Alexia couldn't believe the sight in front of her.

"Ms. Nagisa?"


Hearing Alexia's name, Akisa Nagisa slightly raised her lips with an arrogant smile that didn't suit her: "Yes, the body I live in has this name... Well, that's right. Okay, I will allow you to call me by this name, a person from another world."

"You...are you not Miss Nagisa?"

"I think it should be a situation similar to [Spirit Body Possession], Prince-sama." Sajo Aige appeared next to Alexia, "Although the body is still Nagisa sister's, the one who is controlling that body now should It must be another soul inside Nagisa sister."

Another soul?

"Good eyesight, a resentful spirit that possesses people from other worlds."

Akatsuki Nagisa smiled proudly.

"I am the Fourth True Ancestor - not the incomplete individual that you call [the body], but the soul of the Fourth True Ancestor as the subject and ruler."

(The...soul of the Fourth True Ancestor?!)

(Is it really so?)

Unlike Alexia's accident, Sajo Aige was not too surprised, but calmly accepted Akatsuki Sa's words.

Because she was more or less aware of this aspect.

Ever since she learned about the Feast of Flames and the resurrection ceremony of the Fourth True Ancestor, Shajo Aige noticed something very suspicious.

That is - [Where is the Fourth True Ancestor]?

According to Nangong Nayue's narrative, in the long past, Tianbu was afraid of the power of the Fourth True Ancestor, so it was divided into twelve parts, turned into twelve basic bodies, and sealed all over the world.And if they can be brought together and a magic ritual called the Feast of Flames is held, the Fourth True Ancestor can be resurrected.

But how to resurrect the Fourth True Ancestor specifically?

Although it is unclear what the laws of this world are, applying the magic theory known to Sajo Aika, if you want to resurrect a person, [body], [spirit] and [soul], these three are indispensable.

The body of the Fourth True Ancestor was divided into twelve parts. If they were gathered together, they could barely meet the [body] conditions.

But what about the [spirit] and [soul]?

It’s not necessarily that the soul of the original Fourth True Ancestor has completely dissipated, right?In this case, wouldn't the resurrection be just an empty shell?

Because he didn't know the specific laws of this world, Shajo Aige didn't think much about it at the time. He just thought it was because of his lack of knowledge that he had superfluous ideas.

But now, looking at Akatsuki Nagisa's current situation, Sajo Aige understands that her thoughts are by no means unnecessary.

The soul of the Fourth True Ancestor did not disappear, but actually existed, and... Like other bodies, the soul of the Fourth True Ancestor has been sealed until now because of not knowing For some reason, he regained consciousness after being lodged in Akatsuki Sa's body.

"Then...what happened to Nagisa's soul?"

"It still exists in my body, but it's only a matter of time before it disappears." Akatsukisa said words that were not her voice, "Compared to my soul, this miko's soul is too fragile. Look, As long as she has let me stay for several years, I will treat her as the nourishment of my soul and absorb it all. For a mere witch, there is no more glorious burial ceremony than dedicating all of yourself to God. Bar?"

Absorb Akatsuki Nagisa's soul...! ?

Akatsukisa... no, it should be said that the words of the Fourth True Ancestor made Exia grit her teeth immediately, and strong anger burst out in her eyes!

"Do you think I will allow you to do this?"

"Your permission is not necessary, I only need my recognition and permission." The Fourth True Ancestor sneered, "If you want to stop me, you can try it - it's just whether you can really attack me now What? Is this body the one you are trying to save?"


Alexia almost broke her own teeth.

(Should I freeze her completely? Or should I deprive her of her mobility first... But I don’t know if Miss Nagisa’s body can withstand my power, damn it!)

Looking at the twisted anger on Exia's face, the Fourth True Ancestor couldn't help but smile even more ferociously and disdainfully, and then——


The vampire wings condensed behind her suddenly shook, and in an instant they expanded to several times their original size!Even the number has increased from one pair to five pairs!A total of ten vampire wings appeared behind the Fourth True Ancestor!A dark light bloomed!

Immediately, as if they had self-will, the ten vampire wings quickly stabbed at the crater below, as if to bring something out below. When they were all drawn out, each wing had Actually, they already have a body hanging on them!


