"Died on the road to pursuing dreams, or reaching the end. Whether it is [Yang Wuqu], [Yang Lucun] or [Yang Wei Family], the men of the old Yang family are like this. So why can't Yang Pojun ? Adults have to take some risks in order to succeed, right?"

"You convinced me."

"So, is there anything I can do to help?"

"Yes, I have."

The man said with a smile.

"Take care of it honestly."


"I have objections!"

Liebezar said.

"Tell me about it, Suidi Xi."

Bellopeo said.

"Why do we want to release the news that we will use the power of the entire masquerade to destroy the Tower of Pride? That will only arouse the hostility of mankind in advance, right?"

It was not because he was dissatisfied with the Yangpo Army, but because he was loyal to them. He used his tactical vision and knowledge of both the enemy and ourselves to find the problem with Bellpeolu's order.

Not long ago, Bellpeolu gave orders to the leader of the masquerade party, Entei.

"Liberate all the concealment methods of Xingli Palace, move towards the Tower of Arrogance in the most ostentatious way possible, and at the same time spread the news that we, the masquerade party, will do everything we can to destroy it."

"This is a blatant breach of the original contract with the demons. In order to achieve our noble cause, it is logically better for the current masquerade to be as low-key as possible."

this is correct.

Both Qianbian Shudenan and the Judge of Unreason, Bellpeolu, understand this truth deeply.

If this is just the request of Emperor Yan, then they will most likely still say one thing and do the other. Even if Xiu Denan was threatened with the tragic situation of Airan brother and sister and beaten every day for several months, they would still do it. .

But the problem is that this is not just the request of Emperor Yan——

"I hope you will ensure that he can destroy the Tower of Four Evils."

"But, Alliance Leader... you have been away from this world for too long, and you don't know how dangerous the tower masters who reside there are. Even if they are demons who are officially prohibited from participating in wars and interfering in politics, they still have Things that are nostalgic can be threatened. Tower owners are monsters who don't care about anything at all, and even their intelligence needs to be questioned. And to deal with such guys, even if they just attack a tower, the masquerade party may suffer heavy losses. .”

"The handling of the tower master and the tower itself is Yandi's business. All you need to do is to prevent anyone except the tower master from disturbing him."

"Furthermore, I made this decision after deeply considering the pros and cons of releasing the masquerade name."

"The so-called [prestige] is achieved by making your name known. If we want to pursue success, we must [accomplish all efforts in one battle], and reduce as much as possible those who may not be good in the front, but have the ability to hide and launch cold arrows." A large number of insidious people can also contribute to our path to victory."


The immediate boss has already mentioned this, so what else can Bellopeolu say?

The first person to agree to the other party's order was the top seat, Hecate. Then, out of her own appreciation of difficulties and her love of "not being able to get everything as she wished," the staff officer also accepted this seemingly unplanned and random order.

And Xiu Denan...

Shudenan's wish is to protect Hecate. In most cases, Hecate's will can represent himself. In addition, it is also his instinct to obey the orders of the ritual snake.

However, unlike Sanzhuchen, although most people in the masquerade are impressed by Yandi's power, it does not mean that they will obey Yandi unconditionally like crazy fans who are obsessed with stars.

On the contrary, those who are loyal will often use their wisdom and strength to do so.

Just like Liebezar who suddenly raised objections to this imperial order.

Although he is a rude and seemingly brainless Red Demon King, he is actually a guy who is proficient in command and possesses the wisdom related to large-scale battles.

At least when it comes to battle-related matters, there is a large proportion of people who trust Liebezar's judgment in the masquerade.

"Attracting enough attention is also what we need to do."

Xiudenan said.

"The Royal Psalm has been recast under the careful study of the alliance leader, but it requires enough time and so-called [attention] to reveal it."

He wasn't talking nonsense.

Before arriving at the Xingli Palace, the Ceremonial Snake had already explained to him what he planned to do next, including announcing the existence of the Red World disciples to the whole world, and increasing the number of people in the masquerade party with the chaos that would follow. Let humans and Fire Mist warriors who are good at internal fighting take the initiative to create time for them to complete their preparations.

Of course, he had no intention of modifying the fact that there would be casualties. It would be better to say that it was impossible to modify such a thing that everyone knew.

"We are destined to use ourselves as the cornerstone on the road to realizing our great vision with the alliance leader. This is also a difficult road destined to be full of thorns, but we, the three pillar ministers, are still willing to risk everything we have to realize it."

The masquerade general loudly declared his will.

"My subordinates are not determined enough."

Liebezar knelt down on one knee.

"I, Sudzee Liebezar, am willing to dedicate everything I have to the vision of our masquerade!"

The eyes of several Red World Demon Kings who were still shaken at first quickly became firm after seeing this.

"For the new world I'm waiting for!"

The Judge of Absurdity, Bellpeolu shouted.

““For the new world I’m waiting for!!!”””

"""Oh oh oh oh oh----"""

The lack of morale and potential dangers had been resolved, and the staff officer showed a reassuring smile.


"Let's go, Luo Sha, it's time to set off. The airship is ready."

