The consequence of using Xuanyin's Darkness is that every time the power of Xuanyin's Darkness is used, a fragment of a broken soul will be forced into the body.

Therefore, even if Xuanyin Zhiyin did not tell the whole truth, Luo Sha had already guessed a lot of things.

"I don't know if you really care about me or if you want to take advantage of my rebellious psychology to further bring your purpose closer to success?"

Such questions made the Half-Dao Fruit fall into silence.

"If you are doing something good and want to harm me, then I don't care."

"Growing up, there weren't many people who showed me kindness. Basically, only Emperor Yan and the others are still alive."

"The two points of me being grateful to them and me wanting their lives to benefit myself are not too conflicting, and the same goes for you."

"I thank you for bringing me the possibility, so if you ask for anything, I will find a way to help you complete it, but I will also try to kill you to make a profit."

"It's not a noble reason, nor is it a bad reason."

"Just because, even after going through so many bad things, I still have a little naive idea of ​​hoping that good will be rewarded with good and evil will be rewarded with evil."

[…If you don’t correct this idea, then I will ignore your request to borrow my power. 】

"Threaten me?" Luo Sha smiled.

"Sorry, I said that subconsciously. Are you scared?"

"Because your creator is a guy who has had many ups and downs in his life, because he is similar to me, relying on a little bit of luck to get a little bit of happiness that is insignificant compared to the suffering, and he also got the top spot because of a lucky break [ The strongest] opportunity... These similarities make you feel that even my soul belongs to the same extreme Yin soul as hers, and I have the possibility to help you change from [success that is only one step away] to [perfection]."

"But the rule of that world is that the seeker's own will determines that they can only get the path to success that is consistent with their own will, and it may not necessarily be the one they most expect. And she just got the result because it was not the one she expected most. It will lead to the fact that you, who is most likely to achieve the Tao Fruit, will not win in the end, even if you win the half step corresponding to the half Tao Fruit of the Sun Tao."

"Because of your own incompleteness, you finally chose to devour your own seeker, and therefore gained absolute restraint."

"She longs for someone to help her, but she is afraid that someone will show her pure kindness. Because in her experience, such people have died. So the people who will help her just want to use her, and this is the only way. Only those who breed can survive.”

"The constraints you are subject to are that you must never be grateful, and you must never let someone who has pure good intentions towards you live. As long as these two points are met at the same time, the foundation of your enlightenment will be shaken, and your existence itself will be subverted."

"Of course, the premise is that the connection between you and the contract partner is close enough. Whether you want to become complete or want to resurrect your seeker to release the bondage, you must ask the other party to actively request it, and then you provide the contract, Three kinds of help: karma and your unexpected ability to travel through the world.”

"It's really ridiculous, the darkness of Xuanyin. Just because [vision] is the most important part of the [contract] that establishes the connection, just because I personally admitted my opinion of you, you feel scared."

[… Even if you deny it verbally, as long as you are willing to change your story, I can still fulfill your request. 】

"Because the words spoken are also a contract, right? Then I choose to find a way myself."

【You will regret it, Luo Sha. 】

"No, never."

Luo Chao showed a flamboyant smile similar to Yan Emperor's.

"Because, I am Luo Sha!"


"Luo Sha, what do you want from me?"

Emperor Yan rushed to the forbidden library based on the news received on the communicator.

"You came just in time, Emperor Yan."

Luo Sha placed a stack of books in front of him.

"Memorize all of these within five hours, and then write them all down for me when you go back."


"You have been too lazy recently. Your military merit is only enough for me to stay in the Forbidden Library for this short time, but with the speed of my memory, it is too late to do the rest, so prove to me that you are the strongest!"


Emperor Yan flipped through a few books and couldn't help being dumbfounded.

There are basically [-] words on a page, and the entire stack of books is almost half a meter long.

Although his memory is indeed quite good, and he has the possibility of doing this kind of thing, but with this skill, it is not as meaningful as going out on missions or exercising.

"I have an idea to evolve Shura Armor's Fierce Fighting. If nothing else, let's see how much of this information can be memorized... Emperor Yan?"

"Don't talk about things you don't have when you're reading."

With his eyes widened, Emperor Yan was looking through the information with a look that wanted to kill all the enemies turned into words.

Luo Sha: "..."

What a useful guy, Emperor Yan.

She sat down on the side and took out a pile of books four times as many as Emperor Yan with her will, and flipped through four of them at the same time.

ten hours later.

"It's basically impossible to realize it. Is it because too many of them are old things that haven't been updated much?"

Emperor Yan, who was already lying on the sofa at home, was panting like a dead dog. As a person who pursues the strongest, he has considerable professional qualities. Even if Luo Sha made him armor weapons, he still did not forget to add these knowledge in order to better make requests for improvements from the other party.

"No, there are still two passable options."

"The spirit-melting method and the star-making method."

"In the former, as long as a guy with the strongest energy sacrifices himself to use the law to complete the creation of a virtual armored beast - an AI unique to Shura Armor, he can be given the ability to fight and evolve."

"The latter requires a planet with a sufficiently active planetary consciousness to actively consume its own power to create a [position] for the armor that can fill the gaps in the evolution of fierce battles, and then wait for the birth of the armored beast."

