"That's the childhood idol. Look at that waist and hips, and then look at..."

"There are real children here, can't you restrain yourself?"

"Sorry, I got a little too self-conscious. Tiangong, let's go, don't worry about those guys."

Lifting Wallenstein up casually, Yang Pojun greeted Tiangong Ziyin to leave.

Tiangong Ziyin quickly followed him and watched Yang Pojun operate the Shura Summoner.

"Do you want to make a phone call? There shouldn't be any signal here, right?"

"This is not a real mobile phone. Things like signal can also be obtained by relying on things other than signal stations."

"What are you going to do with those people?"

"Terrorists...the bad guys' lives are also their own. I'm calling an ambulance and a police car now. If they can be rescued, they will be lucky. If they can't be rescued, they won't be rescued. If they become terrorists, they will no longer have parents. They will die." It doesn’t matter.”

"In the first half of your sentence, you were still saying that the lives of bad people matter."

"Life and death are fateful, but the pronunciation of the two words in Japanese is not the same, so you may not be able to understand my pun."

He threw a claw-shaped attack behind him and tore Faliagni's body into pieces. Yang Pojun casually threw the revolver and ring he took out from the opponent's body to Tiangong Ziyin.

"Keep it for now and take inventory later."


Faliagni's upper body struggled to crawl towards the people in Rebellion.

"How is it possible... to die like this!"

"I want to survive and then seek revenge on that guy! Absolutely, absolutely cannot die like this!"

The pale white flames swallowed up the people who were unable to move on the ground, and Faliagni healed his body under the influence of the power of existence.

The shattered body showed a miraculous recovery speed as if it were turning back time.

That is the power of the power of existence. Using this simple healing method can easily cure human terminal illnesses, and serious injuries can be healed immediately.

Standing up with difficulty, a heartfelt smile appeared on Faliagni's face, and then, a wave of dark flames completely engulfed him.

His eyes widened.

There is almost no overlap in the flame colors of the disciples of the Red World. This is largely because their characteristics have never been the same.

In the long years, he had seen such pure black flames, and only one Red World Demon King had it.

"Hey, hey, isn't it? That kind of monster was actually released and signed a contract with humans..."

The golden sword energy cut off his body. After the ceiling was burned and disappeared, he saw the emperor and the dragon confronting the snake.

【151】Breaking out of the body·Second time

"What are these two things for?"

Tian Gong Ziyin asked curiously.

"It seems to be a weapon that can instantly kill Fire Mist Warriors, but it's of no use to ordinary people like me."

Yang Pojun moved Wallenstein from his hand to his other hand and helped him unfold the revolver with one hand, revealing a magazine without a single bullet.

"Well, it doesn't even have actual bullets. To ordinary humans, it's just a toy that looks like a real gun."

"Can this be considered a Noble Phantasm?"

Tian Gong Ziyin fired a shot into his palm and found that not to mention the void bullet, not even sparks came out of the muzzle.

"Who knows."

Yang Pojun took off the Shura Summoner and released the armor fusion.

"Special attack weapons are usually ineffective against enemies other than the target, so it is common sense that they are so useless."

"So you picked up extra things?"

"That's not necessarily the case. You might be able to use it someday? For example, if you ran into a hostile Fire Mist Warrior when I couldn't take action, or something."

"Let's forget about that kind of thing. Compared to this bad situation, I really hope that I can find the Fire Mist Warrior to try the power of this gun."

Tiangong Ziyin unconsciously aimed his gun at Yang Pojun.

"Haha, just don't miss it. So the special training will continue later."

"...You clearly said we won't have any special training today!"

"Have it?"

"Yes! Absolutely!"

"I change my order day by day!"


"Weren't there any cultural classes? Or is it because you only have to write multiple-choice questions in your exams, so you don't pay attention to the lectures?"

Yang Pojun didn't know much about Japanese education, and it was Japanese education in a different world, so he said it jokingly.

"I have the ability to listen carefully to the lectures and then take the exam myself!"

"Ability is also part of ability, right?"

"No use of ability!"

"Actually, it might be better if you use it. It's quite interesting to easily let the few Hundan in the class who know how to roll at such a young age try their best but lose to luck."

After all, sometimes hard work may not necessarily lead to success. Instead of letting them take the lead and make the atmosphere uninviting, it is better to attack those who take the lead.It’s good to hurt a few people and save a group of people’s school life memories, right?After all, learning this kind of thing depends on talent in the final analysis. Those who are not talented in this area will not be able to get into Tsinghua and Peking University no matter how hard they work, which is also a cruel reality.

Yang Pojun still remembers a buddy in his class who gave himself extra training after completing the homework assigned by the school every day. He did not engage in entertainment for three years and only maintained necessary exercise. He seemed to be centrifugal even at the end of the roll. The school is a dozen.

Um?Did I graduate from high school?

Yang Pojun, whose head ached slightly because of this memory, pressed his temples.

Tian Gong Ziyin looked at this guy who didn't understand how much effort he had put in to prove that he could not only rely on his sword-cutting ability, and angrily pulled the trigger.

When I use this gun to defeat the Fire Mist Warrior, I'll see if you can still laugh!

