Yangno originally thought that as a person, he must be cooled down, and with so many juicers around him, and another cannonball was fired not long ago, he must be softer and slower in his reaction.Yangno miscalculated, it was still as hard as iron, and it was also hot to the touch.

"Notice it next time, really, it's a little bit uncomfortable."

Qianlu can be considered a veteran of Hua Cong and has rich experience, but he is still in that inexperienced state of mind. If he is slightly seduced, Niu Niu will explode.If you want to continue thinking about it, you have to let yourself go and be wild with your imagination.

"I'm here to help you, don't move!"

Yang Nai sighed, but chose to help him solve the problem, after all, she set the fire.Moreover, she had been in this state with Qianlu so many times. She had teased Qianlu before, teasing him and asking his little brother to go home late. Qianlu was feeling uncomfortable at that time. Niu Niu was in such a state.Yang Nai didn't dare to let him develop freely, as he heard that he would be depressed.

"Wait a minute, Xiao Jing is still here!"

Qianlu felt that he was going completely crazy, so he hurriedly said something, and accidentally bit Yangno's earlobe.Yang Nao was completely crazy after being manipulated like this!

Chapter 285 If you hesitate, you will lose.

Miwako felt a little absent-minded when she went to work the next day.After thinking about it all night, she didn't have any good ideas.I want to find someone to discuss it with. Qianlu's matter is not something that can be discussed casually. There is only one Miyamoto Yumi who can discuss it.

But the key is, when Miwako thinks about it, what does this look like?What does your best friend want when you take it first, finally share it with her, get back together, and then say you don’t want it anymore?You have some ingredients, right?Besides, if I say this, all of Miyamoto Yumi's hard work will be in vain.It’s hard to say or not!Even if it goes too far, it will be considered as pretentious.

Miwako hesitated in her heart, it was already noon.

"Hey! Good lunch! Miwako!"

Miyamoto Yumi watched Miwako lost in thought on the computer, quietly walked behind Miwako, and patted her unexpectedly.

"Hey, Yumi, you really scared me to death!"

Miwako shook her head and realized it was Miyamoto Yumi. Then she patted her heart and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Miwako, what are you thinking about? Could it be the wedding soon? By the way, the wedding photos haven't been taken yet, right? This weekend is pretty good. How about I accompany you?"

Miyamoto Yumi really didn't know what to say, and Miwako didn't know what to say for a while.But her hesitation gave Miyamoto Yumi time to think.

"Miwako, don't you want to get married?"

"Ah? Ah! Why do you say that!"

Miwako was guessed by Miyamoto Yumi, and she panicked and wanted to hide it, but how could she hide it!

Miyamoto Yumi’s face is ugly, ugly!Why did she speed up the progress with Qianlu?That's because, because of her, there was a misunderstanding of the relationship between Miwako and Chiritsu, which eventually led to Miwako and Chiritsu having to get married. In fact, it was Miwako who insisted on getting married, and that was why she gave Miyamoto Yumi this illusion.But it is undeniable that Miyamoto Yumi felt guilty because of this, so she took the initiative to speed up the progress.

The qualitative change in her relationship with Chiritsu is one of the conditions for her to become a bridge between Chiritsu and Miwako.This was originally a good thing, Miyamoto Yumi told herself so.Qianlu treated her very well.Set aside one day every weekend to spend time with Miwako. In fact, it was only in the morning, and from the afternoon onwards, she would go shopping and go on dates with her.

Later, her meeting with Haneda Hideyoshi made her know the secret behind the breakup a few years ago. She later found the envelope left by Haneda Hideyoshi from the apartment manager and knew Haneda Hideyoshi's feelings. But now that the matter was over, what happened? I can go back easily!So Yumi Miyamoto simply burned the envelope, determined to let this incident and these feelings stay in the past and become a regret forever.

But now, what is Miwako saying?She said she suddenly didn't want to get married.So, the question is, who is the Joker?

Miyamoto Yumi has never had any regrets, but now?It turns out that Miwako doesn’t want to get married, everything is just wishful thinking on my part, hahahaha, I’m such a clown.If, if the relationship with Qian Ritsu is gradual, then does she still have a chance with Haneda Hideyoshi?The regret that originally stayed in memories now turned into regret and filled my heart.

Taking a deep breath, he calmly told himself that without Qian Ritsu, he would not have met Haneda Hideyoshi, and all this was nonsense.Haneda Hideyoshi is dead. He is far from the same kind of person as you. He is the leader in the world of shogi, and shogi will always be the first in his heart.He is dead.

"Miwako, why did you suddenly think of this?"

