If you decide to act recklessly and fail to seize the opportunity to show off, then the so-called wanton behavior is just a joke.

"Howling Cinami——"

The amethyst-like tiles were dyed azure, and the scorpion totem on them also changed into a shape similar to a squid.

"The power of the drowning roar!"

Hundreds of ribbons blocked all his escape routes like a swarm of snakes, attacking with murderous intent.


Throwing out the Sidebao Brick with all his strength, the blue crystal shattered into thousands of pieces the moment it hit a ribbon, and then flew back at a speed far exceeding that of the ribbon, falling to Yang Pojun. On the body.

The silver-blue armor was integrated almost instantly. The ability to teleport, which is essentially the transformation of the whole body into elements, allowed him to flow out perfectly from the gaps of hundreds of ribbons in the posture of a water element, and stood gracefully on the ground. On the open ground.

Although he does not use a belt to transform, there is still a transformer and a silver energy key on the waist of the Uzumaki Armor.

This is naturally the handiwork of Yang Pojun after research.

At first, he randomly made the Moon Summoner, and then tested it and confirmed that it was indeed usable ("tentacles" grew out after inserting the golden elf key into his finger).

He doesn't know that he is the future... No, it should be said that he has done it many times before he has such proficiency. After all, he is the kind of person who is extremely forgetful.

Later, he asked Lamy and the Ritual Snake for advice on how to refine the Noble Phantasm.

According to them, things like Noble Phantasms are actually basically made by humans, and people from the Red World can at most provide assistance.This is why this kind of thing only exists in this world but not in the red world.

To make a Noble Phantasm, you must first have a deep grasp of the power of existence, then the creativity of things, and finally, you must have a [Flame] of sufficient quality.

The flame quality of the ritual snake with the power of creation is completely sufficient, and the manipulation of the power of existence is also assisted by the will. The process of skilled control is not difficult.

As for creativity…

To be honest, he was a little surprised that he could so easily transform the four treasure bricks that according to Xuanyin Dark said that as long as it hit him, he could complete the armor fusion of Jueqiao Armor, into a brick that after chanting the summons, the brick body was broken. It is a Noble Phantasm that automatically completes the fusion of armor, and even successfully introduced the power of the water element in the golden key inlaid with aqua blue gems, allowing this thing to take another form.

The main reason for adding the transformer is to increase the fashion value. After all, if the transformer is not retained, it will always feel like something is missing.

Summoning the Whirling Sword, Yang Pojun, who entered the battle-ready state, twitched his neck and raised the tip of the sword toward his opponent provocatively.

Wilemina looked at the ground that was destroyed by her attack just now. Instead of attacking immediately, she launched Seal.

Cherry-colored flames spread and enveloped the area.

This free method, which has the effect of cutting off cause and effect like a barrier, looks like a dreamy beauty under this color.

It reminded Yang Pojun of the reagent that his dad had given him. Once he was alone with him, he would be driven by that man and transform into a cute beast with a head like a David from the neck down, a strong man's body or a restraining tentacle. Blame the body stuff.

In his eyes, the word dream should be classified as a derogatory term.

He pulled out the energy key from the Moon Summoner and stuffed it into the slot of the Whirling Sword.

The silver-blue elemental spirit flew out and landed on the thin sword.Turn it into a weapon like a knight's spear.

[Whirlpool Spear]

[The amount of the second weapon’s ultimate skill has been filled. 】

A large number of swirling elements gathered in front of him to form an aqua blue [Diamond] copybook.

Speaking of which, Yangpojun discovered during the research process that elemental armor has the ability to peel off foreign matter from an individual.

For example, he relied on beatings to almost beat Jin, who had been implanted in the body to maintain his dog shape, back to his original golden-haired kid.

I just don’t know if attacking the Fire Mist Warrior can bring out the Red Demon King from the opponent’s body.

As for what would happen if the Red World Demon King was stripped of the Fire Mist Warriors if it was possible, he was not interested in that kind of thing now.

It just so happened that an "experimental subject" came, and it would be useless if he didn't do this kind of thing.

