Yang Pojun only felt that the smell was like smelling cucumber and white garlic juice after trying anything he ate, and he still hasn't gotten over it until now.

But the strange thing is that the body does not feel uncomfortable due to lack of energy, but instead feels like the power of digestion is rising.

It's just that the place where the swelling is rising is not the stomach but the chest.

"Then... let's go buy some bread. I feel like there's still some residue of the white garlic juice in my mouth."

"Actually, it might be better to cover it up with heavy flavors...but I can probably stuff it with bread."

The two hit it off immediately and came to the bakery.

"Boss, do you have any recommended products?"

"Yes, two little brothers, the melon buns in our store are the best. Every day, the god of melon buns comes to collect the first baked honeydew buns!"

"Sounds good, then I want all the bread here."

"Okay, guest...eheheh? All of them?!!!"


Without any distress, he took out a stack of fresh [-]-yuan bills from his pocket and slapped them on the table with a "pop" sound.

I don’t feel bad about the money being printed now.Yang Pojun had discussed issues with Snake about the material and serial number. Each banknote had been checked, and even the money counter would only determine that these were genuine banknotes without duplication.

Well, he confirmed that the banking system recognized the money, so the only ones who suffered when the money was traded were the Japanese officials.

Japan, the world's victorious country in World War II, might as well die.

By the way, the main battle between World War I and World War II in this world was the Tower of Four Evils. Having said that, it is not bad to be able to bite a piece of flesh from other countries.So when Japan happily sent troops to attack an ancient country, this country, which had special powers and was keen on developing related farming systems, armed with [-] weapons, kept a quarter of the people there. "Yes."Then a man named Kurogane Ryoma relied on his great fortune to make a breakthrough in a battle in the Pacific Ocean where it was agreed that no demons would be sent. As a result, the Japanese side obtained the main ownership of the Tower of Arrogance. .But because they didn't have the ability to guard it, the guard was handed over to the United States.

Anyway, after Yangpojun found this internal record of the Celestial Empire, he wanted to laugh when he looked at the Japanese internal "National hero Black Iron Ryoma won the war for the great Yamato nation. Wow, wow, wow, neon..." Then print Japanese banknotes here without any psychological burden.

In fact, if there is a way to get a legal ID card, he still hopes to go to the Celestial Empire in this world. After all, this is the Ming Dynasty that has not changed due to the Little Ice Age and continues to this day, although it is now a constitutional monarch.

If we were to rank China, a different world with different possibilities, this world's Celestial Empire would be the type that Yang Po Jun wanted to visit third.By the way, the first is a different world China where the entertainment industry relies on acting skills and looks rather than relying on capital and face-filing. The second is a different world China where the national football team won... and entered the World Cup based on strength.

"Hey, you guy, are you polite?"

A voice with Louise's voice sounded from behind, and the voice engraved into Yang Pojun's DNA made him violate the principle of getting along with people for a long time before he saw the owner of the voice, and decided on his own. The other party is a tsundere.

Holding his bangs with his right hand, he lifted them back, and with the telekinesis-like ability that he didn't know when he had mastered it, he turned into a slouched head. Yang Pojun turned to look at the girl who made the noise with a smile on his face.

What caught his eye was long hair the color of a red lotus, and a pair of angry ruby ​​eyes.

Well, she is a girl about the same height as herself. Considering that she is late in development among her peers and girls develop faster, this child is... twelve years old, not fifteen or sixteen years old, unless the physiological state is locked. .

"You guy, you just sold out the bakery without thinking about other customers who want to buy bread?!"

"I spent money to buy the corresponding things, and I still plan to use them myself. I didn't do anything to undermine the market. So is there anything worthy of blame in my behavior?"

While regretting that the other party didn't have long cherry-colored hair, Yang Pojun took a look at the other party's clothes.

A leather suit that looks like a one-piece overall and a dark black coat. I can't tell whose school uniform it is... No, even if Japanese school uniforms are casual, they won't have this style, right?

"What deserves my blame is that you bought all the melon buns I wanted to buy!"

"Can't you just buy it elsewhere?!"

“The ones here are the most delicious!”

"Well, calm down, you two. The next batch of melon buns will be ready soon. Can you please wait a little longer, miss? And this little brother, are you really sure you want to buy so much bread? At home? The adults might say something about you."

"Just pack it for me and I'll find someone to take it away."

Yang Pojun is determined to develop food preservation technology with Snake. That ability called the Self-Free Technique seems to be able to do anything, so it might be interesting to take this opportunity to develop a portable food preservation technique.

Bread is the emergency food he has prepared for the next six months, and it is also a test prop. Whether the Free Method can succeed depends on whether it is reliable or not.

"Then, as you can see, just wait honestly, little red-haired sister."

The girl's eyes widened and she looked at him in disbelief.

"Well, Entei, she has black hair."

Tiangong Ziyin whispered.

"Are you color blind? Your hair is so red that it's almost burning, and you tell me it's black?"

Yang Pojun looked at him speechlessly and said.

"But she really has black hair. How do you make her look red?"

"...Then tell me what kind of clothes she is wearing."

"Dark green sailor suit."


Yang Pojun asked hesitantly: "Can you see the jewelry on her chest?"

"What jewelry?"

When the girl heard this, she jumped back and took out a sword that was more than one meter long.

"Inherent spiritual equipment...it shouldn't be that kind of thing, right?"