Miwako saw it very clearly. Miyamoto Yumi's expression went from ugly to painful, and then finally calm. It was hard to imagine what Miyamoto Yumi had gone through.Miwako couldn't find a good excuse to pull Miyamoto Yumi out of her memories.

"I married Qianliu just because I wanted to seek asylum. After all, I was worried that Tachibana would put me in my shoes. But now, Chief Tachibana is not that kind of person. On the contrary, marrying Qianliu will lead to a deep power struggle."

Miyamoto Yumi was stunned, why didn't she hear Miwako say this?No, that's not right, I still have some impression. At least I can get this through thinking. I must have got this before.Then why, I didn't expect today's vulnerability.

"Let's go eat first and talk later. It's already noon and there isn't much time to rest."

Miyamoto Yumi was very confused, so she had to take Miwako to the dining hall first.She needed time to digest.

After finishing the meal, I sat down and took a few bites.Only then did Miyamoto Yumi realize that there was something wrong, it was Tachibana Rock!After Shizuka Hiratsuka came to the Metropolitan Police Department and found out that Tachibana had escaped, she immediately characterized Tachibana as a very evil person.Therefore, Tachibana has become a fixed mindset in her mind. It is impossible for Tachibana to help Miwako or stop persecuting Miwako.

But now the situation has reversed, catching Miyamoto Yumi off guard.It’s Orange Rock again!Miyamoto Yumi's heart was filled with unprecedented anger. When she was with Haneda Hideyoshi, it was the appearance of Tachibana Iwa that made her calm down, and she clearly realized that family background can block love. Her calmness allowed her to survive this first love. I didn't lose much, it was just a pity. It is irreparable now.

From this, Miyamoto Yumi thought of the introduction when she met Haneda Hideyoshi. She was Qian Ritsu's wife.This is already a done deal.No matter whether she separated from Qianliu or not, Haneda Hideyoshi would never favor her again. Being with her would damage his reputation. Therefore, Haneda Hideyoshi's fruitless first love can only be an eternal regret.After understanding this, Miyamoto Yumi became much more calm.At this point, she can only be Qianlu's wife.Put away these useless emotions, it's time to solve Miwako's problem. She can still be saved, and she can still taste the beauty of first love.

"Then you don't want to get married, what are you going to do now?"

"I have no idea……"

Miwako was very distressed and buried herself in eating.This made Miyamoto Yumi's calm mood once again ignited.

"Then if you don't want to get married, just say it. Qianlu will definitely agree. Even if you say how you want to do it, as long as it's not too much, Qianlu will cooperate with you. If he dares to say no, I will help you in minutes. You teach him a lesson."

"But my mother wants me to get married."

Miyamoto Yumi really wants to greet Miwako’s mother, where is your mother!

"I have no other good solution. You have to think about it yourself. I won't say anything more."

Miyamoto Yumi bluntly refused to help Miwako think of the answer. This is Miwako's life, not hers.

Chapter 286


Miwako looked at Miyamoto Yumi pitifully, while Miyamoto Yumi ate slowly and ignored her.This is what she is like.Whenever there is any emotional or social problem, I always can't think of a good solution, or even make a decision.It seemed that she was born with the feeling that she was inferior to others and did not have the right to make a choice. She always had to be pushed forward by others.

Seeing Yumi Miyamoto being indifferent, Miwako also realized the importance of the matter.

"Then please Yumi, please accompany me and Qianri to choose wedding dresses this weekend, and then take wedding photos."

After thinking for a long time, Miwako finally made an important decision at the end of lunch time.

Miyamoto Yumi looked at Miwako with a sad expression. Miwako was not happy, and she was not happy either, but she gritted her teeth and said nothing more.

"Okay. Did you make an appointment with Qianlu?"

"Well, I'll talk to him later."

Miwako and Miyamoto Yumi finalized some details and shifted their attention away from getting married and having children with Qian Ritsu. Miwako was no longer so uncomfortable. It would be better if she got busy. Miwako warned herself in her heart.

After Miyamoto Yumi and Miwako separated, while there was still some time before going to work, she called Qian Ritsu.

"Hey, is this Qianlu?"

"Well, Yumi, what's the matter?"

It's noon. Hiratsuka Shizuka and Harano are both up. They have just had lunch and are working. Qian Ritsu is looking at some documents that have been processed. Putting aside the embarrassment of getting up in the morning, they are now on their own. Be well!

"Are you free tonight? Come out and play!"

"Well, if it's around five o'clock in the afternoon, until seven o'clock in the evening, I can stay with you."

Yumi's voice was mixed with irritability and discomfort. Among Qianliu's women, she spent the most time dating Yumi, and her voice was also the most enthusiastic and lively. Therefore, Qianliu could tell when there was a slight change, but yesterday As promised in the evening, I will definitely stay here for a few days.Combined with Miyamoto Yumi's off-duty time, Qian Ritsu was able to squeeze out this little free time.

