There are no baths in Purana, only showers.

Although Alexia is not picky, it is difficult to transition from luxury to frugality, and she will inevitably miss her own environment.What's more, he had been in a stalemate with the Herrscher of Restraint for a long time in the morning, and all the strength in his body was on the verge of being completely exhausted. Not long after he recovered, he hurried from thousands of meters underground in North Africa to Manila to solve the problem. After what happened to Anna, I brought her back for a physical examination...

Even he was a little tired after all this coming and going. The consumption of magic power and Honkai energy could be said to have drained him dry for a time and a half.

Now he just wanted to take a good rest.


Hearing what Alexia said, Anna suddenly had an idea in her heart - an idea that shocked herself.

However, Anna did not abandon this idea. Instead, she gritted her teeth and looked at Alexia after being silent for a while: "Exia, are you still there?"

"Huh? I'm here, what's the matter?"

"Well...I want to say...if you also want to take a bath, do you want to come in and take a bath with me now?"

105. Common paladin in bathroom

Say it!

(I really said it!)

The moment she said these words, Anna's heart was completely occupied by uncontrollable shame!

She actually said it!

Although she was in decline, she was born in the Shaniyat family and was a well-educated daughter of the family. To say such things now... to put it harshly, it was simply ruining the family tradition.

In fact, Anna is indeed so shy now that she can't even come up with any ideas.

(This, this...yes! This is all to repay Exia!)

Anna thought so in her heart.

I am Alexia's lover and his fiancée. It is normal for lovers and couples to bathe together. Moreover, I want to repay Alexia for saving her life. I don't have any bad thoughts. I just want to repay Alexia for saving her life. It’s just some interactions between an unmarried couple.

This is normal!

"Is that okay, Anna?"

Alexia's voice came from outside the door.

Anna is shy inside, and Alexia is actually a little at a loss outside. It is true that he has become a lot more mature now. As a man, he has seen all the storms and waves, and is well-informed. He was with Bianca before. After living together with Rita for half a month in the UK, her mental resistance has become very good.

But he has never experienced sharing a bath!

This touched upon his blind spot of knowledge!

"Uh...well, okay..."

Forcibly suppressing the shyness in her heart, Anna raised her voice slightly: " can come in, it's okay. After all...after all, we are an unmarried couple, and...we are separated. It would be a waste of time and water to wash it, right? Think of it as saving water..."


So that’s it, saving time and water resources – it’s really a very legitimate excuse...what a ghost!

The bathroom in Alexia's house can accommodate more than a dozen people bathing at the same time!This scale has nothing to do with saving water from the beginning!Even to the extreme, if you really want water, Exia can now create a large amount of ice cubes and then use the Sky Fire Sacred Cut to melt them into water!


"Then... okay, I'm in."

I don't intend to refuse, and I don't intend to hesitate anymore.

Anna has invited herself like this. As a man, if Alexia shrinks back at this time, then when he thinks about it ten years later, he will definitely dislike himself now.

Besides, just like Anna said.

Why do unmarried couples need so many worries?


The sound of the door opening came from behind Anna, causing her to tremble a few times while soaking in the bathtub. She couldn't help but sit up in an upright posture. The bath towel wrapped around her body was also confirmed once again that it would not fall off.

He locked the door with his backhand and came to the edge of the bath. Alexia, who had stripped off all her clothes, stepped directly into the bath.


Immersing her entire body, the hot water produced by the Heavenly Fire Saint made Alexia couldn't help but shout in comfort just like Anna.

He hasn't taken a bath for several days, and now he feels much more comfortable than usual.

Next to him, looking at Alexia's body looming in the hot water, the blush on Anna's face became visibly thicker and thicker, as if it was a hot water kettle that was constantly being heated.

(Really, really came in... And he came in without a towel around his head, just put it on his head...)

Because there are two authentic Jidong people in the family, Raiden Mei and Yae Sakura, they have thoroughly educated everyone about bathing.

For example, [you cannot bring your bath towel into the bathtub when taking a bath] or something like that.

Thanks to her previous experience of living on Genkami Island for a whole year, compared to the girls at home who were somewhat unable to adapt, Exia was not at all adaptable in this regard.

And Anna is obviously not very adaptable.

To be honest, she didn't know where to direct her eyes right now.Alexia is the kind of person who dresses to look thin, but has a perfect figure under the clothes. Her well-trained body makes Anna covet her lover's beauty - but this is too rude, so Anna Now I can only glance at Exia from time to time, peeking at him bit by bit.

"It's okay if you just watch, Anna."


Just when Anna was tormented by her own shyness, Alexia suddenly said this.

It was discovered!

Ana turned her head away quickly: "That! I...I didn't mean to..."

"I told you it doesn't matter." Alexia smiled, "You have to watch it sooner or later anyway, right? Or are you planning to wait until our wedding night to watch it? Since you invited me in, you don't have to worry about anything anymore. Now, there’s no one else at home, just the two of us. It’s like I’m looking at you right now.”


