Floating in the space that could already be said to be dilapidated ruins, Exia and Kevin faced each other quietly, the same ice-blue eyes staring at the slightly different "self" on the opposite side.

And just after a few seconds of silence,

"...Come back, [Lion's Gold]."

"Disappear, [Shadow Gold]."

Coincidentally, Exia and Kevin recalled their beasts one after another, and the black and golden thunder disappeared in an instant!

The whole space suddenly returned to silence!

Putting away the Black Abyss White Flower and turning it back into an easy-to-carry flintlock, Exia took a deep breath and sighed: "Huh~~~ Let's stop here today. It seems you have no objection, Kai. Wen. In our current state, if we continue to fight, it will be endless."

"That's right. There is no point in deciding the outcome with me here. What you really need to defeat is me outside."

Kevin took the lead in lifting his artificially collapsed state: "Of course, if you need a sparring partner, I will be with you at any time. But considering our current strength, next time it will be in the deep layers. Just ask Alicia for the specific location. That’s fine, I’ll always be there waiting for you.”


"No need - besides...Alicia and the others will leave it to you." Kevin added, "As you can see, she is a trustworthy person, but she is also a person who will do anything at non-critical moments. What a troublesome person, if you really want to take her away from the paradise of the past, then I hope you can give her some help in the new era."

Is this considered...agreement?

Agree with Exia to take away the heroes who want to leave the paradise of the past.

"......I will."

"Okay." Kevin nodded, "Then let's go find Klein. If you want to know, then I will let you know everything about the Herrscher."

41. Do you still want to be brother and sister?

After that, it didn't take long for Kevin and Alexia to find Klein - after all, Klein would only be in two places, either in Mebius's laboratory or in the hall. Somewhere you can easily find it if you look hard enough.

After Exia explained her request, Klein also said that it could indeed be done.


[Due to the impact of your battle with Kevin, the entire Land of the Past needs to be inspected to ensure that the data is intact, so I need a day to repair it.And before that, I still need to sort out the thirteen references that Professor Mebius needs, plus a report on the experimental data analysis results... Calculating it in bits and pieces, it takes about Two days? 】

The reason given by Klein made Exia feel as if she had seen her past self.

Let me emphasize here that Alexia does not hate going to work.

What he hates is meaningless overtime, especially when he has finished his work for the day and is ready to go home and enjoy himself. Suddenly a job is dropped on him and he is asked to "voluntarily work overtime". That would really make him feel uncomfortable. People's mentality explodes!

And from Klein, Axia felt a strong resonance!

Moreover, after learning something about Klein from Alicia, Axia's resonance became even more profound - in order to maintain the daily operations of the Paradise of the Past, Klein has been operating from I worked overtime before and now!Even her designer Mebius entered the setting of [workaholic] as the underlying setting when designing her!

To put it bluntly, Klein is now a Death Star man who will die if he doesn’t work overtime!

"So...what does this have to do with you coming to my room, brother?"

"Huh? You still can't understand?"

In Kiana's room.

It was more than two hours after Alexia and Kevin finished their sparring session.

Sitting cross-legged on both ends of the bed with Kiana, Alexia said: "Because Miss Klein needs two days to handle all the work, before she finishes her work, I am going to put some odds and ends together. Let’s take care of the loose ends.”

"Then why did you come to my place!" Kiana puffed up her cheeks, "Didn't I tell you at home not to enter my room casually? Besides, from a process perspective, Miss Klein's So I have to work overtime, isn’t it because of you, brother? Why don’t you go and work overtime together?”

"Kiana...you sometimes say very inhumane words."

Alexia covered her face: "How long do you think I have been an overtime worker under Bishop Otto, and now you want me to relive the overtime life... I think I need to give it to you Let me recite the full text of a labor law, and you will have a profound understanding of what a disgusting and bad behavior it is to make people work overtime.”

"...Isn't it just that you don't want to work overtime? Is it so exaggerated to say so?"

"Very serious," Ixia said emphatically, "To paraphrase your position... I want you to write papers every night until dawn the next day for a week, and then go to work without even sleeping?"

"Work overtime and I will die!"

When she said this, Kiana immediately resonated with her!