The invisible bullet hit Yang Pojun's body, went straight to the depths, and landed on the snake.

The delicate balance maintained by the five-element blockade composed of light energy and his power was instantly broken, and the memory belonging to the snake was flowing back.


A terrifying scream rang out, instantly stunning Tiangong Ziyin.

A jet-black snake emerged from the chest of the boy who looked only 12 years old, and his body continued to expand into a huge body of a thousand meters.

The ritual snake has come to dominate this world in its complete form.

Just by appearing, the dark flames began to spread, and his unique seal was activated, cutting off all external cause and effect.


[A little earlier than I expected.I originally thought that I would have to wait until the armored beast's new intelligence was completely born and received his memories before I would need to take the initiative to intervene. 】

On the golden throne, the emperor said slowly.

Opposite him was the huge Star God.

[Many times, things do not develop in the most ideal direction, but I think the current situation may not be called bad. 】

[It’s really not bad, at least the body’s nirvana has been completed.And I also know to some extent the reason why Yang Weiwu in the future insisted on letting himself come to this world.I thought it was just to get the power of the Shadow Emperor, but it turned out that the main purpose was to get rid of the "control" he had imposed on me. 】

[Proving to us that he is qualified to obtain power may be one of the goals. I am still quite optimistic about him. 】

[From the beginning to the end, I never communicated with him or asked him what I wanted. Otan, for humans, this is just indifference. 】

[I have nothing to ask for, and I don’t think communicating with me is a good thing.Life should bloom freely, not follow my will. 】

【is this okay?He is currently in a confused period in his life. He has a life-breaking character as his name suggests. If he is not affected in time and allowed to grow freely, he may end up becoming a piranha. 】

[It makes no difference to me, whether it is a piranha or any other flower.In the same way, his growth as a good person or an evil person is the same to me. 】

[Do you think so about life in your own world? 】

[In the past, I still hoped that they could live in harmony, but then I figured it out, that was just a restraint on them.What a creator should do should not include guidance, that is what "parents" should do. 】

[Aren’t you considered a “parent”? 】

[If it counts, it may be a very bad one.After all, they are just the Star Gods I created... Forget it, let's not talk about this anymore, they have their own choices. 】

[Considering the actual situation, let’s be closer to our seniors. 】

[So, as a "senior", what are you going to do?Help him, or just sit back and watch? 】

[I have witnessed his future, so it wouldn’t be a bad idea to intervene a little in the process in exchange for some favors, right? 】

The Emperor looked at the red and blue Yin Yang fish between him and Ultan.

[The Yin soul is more able to "accept" external influences, and the Yang soul is more determined.It's just a little bit of inspiration from him, and this "control" is exerted on this part. 】

The Aurora Sword appeared in his hand, and the Emperor stood up and unfolded the red and blue Yin Yang Fish.

A magic patch covered with cracks appeared in his hand.

The Emperor looked at the black snake above and threw the Magic Tie towards the red ball of light.

The Magic Tie was shattered, and something fell on the red ball of light. Enveloped by a golden light, it flew towards the illusory snake shadow in the hall.


The Sacrificial Snake stretched out its huge divine body. His body, which had been maintained by Yang Pojun's body, was only in excellent condition at this moment.

However, his consciousness was a little blurry because he recalled too many memories at once, but at least he took the best self-protection measures.

After waking up a little, his huge snake eyes looked at Yang Pojun, whose chest was wide open and motionless.

"Although the first meeting was not pleasant, I still want to thank you for taking me out of there, Yang Pojun... no, Yang Weiwu."

"I will use your name to create a new world to commemorate you who helped me in the end."

This is the way of the sacrificial snake, Weiwu.


The crimson eyes dimmed, then lit up with a pale blue luster.

Those somewhat gray blue eyes reminded the Ritual Snake of the memory of "Howl".

But it's over, this time He won, even if it was just luck, that was the result.


Some kind of pain came from the inside out, and the ritual snake twisted its body involuntarily.

The white-gold sharp blade penetrated the snake's belly, and a faint dragon roar could be heard.


Accompanied by the soft sound of some kind of flesh and blood being cut open, the white-gold armored beast emerged from the huge body of the ritual snake.


Yang Weiwu looked around somewhat drowsily.

The height always feels strange, the field of view is also strange, and...

He twisted his head and found that he had easily turned 180 degrees and saw the long white-gold body emitting golden light.

Yang Weiwu: "..."

I was probably not awake yet, so I saw it wrong.

"Yang Weiwu! You actually hid your armored beast in my body as a back-up!"

A familiar voice came and Yang Weiwu looked up.

Hey, isn’t this the snake that I beat so hard not long ago that it’s almost ready to be soaked in wine?Why are you so tired when you wake up?

The good mood that the Sacrifice Snake had just woke up quickly disappeared. Being dealt such a blow meant that he was in a bad state now and lacked the power of existence. In order to recover, he still needed to devour humans quickly.

Of course, he knew that this approach was destined to run counter to Yang Pojun's will.

But there is a saying that the butt determines the head.

After all, the Sacrificial Snake is still the god of the Red World Demon King. He has a broad mind and affirms desires, but this is directed at the Red World Demon King.

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