"Old cow, even if you didn't tell me the details of your eagerness, I would have sent someone to look up the information for you right away. Now you just deny it to me. Why, this guy belongs to you, old guy?" illegitimate child?"

"The problem is that I...this...oh, doesn't that Guawazi I saw today call himself Yang Pojun!"

Niu Jian told the old man in the white vest in detail about his meeting with Yang Pojun and his subsequent secret peeping.

"Three possibilities, two make you look stupid, and one makes you fucking stupid. Which one do you want to hear first?"

"Isn't there any possibility of looking stupid?"

"You can't even think of anything and yet you still expect to take the piss out of your uncle. Why do you, an old boy, think so beautifully?"

"Ahem, let's talk about business and talk about business!"

The old man in the white vest took a sip of tea, cleared his throat, and said, "The first possibility is that this kid has no amnesia at all. The so-called Yang Pojun just came up with the name to scare you, a wretched old man."

"You old...cough, you continue."

Glaring at this old friend who was about to scold him, the old man in the white vest continued: "If that's the case, as long as this kid is not a thin boy with an Asian face, then I think he is worthy of my granddaughter's study. You don't know, That girl a few days ago..."

"Stop, stop, stop, the topic has changed."

"Tch. The second possibility is that he lost his memory. He had the impression that there was a name called Yang Pojun and he took it as his own name. He can investigate the names of Yang Pojun who has been dead for ten years here. Network of personal connections during lifetime to narrow the scope of examination.”

"It doesn't sound like I'm stupid, right? Then what could be the other thing that makes me look stupid?"

Niu Jian asked.

"...Have you forgotten what you did to get rid of the possession of the Tower Master of the Violent Tower?"

"I became a demon, and I successfully got rid of Qiongqi by transcending destiny. This is why other four evil towers have twelve demons who rotate to guard the tower once a month, but I can carry that kind of... He has been guarded by the poisonous temptation for 20 consecutive years."

"Then how did you become a demon?"

"Isn't it said that if you train your will and ability to the limit, you may reach the devil realm at the critical moment of life and death?"

"But you are not."

"What is that? Let me think about it... Oh, by the way, I killed a few guys called demon kings, and then I was promoted naturally."

"The Red Devil, he is one of the best among the trash from another world."

The old man in the white vest corrected him.

"Those beasts who have no idea of ​​etiquette, justice and shame just want to enjoy themselves freely in this world that does not belong to them, devouring the existence of ordinary people and continuing their stay. When we wait for the swordsmen to kill their bodies, those The unburned power of existence will allow us to reach the [Gate] in advance, which means that we will be given the possibility of finding a breakthrough in a narrow escape before we are fully prepared. You killed three red demon kings back then , and broke through into a demon, someone raised this possibility."

"In fact, when you went to guard the Tower of Violence, a hunter frenzy set off. From disciples to demon kings, countless visitors from the Red World were found, slaughtered, and massacred like witches hunting in the Middle World. Demons are born, and more swordsmen die.”

"I can't say whether it's good or bad. Anyway, after that, the number of demons in the country increased from more than 160 to over [-]. The key is that there are several more young people, and us old guys feel a lot more at ease."

"But what does the devil have to do with that kid?"

"The existence of the Demon King requires devouring humans whose power of existence is similar to theirs, but besides directly eating humans, there is another way."

"Find an individual with a huge power of existence. In our case, it is the kind of person who is considered to be a saint or destined to be famous throughout the ages. Sign a contract with him, and then that person will lose all traces of his original existence and become a person without past and history. Future……"

"Fire Mist Warrior."

【143】Saved the believer (probably)

"Fire Mist Warrior?"

[Yes, a "non-existent person" who signs a contract with a disciple of the Red World or even the Demon King and then loses the past and future and stays in the present forever. 】

"Oh, this type of guy...why are you bringing this up?"

[Do you want to become a Fire Mist Warrior?Although the method is a little circuitous, you can do it. 】

"Why should I become a Fire Mist Warrior?"

[…Don’t you feel that your current strength is not enough? 】


Yang Pojun agreed with Xuan Yin Zhi An's words with a sad expression.

"Originally, it was agreed that I would be teleported to find a stable place to land, but the first time, I was moved back to the floating island, and the second time, my whole body was sent to Japan. Damn it, Weiwu The accuracy is also too low, and I’m afraid it won’t be a substitute for precision E in JOJO.”

[If you become a Fire Mist Warrior...]

"I said, Wei Wu, how did you move me?"

"First make a space door, check if the other side is safe, and then send you in."

"Random location?"

"I don't remember how to locate it."

"Has anyone ever said that your strength is incredible?"


"Then you have it today."


Snakes have always been indifferent to this kind of thing, although there is a vague feeling that someone said that ████, you have committed a heinous crime, and you have ignored it for your own selfish desires... blah blah, I forgot about it later, I only remember that I seemed to be carrying someone and a red The guys started fighting.

Hey, wait, do I have a grudge against someone?

Forget it, if you don’t come to your door, just pretend it’s not there.

Today, the snake with a new name decided to die.

Xuan Yin Zhi Dark was very happy at first that these two guys were in extremely poor condition and had some problems with their brains.

But when Yang Pojun didn't follow its path at all, Xuanyin Zhiyin realized that there was not something wrong with this thing's brain, but that it had returned to chaos.

