[Hohohohoho————————! ! ! 】

It was an extremely huge body, probably more than 50 meters tall, with a layer of abnormal light covering its whole body, its eyes were red as if it were going crazy, and it was roaring continuously!


Li Sushang looked at the behemoth in front of her in astonishment!

Could it be Honkaimon?

No, this is a different world, there should be no Honkaimon, right?Could it be some kind of ferocious beast unique to this world?

"It seems we came at a good time."

Different from Li Sushang's astonishment, Alexia looked familiar: "I feel like I will meet [characters from the other world] next."

18. Boar, dragon, snake, boy

Looking at Alexia's several journeys to other worlds, the beginnings were not very peaceful.

It directly hit the headquarters of the Loki Familia and joined the Loki Familia.

He happened to witness Hyoudou Issei's death, happened to be there and became the new Sekiryuutei, and met Rias Gremory.

He fought with Ishtar as a servant, met Shajo Aika, and then participated in the Holy Grail War.

Found by Nangong Nayue, he stepped into the vortex of the feast of flames little by little.


Every time I encountered something unusual when I first arrived in another world, or met some people with special identities, and then used these things and acquaintances as opportunities to quickly approach the most powerful force in this other world. Level up and become stronger through various opportunities.

This is how Exia has always grown stronger.

I didn't feel anything before, but now that I think about it, if it happens every time, it's hard to say that the existence of x is not intentional.After all, it is an existence that can interfere with the concept of time. It is certainly not impossible to land at a specific place in a different world at a specific time.

What is his real purpose?

"——It's better to postpone this kind of problem until later. Su Shang, get your luggage and go evacuate the crowd around you."

Li Sushang quickly caught the suitcase thrown by Alexia: "Wow! - I understand, what about you, little uncle?"

"Of course we are going to eliminate this wild boar. We can't let it continue to cause trouble in this port, right? This place can't withstand its ravages like this."

Just as Alexia said.

Under the ravages of the huge wild boar, which is more than 50 meters high, the port has long lost its original appearance, as if a building block model has been smashed and disintegrated with brute force, and no trace of its original appearance can be seen. Even the [building blocks] that make up the port are shattered into pieces!

If it continues its rampage and destruction like this, I'm afraid the entire island of Sardinia won't be enough for it to destroy.

【welshdragonbalancebreaker! 】

Thinking of this, Exia directly entered the hand-forbidden form of the sub-species, and regardless of the surprised sights cast by the people around her, she flew directly into the sky with her dragon wings fluttering!At the same time, he flipped his wrist and took out the [Victory King's Power] from nowhere, instantly switching it from flintlock mode to Skyfire Holy Judgment mode.


Burning flames burst out from the sword.

(As soon as you come to the new world, you have to participate in the battle. Prince-sama really can’t take any time off. Whether it’s in another world or in the original world.)

Shajo's love song's laughter sounded in his mind.

(The power level of this world is not yet clear, so please be careful not to force it.)

"Well, I know that if the current strength is not enough, I will directly use Tyrannosaurus."

The safest way is to use Tyrannosaurus directly from the beginning, but Alexia also has his own intuition - his intuition tells him that the wild boar in front of him may not be an enemy that requires him to use Tyrannosaurus.

and so--

"It's about time you calm down for me, big guy!"

With a speed that was several times faster than the sound and the wind, Ixia arrived in front of the wild boar in an instant. The Skyfire Saint, with the power that could easily crush anything, slashed at the wild boar!

This was a blow that didn't involve much water, but it also didn't have much seriousness and full strength.

But even so——



At the moment when it was about to touch the wild boar, as if being blocked by the light on its body, the blade of the Heavenly Fire Saint was directly blocked!Not even a tiny bit could penetrate the other side of the light!

The Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment couldn't hurt it? !


Just when Ixia felt a little surprised, the wild boar also noticed the little man who attacked him, with his bloody mouth with huge fangs wide open!While releasing a deafening roar, it also unleashed a supersonic wave and impact storm!

Exia, who was at extremely close range, immediately withstood the blow completely!

Supporting herself with the propulsion of the dragon wings, Exia frowned and swung down the Skyfire Holy Seal again!


A duller voice than before came back!


Taking advantage of the reaction force, he retreated a certain distance. Exia landed on a roof and stared at the wild boar: "It's not that it can't be hurt, but it was blocked before it hit."

"——It feels like some kind of protection." Shajo Aige also appeared, "I can feel a very strong divinity, it should be the protection of a certain god. The wild boar in front of me is probably some kind of protection." It’s a mythical beast.”

divine beast.

It is something that exists in any world, a pet of a god, or a familiar, comrade, or partner of a god.These mythical beasts that have received blessings from the gods, if they did not have the ability to touch the gods' realm, it would be impossible to hurt them.

It’s similar to [Two-dimensional things cannot affect or interfere with the three dimensions].

"Then, just break through the dimension - come here immediately, [Dragon Snake's Mercury]!"

When it comes to methods to deal with such unreasonable rules, Exia has a lot of methods, and facing this kind of absolute defense in a certain sense, just swallow the existence together with the dimensional space!

A two-headed dragon nearly a hundred meters long suddenly appeared from the void behind Exia!


The loud roar of the dragon resounded through the sky!


