(By the way, there is x. Will Goddess Loki know about my upgrade this time?)


[Each upgrade message will be synchronized to individual Loki and individual Finn, and a title has been automatically generated for you this time]

(Title, what title did you give me?)

[Comprehensive consideration of the cultural differences between the two worlds, and evaluation based on relevant ability values, the final confirmed title is - Transcendent]

It’s actually normal! ?

Exia didn't care much about the title. Anyway, when he went back, Orario would have only been a month away, and the meeting to decide the title wouldn't have started yet. At worst, he would have to change it on the spot.

But he was deeply impressed by the title that Existence

It's so normal this time...

[In addition, because you defeated the individual Kevin, the version update and mechanism upgrade have been completed while you were comatose. Do you need to list the detailed update content? 】


new version update?

These sudden words made Alexia stunned - this was not the first time he had heard of this kind of thing. In the past, when he came back from another world and passed through the so-called [transit station], the existence of x would continue one after another. Tell him some new features and upgrade and evolve some old mechanisms.

For example, the way to lead people.

It's just that Ixia thought that was something that happened every time she came back, but now it seems...it turns out it's not?

(List them for me)

【Command accepted】

[This version update and mechanism upgrade only add one core mechanism - now you can communicate with beings in other worlds]



Before Alexia fully understood the meaning of this sentence, his personal terminal suddenly rang an extremely rapid ringtone.

When he took it out of his pocket, the name displayed on it made Alexia's eyes widen.

[Sender: Loki]

A text message sent directly from Orario across the world? !

Communication across the world was something that was limited to Exia and Bianca in the past. Even Rita, Kiana, and everyone else had to go through Bianca if they wanted to communicate with Exia. Just fine.

But now this brother's situation...

(Can anyone contact me?)


[However, there is a limit to the number. The number of people allowed to communicate in each world is four. The communication channels of relevant people who have traveled to the world so far have been automatically entered for you, please check]


Crossing out Loki's letter, Exia quickly dug out her address book!And the next second, when he saw the dozens of new phone numbers that suddenly appeared, he was a little confused!

——Goddess Loki, Ais Wallenstein, Finn Timna, Lefia Velidis.

——Rias Gremory, Irina Wisteria, Aisha Alget, Azazel.

- Ishtar.

——Lan Yu Qian Cong, Nangong Na Yue, Xiao Gucheng, Ji Hiiragi Xuecai.

Except for the trip to Fuyuki City where I only stayed for a few days and didn't really meet anyone, the four places in the other worlds were all filled, and all of them were people who had had many interactions with Exia.

(This...isn't it possible to do this kind of thing? There is no such thing as a mobile phone in Orario, right? Ishtar is also a goddess!)


[Objects holding communication media can transmit information through the communication media]

[Objects that do not hold communication media should, in principle, convert their ideological content that reaches a certain intensity into information for transmission]

[Example: The message sent by the individual Loki at this moment is transformed from his inner strong thoughts about you]

(That's it...)

Strong thoughts can even bridge the barriers between worlds - that's probably what it means.

Looking at the dozen or so names that were individually sorted into one category, the corners of Alexia's mouth involuntarily raised. It seemed that even if she didn't return to that world in the future, she would still have a way to communicate with the people there.This is a good thing. If you want to go back in the future, you can inform me in advance.

(But how is this calculated in terms of mechanics? The time when I return to the previous world is fixed to one month later, right? If we need to make contact, wouldn't the time on both sides be...)


[Once a contact is made, the next return time will default to one month after that contact, and the minimum can be shortened to the next day of the contact. 】

[If the contact is initiated by us, the contact time defaults to one week after the last departure, and can be shortened to the day after the last departure at the earliest]

[If the contact is initiated by the other party, the contact time defaults to one month after the last departure]

[Additional: Since the above rules may have loopholes in various aspects, they will be updated in real time around the clock, and bugs will be detected 24 hours a day and maintained in a timely manner.If you have any doubts, please refer to the next update.]

Alexia: "......"

Why does this look like some kind of online game?

Did you bring out a bug? !

(But anyway...you have to try it first!)

Thinking of this, regardless of the other people around her, Exia answered a certain number.

5. Princess of Kaslana Empire

Kaslana Empire - This was a demon special zone that was once called [Xian Shen Island] and floated on the far eastern ocean.

It has been more than three months since it got rid of its identity as a single artificial island and became the fourth empire of night above King's Landing and the whole world.

During this period of time, the busiest person in the entire empire was undoubtedly Lan Yu Qiancong.

As the [Miko of Cain], with the reputation of [Empress of Electronics], even though she is only a high school student, she has now truly become the highest technical advisor of this empire!

Even after more than three months of this change in identity, Lan Yu Qiancong still hasn't gotten used to it.

Again, she's just a high school student!

Even though her computer skills can instantly kill all the master hackers in the world, she once worked as a network patron saint for a period of time in an artificial island management commune, and she is still a Cainite witch who is inextricably related to Cain, the god of blame.

She is really just a high school student!

Why should she be forcibly sent to the position of the empire's top technical advisor at an age when she should be enjoying the beauty of adolescence?