Therefore, it interfered with the transmission of the Sacrifice Snake, which was originally accurate within a hundred meters. Using him as a medium, it found the approximate location of the Zero Hour Mystery, causing the transmission to be deflected and arrive here.

The original plan was to allow this man to have means other than armor to take away the Zero Hour Mystery in order to ensure his long-term prosperity. It also ensured that the entire existence of the Yangpo Army would not be taken away, so that he would not break the contract and achieve his goal. .

Hmm... As long as Ultan's core and even the power of existence can be freely transformed, the goal should be achieved.

As a result, he died in the first step.

Don’t get me wrong, Xuanyin’s Darkness doesn’t have any bad intentions towards Yang Po Army this time. It just took the lead in reading the rules of this world and knew that if Yang Po Army can kill enough Red World Demon King, it is possible to achieve The realm of [Demon].

In the final analysis, this realm is actually nothing remarkable, but as a [Special Rule] that conforms to the rules of this world and transcends them, and its analysis of Qiongqi's body, it is determined that this guy has reached the realm of the devil, and he will be so easily defeated. Yang Pojun was most likely killed because it recognized the emperor's magnetic field that the man couldn't cover even with other armor.

And since Qiongqi, one of the Four Evils, has completed the "promotion" of the devil, the Shadow Emperor, the source of their power, will only have the same or even stronger power.

Blood-devouring attacks the world, and the Shadow Emperor claims that he became the Shadow Emperor here, which means that the Yang Po Army should have completed its inheritance here.The inheritance of darkness is far more dangerous than the inheritance of light. If Yang Pojun can become a demon on his own, Xuanyin's Darkness can also intervene and rescue his inheritance when it is in danger, and in this way he can owe him a debt. Favor.Thinking about it, this is also the reason why Yang Weiwu in the future chose to make LISA temporarily lose the ability to communicate with Yang Pojun, but he had no reason to interfere with it.

But no matter how much I say, it has no meaning now, after all, it has failed.

Is it better to find a way to expose him to the Heaven and Earth Tribulation Fire?The God of Punishment and the God of Creation are both three pillar gods, so they should support him, right?

Then Xuan Yin Zhi Dark rejected this stupid idea.

Because without the summoning of divine power, the snake on the Qingming Sword has a clear gap with the body of the ritual snake. In addition, the sound emitted by his current external vocal organ (referring to the snake on the Qingming Sword) The voice is actually relatively neutral, and the entire Demon King's aura has changed drastically due to Yang Pojun's [control], and even acquaintances may not recognize it.

"Pojun, I seem to feel someone calling me."

Snake's words interrupted the meaningless silence between the three parties.

"Calling you?"

Could it be said that it is...the top seat? !

Realizing that Yang Pojun might be able to follow the path of the underworld eldest brother, Xuanyin Zhidan suppressed his thoughts of reminder and looked at Yang Pojun quietly.


"I don't know, it sounds like a child's voice."

Children...must be in the top seat!

"Then go have a look."

Yang Pojun took the two bottles of drinks he had just dropped from the vending machine nearby and walked in the direction the snake said.


The thin and petite body was exposed to the air, and a child with obvious signs of torture lay curled up in the cage.

The gentle-looking woman, wearing some messy gorgeous clothes, walked to the cage.

"Zi Yin, then it's time to forgive mom, right?"

"Mom knows that she was too impulsive before and did something important to you."

"But mom, this is all for your own good!"

"If you honestly give your mother happiness and don't use your ability to make her suffer, then can't she continue to be your good mother?"

"You wouldn't have ended up in this miserable situation today, would you?"

The child's lips moved.


The woman opened the cage and leaned forward.

"No...will...give you...happiness..."


The high heels kicked the child directly.

"You bastard!"

"I worked so hard to give birth to you!"

"Now that things have happened, you are not even willing to give me happiness!"

"Whose fault do you think it is that I suffered this?!"

"Your scumbag father is having affairs and cheating outside every day!"

"I know this, but I still can only endure it here!"

"Why, why, why!"


"Don't I deserve happiness? Can't I be with my darling and put a hat on your beastly father?!"

"You little beast, little beast, little beast!"

With a ferocious expression, the woman picked up the basin she had brought with her since she entered the house, which was filled with boiling water.

"I want to see how long you can stay stubborn."

He shook the basin hard, and a large amount of steaming boiling water fell on the child, but it failed to make him scream.

He has been experiencing this kind of pain almost every day since three months ago, and now it is difficult to even scream.

But this does not mean that the child is not in pain.

He just moved his body painfully, retreating as far back into the cage as possible.

Even though the cage was nothing more than a large rabbit cage, he could barely move much.

The woman's expression softened a lot after she made such a move. She took the basin and walked out of the room, slamming the door shut.

The boy in the cage prayed to an unknown existence in a low voice——

"Everyone is fine...come and save me..."


"In here?"


"This is a private house!"

"But someone really called me, it seemed like they were calling for help or something."

"You can't, right? There's no way someone would tie someone up in their own home and torture them. How could such a person exist in this world?"

The Darkness of Xuanyin: […]

You who tied people up in the basement and sold them for money are the least qualified to say this.

"How about you throw me in and I can use the snake's eyes on the sword to see what's going on."

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