Alexia immediately called out, and the frost surged around her body, transforming into several giant frost swords and slashing at the vampire wings!

(At least Agulola must be saved!)


However, just when the giant frost sword was about to fall, along with a thunder, several blue-white thunder lights suddenly fell from the sky, and actually intercepted all the ice swords!

(Thunder?! Who?!)

"It's Your Highness Jiada."

Wattola, who had been silent since just now, smiled and said, "It seems that our beloved Third True Ancestor, Your Highness, hopes that the Fourth True Ancestor will be resurrected."

"The Third True Ancestor...that woman!"

The figure of Jiada appeared in his mind, and Exia held the hand of the Seventh Thunder of Purification with a lot of force. When he looked at the Fourth True Ancestor again -


The sky was actually empty.

"I was taken away by Her Majesty Jiada." Vatola smiled, "Oh my, this is really... getting more and more interesting."

"Is it the real [Feast of Flames]?"

64. Worst case scenario

In the Lion King Organization's vision, the impact of the Fourth True Ancestor's resurrection would cover at most the entire Old Southeast region and would not affect Genkami Island.

Sacrifice less than 5.00% of the total population of Xian Shen Island, preserve the entire Xian Shen Island, and suppress the impact of the resurrection of the Fourth True Ancestor to a minimum - if everything goes well, then after the feast of flames ends tomorrow, This should be the result.

As The Lion King has done countless times in the past

But now-

Zaharias's betrayal within the scope of the contract, Exia's sudden intervention, and the unexpected behavior of [Akatsuki Nagisa].

The superposition of various factors led to the complete collapse of the Lion King's agency plan!

And the result...

“The old southeastern area that was the original ceremonial site was completely abandoned and it was calculated that it would sink in another week or so.”

String God Island, Kita District.

In a certain ward of a certain hospital, with an unconcealed look of exhaustion on her face, Ixia was standing next to a hospital bed, looking at the girl with braided braids lying on the hospital bed who had just undergone surgery, like a dreamer. His brows were tightly knitted and he could not be untied for a long time.

It is now more than an hour after the Fourth True Ancestor was taken away by the Third True Ancestor.

Although Alexia wanted to chase the Fourth True Ancestor immediately, because there was a seriously injured girl in front of him, in the end, Alexia could only suppress her inner self-blame and bring the braided girl to Xian first. Hospital on the island of God for treatment.

You can't just ignore the hurting people in front of you.

In addition, he didn't know where the Fourth True Ancestor was taken by the Third True Ancestor, and there was no way to find it.

The operation to save the girl with braids was not completed until 10 minutes ago.

According to the doctor, although the wound looked large, fortunately it did not damage any vital organs. In addition, Alexia also asked Shajo Aige to receive emergency treatment as much as possible on the way here. In the end, the operation was successfully completed. A life was saved.

Next to Alexia, the third person in the room who had just spoken - Nangong Nayue - also looked at the girl on the bed, and continued to speak: "However, the Fourth True Ancestor has escaped from the old... The southeastern region is now confirmed to have appeared within the Cornerstone Gate, occupying the core of Genkami Island. With the Cornerstone Gate as the center, a large-scale pseudo-vampire infection has broken out on Genkami Island."

"The current infection range is a three-kilometer radius around the Cornerstone Gate. With the full deployment of the Special Administrative Region Police, the situation has been controlled, but it seems impossible to suppress it further. There is no news at all from the Lion King Agency. , I guess I have given up and started preparing for follow-up matters."

Very bad state of affairs.

Even though Nangong Nayue spoke calmly, one can imagine from her words how bad the situation on Xian Shen Island is now.

The Cornerstone Gate is the most important place on Genkami Island. The headquarters of the artificial island management commune is located there, and because of the sudden incident, it is estimated that all the people there must have been trapped there.

This means that the management that is most indispensable to the operation of Genkami Island are now in the most dangerous place.

Coupled with the scope of infection mentioned by Nangong Nayue... the number of residents who have been infected as pseudo-vampires should have long exceeded the expectations of the Lion King Agency, and may have reached [-], or even More than [-] victims.

