered her head and thought for a while: "...the checks and balances between the three true ancestors?"


The world is peaceful now.

Even though there are a lot of scattered fights in some areas, it is generally peaceful, and this peace is based on the Sanctuary Treaty.Similarly, the Sanctuary Treaty is also based on the checks and balances between the three true ancestors.

As the strongest creatures in the world, if the True Ancestors want to provoke a war, they may be attacked by two other members of the same race in an instant. However, the gap in strength between the True Ancestors and the True Ancestors is actually It's not very big, and one against two is almost certain to lose.

Therefore, in order to avoid such a situation, the True Ancestors maintained a tacit understanding of the checks and balances between the three, and thus launched the Sanctuary Treaty to maintain the fragile peace of the entire world.

But if the Fourth True Ancestor appears, the situation will be completely different.

The Fourth True Ancestor is the strongest vampire, at least a monster of the same level as the True Ancestors. If such a monster were allowed to appear in the world, the peace established on the Sanctuary Treaty would be destroyed in an instant.

The Fourth True Ancestor is a weapon. The most powerful god-killing weapon produced by Tianbu. Once it falls into the hands of a certain country in the world, the emergence of the fourth Empire of Night will be inevitable.

The next situation is obvious - the new Empire of Night will definitely cause war even if it does nothing, and the power of the Fourth True Ancestor is enough to unbalance the military power of the world, thus triggering a world-scale war. .

The worst-case scenario is this.

Alexia can understand.

"What the Lion King Agency has to do is to avoid such a bad ending as much as possible." Nangong Nayue continued, "To achieve this, the first thing to ensure is naturally [preventing the Fourth True Ancestor from leaving Xian Shen Island] .”

Genkami Island is basically the most special place in the world. Based on the Holy Land Treaty, it is explicitly stated that all demons can be admitted and political use is prohibited. The [Demon Special Zone] can accept the Fourth True Ancestor without As for causing a world-scale impact.

But just accepting it is not enough, you also need to control the Fourth True Ancestor.

"Here's the complete plan for The Lion King Agency."

"First, use the old southeastern region as an altar to the Fourth True Ancestor, and use the people living there as sacrifices to the Fourth True Ancestor to resurrect the Fourth True Ancestor. After that, take out what has been prepared As a bargaining chip, we sign a peace treaty with the Fourth True Ancestor and bind him to this Xian Shen Island."

"Chips?" Alexia frowned, "What chips?"

"The physical body of the Fourth True Ancestor."

Nangong Nayue replied: "According to the plan of the Lion King Organization, the Fourth True Ancestor will not hold all twelve beasts at the beginning of his resurrection, and at least five of them will not be used as members in the Feast of Flames. They are used in the process - they are the bargaining chips used to negotiate with the Fourth True Ancestor."

The Fourth True Ancestor is the most powerful vampire in the world. I am afraid that no existence in this world can attract its interest.

But the body is an exception.

Not being able to obtain the physical body means not being able to obtain the familiar beast, and not being able to obtain the familiar beast means that the Fourth True Ancestor cannot become a complete body and cannot become the strongest vampire.

This is undoubtedly a bargaining chip worthy of the Fourth True Ancestor sitting down to negotiate with Genkami Island.

"So... the Old Southeast and the people who live in it are going to be sacrificed for this?"

"The old southeast area is already an area that will be abandoned and demolished. There are only 8000 people living in it, which is less than 5.00% of the total population of Xian Shen Island. The price can be said to be very light." Nangong What Yue said was very ruthless.

Is this what The Lion King does?

Alexia couldn't help clenching her hands slightly.

"The envoys from the War King Realm and the Chaos Realm have brought the bodies they have kept to String God Island. Next, we only need to follow the plan of the Lion King Organization, and everything will end smoothly."

"So, do you understand now? [Xian Kami Island will not be in crisis due to the holding of the Flame Banquet]."

