"I understand, the general will come back too, right?"

The miko who created the god stood up.

The Red Demon King with the name of [Lantho] immediately stepped forward.

"Go and call the [Staff Officer] over."

Her delicate but expressionless face showed no emotion.

"The alliance leader is about to complete the return, and we need to hold a grand ceremony in accordance with his orders."


Bellpeolu had a little headache about her alliance leader.

Although most of the followers of the Red World are just guys who come up with their own ideas, although the devil who created herself is a guy who will cause the market to do some things that give her a headache because she is too sure of other people's desires, even though she knows the world Most things in life are often unsatisfactory...

But this was the first time she heard such a request.

"Find a few Red World Demon Kings with bad tempers and sufficient strength to launch appropriate provocations against the container he chooses without any verbal insults related to genealogy... This will show the Red World's followers who may have objections to his return. Use your own measure to solve hidden dangers.”

Not that there is anything wrong with such a request, but this is the first time that such a [Royal Order] has come from the mouth of the ritual snake.

According to her past knowledge, most of the actions this demon god will make are direct and quick-witted. Although it can show its tolerance and domineering, it has nothing to do with adjectives such as foresight.

But she has absolute respect for the ritual snake, and also trusts Hecate's abilities as a miko.

Therefore, she found her capable subordinates and told them about this matter first.

"What?! You actually let the Fire Mist Warrior become the leader of the Red World like us!"

As expected, Liebezal suddenly made a strong objection.

He is his own veteran cadre, and his loyalty and abilities are absolutely worthy of trust.

Correspondingly, he has the shortcomings of being grumpy or rude in words and deeds that meet the requirements of the leader.

"I am here to inform you of this matter in advance because the alliance leader requested it, and also because you are cadres who are deeply trusted by me."

Two golden eyes looked at the several Red Demon Kings in front of them.

"What the Alliance Leader said is correct. Hidden dangers need to be resolved in advance. Since He has issued such an order and you are indeed dissatisfied, my order to you is to take action first after I gather people to greet the Alliance Leader and let the other party show strength."

"Do you mean to ask me to act with the clown all of a sudden?"

"I'm not asking you to stop." The tall woman - the [Consultant] of the masquerade said.

"You can use all your strength to vent your dissatisfaction or deny the other party. The result is up to you."

"... Are you serious?"

"That is the alliance leader's order, and it is also my will."


At that time, Liebezar was not told that when the Ritual Snake issued the order, he said that if he did not do this, a number of outstanding cadres might die.

Bellpeolu understood at this moment why the ritual snake made such a request.

The murderous intention directed at all of them and the trembling feeling in their bodies told everyone present one fact -

The other party really has the intention and ability to kill them all.

【198】 Emperor Yan ([-])

Unexpectedly, Liebezar is absolutely loyal to Berlupeolo, the judge of injustice.

From the time she came to this world to the present, which lasted for thousands of years, Bellpeolu has dutifully completed the operation and expansion of the masquerade.

Liebezar saw it all.

Because of this, he could not accept a guy who was so "weak" that he needed to sign a contract with humans to stand above Bellpeolu.

With his own loyalty, he did his best on this day without hesitation.

Also glimpsed into the true abyss.


Liebezal's first impression of the Fire Mist Warriors of the Ritual Serpent was ordinary.

Very ordinary.

No matter how you look at it, the other person is just an ordinary person.

The aura is ordinary, the magic power content is much lower than that of ordinary people, and the posture... It has the feeling of a resting beast, but it makes no sense.

The other party is weak.

Liebezar has no hesitation in making this assessment.

Human beings are consumables for the survival of the Red World.

In the minds of most Red World disciples, this is almost common sense.

Fire Mist Warriors are tools of annihilation used by ignorant compatriots to give power to boring things to harm those in the Red World.

That is, absolutely harmful.

From this point of view, the sacrificial snake who chose to sign a contract with humans did not deserve his loyalty.

So, he used all his strength.

No matter whether he is weak or strong, since Belupeolo has indeed said that, Liebezar also has the conceptual respect of the man he decided to kill, so it is natural for him to go all out. .

However, that weak aura changed after the other party put on a silver armor.

I don't know if it was because the opponent was wearing an artifact as a Fire Mist Warrior, but that ancient and domineering aura locked onto himself and all his clones almost instantly.

Just standing there, waving his hands, blasting out purple fighting energy, all the clones were wiped out.

In the end, when Liebezar was still conscious of the ghostly figure stepping on him, he felt this emotion.


The other party directly affirmed his dissatisfaction, and clearly demonstrated his power to completely defeat him.

Even though there was a heavy weight of actual murderous intention lingering on the other party, that will still penetrated deeply into his heart.


How, how great!

