Kevin, who was born into this world, can only think in terms of this world.

Exia, who has traveled to other worlds, can think in terms of other worlds.

[Are our thoughts too narrow?Kevin]

"It seems so, Su." Kevin put down the Skyfire Great Sword, "Allow me to thank you, Sandiao Aige. Your words reminded me that maybe I shouldn't insist on using Mei's plan to fight against Honkai Impact. As of now, they are no longer the [only solutions]. You can bring us more [solutions] from another world, Exia."

"....Okay, I'll probably keep up."

Alexia sighed softly: "In other words, the current situation has become that I continue to become stronger in another world in the hope of defeating the last Herrscher head-on, right? I have to say, this It’s indeed the solution I like.”

"But I still think this is the way with the lowest chance of winning."

Kevin's eyes showed seriousness.

"In our era, in order to fight against the End, the Fire Chaser Moth sent the eight strongest fusion warriors to the moon to fight against it. But the power of the End was too strong, and we could even say that we had no power to fight back, and we were completely defeated. And tilted We tried our best, but all we got in the end was half a day's respite."

"Even if you have infinite possibilities and infinite room for growth, there are only about three years left before the end. Can you reach the realm beyond the end before then?"

Sue and Exia can understand Kevin's doubts.

After all, he is the one who has truly faced the Last Herrscher and knows best how powerless he is in the face of the end.

There is a gap far beyond the natural chasm between human beings and the end.

Even if Ixia is given another three years, can he really fulfill everyone's expectations and become the only one to save the world?

"Then...want to give it a try?"

Colorful rainbow flames burned in Exia's hands.

"Mr. Kevin, you failed to cross the Last Herrscher. So if I defeat you here, will it prove that I can do what you can't do?"

"Beating against me can't prove anything." Kevin said coldly, "It can only prove that you can have an extra possibility of surviving in the face of the end, but it cannot prove that you will definitely be able to defeat the end in the future - Su, Alexia, how about making a promise with me?"

[Agreement? 】

"What agreement?"

"The Paradise of the Past." Kevin mentioned this place again, "Exia, if you still hold this idea after going to the Paradise of the Past and knowing everything about Honkai, then I will do it. Give you the final trial. If you can overcome my existence, then I will recognize your path to salvation. And if you lose to me, then I will execute the Stigma Plan to ensure that mankind will not perish."

"You're not going to put all your eggs in one basket, are you?"

Alexia laughed.

"Okay, I accept."

117.The most important thing to do now

After making an agreement with Kevin, Exia no longer stayed in the world bubble.

On the way back to the intrinsic world from the quantum sea.

"Miss Ai Ge, you were definitely lying just now, right?"

"Ah, did the prince really realize it?"

Shajo Aige, who appeared next to Alexia, smiled slyly: "So, where does the prince think I started lying?"

"Well... it's probably the part that uses the soul to materialize." Ixia said, "I have been with you for more than a year. Although you can pretend to lie as naturally as breathing, but I can still tell more or less whether you are lying or telling the truth."

"Hmm~~~ It turns out that Mr. Prince cares about me so much, I'm a little happy."

Like a mermaid, Sandiao Aige swam around Exia in mid-air and then landed behind him: "It's just like what the prince said, if the souls around the world are materialized, then it will be based on the Great Holy Grail. It’s not something you can do easily with your power, and the consumption of your magic power will probably be even greater than rescuing the Forerunner before.”

"Although the Great Holy Grail can do anything, its upper limit is also determined by the upper limit of your magic power. Although there is usually nothing you can't do, this time it is still slightly beyond your endurance limit. .”

"In addition to this, I also lied to Kevin about the use of Holy Annihilation. You should also know this, right?"


Holy Annihilation is not something that can be used casually.

To use Holy Annihilation, three conditions must be met anyway - the unsealing of the Holy Annihilation spell itself, the permission of Cain's witch, and an altar dedicated to Cain.

And Sandjo Aige is now equivalent to the first condition and cannot fulfill the second condition. The third hard condition is only in the design stage now. Exia's magic power is not enough to support the transformation of the Great Holy Grail overnight. An artificial island the size of Genkami Island.

Creation is much more difficult than destruction.

Therefore, from the beginning, whether in terms of time or implementation, the solution mentioned by Shajo Aige could not be realized, and Kevin was completely deceived by her.

"Then doesn't this mean you have been lying just now?" Alexia smiled bitterly, "Given your character, this is really rare. Why?"

"I just want to satisfy the prince's thoughts - after all, whether it is the Stigma Project or the materialization of all human souls, that is a solution that you cannot accept, right?"


Silence meant that Shajo Aige was right.