"Put away your excessive sense of justice and compassion, Exia."

"This is a matter of our world, you [outsider] don't need to interfere too much."

Nangong Nayue ended with these words.

49. I will end and destroy

After explaining that, Nangong issued an eviction order that month.

After coming out of the office, Alexia walked on the way back to her classroom, her hands in her trouser pockets, her brows furrowed, and she didn't relax for a long time.

He could probably be sure that Nangong had told him most of the things that month, and the things he concealed might just be insignificant side details, but as for the plan of the Lion King Agency she mentioned, Ixia... ....In fact, it is not incomprehensible.

Because this is what Destiny has always done.

Honkai Impact occurs randomly all over the world. No matter how sophisticated Destiny's machines are or how advanced its technology is, it is still impossible to predict when and where Honkai Impact events will occur, so almost every time Destiny always arrives at the scene after the Honkai Impact occurs, and then tries his best to save others and destroy the Honkai Beast.

This kind of thing is essentially the same as what the Lion King Agency does - but there is a decisive gap between the two parties in terms of starting point.

"Don't admit defeat at the beginning."

Alexia couldn't help but murmured in a low voice.

It can be easily judged from the plan itself that the Lion King Organization has already placed the Fourth True Ancestor at the top before actually encountering it, and made the entire plan based on the prerequisite that "I cannot fight against the Fourth True Ancestor". plan.

This may be due to the people in this world's knowledge of the Fourth True Ancestor, so that they never thought of confronting the Fourth True Ancestor in the first place.

But... that's not what Exia does.

He will not raise the white flag before going to war.

"Miss Love Song."

"I'm here, Prince."

"I want to...have a little fun this time, can you help me?"

Hearing Alexia's request, Sajo Aige smiled slightly: "That's wrong, Prince. It's not [can you help me], but [give me your power] - just like me As I said before, Mr. Prince, you are too talkative."

"Now you actually no longer need to act based on other people's looks and wishes. You should be on the strong side and use your will and behavior to influence changes in things."

Everything you do has meaning.

Alexia suddenly remembered what Bishop Otto said to herself, and this was also what he once said to Artoria.

"Please give us orders, my lord prince. As long as you need it, we will give you the power to defeat everything."

"...I understand, Miss Aige - give me the power of you, Liya, and Ddraig." Alexia jumped down from the stairs, "Just let me I'm here to end the Feast of Fire, and..."

"——[Destroy the Fourth True Ancestor]."


On the 12th floor underground of Cornerstone Gate, Ixia has been to the Management Commune Security Department twice.

Sitting in the workshop specially prepared for him by Genkami Island, Lan Yu Qianzuo was biting a lollipop and tapping the keyboard in front of him quickly.

The commission she received today was to deal with the aftermath of yesterday's street explosion and freezing incident.

Maintaining and managing damaged power transmission systems and water and sewer systems, re-planning traffic schedules, assessing recovery budgets... counting them piecemeal, there are probably hundreds of trivial cases that require new designs. A dedicated program will do.

If it were replaced by other outstanding engineers, it would have taken at least half a month to complete it even if there were a dozen people, but with Lan Yu Qiancong and Mogu Wai, it would only take three days.

[This part is almost completed, Miss, the rest can be left to the people who manage the commune]

On the computer screen, after swallowing a form that had been sorted out and sending it out, Mogu Waiwei smiled and said.

[By the way, tomorrow is the eldest lady’s graduation ceremony, right? 】

"Yeah, but I can't go."

After leisurely typing up the program at hand, Lan Yu Qiancong turned around and came to another computer: "If tomorrow is the graduation ceremony, then I actually have to go to school to move things today... My kitchen There are a lot of things in the cabinet."

[But now you can only ask someone to help you move home, right?Do you want me to contact the guy from Gucheng? 】

"Why do you need to contact the ancient city?"