Even if the SAR Guard does control the situation, how long can it last?Moreover, once the Fourth True Ancestor completes the Feast of Flame, the siege network of the Special Administrative Region Security Forces will be vulnerable to a single blow.

By then, String God Island will most likely be destroyed.

"...Aren't you going to say something? Exia."

Nangong Nayue took his eyes away from the girl on the hospital bed and looked at his student.

To be honest, when Nangong received the current situation from her subordinates, Nangong Nayue was a little unbelievable. She never expected that Alexia would break into the Banquet of Flame alone and directly kill Zaharias. Kill!Even the old southeast region is about to sink into the bottom of the sea because of his blow!

The reason was simply because Zaharias abducted Akatsukisa and Agurola, and killed Akatsuki once - of course, from Alexia's perspective, Akatsuki was completely dead.

"Teacher Nangong, do you think this is my responsibility?" Alexia asked.

Alexia doesn't think she did anything wrong.

He didn't actually plan to save Akatsukisa at first. He changed his mind and wanted to rescue her when he saw that Akatsukisa was still alive. Before that, he just wanted to find Zaharias and then bring her back. His killing was just to avenge Xiao Gucheng and the others.

No, it’s not quite right to say it’s revenge, it should be more of pure [anger].

But because of the slight impact of his anger, Genkamijima is facing the current situation. Even if it does not account for the majority, he should be responsible for maybe about ten percent of the responsibility.

"Do you have any responsibility for this?"

However, Nangong Nayue answered like this.

Knocking Alexia on the forehead with the fan in her hand, Nangong Nayue said: "The most fundamental reason why Xian Shen Island is facing the current situation is the Fourth True Ancestor and the Third True Ancestor who you said assisted her. , and after all, the Lion King agency, which failed to control the situation and is now ready to let it go - does it have anything to do with you?"

"Uh..." Alexia was startled, "I think... there should be about [-]%, right?"

"That means it doesn't matter. You are surprisingly good at worrying about everything. Or do you like to take care of everything alone?"


Alexia didn't deny it.

With great ability comes great responsibility.Since he now has such power, he should shoulder more responsibilities and take on himself the responsibilities that others cannot bear.

Even if, as Nangong Nayue said, the current situation of Xian Shen Island has nothing to do with him, Exia herself doesn't think so.

An excess of justice and compassion.

Nangong Nayue remembered what she had said to Alexia before.

"So, are you going to go to the Cornerstone Gate next?"


Alexia nodded.

In just one hour, the disaster area has expanded to this point. The situation has become urgent and must be solved as soon as possible.

"If you want to go, I won't stop you. There is someone willing to help us deal with the situation. It's not too late for us to welcome him." Nangong said so in that month.

Genkami Island still doesn't believe Exia, even because of what he did in the old southeast region. I'm afraid that after the incident is over, Exia will become the key target of Gengami Island's vigilance, both openly and secretly. There will be a lot of surveillance and even small actions.

Anyone would be uneasy if there was an extremely ferocious tiger living in their own home.

But even so, if Aixia wants to take the initiative to help, Xian Shendao will not refuse - Nangong Nayue actually hates this approach, it is disgusting.

"However, before that, I hope you can go with me first. There is someone I think it is best for you to meet now."

"Meeting people? Who are you meeting?"

"Xiao Ancient City."

65.The most desperate words

Nangong Nayue's words made Alexia wonder if there was something wrong with her ears.

Judging from the situation between his family and the Xiao family, as well as his subsequent contacts, Xiao Gucheng should be dead, right?Why is Nangong Nayue now talking about going to see Xiao Gucheng?

(Is it possible...that the remains have been preserved?)

With this thought, Alexia followed Nangong Nayue out of the hospital and went to Nangong Nayue's mansion.

Instead of taking the elevator directly, Nangong Nayue put his hand on Alexia's shoulder. Alexia felt her body light up, and she came from the street outside to the house in an instant!

(this is.....)

"Space movement?"

Alexia looked at Nangong Nayue in surprise: "Teacher Nangong, you... can move in space?"

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