It's not that Alexia can't accept certain sacrifices. Even now, he will definitely have people who can't be saved. And for those who died in the collapse, all he can do is to deal with their undead souls. He swore that he would definitely solve Honkai and avenge them.

As for the Stigmata Project and the materialization of souls... even if it is only temporary, it is equivalent to asking Exia to sit back and watch people all over the world accept a mass extinction.

It's not him if he can do it.

"So, I finally proposed that solution." Sajo Aige said, "If you want to defeat Honkai, then you have to continue to become stronger. Become stronger than you are now, strong enough to withstand more The increase in power brought by more Sekiryuutei."

When it comes to the theoretical upper limit of power, the current Exia is not afraid of anyone at all. The red dragon emperor's multiplication is unlimited. In the end, the only thing that can truly determine his upper limit is his physical strength.

In other words, what he needs to improve now is his lower limit.

"That's what I said, but just like what Kevin meant, I actually don't think we should place all our hopes on you." Shajo Aige changed her words, "While you are getting stronger, I I will also record the information of each different world you go to so that you can select a suitable place to move to. At the same time, I will also start preparing special spells for the Herrscher..."

"Do you mean to make three or four preparations? Well, I think it's okay to do so. Then I'll leave this aspect to you, Miss Ai Ge."

Alexia will naturally do his best to defeat Honkai. He is already immortal, and he is willing to die a dozen times for this. He is willing to make this realization.But this is not a reason to place all hope on him. The possibility of his failure must also be taken into consideration.

This has nothing to do with whether you trust Exia or not, it is just a complete preparation just in case.

"Wrapped in me, fulfilling all your wishes is the meaning of my existence today."

Shajo Aige vowed to pat her non-existent chest, and then disappeared into Alexia's body.

I feel like I will never be able to take any time off - Alexia suddenly had this thought.

After returning to this world from Genkami Island, he seems to have been doing things all the time, especially after the vacation.

The activation experiment of the Second God's Key, the Forerunner, his own life experience, the matter of Kiana, the matter of the four Herrscher cores... Now there is an agreement with Kevin, and it is finally confirmed own ultimate goal.

(The last Herrscher... [Endgame]?)

Although she has been talking about fighting against Honkai and fighting against Honkai before, Exia has never had a specific idea on how to completely solve Honkai. She only thinks that it is just as long as it continues to eliminate Honkai.

Be it Death Soldiers or Honkai Beasts... everything brought about by Honkai is destroyed, and once the Herrscher appears, he will subdue or destroy them as quickly as possible - this is probably also the most likely outcome. That's what most Valkyrie think.

After all, no one knows how many Herrschers there are, nor what exactly Honkai is all about.

But now Alexia knows.

Even if I don’t know how Kevin determined it, he did say that there are thirteen Herrschers in total, and the No. 13 Herrschers are the last ones. As of now, there are at most three. It will come in the next year.

Kevin didn't say what would happen after defeating the Endgame. As a loser, he should have no idea at all, and Alexia couldn't imagine it either.Of course, this is not something he should think about now.

"The Paradise of the Past... As expected, we still have to go there first."

[Everything you want to know is there] - Kevin said so.

This sentence may be an exaggeration, but at least it is certain that there should indeed be part of the truth about Honkai and the end.

"When the matter at hand is over, let Raven take me to the World Snake. Speaking of which, Raven also said before that she was sent by the World Snake to invite me to join the World Snake... After going around for a while, she still accomplished her original purpose—forget it.”

Step into the light door in front of you and pass through the starry sky door that will only exist for a moment.

With the ice dragon wings spread out behind her, she flew safely over the test site. Exia looked down at the scene below: "...Now let's get the most important things done first."

"By the way, which hospital did Bronya and Miss Xier go to?"

118. Bronya joins the battlefield

...So, a few days passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past few days, several things naturally happened around Exia, who returned from the Quantum Sea.

The first thing is about Seele.

After returning from the Quantum Sea with Bronya, Xier was taken by Bronya to undergo a physical examination.Out of the importance attached to this matter, the inspection itself was led by Bishop Otto. It could almost be said that a complete inspection was conducted on Seele inside and out.

The results of the inspection were very gratifying.

There is no abnormality in Xi'er's body. She is quite healthy. At most, she is a little weak. She needs to pay attention to her diet. Try to eat more and don't eat too little. After all, Xi'er is also growing up.

This result really makes Bronya and Xie'er feel at ease. You must know that Xie'er has been soaking in the quantum sea for two or three years, and she didn't have any problems at all. It's simply a miracle.

After that, Xi'er, who did not need to be hospitalized at all, was arranged by Bishop Otto to live in Exia's house, just like Anna and Raven, and shared a room with Bronya. Regarding this matter, Exia herself Some protests were made.

