The armored beast roared again, but this time, Yang Pojun heard obvious anger from it.

The dark light spread out, and as the dragon's body passed through it, the body as thick as a thumb swelled to the thickness of an adult's thigh.

The body with sharp dragon scales and spikes wrapped around Yang Pojun's body, and the pain was transmitted to his brain.


In the muffled sound of Yang Pojun, the dragon body completely wrapped it up like a pillar, and the dragon head, which was both beautiful and evil at the same time, fell from the gap at the top.

Wuji commits suicide!

Not knowing what happened, Yang Pojun relied on instinct to use this ability that he should not be able to do now.

But what happened to him was not [being hurt].

But [Armor Fusion].

The tower that was still quite some distance away from the venue he was in now shattered and turned into black mist, which flowed into the mouth of the black dragon as thick as an adult's waist and was sucked in like a whale.

The pure white hand gently placed on the dragon's head, and the black emperor looked down at it, as if he was looking at his family members who accompanied him, and as if he was looking at his comrades fighting in all directions.

The surrounding supernatural beasts felt the power that made them instinctively afraid and began to retreat.

The Demon Spirit Tribe is a race that directly takes orders from the Shadow Emperor, but as a product of the union with the Demon Spirit Tribe, the supernatural beasts are actually a lower-level species.

Most have neither intelligence nor inherited knowledge.

However, the supernatural beasts formed by humans polluted by magic stones in this world still have the memories of their original owners, so when they are instinctively afraid, they will feel a little "peace of mind" because there are so many "companions" around them.

Stretching his right hand forward, the silver-gray sword condensed in the black mist.

The center of gravity is pressed down, the long sword is placed horizontally, and rotates.

The dark energy turned into a ring-shaped sword energy, spreading out like rippling water waves.

The venue began to collapse, and the supernatural beasts that were torn apart by the ring sword energy turned into dust.

In the end, no matter whether it was the supernatural beast or the venue, not even the so-called ruins were left behind.

A few ash-like remnants that might prove its original existence were blown away by the gentle blowing wind.

Perhaps real death is the destruction of such peace.

Quietness comes in an instant and then leaves no trace.

Stepping forward with his legs wearing rhinoceros-like combat boots, the Shadow Emperor walked towards the place where the tower originally existed.

There, there are other objects that require [recovery of power].

Let's turn our attention for a moment and have a "good communication" with Yang Pojun about things like fighting...

Just leave it to his own subconscious, that's enough.


Siyuan's armored beast made a dissatisfied sound.

You should be a mount, and if you start making a fuss with all your strength now, the dispute will develop in another direction.

The black dragon shook its head in dissatisfaction and passed through the dark light in front of it, transforming into a dark imperial pony.

Yang Pojun, who had lost the control of the Shadow Emperor... No, it should be said that Yang Weiwu's subconscious controlled his body, turned over and rode up.

The light and shadow horse drove slowly forward, just like when he was riding a bicycle when he was a child.


Yueying Moya had never felt like this before.

Powerful strength filled his whole body.

It was as if the energy that controlled the world existed within his own body, which had begun to decline.

Moreover, this kind of power is not only possessed by him.

This power from the tower was given by the great guardian, Yongzhu, and he could transfer it to others.

what is this?

This is the future of the Japanese Empire, the power to dominate the world.

[You can use the power here at will, I allow it. 】

Yaozhu said this to him before leaving.

Moonshadow Moonfang was ecstatic about this.

He originally thought that such a powerful power could only be transferred from himself, but he never thought that he could create more!

But not everyone can have the same power as him.

Extraordinary strength is necessary to seize world hegemony, and maintaining balance requires clear distinction between superiors and subordinates.

He summoned his most loyal subordinates and showered them with the tower's bounty amid their excited shouts.

The subordinate who was still yelling and even seemed to be crying happily "told" him after receiving the gift that he still knew that world hegemony was already in Japan's possession.

A dozen subordinates who each received one-tenth of their own gifts went out cheering, bringing more Japanese talents.

They didn't understand the beauty of this gift at first, but they became quiet in less than half a second when the black mist penetrated, and then they cheered as if the scene was reappearing.

"Gentlemen, we have no rivals in front of us!"

Arriving at the top of the tower, Yueying Moya said to the people standing in line.


A roaring response sounded.

"Yamato Nation, unify the world!"

""Unify the world!!!"""

Look, this scene is destined to be passed down - as a symbol of Japan's future commemoration of its dominance of the world...

While Yueying Moanya was thinking about a better future, a sense of weightlessness came from his feet.

The power all over his body surged like a rushing river, causing Yueying Moya to stop in the air.

Except for a few of his cronies who also did the same thing, the remaining hundreds of people were not so lucky. They all fell to the ground with a dull sound.


Dust was kicked up and rushed into the air more than ten meters.