She originally hated studying and doing papers. If she was really asked to do papers all night and not even given time to sleep... Kiana would really go crazy.

It's no wonder that Alexia doesn't want to work overtime.


She arched her legs and reached out to hug her, and moved her hair tied into a ponytail to her chest. Kiana, who suddenly exuded a gentle atmosphere, said, "Brother, why did you come to see me? You didn’t come to my place to kill time because you really had nothing to do, right?”

Alexia shook her head: "That's not true. I came to you because in my opinion, your matter is the most important thing that needs to be dealt with first among all the scattered things, so I came to you specially—— Originally, I planned to come back to you after some time, but since I have time now, let’s settle it.”

"Huh?" Kiana frowned in confusion, "What exactly do you want to say?"

"Life talks."

Alexia said: "This is a saying I learned from school life in a different world. In Japanese high schools, schools will conduct [school-students- [Parents] interviews. But since we haven’t found Siegfried yet, it’s just the two of us who can talk about it now.”


Kiana really wanted to say that she didn't need to explain it like this and she could understand it, but - let her brother discuss her approach?

After all, she really didn't think this was a better partner.

"Haa~~~" Sighing slightly, Kiana turned her gaze and said, "What's there to talk about... I'm already a destined Valkyrie, and I will always be a female Valkyrie in the future. Martial God, right? There’s no need to say anything about future work intentions, right?”

The future of Valkyrie is Valkyrie. The moment she decides to become Valkyrie, she has already decided her future - either she will die in the battle with Honkai, or she will naturally retire and take a back seat.Kiana doesn't think she will die, so the most likely possibility is to retire, right?

But that would be ten years later, and she didn't think she needed to think about it now.

"No, what I want to say is about the future between us." Ixia said seriously, "Yesterday, after you said that, Alicia and I had a little chat, and then...I I've thought about it myself, but after all, this is a matter between the two of us, and I can't make a unilateral decision on what to do, so I still want to discuss it with you."

"...What exactly are we discussing?"

"our relationship."

Alexia said seriously the words that made Kiana's heart tremble: "Before, we didn't know each other's true identity, we both regarded ourselves as [Siegfried and Cecilia's children], and used Based on this, we became brother and sister...I don’t think this identity is bad, and I am willing to continue living with this identity in the future.”

"But, it's not okay for us to maintain this status, right? - You said you don't want to continue to be my sister, so what I want to ask now is actually pretty much the same."

Looking into Kiana's eyes, Alexia paused and said:

"Kiana, do we still need to continue to maintain this essentially false [brother and sister] relationship?"

42. Never take a taxi home alone!

Kiana felt that she must have heard wrong.

I stayed silent for a while, after confirming that there was nothing wrong with my ears...

"Brother, why do you suddenly want to tell me about this?"

"Didn't I just say that? Regarding the fact that you said you didn't want to be my sister yesterday, Alicia and I had a chat, and then...both Alicia and Miss Aige advised me to be nice. I need to face this idea of ​​yours squarely." Exia explained, "Whether it is as your brother, as your captain, or as your family member, since you have this idea, then I really should Talk it over with you—so let’s talk it over now.”

"Wait...wait wait! Brother, please wait for me first!"

Kiana waved her hands a few times, looking a little flustered and blushing for no reason: "Don't say it in such a serious manner and tone, I...I just made a few complaints at that time, why are you and Ai Sister Li and Sister Ai Ge are taking it seriously?!"


Alexia tilted her head: "Seriously? Does that mean you actually still want to be my sister?"

"Uh...this...isn't-ah~~~! It's so annoying!"

After shaking her ponytail hard and slapping Alexia's face several times, Kiana became angry for some reason and glared at Alexia: "Why did you come to me to discuss this? Such a thing, stupid brother!"

"Ah? Didn't you say that yourself? You came up with the idea yourself, and I came to you to discuss it."

"It's true that I said that. Although I said that, I...I...even if I did say that, don't suddenly come to such a serious and serious Let me discuss it!" Kiana kicked Alexia, "I...can you at least make some mental preparation first?"

We are just discussing a matter, why should we prepare ourselves mentally?