[Swirling octopus splitting monster drill]

Under the armor, Yang Pojun, who was grinning ferociously, launched his special attack at Wilhelmina without any hesitation.

The white ribbons were layered under the master's sense of crisis, and were instantly penetrated by this attack.

【190】The game of playing house with good teachers and helpful friends is about to end

What would a nine-year-old kid like?

As for Amangong Ziyin, she would be like ordinary children of the same age, hoping to have friends accompany her to the amusement park.

Of course, it doesn't mean that they have to be in an amusement park, but Yang Pojun started training them for more than six hours a day two months ago. When they were tired, he would use the free method he developed to help them quickly recover their physical strength.

He even developed an unprecedented method of restoring magic power.

In this world, magic power is generally linked to the mind. A swordsman who has exhausted his magic power will lose consciousness and fall into a coma, but there is no major physical problem.

For thousands of years, human civilization has explored countless ways to increase magic power and speed up the recovery of magic power, but to no avail (except for the method of becoming a demon).

So actually hundreds of years ago, magic was the power of destiny.

The so-called destiny is that mortals cannot change it.

Only in modern times, the existence of the Four Evil Towers provided a way to break the theory that the total amount of innate magic power is constant.

What Yang Pojun accomplished can be said to have completely shattered the shaken notions of magic and destiny.

When a kind of energy or thing is generated out of thin air and can only be produced or restored slowly over time, it will appear precious.

But when this speed is fast enough, then at this time, there is a question mark as to how many people will regard it as sacred.

After something close to the truth was shattered, Tian Gong Ziyin's worship of Yang Pojun who shattered the "truth" began to transform into something similar to faith.

In addition, he did achieve [success] because of the opponent's method [without relying on ability], so [Fire Emperor is correct] is a brand new truth in his mind.

And his [Truth] said before he went out that as long as he went shopping with Shana in the shopping street during the day, he would have a happy day, and when he said goodbye to Shana after a while, he could smile and say "Goodbye" In this case.

Then, wouldn't it be nice to just spend the day like this and go back at night to give Entei chocolates and other things to express his gratitude for taking care of him?

However, the so-called "as long as" often has variables.

The moment the two of them walked out of the store, Feng Jue's unfolding aura caught their attention.

"Sakura-colored... flames?"

Seeing the broad seal for the first time, Tiangong Ziyin subconsciously said this.

The next moment, the girl next to him rushed out.


Tian Gong Ziyin wanted to reach out and grab the other person, but in the end she was still a step too slow.


"What are you doing?"

Yang Pojun asked, looking at the white-gold armored beast in confusion.

The blue dragon eyes stared at him, and the Emperor of Light War Dragon stretched his body and stood between Yang Pojun and Wilhelmina.

As a part of the Emperor's Armor, He should be more aware than the two Emperors' consciousnesses existing in Yang Pojun's mental space that Yang Pojun's fit with the Emperor's Armor has now reached the final step.

Because of this, no one could realize that Yang Pojun's current state was absolutely abnormal before him.

Physical condition is generally normal - limited to the neck down.

After being with him for such a long time, He basically confirmed that this man was that kind of special single-threaded brain.

An ordinary single-threaded brain cannot multi-task and handle multiple things at the same time due to brain power and attention problems.

Yang Pojun's single-threaded brain, because of the wonderful self-bound state of the soul, can be very concentrated on one thing. Concentrated enough to allow difficult things to be quickly understood and memorized. Concentrated enough to use as much brain power as possible. Things that were previously remembered are forgotten, leaving perhaps only a tiny bit of space.

But the current Yang Po Army is not like that.

At the same time, he used the free method of exploration he developed to feel the cherry-colored flames that filled the seal where he was. While constructing a free method to target the nature of the cherry-colored flames, he used the sure-kill spell to beat the fire mist warrior.He was even searching in his mind for any movies about children whose mothers died and sought power for revenge, and then he saw a certain Mr. Yeager saying that it was bad luck.

Compared with the original... No, the four or even five functions of the mind that ordinary people can't do at all do not affect the efficiency at all. At the same time, the self-binding state of the soul has not been released. It is said that he has been hiding the front. Totally impossible.

