"...Well, it seems that you don't want to say anything, Bishop? Just wait over there, I'll go find you right now!"

[Haha, it’s a pity that you can’t catch me, Exia—I’m not at the Destiny headquarters now.Or to put it more clearly, I had already left the headquarters when I contacted you before]


Alexia couldn't help but froze on the spot - Bishop Otto was not at the headquarters! ?

"Wait... Bishop, what are you doing when you are not at the headquarters?"

[Do you still remember the design of Xiankami Island you gave me?I have been researching for the past few months, and recently I want to go to various places to conduct on-site inspections to see which place is suitable for the completion of Genkami Island.So I will be away from Tianming for about a week. 】

After all, it was related to his own resurrection of Kallen. Rather than leaving the matter to the people below, Otto still wanted to handle it personally.

"A week?! What about related government affairs?!"

[If it’s just a week, it won’t be a big problem. If it happens, it will prove that Tianming is too dependent on me, which is not conducive to the overall operation of the organization.Moreover, even if something goes wrong, aren’t you still there?I believe you can handle everything properly】


Alexia suddenly wanted to shoot Otto's head with a burst of heavenly fire!

We are still in the midst of the Fourth Great Collapse!Even if Anna's side is fine and the front line is completely stable, it's still wartime, right?

As a result, Otto, the destined bishop, actually ran out at this time?

And he just left all the work to himself in such an understatement?

What about his sense of responsibility and work attitude as a destined bishop!

"Bishop... believe it or not, I will directly space travel to your side right now?"

[Even if you come to me with all your magic power exhausted, will you still be able to subdue my remaining strength? 】


[Anyway, this is the situation.Su Shang's side is left to you. She has no common sense about modern society. You are the most suitable person I can think of to take care of her.Get along well with her - Su Shang, I know you are here too. Alexia is the person I trust most now. She is quite reliable and capable. If you have any problems in daily life, you can just ask him directly. Don't worry.He will not refuse your request. 】

After saying that, Otto hung up the phone.

Li Sushang quickly sorted out the information in her mind, and then clapped her hands: "In other words, I will live in your mansion next? Then I will really bother you for a while, Your Excellency Alexia ?”


After a moment of silence, and taking a deep breath, Alexia picked up the suitcase next to Li Sushang, turned around and walked into the house: "...Come in with me first, Miss Li. Look. Come here we need to have a good chat.”

(Bishop, please remember this!)

120.Li Sushang settled in

[To dear Aixia:]

[When you read this paragraph, you should already know Su Shang, so let me answer some questions you may want to know]

[Su Shang is an old friend of mine more than 500 years ago.She was seriously injured for some reason. In order to save her life, I used the hibernation technology that was not yet mature at the time, causing her to sleep until now. 】

[It is being reawakened now, on the one hand, to fill the problem of Tianming’s shortage of manpower, and on the other hand, it is also because we don’t want this old friend to sleep forever. 】

[The reason why I will leave it to you to take care of her is because you are the most suitable person to take care of her - Amber is following me outside now. I have thought of all the headquarters staff and you are the only one who is trustworthy and entrusted to me. . 】

[So, I used some tricks to incorporate Su Shang into your team.After all, Su Shang's various concepts are still stuck in the era of more than 500 years ago. In today's era, if she goes out at will, it is easy to encounter changes and get into trouble.I hope that while she is in your team, you can help her quickly integrate into modern society. 】

[I believe this is not difficult for you. 】


After a few minutes.

In the dining room of Alexia's house, after reading the message from Bishop Otto left on the last page of the document, Alexia put down Li Sushang's personal terminal and supported her chin with both hands.

Otto completely understood the reasons why he wanted Li Sushang to live in his home. Although he was a little surprised that Li Sushang was a person from more than 500 years ago, there were already Yae Sakura and Fu Hua in this family, plus he had gone there before. After passing through the paradise of the past, I met the thirteen heroes who chased fire from the pre-civilization.

In his opinion, a person who lived more than 500 years ago was just a slightly unexpected situation.