Luo Shao, who was dragged out of the laboratory without any warning, looked at the muscular man expressionlessly.

"Where are you taking me?"

"Wind Star, there is going to be a martial arts competition there. I remember the name is called [Storm Cup]. I heard that there are strong men from all the seventeen surrounding galaxies gathered there. You can have a good fight!"


Luo Sha laughed without emotion in her voice.

"I dont go."

"Don't say that. I heard that the winner can choose rare materials that can be used to make mental weapons. I think I need to add a more convenient long-range weapon to Shura Armor, so I just took this opportunity to check it out. Shura Demon Dagger The output power is still lacking, and the attack area is too small.”

While speaking, Luo Sha's light body was already carried on Emperor Yan's shoulders.

"High-precision weapons are like this, but aren't there long-range attacks that can slash across a wide range?"

"The density is not enough. When Yan Fei dodged between the slashes and hit him twice, I thought about getting a cannon or something like that, or an arm armor that can blast strong winds."

"Then don't you consider that Yan Tian lowered Yan Xing's favorability there? If we go there, will we really not be arrested?"

"So I asked you to help me disguise myself."

Emperor Yan said matter-of-factly.

"Are you looking for me for appraisal?"


"Looking for me for weapon production?"


"Sneaking in? Looking for me?"


"Then what do I need you for?"

"I defeated all my enemies! And I heard that among the prizes is that wind thing you have been thinking about."

"Extreme wind crystal?"

"Yes, this is it!"

It is said to be an important material that can be used to make a weapon that can turn mental energy into extremely fast divine wind and release it. It can greatly improve the lightness and [cutting] characteristics of the weapon. According to the information Luo Sha found, it is absolutely This is the material used to make the Shadow Whirlwind Knife.

And this thing, Flame Star, is no longer in stock.

"Let's go, don't miss this opportunity again!"

She jumped down and carried Emperor Yan on her back.

"Where do you two want to go?"

The angry voice of a certain lieutenant came.

"At the critical moment of the experiment, the person in charge ran away, right?"

The figure wearing the Explosive King Kong came with dull footsteps, and the white arc intercepted the two people's progress.

[200] Emperor Yan ([-])

Being carried so he could directly see Emperor Yan coming out of the laboratory door behind Luo Sha, he had no sense of doing anything wrong.

"The Storm Cup is clearly more important than an experiment that can be repeated."

"Do you know what experiments we are doing?"

"do not know."

Yan just couldn't catch his breath and could not recover.

"Then I will explain to you the importance of this experiment now."

Yan Gang's hand touched the card box on his waist.

"Don't even think about it!"

Maintaining the habit of always monitoring behind her with her mental energy field, Luo Sha naturally observed this move of the other party.

So she threw Emperor Yan out like a stick.

Forced to stop his movements, Yan Gang stretched out his hand to take Emperor Yan.

With his outstanding balance ability and body flexibility, Emperor Yan hugged Yan Gang with his upper body and kicked his calf hard with his lower body.

"You bastard, you're pretty good at dirty tricks!"

Yan Gang took the attack forcefully and was not seriously injured under the protection of the armor. A ferocious smile appeared on his face covered by the helmet.

"Asura armor, fit together!"

Taking advantage of his distraction, Luo Sha completed the armor fusion, and launched a sky-lifting strike, bringing both of them within the attack range.

"Hmph! Explosive punch!"

Throwing Emperor Yan out, Yan Gang took out the summoning card of [Explosive Fist] in time and stuffed it into the summoner.

Huge double gloves wrapped his hands, and just by raising them, he blocked Luo Sha's attack.

“Isn’t that thing a single piece?!”

"If the user of the mental energy weapon is compatible enough and the mental energy is strong, it can temporarily generate a temporary copy of the same level." Because wearing a glove-type weapon looks more like a heavily armored tank. Gang's fists collided, making a dull sound.

"That kind of thing can be found in "Discussion on the Copying of Psychoactive Weapons" on shelf No. 11-4 on the sixth floor of the school library! Give me a good supplement of knowledge, you bastard!"

"Vajra Heaven and Earth Fist!"

Even though he was wearing Yanxing's heaviest armor, Yan Gang still rushed out at a speed that could be described as terrifying, and the energy on his fists turned into chaotic fluctuations.

Feeling the opponent's attack, considering that even with armor protection, it would be enough to break a few ribs, Luo Sha sighed in her heart and activated the super acceleration.

Unlike Yanxing's top three armors, which had a maximum acceleration of [-] times, Shura armor could reach an astonishing [-] times acceleration.

The consequences are just a little bit more serious.


With a sweet feeling in her throat, Luo Yao spurted a mouthful of blood into the armor, but she managed to avoid the attack that was enough to incapacitate her.

The heavy punch hit the ground completely, and the air waves caused by it nearly caused the surrounding ornamental plants to be uprooted.

Correction, this punch was most likely aimed at paralyzing himself, and definitely not just to break a few of his ribs to wake him up.

Half kneeling on the ground, Luo Sha panted heavily.

"That hit just now will kill someone, right?"

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