The huge wild boar seemed to be unconvinced and let out a deafening roar again!

【accurate!I'm going to tear it up and eat it whole! 】

Ixia immediately felt such emotions from the dragon and snake's mercury, and the next moment, the two-headed dragon soared out instantly, its huge jaws fully opened!He bit directly at the divine beast protected by God's blessing!

[penetrate (penetrate)]!

Just in case, Exia simultaneously activated the Sekiryuutei's third ability, giving the two-headed dragon's fangs that could already devour dimensions further the power to penetrate all defenses.

The next moment, without even a trace of delay or change, the fangs of the two-headed dragon directly tore apart the divine protection on the mountain boar beast!And further easily crushed and tore apart the body of the wild boar!


The screams and roars of the mythical beasts suddenly resounded throughout the sky!

It seems that's the extent of it - Ixia thought: "Go on, dragon and snake mercury, eat it up as you like. I won't stop you this time."


After receiving Exia's promise, Dragon Snake Mercury roared with joy!

But at the same time——

"It's really a pity. If you let this dragon snake swallow my incarnation, then I will be very distressed."

A certain boy's voice sounded quietly behind Alexia.

And then, I don’t know when, a boy with a pretty face, who looked to be no more than thirteen or fourteen years old, appeared next to Alexia.

——He also held a golden sword engraved with a large number of mysterious runes in his hand.

19.—— Veleslana

When did it come?

Alexia looked at the young man and wondered.

Shajo Aige's perception will operate 24 hours a day unless he says to turn it off, but——

(Perception Magic did not sense him, Prince-sama.)

(No, it’s not that I didn’t sense it, but... I couldn’t sense it?)

the first time.

For the first time in the long time they had known each other, Ixia heard a little wavering and disbelief in the voice of Shajo Aige.

Sajo Aige's power in magic is absolute, and her magic cannot make any mistakes. And since the boy in front of her can make her magic completely imperceptible, it at least shows that his existence is not the result of Exia and Sajo. No love song known to exist.

"Huh? Have you noticed the difference in me, warrior?"

The handsome-looking young man spoke in a somewhat mature tone.

"That's right. Since you are a warrior like you, it is natural for you to be aware of my existence and difference."

"......Who are you?"

Not letting the dragon and snake mercury stop, and letting it continue to ravage and devour the wild boar beast, Ixia asked the young man attentively: "At least...it's not an ordinary human being, and it shouldn't be a first-class one either. A magician or a knight or something like that.”

"I am the winner."

The young man said such unquestionable words very lightly.

"I am the strongest, the one who defeats all enemies. Victory is always in my hands. This is my essence. No matter what battle I encounter or any enemy I face, my victory will not change and cannot be shaken. "

This can already be said to be arrogant words.

Always victorious and undefeated.

This kind of thing is easy to say, but when it comes to doing this kind of thing, even Exia and Kevin don't dare to completely guarantee it. At least they both have their own failures.But the young man in front of him could actually say it so firmly, and in this tone... it was as if he had truly never lost.

"Okay, it's time to stop your dragon and snake, warrior who has received the blessing of the Dragon God." The young man continued, "The wild boar is my incarnation. If you want to fight with it, wait until I take back the incarnation. After that, I must fight you with all my strength."

"...Is that mythical beast yours? And the incarnation is..."

(I think I probably understand, Prince.)

After sighing softly, Sajo Aige appeared next to Alexia.

The young man glanced slightly sideways: "Oh? Are you...a witch? The dragon, snake, witch, and the protection of the dragon god - hahaha, you are so interesting, warrior! It makes me feel a little itchy! "

Raising the golden sword in his hand, the young man raised his lips with a hint of expectant smile: "Do you want to compete with me here? Warrior!"


"With all due respect, with your current strength and situation, I am no match for the prince."

Before Ixia answered, Shajo Aige said this first: "It seems that this world is much more interesting than I thought. I didn't expect that there are existences on my side that have already gone to the other side of the world. In this world, It actually exists directly on the earth."

"...Are you aware of my situation, witch?"

(Did you recognize who he was? Miss Love Song.)

"of course."

Shajo Aige answered Ikesia and the boy at the same time: "The boy, the wild boar, the golden sword. The incarnation. And the self-proclaimed invincible and the legend of being the strongest and the winner. The hint has been given to this point, if it still can't be done If I identify you, I will be embarrassed."

"The true body and honorary name of the Crown should be the military god of ancient Persia, the guardian who serves Mithra, the god of light. The god of war who has ten incarnations and is always victorious - [Veleslana ( verethragna)], right?"


This name made Exia subconsciously look at the [Victory Royal Power] in her hand.


When Shajo Aige directly revealed his real name, the boy - Veleslana - immediately laughed: "I never thought that there is a witch on the earth who knows my real name. I deserve praise and praise. Exactly! My real name." His real name is Veleslana, the most powerful and undefeated God of War!"

"And since you know my true name, you should also know the price of your arrogance!"


Shajo Aige smiled slightly: "Are you saying that you will lose to the prince? That's not crazy talk. Judging from your words, your Majesty seems to have the ten incarnations in a state of being torn apart, right? At least, right? Not all incarnations are around - for example, the [Mountain Boar] incarnation over there."

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