(So ​​why don’t you just talk to me about this kind of thing? As for using such a disgusting approach?)

This still makes Alexia feel helpless.

However, if he thought about it carefully, he could not understand Otto's intention.As he said in his message, Li Sushang was a person who lived more than 500 years ago. It must be very difficult to live in modern times. If he lives alone, he may not even be able to use home appliances. But if he goes out to communicate with others, then if he encounters If you meet people with ulterior motives, you may get into unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, it is best to have someone you trust take care of her.

As for the people Otto trusted - Amber followed him out, Bianca and the others were all on a mission in Manila, and Changguang XVII, who may also be considered the number one, is a scientist. Can he take good care of people? I really can’t tell.

After all, only Exia can help with this.

(So...why do you have to go out for some field investigation at this time! Bishop!)

Alexia really wanted to ask Otto which part of his body was wrong.Even if he had known for a long time that Bishop Otto cared about Saint Karen and would do anything to resurrect her, there was no need to be so impatient, right?No matter how fast the construction time of Genkami Island is, it will take several years. Now that the location has been determined, construction cannot be started immediately.


Thinking of this, Alexia couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

On the other side, after also reading Otto's message, Shajo Aige and Anna also looked at Li Suchang with strange eyes.

(What a beautiful person...Does the bishop actually want Exia to take care of such a beautiful person?)

As the person closest to Alexia in the family, Anna now feels a vague sense of threat - as a woman, she still cares about some things.

(Another one...)

Shajo Aige also feels the same way.

(The bishop definitely did it on purpose, right? He sent such a light bulb at this time, and...)

His eyes moved towards Li Sushang's chest, and Shatiao Aige felt a burst of heartache.

Another one.

She obviously looks like a small person similar to Bronya, but how can she be so big? Shouldn’t it be that more than 500 years ago, the diet was not very good?What did she eat to grow?

"Uh...that's what."

Looking at the three people with different performances, Li Suchang, who was sitting opposite Alexia, was also a little restless.Although she came in following the wishes of Rakshasa and Exia, it was only after she came in that she realized something was wrong.

There were only three people living in such a big home, and besides Alexia, there were only two girls.No matter how inexperienced Li Sushang was in the world, she still knew a little bit about the affairs between men and women, and she immediately understood that her situation might not be good.

"Your Excellency Alexia... How about I leave here? That's what the Rakshasa people say, but this girl has been wandering around for some time, so I really don't need you to pay too much attention to me."

"Thank you for your understanding, Miss Li. But I will not drive you away." Ixia sighed, "Although I am not satisfied with the bishop's arrangement, I will have my own way to deal with the bishop in the future. Let's remember it for now. The account will be settled when he comes back."

Bishop Otto seems to be expecting Exia to help him handle government affairs.

Oh, think beautifully.

(When you come back, I will tie you directly to the office and watch you handle the government affairs... You can figure out how to deal with the government affairs for a week! In addition, don't even think about keeping the archive of your Kallen fantasy, Look, I’ll delete them all for you!)

"As for Miss Li's matter... I am entrusted by others and loyal to others. I am dissatisfied with the bishop's behavior, but the bishop does have high hopes for me, so I do not intend to betray the bishop's trust. You can stay at my house, and I will do what the bishop said and teach you some common sense of modern society to help you integrate into modern society."


Listening to these words, Li Suchang couldn't help but admire Alexia.

Entrusted by others, loyal to others.

(What a chivalrous person. You really need to pay attention to these things when traveling in the world. From this point of view, Sir Alexia is a chivalrous and sincere person. He is indeed a person whom the Rakshasa people say can be trusted.)

"Well, since Your Excellency has said so, the little lady has accepted this good intention. Please give me your advice during my temporary stay here."

After saying that, Li Sushang stood up and saluted Alexia with fists in his hands!

Seeing this as an expected scene, Sajo Aige and Anna didn't say anything - they had known for a long time that Alexia would not refuse such a thing. To put it bluntly, he was quite helpful.In addition, this Miss Li Sushang Li is also a stunning beauty, and they really can't think of a reason for Alexia to refuse.