Ana subconsciously covered her chest, but soon her wrist was grabbed by Alexia, and then he pulled her into his arms.

The feeling of being hugged pressed against Anna's back.


Ana's body suddenly stiffened.

Feeling the body that seemed to be stiff in her arms, Alexia paused: "...Don't you want this? Anna?"

"'s not...that..." Anna blushed and shook her head, "I was just...scared. Exia, you are so proactive... ..I’m not used to it.”

"Ana, I'm actually not used to you being so proactive."

Alexia held up Anna's white hair floating on the water: "Even when we slept together, you would blush very much just holding hands. Now that you are taking such initiative, I am really surprised."

"...Because we are lovers."

After gathering some courage, Anna took the initiative to move her body back, so that she and Alexia were closer: "Just think of it as your thanks for saving me again, and think of it as my lover. I should do what I offer you, and whatever you do next, I will accept it."

" said that?"

"Well, I said that."

The air in the bathroom was silent for a moment.

Afterwards, Alexia hugged Ana's body forcefully from behind, and buried her head deeply in her hair.

A strong inhalation sound reached Anna's ears.

Alexia seemed to have finally come to the surface from the underground, sniffing Anna's body fragrance greedily.

The unbearable itching sensation made Anna moan a few times, which was full of temptation.

"Ana, please bear with me."


The sharp tiger fangs were greatly extended under the influence of desire. Looking at Anna's smooth jade body, Alexia took a bite without ceremony like a diner who couldn't wait to taste the delicious food!

Foreign objects penetrate the body.

Ana straightened her legs subconsciously, her eyes widened slightly, and her hands involuntarily grabbed Alexia's arm around her waist.


106. The bathroom door is also the entrance to the entrance

Anna's blood was a little cold.

Unlike Bianca's blood that seemed to be slightly warm, and Rita's blood that seemed to be scented with rosemary, Anna's blood was like snow. The moment she entered the mouth, Alexia felt ice-cold, as if she was about to die on a hot day. It's like putting some crushed ice on the tip of your tongue.

Very unique and delicious.

Coupled with Anna's soft and smooth body being held in her arms, Alexia felt as if she was tasting the most delicious cocktail with ice in the world.

(It’s not like letting go of Anna at this time.)

Maybe it's because he knows that there is no one else at home and he doesn't need to worry about anything.

Alexia felt a little nostalgic in her heart and wanted to hold Anna like this forever.

However, no matter how delicious the blood is, Ixia, who has always been able to remain rational, will not let herself be indulged in the fragrance of blood.

Released the fangs that were biting Anna, and licked the area that was healing rapidly, leaving only some blood stains. Ixia hugged Anna's body that was slightly weak due to blood loss: "Are you okay, Anna?"

"Well... um... not bad..."

Anna, with a flushed face, nestled against Alexia's chest and panted slightly.

She felt like all the strength in her body had been drained away!

Not just blood, but strength, consciousness... and even soul!The moment she was bitten by Alexia, an unprecedented pleasure took over all her senses, almost crushing her consciousness to the point of collapse!

Anna felt like she was a small boat being constantly destroyed in a storm!

(This is...the feeling of being sucked blood...)

It's so pleasurable and so comfortable.

It's as if the whole person has been sublimated and baptized, that is, because Anna can still control herself and has good self-control, otherwise she will definitely become addicted - it is really comfortable to be sucked by Alexia.

"....Thank you, Alexia."

After a moment of relief, Anna said softly: "Thank you for being willing to accept me like this... allowing someone like me to be your fiancée and lover..."

"There's no need to talk about this kind of thing now, right?"

Alexia turned Anna's body around, put her arms around her shoulders, lowered her head and kissed her lips. He broke through her teeth in one breath and then plundered her mouth unceremoniously.

Like a robber.


After being robbed of everything by Alexia, Anna coughed twice as if she was choking: "This kiss of yours... is too intense. I, I'm still a beginner, please take care of me a little bit." .”

(It seems like it should be like this?)

Because he was always affectionate with Kiana and Mei in this way when he was in the Paradise of the Past, so Alexia was used to treating Anna like this.

"Then, should I be gentler this time?"


Anna allowed Alexia to lower her head and kiss her again, and her hands consciously slid a few times on her back, as if trying to grab something.Anna's body twisted slightly, and her hands climbed onto Alexia's back unconsciously.

Because Alexia deliberately matched Anna's rhythm, the kiss did not end in an instant.

The Herrscher does not need to breathe and can move freely in a vacuum environment.Alexia's situation is similar.The two people, who were completely unable to be influenced by others, were now completely immersed in the passionate kiss with each other, as if they wanted to make up for all the things they had never done before.

(I like you, Alexia.)

Closing her eyes slightly and devoting herself wholeheartedly into the kiss, Anna only had this thought swirling in her mind.


After a few minutes.

Perhaps because she felt a little stiff from maintaining the same movement, Exia raised her head first, and the threads of saliva connected the corners of their mouths.

Ana, who had a flushed face, took a few breaths: "Exia... it's not enough..."


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