The hand-forbidden transformation of the subspecies was completed in an instant, and under the surprised look of Veleslana, Exia put her hand on Li Suchang.


【boost! boost! boost! boost! boost! boost! boost! boost! boost! 】

A series of doubling sounds sounded one after another!The aura of power exuding from Alexia's body also increased rapidly in this series of sounds, visible to the naked eye!In an instant, it was promoted all the way to the point where Velesh Rana's face was filled with joy!

[transfer! 】

But before Veleslana could ask anything, the power in Alexia's body plummeted like a cliff, and a large amount of ocher-red light flowed from him to Li Suchang!As a result, her power also experienced an incredible surge and surge!

Veleslana and Li Sushang were stunned at the same time.

Veleslana was confused, while Li Sushang was...

(This is...the power that my junior uncle gave me?)

Li Suchang knew the power inside her body best.

Taixu Sword Qi is a martial art that does not practice true qi, and there is no Dantian in the body to store true qi, so Li Suchang's body was originally empty.But at this moment, after accepting the power transferred from Alexia, Li Suchang suddenly felt that there was something warm inside her body!

It's like a little sun has been stuffed into the body!Honkai energy and magic power continued to emit, filling all the limbs and bones in an instant!My whole body seemed to have endless strength!

"Uncle Junior, this..."

"This power can last for an hour. Then you can go inside alone and leave it to me - just like we agreed yesterday." Alexia smiled, "I miss you. You should have made your decision already, right?”


Li Sushang clenched her hands slightly: "It's hard to say, but I'll think about it when I fight in the future! I will try my best not to hold you back, little uncle! Of course, little uncle, don't turn into the one holding me back. !”

"That is something that is impossible even if the world is destroyed."

After patting Li Sushang on the shoulder, he once again asked Shatiao Aige to use space control magic to send Li Sushang directly to the place with the strongest divinity in the forest.

"What do you mean by that?"

Welesrana's question finally came through.

"Transfer your power to that girl and stay to face me - do you know that this is self-destruction?"

"Huh? What did you say?"

【boost! boost! boost! boost! boost! boost! boost! boost! boost! 】

As soon as Alexia finished speaking, a large number of doubling sounds sounded again, and in an instant, Alexia's strength that had fallen to the bottom was brought back to the peak that surprised Veleslana!

Carrying the Holy Inquisitor of Heavenly Fire on his shoulders, Ixia smiled and said: "It's just an increase in strength to this extent. For me, I can recover at any time and advance to a higher level. So - sorry , Veleslana, I will kill you next."


The doubts completely faded away, and a look of bellicose expectation appeared on Veleslana's face: "Are you actually trying to kill me and rob me of my power?"

"No, that's just incidental - but you want to cause a divine war on this island, right?"


A golden sword appeared in Veleslana's hand.

He is a victor, an invincible military god who has never failed.But because of this, after winning countless victories, Veleslana also came up with the idea of ​​​​wanting to taste defeat, so he came to the earth from the mythical courtyard, appeared in the world as a disobedient, and successively He awakened the sleeping gods in various places and fought with them one by one, but so far he has not been defeated.

This time was the closest he came to defeat. The ancient god-king in Sardinia was a good opponent, and Veleslana was looking forward to the second round of the contest with him.

"That's the reason why I want to kill you, Veleslana." Exia's expression became serious, "Just think that I have an excessive sense of justice. After all, I really can't sit back and watch your gods gratify themselves. Just sink an entire island and let all the residents on the island die.”

"Oh? You care about the people and want to challenge me in order to protect you? Hehehe...hehehehahahahahahahahaha!"

After a chuckle, Veleslana suddenly burst out laughing!

The laughter was so hearty and heroic that it was completely inconsistent with his young appearance.

"Very good! Very good faith! A warrior blessed by the Dragon God! I like your faith very much! If it were in ancient times, I would definitely give you the gift of the Guardian God and make you the guardian of a city and a country!"

"However, since you have made a declaration in front of me at this moment, then I should also respond to your arrogance and arrogance!"

The strong wind swept across in an instant!

The bright morning sky turned dark and cloudy the moment Welesrana finished speaking!The roar of thunder shook the entire sky!

A terrifying oppressive force suddenly fell from the sky!An extremely heavy pressure fell on Alexia!

This is divine power.

Even if they become disobedient, God is still God. Just a thought can change the weather and make the whole world change according to their thoughts!

"Come on, warrior! I am the winner, and I only want a defeat! If you think you can replace God King Mercator, then come and fight me with all your strength!"

Veleslana has completely shed his previous superficial kindness!His whole body was surrounded by the ferocious aura and sense of ferocity belonging to the God of War and the God of War!A ferocious and mad smile took over his delicate face!

Alexia took a deep breath and easily ignored the oppressive feeling on her body——

"Then I'm welcome."

The Heavenly Fire Saint was inserted into the ground. Different from the past, the pale flames burned from the tip of the sword, rushed out from under the earth, and spread and swept away in all directions at an extremely fast speed, like a pale river of flames, and like a pale river of flames. The flame wind.

In just the blink of an eye, the world that Veleslana and Exia lived in had lost its original appearance and transformed into an endless snowfield burning with blazing blue flames!

"——[Inherent barrier, unfold]——"

Under the tree of fantasy that supported the sky, with his back to the throne that belonged to him, Exia pulled out the Holy Seal of Heavenly Fire.

"——[The moment of salvation has arrived, use this to burn everything]——"

"Welcome to my world, God."

35. Chaos that swallows the gods


Pale flames.

There is no heat, Cang Yan is as cold as zero-degree frost.