Lan Yu Qian Cong's cheeks immediately turned red at the words of his partner: "Can't you find Lun? And I think that idiot in the ancient city probably doesn't have time either. Hasn't he been thinking about Agulola since last year?"

[Well, that’s true, it’s really the fault of the little guy from Gucheng for neglecting our eldest lady]

"What does it mean to be left out in the cold? Gu Cheng and I have nothing at all, right?"


Moguwai didn't know how to respond to this eldest lady's awkward and somewhat unfrank character.


[Speaking of being left out, I think you, the eldest lady, are just as good as the guy from Gucheng]


Lan Yu Qiancong stopped typing on the keyboard: "What do you mean? Are you saying that I have neglected the ancient city recently?"

[It seems to me that there is a point. Aren’t you and brother Alexia getting very close recently? 】

"Huh? Where is that? It's just a normal interaction between classmates."

[We have study meetings alone after school every day, and we go to the coffee shop to spend the weekend together. Basically, we eat lunch and dinner together - you are really unaware, missy]

[By the way, you also agreed to let her treat you to all-you-can-eat cake?This is basically that, right? 】


Listening to Mogu's distorted examples of his relationship with Ixia during this period, Lan Yu Qianqing pushed the table and leaned on the chair: "Well... it seems that there is something true when you say this. ?”

Don't you have any self-awareness at all?

[Miss, you should pay more attention. If you continue like this, you might be misunderstood by the guy from Gucheng]

"You, you are so annoying! I feed you viruses!"

(Did you get misunderstood by that guy?)

While blushing and angrily scolding her partner, Lan Yu Qiancong also thought about the situation it described, but before she could think about it in detail——

"Beep beep!"

Suddenly a window popped up on the computer screen.

"Huh? This is... an application to enter the island? Why did you come to me?" Lan Yu Qiancong looked at the content on his computer screen in confusion, "I remember there is no problem with this part of the procedure, right? ?”

【Who knows?Madam, do you want to help with this? 】

"Let me see...the applicant is [Baltasaru Zaharias]? From the Niplsi Autonomous Region in Western Europe?"

Who is this person?

Lan Yu Qian Cong couldn't help but think.

50.The actors gathered together

Genkami Island, the port of the Western District.

After receiving the written permission to enter the island, a thin man with a curly beard and a gloomy complexion that was reminiscent of a cunning fox got off the boat and looked at the urban area of ​​Genkami Island in the distance.

"Well, this island is really the same as usual. Just coming here makes me feel happy."

"I haven't seen you for a few months. Welcome to Xian Shen Island again, Your Excellency Zaharias."

Not far from the port, a girl with double braids and rustic black-framed glasses saw the man approaching and stepped forward to greet him.


His full name is Balthasar Zaharias. To the Japanese, this name is very unfamiliar, but in Europe and even the Americas - or simply in the world of vampires - he is a well-known figure in recent years. man.

As we all know, 14 years ago, the Karjana territory in the War King's domain was occupied by Huns carrying a large number of magic tools, and became what is now the Niplsi Autonomous Region.

And it was this Zaharias who provided the large number of magic tools to the Huns.

It can be said that without his support, the Huns would have absolutely no possibility of capturing the territory of Karjana.Therefore, due to his contribution and ability, the Huns regarded him as their leader.

In other words, Zaharias is now the speaker of the Niplessi Dominion, the de facto leader.

"A messenger from the Lion King Agency?"

Zaharias looked at the girl in front of him: "Are you the one who decides this time?"

"Yes. I will be responsible for the overall planning and supervision of this Flame Banquet to ensure the smooth progress of the ceremony and subsequent related processing. Please take care of me."

"Hehehe, I'm the one who wants to ask for more attention. This time I may cause a lot of trouble to the island, so forgive me." Zaharias smiled, "Speaking of which, since you appear here, So can I assume that you have made all the preparations?"

"This is something we want to ask about, Your Excellency."

The girl asked, "Have you made all the preparations?"

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