And this beam... shouldn't be an illusion. Exia can feel that the Honkai energy conveyed from Kevin is constantly weakening, and part of the Honkai energy converted from magic power in his own body is also rapid. Disappearing!

What is going on here?

With such doubts, several people looked to the sky one after another——

"That is......"


The battleship that appeared over the moon and sailed out of a huge imaginary door surprised everyone in Exia.

what's going on?

112. Burden

Alexia struggled to get up from Artoria's chest, looking up at the battleship that suddenly appeared in the sky with extremely tired eyes.

When he saw a certain symbol on the battleship, Exia immediately reacted - if he remembered correctly, it should be the symbol of reverse entropy.

Why do anti-entropic floating battleships appear here?

In addition, the huge imaginary number door just now... According to Exia's knowledge, there should be only one person who has the ability to open the imaginary number door that is large enough for a battleship to enter.

(Should it be...)


As if to verify Alexia's conjecture, another door of imaginary numbers appeared in his and Kevin's eyes, and within the door of imaginary numbers, four figures walked out of it.

The moment she saw the four figures clearly, Alexia's eyes suddenly widened involuntarily!


Kiana, Bianca, Fu Hua, Bella.

These people who were supposed to be on Earth now walked out of the Gate of Imaginary Numbers and appeared in front of him!

Why are they here?

(The look in your eyes seems to be wondering why we are here, good disciple!)

Suddenly, a familiar voice came directly into Alexia's mind.

(…The Lawyer of Knowledge?)

(Hey! How many times have I told you, even if you are my man and apprentice, I will still be angry if you say this!)

The Lawyer of Consciousness corrected him somewhat dissatisfiedly.

(We are here to help you. Next, Bianca and Kiana will help you stop Kevin temporarily, and you can go to the next place and use your power of swallowing dimensions or space movement to see if you can transfer it. Go over there, and if you can, come over and take Kevin with you, or simply take that person out! Do you understand?)


Looking at the four Bianca's standing not far away, I didn't know where to squeeze out some strength again. Ixia struggled to lift her feet, staggered to them in three steps and two steps at a time. He grabbed Bianca's collar: "Go back, now, immediately..."


"I said, leave this place to me, you can just wait for me at home. If you come, you will only--"


Before Alexia finished speaking, Fu Hua had already patted his shoulder with a hand.

This move didn't have much power, it was just a slight slap, but with this slap, Exia couldn't stand still and knelt down on one knee!He couldn't even hold the black abyss white flower in his hand, and it fell to the ground with a clang.

Bianca and Kiana's expressions were suddenly startled, and then they showed deep distress and worry.

(Exia, you can’t even stand yet...)

( desperate are you?)

This was the first time that they saw Alexia looking so powerless.

He is simply holding on unreasonably!

"Master..." Reluctantly holding up his body, Alexia looked at Fu Hua with an ugly expression, "You..."

"You are a liability now, Alexia."

Fu Hua picked up Alexia.

"If you want to fight Kevin, you can. But before that, you need to rest and regain your strength, and then you can really decide the winner with Kevin."

"I'll leave it to you, Kiana, and Bianca. I'll take Ixia back to the Moonlight Throne first. Kevin's situation is probably similar to that of Ixia, and you should be able to hold on for a long time. Between Ike and I Before Sia comes back, he will be left to you—send us back, Bella."


"and many more--"

Alexia immediately wanted to break away, but before he could do anything, Bella, who had a pair of dragon wings growing out of his back, had already carried him and Fu Hua and flew to the Moonlight Throne in the sky. Shatiao Aige and Upon seeing this, Artoria immediately chased after him.

After watching those figures return to the Moonlight Throne, Bianca and Kiana turned their attention to Kevin.

Holding the real Black Abyss White Flower, Bianca stared at Kevin who seemed unshakable: "I'm sorry, Senior Kevin. The players are swapped, and Kiana and I will be your opponents next."

"...buying time, huh?"

"So be it. Before Exia fully recovers, we will take over this duel——"

The words say so.

Bianca and Kiana's expressions were not completely relaxed.

They could feel a strong sense of weakness from Kevin's expression, which was almost the same as the feeling of weakness on Alexia's body. In nearly a week of fierce fighting, it was not only Alexia who reached the limit, but also Kevin.Although it is not as weak as when he just came out of the quantum sea, it should not be much worse.

This is undoubtedly the nadir of Kevin's strength.

But even so...

(I can still feel the pressure.)

Kiana couldn't help clenching her fists. Her physical strength was even worse than Bianca's, so the pressure and momentum she felt from Kevin was even stronger.

This feeling that seemed to crush her whole body——

(Have you been fighting enemies like this all the time? Even enemies whose strength far exceeds this level...)

【Are you afraid?container】

Sirin's voice sounded from the bottom of Kiana's heart.