As the world was rewritten before Veleslana's eyes, the world filled with blue flames became a new world.

——[The moment of salvation has arrived, burn everything with this]

Exia's unique barrier.

He didn't choose the name himself, but Shajo Aige helped him.After all, Alexia basically has no specific moves. The only move [Sword of Oath to Salvation] is basically equal to his level A, which is a normal attack that can be used casually.

If I have to say, the sub-species Forbidden Hand Transformation and Tyrannosaurus are his specific moves.

As for the name of the inherent barrier, Ixia really didn't think it mattered, but Sajo Aige insisted on giving him a name, so he was given such a name.

[Use a flame that can burn even gods to burn everything in the old world to achieve your own salvation] - This is what Shajo Aige wants to express.

"Boundary -?"

After glancing around the world full of blue flames, Veleslana's mouth rose uncontrollably: "No, it's not a simple barrier spell, but a direct erosion of the world itself? Hahaha! You hide it? You have a pretty good trump card, warrior! Things are starting to get interesting!”

"My purpose is to protect the island outside. If I fight with you outside, the result will be the same as letting you start a divine war. So I'm sorry, but I ask you to fight me in my world. ”


The moment the voice fell.

Alexia's figure disappeared in an instant!As if he had passed through space in an instant, Veleslana felt as if the space in front of him was being squeezed with brute force!The pressure and impact of the huge mountain range suddenly hit!

The divine sword burning with pale flames slashed down at the fastest speed!


Sparks burst out in an instant!

Using his golden sword to block the flaming sword that was slashing at him at the critical moment, and feeling the pressure on his wrist, Veleslana frowned slightly, tapped the ground lightly, and withdrew dozens of people in an instant. Meters away!

"Hahaha! A pretty heavy blow! It seems that your body has been fully trained! Even Hercules cannot completely defeat you! Warrior!"

"However, even if it is the divine power that holds up the sky, I can easily surpass it!"

At this moment, Ixia seemed to see the shadow of a huge bull from Veleslana!

Immediately afterwards—


Veleslana used a speed that was almost difficult for Exia to capture. Just like Exia launched a surprise attack just now, Veleslana slashed out with an extremely fast sword!And at the moment when the golden sword collided with the Heavenly Fire Holy Judge, the impact and power Alexia felt made him unable to even hold the hilt of the sword for a moment!

The incredibly heavy blow was not something Vereslana's thin body could unleash, and it could almost rival Aixia!

No, it was vaguely above him!

(This strength - something is wrong!)


As if striking an iron block, Veleslana once again struck a sword with great speed!

But this time, his sword blade did not touch Ixia, but was blocked by a barrier made of gems before that - the No. [-] Familiar Beast, the King Kong of the Sheep!

The barrier that can automatically reflect all attacks back came into effect the moment it was touched by Veleslana's blade. With just a moment of contact, Veleslana felt himself swinging out. All the power was returned!


The body of the young god was immediately smashed away!

Alexia did not miss this obvious flaw. The Heavenly Fire Sage cutter waved his hand in the air, and the eternal god-killing blue flame instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames that filled the sky and swept out overwhelmingly!

As long as the Sekiryuutei's divine flame - [Flame of Eternal Flame] - is touched even a little bit, the ultimate flame will never go out until the target is completely burned to nothingness. Although he had faced Kai before When writing the article, he was able to break free by using a self-inflicted version of the golden cicada to escape from his shell, but there is still no doubt about the ferocity and foulness of this ability!

Without using the mercury of dragon and snake, the most vicious ability in Exia's hands is this flame.

Staring at the overwhelming blue flames, Veleslana didn't know what it was, but as the god of war, his instinct told him that once he touched the flames, even he would be defeated in an instant!


Therefore, without even the slightest hesitation, just like Alexia just now, Veleslana's figure disappeared in an instant!

Then he quickly appeared behind Exia——

"Thunder! Storm! Defeat our enemies!"

Instead of using the golden sword, he directly began to summon the divine thunder.Before figuring out the nature of the blue flame, it would be unwise to rush into a close battle - the wisdom of the God of War allowed Veleslana to make the right choice.

But at the same time, this is also the most wrong choice.


Not even a hint of breeze or thunder answered his call.

Has your power expired?

No, this is absolutely impossible!He has recovered all his powers and has become a complete Veleslana. There is absolutely no way that his powers will expire!

(Is it the influence of this barrier——?!)

indeed so.

The ability of gods to control thunder and summon storms is not created out of nothing. They summon thunder and storms from nothingness. Basically, all such abilities are boiled down to the category of [weather manipulation]. What they affect is the sky.

If it were outside, Exia would have been in a thunderstorm.But within this inherent barrier, the sky is a fantasy, and its control only exists in the hands of Exia, and there is no possibility that it can be controlled by Veleslana!

[There are several avatars that are unavailable here! 】

Before Veleslana realized this, Exia's counterattack had already struck!

After all, not attracting thunder and storm means that Veleslana stood still for a few seconds. Such a wasted opportunity, Exia will not waste it under any circumstances!

"Devour him! [Chaos of Vishnu]!"


Following Exia's order, endless herds of chaotic beasts instantly surged out from his shadow like a flood!

Also gushing out at the same time was Exia's blue flame again!

The pitch-black beast tide, surrounded by blue flames, was like a march of chaos dressed in blue flames!Mercilessly trample, devour, submerge, and crush everything in front of you!

Welleslana, who was directly in front of the beast tide, was swallowed up by the beast tide without any suspense!



Completely different thoughts appeared in their minds at the same time.

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