"Forget it if you have something to do, you shouldn't be in Tokyo now, right?"

Miyamoto Yumi guessed that the only woman around Qian Ritsu was Sayuri Matsumoto. In addition, he did not attend business dinners, and students were still on spring break, so he was very, very free.So the question is, why is he, who is also in Tokyo, only available at specific times?

"How did you guess that? Can't I be dating a girl?"

Qian Ritsu originally thought that Miyamoto Yumi would ask him which girl he was accompanying, but it turned out to be a dimensionality reduction attack.

"The time period you mentioned is just right for a walk. If I have a relationship with you and are still dating together, you will definitely not be available. I have dated you so many times, and I know you very well. . If it has nothing to do with you, it’s even more impossible. You don’t even want to accept Miwako, and are you going to ask for trouble? "

Miyamoto Yumi knew very well that most of the women around Qian Ritsu were like old married couples, meaning they only had the chance to get along with each other at night and on holidays.There is only one Yumi Miyamoto. After being an old married couple, they find love with each other. They are always chatting and dating. The two of them are like young men and women who have just been together, always caring about each other in their hearts.

Therefore, Miyamoto Yumi is not only the one who has the deepest relationship with Qian Ritsu, but she is definitely one of the people who understands Qian Ritsu the best.

"You have really seen through it all. Well, I am now at Jing's home in Chiba. I promised her that I would come and stay with her for a few days."

"Then say hello to Xiaojing for me."

"Yes, yes. Do you want to make a date this afternoon?"

"No, let's chat on the phone. We still have a few minutes."


Qianlu vaguely felt that it was Miwako's matter. The conversation had just broken down last night, and now Miyamoto Yumi came over. She always wanted to ask questions, but Qianlu would not speak first, in case he misunderstood something, or Miyamoto If Moto Yumi knew the inside story, she would be a clown.

"What happened between you and Miwako yesterday afternoon?"

Miyamoto Yumi didn't directly say that Miwako didn't want to get married. If Qian Ritsu heard this, he would probably be so happy that he would not get married, but now Miwako has given up on this. Saying you're afraid doesn't mean you're going in the opposite direction.

Qianlu confessed honestly.Miyamoto Yumi listened and thought about it, and finally understood.

"I don't want to say anything more. Miwako's affairs are none of my business. Anyway, she won't affect our relationship. What do you think?"

Miyamoto Yumi first took herself out of the whole thing.Because when she and Qian Ritsu were together, it was because she wanted to accompany Miwako. This was the first reason. Later, she slowly made amends and wanted Qian Ritsu to know that she wanted to pursue him, which was why this happened.However, Miyamoto Yumi was afraid that Qian Ritsu would not have any impression, and because of the previous incident, she was worried about her relationship with him, so she came up with the idea of ​​checking and filling in the gaps here.

"If she wants to get married, I'll get married. If she doesn't feel that I can't get enough of her, I won't touch her. It's not that I don't have a woman, and I don't like her very much. Don't say that she thinks so. Even if it's me, I don't want to be so heartless. People who don't want to sleep together. She can do whatever she likes, and I'll just cooperate."

"Miwako and I owe you a lot, but as long as you can figure it out. That's it, bye, I'm going to work."


Miyamoto Yumi is very happy. When she gets along with Qianliu, she can feel the changes in Qianliu the most. From the beginning, she wanted to understand Miwako, and after understanding her, she felt sorry for Miwako. These are all Qianliu's deliberate intentions, as if the person she is sorry for is He is the same, but no, it is Miwako, who wants to bring Qian Ritsu in as her bargaining chip.Until now, Qian Ritsu no longer thinks about why Miwako doesn't want to get married. He has also returned to the casualness at the beginning of the relationship.

This is like a sentence, I am invincible, you can do whatever you want.Precisely because we have no worries, we can avoid taking care of others in interpersonal relationships.As long as you care about the other person at all, you must take care of the other person's thoughts.But many times, who are you!The same goes for Qian Ritsu and Miwako. They were originally two parallel lines with no intersection. Now and in the past, they were all mixed up with these cares. Now it’s fine, Miwako, who are you!

Although Miyamoto Yumi is happy from the bottom of her heart that Qian Ritsu is freed from this abnormal relationship, Miwako is still trapped in this abnormal relationship, and even if she wants to break away, she can't change it.Miyamoto Yumi, what can she do?It was impossible for Qianlu to help her.It would be impossible for her to say it herself.So, this is a dead end.

Chapter 287 Akane Kosaka is trouble

After Qianlu hung up the phone, he went back to think about it carefully and patted his head, oh, I understand.This Miwako is determined to marry her!