[There is no need to defeat him, remember.We just need to delay. Although we don't want to admit it, our abilities are very suitable for the current situation. To put it awkwardly - your sister and we just need to fight desperately to save our lives. 】

(......makes sense.)

After taking a deep breath, Kiana looked at Kevin seriously.

Looking at Bianca and Kiana in battle postures, Kevin was silent for a while, then put down the Sword of Destruction that had begun to rekindle the flames, turned around and prepared to leave.

"Where are you going? Kevin."

Bianca asked quickly.

"Won't you fight with us?"

"There is no point in defeating you." Kevin's response was cold, "My opponent is Aikesia, not you. Since Aikesia is going back to accumulate strength now, so am I - of course you can choose to go to war with me, I will also defeat you without mercy."

If he said this in an extremely weak state, if it were anyone else, Bianca and Kiana would just think he was bluffing, but if the target was Kevin... it's hard to tell whether he was bluffing. bluff.

But even so—

“Dong dong dong dong dong——————!”

After directly condensing dozens of Archon Spears and blocking all roads around Kevin, Kiana said solemnly: "If you recover your strength, the situation will change again. We can no longer let my brother and You fought like that, brother, I don’t want to see you look like that a second time!”

"So, even if I can't defeat you, I can't let you regain your strength!"


As if the space had been solidified, a huge block appeared silently above Kevin's head and crashed down!

If Kevin is allowed to regain his strength, it will mean that Alexia's efforts over the past few days have been completely in vain!

How could you let that happen?

(I want to put him here with my sister——)


Skyfire suddenly rushed out from under the block, and the block was completely shattered with a flash of slashes.

With sky fire surrounding him, Kevin stared at Bianca and Kiana: "Is this your choice? Then, I accept your challenge."

"——Come, successor."

113. Disciples must listen to their masters

Moonlight Throne.

One of the many rest cabins originally intended for the crew.


After being brought back to the Moonlight Throne by Bella, Fu Hua directly carried Alexia here and threw her on the bed.

Alexia, who had regained some strength, sat up on the bed: "Master! What on earth do you want to do! If you leave Kiana and Bianca there... they are no match for Kevin. ! Let me go!”

"You can go, but I told you to regain your strength first."

Fu Hua said with a serious face after locking the door with his backhand.

"I won't let you leave until you regain some strength. Of course, don't even think about using space control magic. That's the power of Aige, and you can't use it yourself."



A punch hit the wall directly behind Ixia!Forcibly interrupting Alexia's thoughts of speaking, Fu Hua showed his anger in front of his apprentice for the first time!

"Be obedient, Exia."

Contrary to his angry expression, Fu Hua's voice was soft.

"Even if you go back now, you and Kevin will just overdraw each other's lives and compete with each other to see who can reach the limit of his life first. In your opinion, this may be the only way to defeat Kevin, but now we have something that maybe we don't need to let go. You paid such a huge sacrifice, so now you just listen to us, okay?"

"Recover strength and accumulate stamina. This is what you should do now. We will buy time for you before that."

Alexia: "..."


During the previous battle, Exia's judgment had gone awry to a certain extent because he had maintained a high level of concentration. But now that Fu Hua had reprimanded him, he had somewhat calmed down.


"...Tsk! Damn it!"

After punching the bed board hard, Alexia sat down.

Seeing Alexia's angry reaction, Fu Hua also breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that Alexia had accepted the situation and sat down next to him: "Don't worry, whether it's Bianca or Kiana , They are all very strong now, if they just deal with Kevin and delay time wholeheartedly, with Kevin's current state, they should still be able to get it in 10 minutes."

"And during this period, in addition to recovering your strength, you also have to go to a place. Xiaoshi should have told you."

"...The coordinates?"

Previously, because of the sudden meeting with Bianca and the others, Exia did not pay attention to what the Herrscher of Consciousness told him for a while, but now after calming down, he also noticed the coordinates that had been echoing in his mind.

"Is this location... on the New Atla side?"

The sandiao love song floated out.

New Atla, the place where Exia and Kevin were before the war began - in the past week, the two had already left that place, and where exactly did Exia go now? do not know either.

"What's there?"

"A world bubble was born due to the influence of Herrscher, and in that world bubble, there is the projection of Dr. Mei."

"Dr. Mei? Could it be...Kevin's lover? The leading scientist of the Fire Chaser?"

Fu Hua nodded: "That's her. Before, when Su was completing the task you asked, he accidentally discovered the world bubble and got in touch with Dr. Mei. And after getting to know us, especially you and Kevin After the situation, Dr. Mei also made some suggestions that might help you change Kevin's mind. We are here just to tell you this and to defeat Kevin with you."

Let Dr. Mei help him defeat Kevin... No, should I say persuade Kevin?

"I... gave up the method of persuading Kevin with words from the beginning, Master. Kevin cannot be persuaded with words, and this attempt is meaningless."

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