Alexia suddenly couldn't figure out what Kiana was thinking. He could clearly think of what Kiana was thinking with his toes before - apart from eating, playing games, sleeping and training, his sister's mind was all about fishing. , at most, plus getting close to other people in the family.

Are there any complicated ideas?

But now, Exia doesn't know what Kiana wants to do.

(Is Kiana so difficult to understand?)

Kiana, on the other hand, is now a little panicked, or rather embarrassed. She really never thought that Alexia would seriously come to discuss this kind of thing with her!

Looking at Alexia who was silent and seemed to be giving herself time, Kiana was silent again for a while, then slowly lowered her legs and carefully sorted out the words in her mind before speaking again: "Brother, I...I don't know."

"do not know?"

"Yeah." Kiana nodded slightly, "[No longer be a simple sister]. I have said this before. It's because you attacked Bronya. I don't want to be called Bu. Sister-in-law Lonya doesn’t want her relationship with Bronya to deteriorate, so... she has had this thought to some extent."

"But I don't think there's anything wrong with being your sister. Although you are very strict with me and beat me at every turn, I know you care about me, otherwise you wouldn't let me live with you. , helped me plan my learning goals, and asked Master Fu Hua to teach me... I know that you have always been very kind to me."

Alexia is very kind to her and is a good [brother], and Kiana is also happy to be a loved [sister].

But it’s really hard to call Bronya sister-in-law... Not to mention Raiden Mei’s reaction yesterday. It was like a situation where Exia and Raiden Mei could immediately be upgraded to her sister-in-law as long as either Alexia or Raiden Mei took the initiative. !

Kiana really regards Bronya and Raiden Mei as her irreplaceable friends, and of course everyone in Exia's family does.

If these people want to become her sisters-in-law one after another - it may be strange to say this, but Kiana will have the idea of ​​[she is left behind] or [she is excluded].

Just like the jokes she accidentally saw on the Internet.

[A group of very close male and female friends often go out to drink together, but one of them is always excluded after the drinking, and he can only spend sixty or seventy to take a taxi home]

Kiana felt that if things continued like this, she would really become the person who could only take a taxi home alone!

No, not right.

Considering the situation at Alexia's house, she could actually go to her room to sleep alone every night, and then everyone else would sleep together.Or maybe everyone took turns going to Alexia's room, but she was the only one left out of the list.

Kiana definitely doesn’t want that kind of life!

In a sense, this can be said to be another kind of American bullying!

"...Sure enough, it's better not to be my sister."

"How on earth did you come to this conclusion from the above sentence?"

Alexia can't keep up with Kiana's thinking. She was obviously still talking about that kind of thing just now. According to Alexia's inference, Kiana should still want to continue to be her younger sister. Why did she come to a completely different conclusion in just a short period of time?

How did her brain circuit grow?


Holding her forehead, Alexia composed herself: "However, this also means that you really don't want to be my sister anymore, right?"

"Um...that's it."

What do you mean by [it’s okay]...If you don’t want to be the one, just be more decisive. This kind of middle-of-the-road statement is quite troublesome.

Kiana changed her sitting position and crossed her healthy legs: "If I have to say it, I hope that I will still be your sister on the surface, but in private we should not deal with it as a brother and sister relationship. Or vice versa.”

"That means..."

Alexia had an inexplicable feeling that something was wrong.


(Why do you feel a little cool?)

Looking away with some self-doubt, Ixia glanced at Kiana out of the corner of her eye. Although she didn't know what the principle was, she habitually thought about what Kiana said in her mind. After that situation, it was as if some switch had been turned on in Alexia's heart, giving rise to an inexplicable desire and impulse.

He usually calls him brother in front of everyone, but if there is no one around, he will use a special name...


Alexia swallowed hard: "I see, that's what you think. I understand the situation. Then let me ask, what kind of relationship do you want us to maintain in private? ?”

In private?

Kiana looked up at the ceiling and thought.

(Thinking about it carefully, it seems that I haven’t given much thought to this aspect, because I have always been a [sister], and I never thought that I would develop other relationships with my brother.)

If not brother and sister.

What if the two didn't meet as brother and sister, but got along as strangers from the beginning...


By some strange coincidence, Kiana said this.

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