"The Ninth Herrscher is in a similar situation."

"I killed the Ninth Herrscher in an instant, but the aftermath of the collision between the Ninth Herrscher's resistance and my attack caused an entire city to be destroyed. In contrast, the Tenth Herrscher had to It’s so simple and easy.”

Looking up at the ceiling, Aixia murmured: "Besides, I just experienced the memory, and Kevin, who has experienced the whole process personally... it is really not easy for him. Carrying the burden Everyone’s hope, constantly fighting as a hero—he must have some mental illness, right?”

"Um... indeed."

Alicia rolled her hair: "That was after the battle with the Seventh Herrscher. Although he began to see a psychiatrist after the Sixth Herrscher incident, he really suffered from serious mental illness. After he was forced to kill Himihu. At that time, he even wanted to escape from his comrades...but you wouldn't, right?"

"Yeah. My situation is much better than his."

What a person can do depends on the power he possesses.

What Kevin couldn't do at that time, Alexia can do now.

Therefore, Ixia will not let what happened to Kevin happen to him again. He will not let tens of thousands of people die because of his mistakes, nor will he fall into a situation where all options are exhausted and he has to take action. Blade one's own friend's desperate territory.

"It's really great to be able to come to the Paradise of the Past before facing the Herrscher and experience these Herrscher battles in advance." Ixia said sincerely, "There are still No. 11 Herrscher and No. .12 The Herrscher...should be over tomorrow.”

"Then you should have a good rest tonight. With Aponya here, I think you will be able to sleep soundly~~~~"


Is Aponya here?

What do you mean?

74. Empathetic Aponya


This person Alexia is really hard to see through.

Alicia had said before that she might be the hardest person to convince. When it came to leaving the Paradise of the Past, Aponya should be the one who would firmly refuse.But in the end, Aponya agreed very decisively, and left the deep place with Exia on the spot.

Judging from her words and deeds, it can be assumed that Alexia was willing to follow him because she saw his [Thread of Destiny], but this made Alexia somewhat confused about how to get along with her - although Aponia is indeed very eye-catching.

And just after Alexia said goodbye to Alicia with doubts and returned to her room——

"Huh? You're back?"

"Huan, welcome back, Exia."

On Alexia's bed, Kiana and Raiden Mei, who had already changed into pajamas, greeted him one after another.Kiana looked very natural and casual, but Raiden Meiyi seemed to be reserved and shy, with two inconspicuous blushes on her cheeks.

Alexia frowned: "You guys haven't slept yet? It's already past ten o'clock, right?"

"How can we sleep if you don't come back?" Kiana said, "Besides, at home you sleep with Sister Bianca and the others every day, but when you get here, you plan to sleep alone? Then Mei and I are still yours Lover?"

This is a reason.

If you want to be like at home, then you can only sleep with Kiana and Raiden Mei in the Paradise of the Past.

Although Alexia wanted to say that he couldn't sleep without his lover by his side, it was better than nothing. He was not the kind of heartless man who would say that he wanted to sleep alone in this situation.


"Why are you here? Miss Aponya?"

Alexia looked at the third person sitting on the bed.

Still wearing the nun's uniform that accentuated her figure and added charm, Aponya, who looked a bit bigger than Kiana and Raiden Meiyi, was sitting quietly on the edge of the bed at the moment, with her hands folded in her lap, face to face. He looked at Alexia with a gentle and compassionate expression.

For a moment, Exia thought she was facing a goddess.

Among all the women Ixia has known so far, Aponya is the only woman who exudes a strong sense of [divinity] and [holiness] at all times. Even the Shajo love song can only be used seriously. A similar atmosphere will be revealed when the Great Holy Grail is reached.

However, this sense of divinity and holiness is not complete. Even if you feel this way at first sight, as long as you look at Aponya for a while after that, it is not clear how others will react, but Ai Kesia could not control her gaze to some extent - it was another matter if she was serious.

"I'm... here to confirm your fate."

Aponya said softly.

"You...witnessed the distant past and experienced the battle between us and the Herrscher...and I foresaw that your destiny would change because of this...In order to confirm the fate of The silk thread is not bent and dyed black, I think it is necessary to come here..."

"That's it."

Kiana curled her lips: "She seemed to have been waiting here before Mei and I arrived. At first, I thought she was here to grab a seat!"

It should be said that it is [a sense of crisis].

If Aponya also joins in, Kiana can be sure that everyone in the family will have a strong sense of crisis. After all, Aponya's advantages and combat power are overwhelming. Even if everyone in Exiya's family is tied up, it will be impossible. You may not be able to truly surpass her!

However, Aponya took the initiative to confess his intentions - although it was not impossible to understand Apogna's magic way of speaking, Kiana did not relax her vigilance because of this.

So the three of them simply sat on the same bed and waited for Alexia to come back.

"Is it my fate to take pictures?"

After reciting Aponya's words for a while, the thoughts that had sprouted in the Paradise of the Past once again appeared in Ixia's heart, making him feel a little irritable.

Seeing Aixia's reaction, Aponya slowly stretched out her hand to him: "You... are confused, aren't you?"


"Then...please come forward."

Aponya seemed to be inviting Aixia: "I can accept your talk... You can tell me your worries and confusions, and I will protect your destiny... So, Please come over."

Her voice is soft.

One cannot help but think of a saint with mercy and mercy who wants to forgive sinners and guide the world.Moreover, looking at the open mind to him, Exia suddenly had the urge to rest his head on it - he could be sure that few people could refuse Aponya's invitation.


"no need."