"——So why!"

The iconic building of the Kaslana Empire.

Cornerstone Gate - in a room beneath it.

This is the room that Lan Yu Qiancong used to use when he was working in the management commune. Even though he is now the most powerful person in the entire empire and more than ten thousand people, he is fully qualified and has the right to work in a better place. But Lan Yu Qian Chong finally got used to working here.

After typing up the last document at hand and sending it to his childhood sweetheart, Lan Yu Qiancong, who looked tired, just lay on the table and started complaining.

After hearing her complaint, a doll-like artificial intelligence jumped out on the supercomputer screen in front of her.

[Even if you ask this, Miss, no one here can give you an answer, Jie Jie Jie~~~]

Artificial Intelligence Moguwai.

Lan Yu Qiancong's partner in life and work seems to her to be a very weak and bad-mouthed partner, and the only way to cure him is to feed him the virus.

[If I have to say it, I can only rely on your ability to be obedient, young lady.Well, but that being said, you also have to thank some Yaze guys, he helped you share almost all the business entertainment. 】

"I know~~~"

As the second son of the Yaze family, one of the four major families in charge of Genkami Island, Lan Yu's childhood sweetheart, Motoki Yaze, has been extremely busy in the past three months.Asahi Aizawa is busy signing various documents and doing various researches, while Motoki Yase is busy with various meetings and social interactions. He is either in meetings or in meetings all day long. On the road, I eat dinner out six days a week - it can be said that I am so busy that it is difficult to go home.

"At this time, I really envy that guy in the ancient city. That idiot who can't do anything must be the most relaxed one among us, right?"

[After all, the guy from Gucheng doesn’t have any special skills. Maybe playing basketball is?It seems that I will go to the main island to participate in the competition next week]

"Next week..."

Noticing the time, Lan Yu Qiancong accidentally opened the calendar: "...Moguwai, how many days has that guy been gone?"

[Exactly one week—Miss, do you have to ask this question every day? 】

"Eh? Is there any?"

[Looks like I have to make an electronic diary for you, missy]

A week.

This is the time when the supreme leader of the Kaslana Empire, the strongest Fourth True Ancestor in the world, and the nominal husband of Lan Yu Qiancong - Alexia Kaslana - leaves.

"In other words, it will be at least three and a half weeks before he comes back... Isn't it a little long?"

[It’s only been a week and I’m starting to miss a man. Are you dissatisfied, Miss? 】

"I want him to come back and sign these reports for me that should have been signed by him! What do you mean I am not satisfied with my desires!"

Lan Yu Qiancong punched the computer desk angrily: "Besides, he and I are just a couple in name only! Let alone living as a couple, we don't even have a marriage certificate or a wedding ring. To be honest, this What kind of couple are they! Ah ah ah~~~ If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t be the princess! I can give it to anyone else!"

[You can’t let the sword witch lady hear this - by the way, miss, you have a phone call. 】

"Phone? Whose is it? If it's a spam call, just hang up."

[Understood... No, I’m afraid it won’t work this time. Miss, if this is the call, you really can’t hang up under any circumstances]

"Eh? Whose phone number is it? If you put it like that, it's not necessarily the call from the True Ancestor of my family, right?"

【It really is】


Hearing Mogu's distorted response, Lan Yu Qiancong, who had not taken the phone call to heart at all, immediately became energetic, and his attention suddenly became concentrated, and he looked at the person displayed on the screen with great seriousness and seriousness. The name of the caller on your own computer screen!


(Really, really him!?)

In an instant, clear and intense joy appeared on Lan Yu Qian Cong's face!

Alexia called her! ?After walking for a whole week, I was finally willing to call her, the [First Princess]! ?

"Wait, wait, wait... Is this really Alexia's call?"

After calming down a little from the initial surprise, Lan Yu Qiancong began to think about the authenticity of this phone call due to the nature of her work.

She knew that Alexia came from another world, and she should be in another world now. How could she make a phone call to her in another world?He also said before that his world does not yet have the technology to communicate with the world here...

"Could it be fake?"

[I’ll put you through, madam]

Without noticing the way his eldest daughter was looking forward and backward and having meaningless concerns, Moguwai minding his own business answered the communication from a completely unknown place.

next moment--

"Qian Cong? What's wrong with you? You haven't answered the phone. Are you busy?"

On the computer screen, as that familiar voice sounded, Lan Yu Qianqing's face, which could be said to have been longing for him, appeared directly on it!

Lan Yu Qian Cong: "——!"

It's actually true! ?

"You and I......"

"Huh? What's wrong, Asakusa, you look like you're in disbelief? I called you all of a sudden and you just—"

"Shut up first! Don't hang up the phone! Give me 5 minutes! I'll go outside to wash my face and put on makeup!"

After abruptly interrupting Alexia, Lan Yu Qiancong got up and rushed out of his office after roaring like this!

Looking at the sudden reaction of her princess across the screen and dimension, Exia couldn't help but frowned in confusion: "What's wrong with her? Moguwai."

【Who knows~~~Jiejiejie】

[But, it’s been a while since I last saw you, little brother]

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