Seeing the unsheathed long sword that the other party took out from his black clothes, Yang Pojun compared the appearance with his own Qing Ming, and felt that it was a physical weapon that was put away.

"Are you... a demon?"

The girl looked at Yang Pojun seriously and asked in a deep voice.

"The devil?"

Yang Pojun tilted his head?

"Tiangong, do you know what that is?"

"...You just mentioned it to me in the car before."

"Oh, yes. Then I don't seem to be here. After all, he seems to be a guy who trains his body and mind to the limit and then breaks through himself. And the higher the magic power, the easier it is. Let alone the average level of a swordsman like me, I can't even do it. It shouldn’t be possible for someone with less than one-tenth of the average person’s abilities to become a demon, right?”

After opening the Shura Summoner, the petite boy and girl stood facing each other holding weapons.

"Go out and fight?"



The purple electric light carried the red-haired girl straight into the sky. Yang Pojun attacked the unknown girl one-sidedly in the abdomen while constantly using his will power to force the air into the air.

Yang Pojun liked this girl's voice, but this did not affect his attitude of equality between men and women.

If a man asks him to fight, he should be beaten seriously. If a woman asks him to fight, she should be beaten seriously. Only in this way can one be considered healthy.

But Yang Pojun had to admit one thing, this girl gave him a "heartbeat" feeling.

Combined with the fact that he kept having visions of the petite blond girl during this period, he felt that he needed to go back and find some casting materials to confirm whether his ancestral XP of the Lao Yang family had been changed.

【Qingtian Impact】

The purple aura condensed on his legs and feet, and Yang Pojun kicked the girl down towards the outside of the city.


Amidst the loud noise, Yang Pojun, who was holding the girl and wearing Shura armor, stepped in the center of the pit.

If he really kicked it into the ground, the kid would probably die. Yang Pojun only had a fight with the other party because the other party said he wanted to fight. Even if he was a scum who could print money, he would not do it. Things like killing people.

"So why did you ask me to fight? I thought you were strong?"

He clearly felt that the opponent's petite body contained a power as strong as a snake, but after Yang Pojun actually experienced it, he found that the opponent was unexpectedly weak.

His meager sword skills, his reaction speed that could not keep up with the frequency of his attacks, and his shallow combat experience would be deceived by some fake moves.And I didn’t see her using her cutting power, so I always felt like she was fooled.

"Are you really a swordsman? Or are you just a normal person who is delirious?"

The latter was just a joke. Yang Pojun could tell at a glance that the opponent's physical strength was definitely not that of a normal person. Although he didn't know how he knew it, he almost relied on being suppressed in the process of beating the opponent. His instinct, otherwise the other party wouldn't even be able to chop him with that big knife.

"I am...the crusader with flaming hair and eyes..."

"Hmm...I don't understand."

"She is the Fire Mist Warrior."

"Wei Wu, why did you stop me when I wanted to use Qing Ming just now?"

"Because I had a feeling that it would be bad if I was seen."

"You feel ashamed to be exposed in front of girls? But you are not the same species? And snakes don't need to wear clothes."

"It's not that kid, it's something else. It feels like an old acquaintance with whom we don't have a very good relationship."

"So that's the child of an acquaintance of yours? She fainted. Do you want me to take care of her first?"

"I do not mind."

Snake had no premonition that this would be a bad thing and allowed Yang Pojun to step forward and carry the girl on his back.

"Hey, kid."

A calm voice sounded. If you wanted to make an analogy, it was probably an old father who saw his daughter being beaten by a wild boy.

"Who is speaking?"

"Look at the pendant."

Yang Pojun put the girl down and grabbed the delicate pendant on her chest.

"Let's talk, kid."

【146】 Shana, Mistis

"The pendant spoke."

"No need to be surprised. This is my artifact for external communication. Didn't the Demon King you contracted with give you something similar?"

"What devil?"

"...You wouldn't just sign a contract with someone else without even knowing who the Red World is, right?"

The owner of the voice sounded troubled.

"Beings from another world need to devour the power of human existence to survive in this world, right?"

"Yes, and the Fire Mist Warrior is a warrior who has dedicated all of himself and turned himself into a container to store the sleeping Demon King. That is the case with you and this child."

When did I give my all?

"Then, if possible, I don't really want you to have a conflict with this child. After all, the purpose of choosing the devil king as a contractor is... for world peace. Even if it is not necessary, I still hope that you can live in harmony. , although she was too impulsive this time."

"This child belongs to this child...so what is her name?"

"no name."

"No name? Why? Do you devouring existence also include taking the name?"

"No, this child was never given a name at birth."

"Won't you get one for her?"

"Haha, I plan to let her find someone she likes. Although from a human perspective, I may be a bit like a father, but I don't have any talent for naming."

"...Speaking of which, is this child the kind of person who likes to meddle in other people's business?"

"No, I won't care much if I don't find her. Why do you ask?"

"Then she just likes eating melon buns?"

"It's almost like three meals, but it's impossible to just eat that kind of thing. Although the Fire Mist Warrior actually doesn't have to eat anything."

"Would it be convenient for me to communicate with your contractor? I should know him."

“We’ll talk about that kind of thing later.”

The smile on Yang Pojun's face gradually became wicked.

"It's still a long time. I'll let Tiangong take care of her first. If there's anything else, wait until I finish shopping."

The demon king sleeping in the girl's body had a bad premonition.

The unconscious girl frowned, as if she had foreseen what was going to happen next.


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