"Then let me take Miss Li to check out the rooms first," Anna said. "There are still many vacant rooms on the third and fourth floors. Please come with me, Miss Li."

"Okay. Please lead the way."

After saying this, Li Suchang and Anna walked towards the stairs together.

Watching the two people leave, Shajo Aige immediately floated to Alexia: "That's great, Your Majesty the Prince, this is another one."

"What are you talking about, Miss Ai Ge, don't think too much." Alexia smiled helplessly, "By the way, your soul steel body is in the suitcase over there, do you want to try it out? "

"That's right - how about we go to the bathroom to conduct a practical test now?"



A hand knife with penetrating power struck Shajo Aige directly on the head.

121. Shocked Su Shang all day long

The fourth floor of Alexia's house.

In an empty room near the bathroom.

"...Then, is it okay for Miss Li to live in this room?"

Anna, who was standing at the door, said to Li Sushang, who had already walked into the house: "Although there are still vacancies on the second and third floors, the fourth floor has the most vacancies. There is no one else living there except me."

"Yeah, yeah! Very good! No problem here!"

Li Sushang is not picky either.

Compared with the temporary residence that Otto arranged for her two days ago, this room is obviously much more refined. In Li Sushang's opinion, it can be said that everything is ready, and it is no problem to move in on the spot.

the most important is.....

"Wow! This bed is so soft!"

Sitting directly on the bed, Li Sushang couldn't help but sigh with emotion - this was much more comfortable than the steel room she had lived in for the past two days!

(The conditions of this big mansion are too good, right? Didn’t the Rakshasa people say that he is the boss of this destiny? But why do I feel that the place where Sir Alexia lives is better than him? Who is the boss? )

"It seems that Miss Li is very satisfied."

Anna smiled slightly: "Then it's decided. But I see that Miss Li didn't bring any luggage when she came. Do you want me to take you to buy furniture and clothes after dinner? For example, a change of clothes and pajamas. , you didn’t bring anything, right?”

"Furniture and clothing...well, I do need to buy some clothes. This [Valkyrie Armor] given to me by the Rakshasa people is good-looking and convenient, but it can't be worn all the time. But the furniture No need, when I was practicing swordsmanship and martial arts with my master, I lived in a thatched house. I could basically sleep in any environment, and there was no need for furniture."

To put it even more exaggeratedly, Li Sushang felt that the dresser and other items in this room could be moved away, as long as a bed was left for her.

"By the way, um...Miss Anna, right? There's something I want to ask again."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"Is it really okay for me to stay here?"

Li Sushang sat up from the bed and asked: "I just said that below, but...you really need to confirm it again, right? You and Sir Alexia should be partners, right? Let an outsider like me intervene Will coming in really not affect your married life?"


Anna's cheeks were slightly red, and she smiled after a pause: "To put it bluntly, I think there should be some. But it probably won't have a particularly big impact, it's okay."


"Well, really."

(As long as Alexia doesn't make too much noise at night... why not bite something tonight? It would be bad if she makes some noise.)

Anna thought about it and said: "Besides, now that things have happened, I won't be surprised no matter how many more girls live in this family."

"Eh? Why did Miss Anna say this?" Li Sushang was a little puzzled, "Could it be that there are many girls in this mansion?"

"There are exactly ten of us if we don't count Miss Li." Anna said a little embarrassed, "Also, besides me, there are actually several friends of Alexia. It's just that everyone has been away from home recently, so that's why I will be the only one left here.”

"Oh~~~~That's it...eh?"

Li Sushang took a moment to react.

What did she hear just now?

Several partners?Are they still Alexia's partner?

(This, this, this... could it be that Your Excellency Alexia is the emperor?!)


For Li Suchang, who didn't read much and had only been thinking about practicing swords since she was a child, it was almost something she had never been exposed to. The only thing she knew about it was that she had heard about which minister's daughter the emperor had taken as a concubine.

She didn't expect that now she would be able to witness it with her own eyes...or even come into contact with it! ?

"Eh? Don't Miss Li know?"

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