If Miwako really didn't marry her, then Miyamoto Yumi would definitely know it immediately, and it would be impossible for her to say nothing even if she called her.Then there is only one other outcome.In fact, Qian Ritsu accepted it calmly. Now that he thinks about it, he feels a little sad because Miwako's resistance gave him hope.

After thinking it through, I just laughed it off.As expected, Miwako received a text message as evening approached.

"Qianlu, how about taking wedding photos this weekend?"

"Well, sure, I'll let her make arrangements later."

After making a simple appointment with Miwako, the chat came to an end.In the past, it was the same for Hemi and Kazuko when they were alone. Apart from necessary interactions, the rest was to keep each other safe.Only with Miyamoto Yumi here and chatting, the three of them can chat non-stop like old friends.The relationship between Qianlu and Meihezi is progressing too fast. This is something that all three of them know, but none of them are aware of.

It's the same process as yesterday, but today, the two girls won't let Qianlu start even if they say anything.In this way, the three of them went to bed early, planning to have an early rest.Unexpectedly, the call came at this time.

"Good evening, Mr. Wuliangta."

"I'm not good, Miss Kosaka. You have so many things to do!"

Qianlu recognized whose voice it was, but he was too polite. Who was Akane Kousaka to him?A subordinate, a not very obedient subordinate, always bothered him to do this and that. Qianlu actually didn't resent it, because it was not particularly troublesome, that is, it was just a small fluctuation in the ordinary daily arrangements, let alone her arrangements. Things can also look beautiful.But now, I am really bored. I turn off the lights and go to sleep. Now the phone call comes. Who receives it?

"Sorry to bother you, sorry to bother you. I'll come back tomorrow to apologize."

"Stop, stop, stop, don't hang up. Tell me what's going on now. Also, call me after dinner, don't pick a time in the dead of night. You don't have a private life, I do!"

"Yes, yes. It's Mashiro Shiina. Could you please pick her up and take Eri with you?"

Qian Ritsu was silent. This thing is really possible. First, he took him to see Eiri to get information about Shiina Mashiro, and then used this information to push Shiina Mashiro back to the country. When he returned home, he had no one to show him, so he just wanted someone to take care of him. Now She was also afraid that something would happen to her and she would have to go pick her up.Qian Ritsu really wanted to greet Akane Kosaka's immediate family members.

"How many things do you still have? I agree with the nature of men, but that's not the reason why you always use me like this."

"That's the last thing. I won't bother you next time. Just the two of us will come out alone to meet and have a chat."

"No need, I have enough women."

Qian Ritsu hung up the phone immediately after saying that. Miwako was so silent that she wanted to give it to her for nothing, so she took him to get the marriage certificate.Akane Kosaka also doesn't regard herself as an outsider, and she will be troublesome if she gets to know her a little bit.Are you showing off your dog-licking temperament?Just one or two of them like to use themselves to do this or that.

Qianlu was very upset. He was not afraid that his goodwill would be consumed. What he was afraid of was that his goodwill would be squandered as worthless garbage.If we don’t talk about feelings, let’s talk about transactions. If you come and I go back and forth, this is considered a relationship!Look, yes, Miwako is the one I want to take care of.Akane Kosaka is soft-hearted.This is the last time. Anyone who troubles me in the future must make it clear. If you have money, you will give money, and if you don't have money, don't think that you are familiar with it just by saying a few words.

Qian Ritsu returned to the room. Hiratsuka Shizuka and Harano did not make any unnecessary noises, but seemed to be asleep. However, when Qian Ritsu returned to his place, he could still feel the initiative of the two.

The next afternoon, Qianlu regretted it.

The car was driving on a neon unique street, which was very narrow and had no sidewalks.This is a residential area, with single-family villas and a surrounding wall.

Leaving the narrow terrain and heading to higher ground, you will arrive at a high-end residential building with complete security after walking uphill. Not only are the dignitaries here, but they all have the capital to squander.

"Lie down!"

The driver suddenly shouted, and Qianlu subconsciously fell down on the back seat, followed by a violent brake.


There are partitions between the front and back seats. A car with this configuration seemed to be Qianlu's first choice for traveling, so Qianlu didn't see what happened in the front seat.

It wasn't until about ten minutes later that a rhythmic sound of tapping on the glass was heard. Qianlu realized that it was safe and could get out of the car.But according to the safety regulations, I still took the weapons I had prepared.

"very sorry!"

The driver bowed vigorously.

"I'm fine, let's talk about what happened first!"

"When I was turning to go uphill, suddenly a person pushed the bicycle and ran down suddenly, and then the accident happened."

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