This is undoubtedly the proper attitude of the great leader who dominates us!

Liebezar, who thought so sincerely, finally fainted.


"It feels okay. Through my [communication], your feelings have indeed been conveyed to the other party."

The man said cheerfully.

"In this way, I think I can survive, right?"

The ritual snake Wei Wu said.

"That depends on the situation."

The man's expression became uninterested.

"If a fight breaks out, there is a small chance that he will be beaten to death in the aftermath. If a fight doesn't break out, Po Jun, who is not satisfied enough, may kill him for fun."

"That's not what you said before."

"Please, it's rare for a human being to consolidate power without dying. Can a member of the Red World be immortal? Even if that is possible, it doesn't mean that it is absolutely achievable, right?"

"The person who ultimately makes the decision is Pojun himself. All I can influence is the options he may prefer, but what he cannot do from the beginning cannot be done by just [communication]."

Wei Wu, the ritual snake, fell silent.

"However, because the current momentum looks good, I don't have any plans with a slight failure rate. Do you want to try them out?"



Yang Pojun felt a little embarrassed now.

Wanli in his Ou... his name is too long and I forgot, so let's call him Big Beetle.

Now that he had defeated the big beetle and breathed a sigh of relief to the opponent, the confrontation between him and the opponent had reached a dead end.

To put it simply, the other party is as motionless as if he has forgotten the words. Hundreds of people are like this.

If it was included in many programs or film and television dramas, it would be considered a collective performance accident.

He is determined to break this situation, but in the final analysis, his lack of acting experience means that he does not have the ability to edit lines on the spot, and many special photography stalks cannot be used appropriately without being used.

So he had no choice but to stand there with a poss.

The current situation is that he strikes first, and the previous shots are probably not used, because he has a petty temper that can't be tempered and makes sneak attacks, and the strength of Shura Armor will be affected.If he didn't take action, the scene would just freeze, and no one knew what would happen next.

Just when the balance in his mind was gradually tilting towards reshooting, sky-blue flames emerged and turned into a structure similar to a door.

A petite girl wearing a wide-brimmed white hat and a cloak walked out.

A kind of throbbing came from his heart, and Yang Pojun had some guesses about the identity of the other party.

"Master Great Imperial Witch!"

Several people from the Red World shouted like this.

This also allowed Yang Pojun to confirm the identity of the other party.

The Seat of the Top, Hecate, the shrine maiden of the Ritual Serpent, serves as the necessary sacrifice to fully activate the Ritual Creation.

It is also the "deposit" that I cannot use as a bargaining chip so far.

The Red World Demon King, whose real name is Dingzhizuo, ignored the calls of those Red World disciples and walked straight to Yang Pojun and knelt down simply.


This is what she calls Yang Pojun - the Demon King of the Red World in her body.

"Your return is most welcome."

And as if a key event had been triggered, the remaining members of the Red World, led by the golden-eyed Sister Yu, quickly knelt down towards the Yang Po Army one after another.

"We sincerely welcome the return of the alliance leader."

The shouts of hundreds of people, many of them from big men three meters away, made such congratulations extremely effective. In other words, in this scene, Shura Armor is the "surrounded king".

Yang Pojun still regrets not being able to have a good fight. To show his strength in special shooting, he has to fight or adopt a new form before the battle.

However, the quality was guaranteed at this moment, and he chose what seemed to be a compromise option at the moment, like a gal who couldn't roll back or save.

Fire fire fire start button.

The Rakshasa Purgatory Cannon was summoned. This huge cannon, which was so heavy that it should not be lifted by one person, was easily lifted by Yang Pojun, who was wearing Shura armor at this moment, and pointed at the sky.

In less than a second, his mind condensed an amazingly powerful energy bomb at the muzzle, and then it was shot into the sky and exploded.

In the background of the clouds being blown away by a huge force, he said this——

"The holy war I have been waiting for is about to begin."

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!"

What responded to him was the cheers of the Red World disciples.


Just like the Xingli Palace in the fortress, it has welcomed a distinguished new owner after many years.

The Yang Po Army did not dissolve the armor fusion. Da Ma Jin Dao sat on the throne dedicated to the alliance leader and listened to the report of Bell Peolu as the [Staff Advisor].

"The above is the distribution of the masquerade members who have not been able to return for the time being and the approximate distribution of the Red World disciples who have not been able to belong to us. As for the [Outside Hostel], which is the base of the Fire Mist Warriors, I expect to let the Xiude who returned with you Go south and destroy it.”


Yang Pojun expressed his rejection to his subordinates' arrangement.

"Tell the world where the Xingli Palace is and show our masquerade spirit in the most ostentatious way."

"...Your Excellency Emperor Yan, I must remind you that doing so will have unpredictable risks."

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