In fact, he does not reject Xi'er, but the question is...are there more women in his family?

Counting Anna and Xi'er, there are now ten girls in his family!He is the only boy!The ratio of men to women can no longer be explained by a serious imbalance!If it weren't for the fact that it was her home, and her lover was still there, Alexia would have thought about moving out!

After hearing Exia's complaint, Bishop Otto's answer was this -

[But those are all the people who came to Destiny because of you, right?In this case, please take responsibility and take care of them until the end. I will provide you with sufficient financial support, so don’t worry]

Alexia wanted to say that this was actually not a question of money.

Except for Xi'er, who just came back, the girls in his family are richer than the last. Even the Kiana trio, because they have officially become Valkyries, have now saved some savings for themselves and Yae Sakura. More than enough for use.

However, since Bishop Otto used money and other loopholes to deal with him, Alexia knew that she could only accept this situation and live together with ten beautiful girls with different personalities - —Looking at it optimistically, maybe Kiana and the others will want to move out when they become adults?

The second thing is about Exia’s four-core God Key.

Because of the successful completion of Wendy's surgery, the Desire Gem was re-kept by Destiny. Counting the Tranquility Gem and the Disease Gem cut out from the Blank Key, the four Herrscher gems were all gathered together.Therefore, the Saint 1504 Research Institute began a transformation project on the Seven Thunders of Purification that Ixia had sent before.

Exia was not involved in the specific transformation. I just heard from Ms. Changguang that it would take about two to three months. After all, it is necessary to accommodate four Herrscher gems. It is definitely impossible to do so with today's specifications, and we have to start from scratch. Just design a completely new structure.

[Betting on the name of Changguang Seventeenth, I will create for you the most powerful God Key in history!Just look forward to it! 】

Ms. Changguang was in a rare high mood. Seeing this, Alexia had no choice but to leave all the upgrading work of the Seven Thunders of Purification to her, and she temporarily returned to the days before getting the Seven Thunders of Purification.

By the way, in the past few days, Anna also left the headquarters the day after Exia returned from the Quantum Sea, and returned to the Snow Lotus Team in the Philippines to continue working, but she did not think that it was as big as before. She only comes back once every six months, and is scheduled to come back every weekend - in her words, this is her performance as Alexia's [fiancée].

Wendy, who had completed the operation and was fitted with a prosthetic limb, was brought back to the Far East Branch by Theresa after she was discharged from the hospital. She changed from a Valkyrie affiliated with the Oceania Branch to a Valkyrie affiliated with the Far East Branch.She originally graduated from St. Freya Academy, and now she has returned to her alma mater as an honorary alumnus.

Apart from these things, the rest are just trivial things.

For example, he was dragged by Bishop Otto to discuss improving the design blueprint of Genkami Island and building a brand new artificial island in compliance with the rules of this world.

For example, when Fu Hua and Su were giving Kiana special training, they used to work as sparring partners to continue their winning streak with Kiana.

Another example is following Bianca and Rita, or going out alone to perform some tasks - in terms of the hierarchy of destiny, Exia is already at the level of an S-class Valkyrie, and Bishop Otto has no reason to let her. A top-level combat power like him spends his days basking in the sun at the headquarters, so he must be allowed to create some actual value for Tianming.

We can't just let Exia attack when the Herrscher arrives. We can just keep him idle and leave ordinary Honkai incidents to others to handle.

Therefore, in the past few days, Alexia also had a rare experience of Bianca-style overtime.



"I am back."

A week later.

After finishing yet another daily patrol task assigned by Bishop Otto, and flying back to her home on her own wings, Exia fell onto the sofa as soon as she returned to the living room.

Following him into the house, Raven, as his direct team member, took off the specially requested cloak and walked naturally to the bar: "Are you so tired? My squad leader only patrolled for five consecutive days. Has God exhausted you?"

Because he is nominally affiliated with Alexia's team, every time Alexia goes out on a mission, Raven must accompany her. Compared to Bianca, who is the real lover, it is Raven who gets along with Alexia recently. More time.

"What makes me tired is not the patrol, but the fact that I have to fly you back and forth every day, Miss Raven." Exia raised her head slightly, "I carry you and fly down every morning when I go out, and I come back in the evening. When the time comes, I’ll fly back with you in my’s quite tiring to do.”


Raven thought about the situation when she returned.

Sitting in the lidless refrigerator made by Exia, being dragged back to the headquarters by him like a piece of luggage - he called this a "hug"?

"...I occasionally feel that Captain, you are actually quite good at joking."

"Really? Speaking of which, are we back too early today?"

Alexia looked at the living room. Normally there should be at least two or three people in the living room, but today there was only one person——

"Kiana went out for training with Miss Fu Hua."

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