Yueying Moya fell to the ground and entered the flying dust.

A certain [feeling] made him subconsciously look in a certain direction.

Soon, a touch of grayish blue occupied his sight with an extremely tough attitude.

【205】Yan Emperor ([-])

The gravel-paved ground made a sound due to the trampling of combat boots on it, and the golden emperor moved forward aimlessly.

Yang Pojun lost consciousness after being "attacked" by the Emperor of Light's Battle Dragon... no, it should be said to be the Emperor's Battle of Shadow's Dragon. When he woke up, he found himself in this unknown place.

Strictly speaking, he wasn't completely clueless.

Just talking about perception, the feeling here is exactly the same as when he was meditating.

In other words, he should be in a meditative state now.

He doesn't know about other people's situations, but just for himself, when he enters the meditative state, he will observe his own mental world.

Its essence is a certain embodiment of his mood and thoughts, but as several "tenants" with extremely high standards, they will also leave their own traces in it.

For example, the Emperor's ceilingless throne room and the Golden Throne, such as the vast sea of ​​​​stars in Ultan.

In the true sense, his own heart should be the waveless lake reflecting the sea of ​​stars.

Yang Pojun did not conduct detailed research on this aspect, and he was not interested in exploring what it embodied. However, looking at the ground paved with gravel, he still felt a sense of inexplicable... sadness?

[You are more qualified than I expected. 】

The voices of men, women, and children that could not be distinguished came from the front.

Yang Pojun looked up and saw the figure standing ten meters in front of him at some point.

The gorgeous armor is mainly black and supplemented by silver. The pure white tights outline the lines of the muscles. The jade on the "Aurora Shield" on the chest is the same pale blue as the eye crystals of its face armor.

The true ruler of the film world, the ultimate BOSS who has never appeared on TV, and the ceiling of combat power in the background.

From Yangpojun, you can get a TAG that you will look forward to without showing your face.

To translate, if you continue to be the backdrop, you may still gain his verbal respect, at least as the most powerful BOSS.

"What did you do to the Emperor of Light and the Dragon?"

There were no twists and turns, Yang Pojun asked bluntly.

[It’s not doing anything, it’s just that it’s hungry, and as it possesses your memory, its new consciousness is also exploring its own position. 】

[For example, when you have to press the summoner, pull it out and use it yourself. 】

[For example, swallowing up evil forces that are extremely vicious in nature. 】

[When you were a teenager, you had this kind of fantasy, didn’t you—a dragon master who raised a holy dragon that could swallow evil power? 】

"Are you all giving priority to skills like mind peeping and memory reading?"

Hey, why should I say everything?

[Imagination itself is the ability to express oneself. If you are familiar with its essence, reading minds is not impossible. 】

The gravel made a sound underfoot, and the black emperor approached Yang Pojun.

"Don't move, I'm a coward."

He almost raised his hand to summon the Aurora Sword, lowered the tip of the sword, and slashed diagonally.

The pale golden sword energy passed by, leaving a deep mark at the feet of the Shadow Emperor.

As if trying to get into his brain, Yang Pojun inevitably "saw" some kind of scenery.

It was the swan song of civilization.

Amidst the metal and flames, lives fell one by one.

They were saddened by the death of their compatriots, but they still did not stop wielding their swords and pouring cannon fire.

The noble people are dying, and the poor are also dying.

In such a scene, Yang Pojun felt sad as if he felt it... and a kind of appreciation.

It was like witnessing the moment when the only unique copy in the world was shattered, and it was also like witnessing the despair caused by the extinguishing of the only candle that once illuminated the night.

Yang Pojun took a few steps back, because the fear caused by his two emotions just now made him subconsciously hug his arms, and the Aurora Sword was inserted diagonally into the ground.

[For example, conveying a certain scene that one has witnessed to the other party is just a purpose. 】

[Of course, with the human mind and heart, self-awareness will be eliminated sooner or later if we directly experience it. 】

The Shadow Emperor slowly approached, and Yang Pojun retreated at the same speed.

After slowing down, he used the power of controlling objects through the air to recall the Aurora Sword, and the tip of the sword was pointed at the Shadow Emperor.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

【I want to fight. 】


[The battle between light and shadow is the absolute truth of the world we live in, and it is also the reason for the existence of Emperor Man and Shadow Emperor. 】

"What does that have to do with me? Go find the Emperor!"

[Now, you are the Emperor Man. 】

"What's the point? Xiang Yang Ziyang can also transform into the Emperor's Hero, why don't you go find them?"

[You have made a mistake. I am not talking about the summoner who has the power to summon armor, but you are the individual who bears the power and price. 】

"What do you mean?"

[It can be considered that your good senior gave up on himself, and it can also be regarded as your hard work. In terms of results, except for the final step of him being merged into the Shadow Emperor, you are already...]

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