Before Kiana could explode, Alexia sighed softly: "I appreciate your kindness. I am indeed a little upset now, but it is still within the range that I can adjust. I don't need your special comfort. I...anyway, thank you, Miss Aponya, thank you very much for caring about me like this."

"Do you want to endure it alone... He is such a strong kid."

Aponia stood up and came to Exia. Then, under the surprised eyes of Kiana and Raiden Mei, and the somewhat numb envious and jealous eyes of Sajo Aige, she reached out and hugged Exia's head, and gently Gently buried in his arms.


Alexia was suddenly startled and quickly broke away from Aponya's soft and broad chest: "Miss Aponnia, you-"

"Patience is normal." Aponya said softly, "But...please don't endure it all the time. A little makes a lot, and a pile of sand makes a tower...No matter how small your thoughts are, when they accumulate, they will become a big problem." It will form an obsession that shakes the will... If you can't bear it anymore, please come to me, I can listen to you at any time - good night, I wish you a good dream..."

After saying this, Aponya bowed to Ixia and then left Ixia's room.

Watching her leaving, Alexia touched her face.

(...He is a good person.)

In his mind, Shajo Aige said sourly.

(If the person who enlightened you was not that Garda, but this Aponnia, maybe the method and process would be more peaceful.)

(...well, indeed.)

Alexia completely understood Aponia's thoughts. Although she didn't know the principle, she probably saw a future where she would fall into self-blame because of some unnecessary thoughts and eventually go astray, so she thought about it while she was still alive. To comfort herself before she gets completely entangled... Alexia is very grateful for this kindness.

However, Alexia will not be shaken by such a trivial matter - he is no longer the same person who was affected by Yu Duchen and St. Mark, and he will not fall into that vortex again.

75. Do you want to touch it while wearing stockings?

"Hey, Alexia."


Just when Alexia was thinking.

A slightly dissatisfied Kiana's voice came from the side.

"Huh? What's the matter, Kiana?" Alexia asked, "What's the matter?"

"Ask me what's the matter..."

Kiana seemed to have a tic-tac-toe popping up on her forehead, her cheeks turned slightly red, she put her hands on her hips and glared angrily at Alexia: "How long are you going to look at that big cow figure?! You Do you like big ones that much?!”


(This is also an issue that I am more concerned about.)

Shajo Aige also echoed.

Leiden Meiyi on the side also nodded slightly.

Alexia, a male, may not understand it, but for women, body shape has always been the most important thing!Especially when you meet other girls with incredible figures!Secret comparisons are definitely inevitable, and depending on the situation, class antagonisms may even arise!

To be honest, Kiana and Raiden Mei are not in bad shape. Their usual diet is full of nutrients and their daily life is quite healthy. They exercise every day. Apart from congenital genetic differences, it is almost impossible to have a flat figure. Case!

Just look at Bianca, how plump has she become under Rita's full care?

In addition, Kiana and Raiden Mei are still in the growth stage, and there is quite a lot of room for development in the future.

But...even so, Aponnia is really out of reach!

Can that really be considered a human being? !

"To be honest, I don't think this can be blamed on the prince."

Emerging from Ixia's body, Sajo Aige put her hands around her non-existent chest and said: "Even if we are both women, my attention will be involuntarily attracted to Aponya. As a man, the prince Not to mention, we can understand this...but the prince’s attitude is another matter.”


"I...I agree too."

Kiana and Raiden Mei nodded one after another.

And looking at the three people who had become jealous for no reason and had a sour smell on their bodies, Alexia's eyes gradually became helpless - he was thinking about business here, but Kiana and the others were thinking about this. Such a small thing... No, it can't be said to be a small thing. Exia also admitted that it is still very important in a certain sense.


"What can I do if I know?" Alexia came and sat down next to Kiana and Raiden Mei. "Miss Aponya's figure is indeed very good, but I think Mei and Kiana's are not bad either. For example, Mei’s leg shape, and Kiana’s waist and thighs, I think they are completely——”


Before Alexia finished speaking, Kiana slapped him in the face, and then stepped on Alexia with a look of shame and anger: "What are you talking about, stupid brother... ..Don’t say such embarrassing things in a serious manner.”


Raiden Meiyi also had red cheeks.

But the next moment, Raiden Mei took the initiative to grab Alexia's hand and put it on her thigh: "Well...if you like it so much...do you want to touch it?"


After taking off Kiana's hand on her face, Exia looked at Raiden Meiyi who was blushing so much with surprise. She took the initiative to invite Exia to touch her thigh. This was a sign for someone who was relatively introverted and For the passive Raiden Mei, this must be quite a bold act and requires all the courage to do it.

"Besides...if you want, I...I can wear a pair of stockings. Miss Rita said that you seem to like..."

(Rita...why do you keep saying everything to others?)

Alexia sighed inwardly.

But he also admitted that Rita was right, and he quite liked the way Bianca and the others looked in stockings.

"Uh~~~ Meiyi, you are not allowed to sneak away!"

While listening to Raiden Mei's initiative, Kiana was not to be outdone. She grabbed Alexia's other hand and put it on her waist: "Exia, if you like my waist, I will let you go tonight. Have you touched enough! Or do you want me to put on stockings like Mei Yi and touch your legs?"


It’s over.

Rationally speaking, considering that she would face the No. 11 Herrscher and the No. 12 Herrscher tomorrow, Exia originally wanted to have a good night's rest.

but now......

Let him take a rest!

".....Then, please let Mei wear black stockings and Kiana wear white stockings. Miss Aige, why don't you try wearing different stockings on both legs?"

After pondering for a while, Exia made the decision to follow her heart.


on the other hand.

In the hall of the Paradise.

"Hi~~~Good evening, Aponya."

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