Then, the reasonable explanation is that Yang Pojun was controlled...

This is impossible.

Protecting his spirit were two Emperor's Wills, and Ultan.Furthermore, his own spirit has nothing to do with weakness because of the Yang Soul.

The Emperor of Light Zhanlong didn't understand what the situation was, but if Yang Pojun killed the Fire Mist Warrior who was currently leaning towards humans in his heart in such a state, it might be very bad afterwards.

"Well, it's true that I can't communicate with species that can't speak. It seems that I haven't confided anything to you, and our feelings for each other are very weak."

The wrist holding the Xuanxu spear moved slightly, and the tip of the spear shook.

But it’s not about warming up and then fighting another round.

After being blocked by the Emperor of Light and the Dragon, the Yang Po Army saw Wilhelmina, who had lost one of her arms in the aftermath of the Uzumaki monster drill, and finally felt that their status was almost established, and planned to Call it a day.

Although it was a bit pretentious, he [suddenly] felt the need to design the action of withdrawing from the armor and joining together.

And a certain Fire Mist Warrior who didn't know his true intentions, when he saw the Gunslinger who was more of a "provocative" than "showing off", his reaction was -


The flames of Guren appeared on Odachi's sword as a huge flaming blade and rushed straight towards Yang Pojun.

It was a free method that purely pursued lethality that he had tailor-made for Shana after studying her skills and the nature of flames these days. Its power is so high that it is expected to test the appearance of Yang Pojun's Whirlpool Armor helmet. Worthy bald head.

However, the shortcomings are self-evident. Because it consumes a lot of the power of existence, the speed bonus brought by the Free Magic Wings of Flame that can be used to let Shana fly will be reduced accordingly.

Well...to give a vivid metaphor, the happy type of Dagu gave up speed and chose happiness.

The armor transformed his body into elements and avoided this dangerous attack.

The second weapon formed by the elemental elves attached to it flew up due to the ability to control objects through the air, and penetrated the girl's abdomen.

Just before Shana was about to fall asleep due to the freedom method that was activated when someone attacked, she saw the other person take off the summoner on his belt.

“It feels like it’s getting interesting.”

Those were the last words she heard.

【191】The Cause of War (4K)

When Tiangong Ziyin arrived at the core of the seal's deployment, Sakura's seal had been lifted.

He saw the man he regarded as the "Truth" sitting on the back of Xiu Denan, who was resting his hands and knees on the ground, holding a lollipop in his mouth leisurely.

The girl who had bought chocolates with him not long ago fell to the ground together with an unknown maid, seemingly unconscious.

"Hey~Tiangong, why are you here?"

Yang Pojun asked as he took off the lollipop from his mouth and waved it towards Tiangong Ziyin.

"Eh? Shana and I just saw the Feng Jue unfolding here, so we rushed over together."

Tian Gong Ziyin replied subconsciously.


Yang Pojun looked at Xia Na, who had fallen to the ground and was still awake until he invited Xiu Denan to sit on him as a seat, and then looked at Tiangong Ziyin, who had just arrived.

He may have some cognitive errors about the word "together".Or maybe he needs to relearn his Japanese.

"... Emperor Yan, what just happened here?"

"Oh, I beat up a Fire Mist Warrior, who was probably the adoptive mother that Shana mentioned. Then Shana rushed up, and I beat her as well."


"Compared to this kind of thing, did you have fun today?"

"...Except for the ending, most of the time I was very happy."

"Yes, that's fine."

Yang Pojun stuffed the lollipop back into his mouth.

"Take the two of them and go back to the hotel. It looks like our scheduled itinerary can be adjusted a little."


When Wilemina woke up again, she found herself lying on the sofa, where the man who had defeated her with a strange armored treasure not long ago was playing poker with a boy who looked eight or nine years old.

The flaming-haired and scorching-eyed crusader who he had raised with his own hands sat beside the two of them with a cold face.

After noticing Wilhelmina's awakening, the child came over immediately.

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