"What do you think?"

His amber eyes glanced at the man who had just finished writing information with hundreds of pens at the same time.

Emperor Yan raised his hand and covered his eyes.

【220】Yandi (26)

In the end he refused.

Luo Chao sat on the single sofa and stared blankly at the big sofa where Emperor Yan was lying on previously.

"For what reason did that man refuse?"

There are two people with the strongest energy in Yanxing, one is Yandi and the other is Yantian.

Is it out of...feelings for the man who is similar to his master and father?

"Oh, how is that possible?"

Luo Sha actually knew the answer.

Emperor Yan and Yan Tian once made an agreement. When the Shura Armor can evolve in a fierce battle, one of them will use the Shura Purgatory Halberd and the other will use the God of War Fiery Sword. The two of them will have a good fight to prove who is the one. The real [strongest].

An answer that has absolutely nothing to do with words like "family affection" and "warmth".

No, maybe this is a reflection of their feelings.

At best, the difference in cognition is caused by the fact that she and they did not grow up under the same ideological education. From a certain perspective, this is the romance of a warrior.

But that has nothing to do with her as a scientific researcher.

Oh, by the way, the star creation method was actually just mentioned casually. Neither Yan Emperor nor Luo Sha had considered that possibility.

This method came from the part of information that Emperor Yan himself had memorized, so he also understood that the possibility of this method was so low that it was almost impossible.

Every planet has its own consciousness.

But just as one cannot generalize between people, there are also great differences between planets.

Just take planets that have the ability to complete star creation as an example. They must have an energy-filled energy crystal, a flourishing civilization, and a stable ecological chain.

But in terms of character, the consciousness of these planets often belongs to the type that does not care about the life and death of anything, and has no idea at all about taking the trouble to give a piece of armor the possibility of fierce battle evolution.

Rather, most of these planets are in a state of mind where they don't care much about the creatures on them or even their own life and death.

Just like the Flame Star, the consciousness of the planet doesn't care at all that they strictly guard the place where the energy crystal is.

It can be said that he will carry out the bad things to the end.

The few cases on planets where it is theoretically possible to complete the Star-Crafting Method prove that only those with extremely xenophobic personalities will crush all invading creatures at all costs (referring to the lives of living creatures on their bodies).

But that kind of planetary consciousness doesn't care about the will of one or a few people. In the end, all star-making methods are only theoretically possible based on luck.

"For the time being... let's go to Yan Gang and ask if there is a way to create an artificial intelligence of sufficient level. We have to put aside the matter of fierce battle evolution for now."


Yanxing deputy leader and top research leader Yan Gang, what big thing is he doing at this moment?

He is admiring a work of art.

It was a painting on the wall.

The wall, which was painted with black paint as the background color, has lost some debris due to the passage of time. The white dots on the overall dark wall are like looking at the distant stars in the universe.

But the focus of the painting does not lie in these, but in the sphere in the center.

A certain planet can be seen in its center.

This is a painting depicting a certain planet, the earliest creation of a child.

No, strictly speaking, it is the result of a certain master figure in painting being "destroyed" as a "prank" by a child.

By the way, in terms of relationship, that master is Yan Gang's uncle.

But that's not a big deal. The people of Yanxing don't have much extra affection for non-direct relatives. For Yan Gang, the uncle who had been dead for a while died because there was no one closer to him. He was alive, so he allowed some works of art, including this painting, to be delivered to him.

He is not the kind of person who likes to appreciate art.

Or, strictly speaking, he personally prefers the ninth art and does not appreciate the art of painting that requires all-out maintenance.

But this work alone brought him a different feeling.

The paint that has weathered and fallen off over time has taken the painting away from its original appearance - a sacrilegious gesture that was said to be a planet ravaged by pollution.

After all, the painting is of a flaming star, and it is said that the child used a mop stained with feces and urine on it. For quite a few artists, this is something that can make the blood pressure soar.

But Yan Gang doesn't.

Firstly, he had never seen the hellish drawing that was called a nightmare by those who had witnessed it. Secondly, what touched him was the way the painting had changed on its own due to improper maintenance.

Smoke rose from the planet, and white light of destruction rose in some places.Silver-white fleet-like things surrounded the war-scarred planet.

At one point, a streak of purple streaked across very abruptly, covering a large number of silver-white dots.

How to describe it?

It's like painting some kind of war scene.

In fact, if I have to say it, Yan Gang knows who is the person who turned this painting that originally showed the beauty of Yan Xing into this. He has even met him a long time ago - and he is actually meeting frequently now - only……

"Boom boom boom——"

A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts, and Yan Gang subconsciously asked his home smart phone to open the door.

In fact, there are not many people who would take the initiative to look for him, and now there are only two people who have come back to look for him. If nothing else, Yan Gang guessed that the person who came was——

"As expected, it's you, Luo Sha."

"Hey, Dean, I'm here to see you."

"Do you have any technical questions that I can help you with?"

Yan Gang asked.

Luo Sha is a very straightforward person.

In front of him, if the other party calls him "deputy leader", it is usually to borrow authority, and because he is optimistic about the young man, he will usually help.

If the other party calls you "dean", then there is basically an academic problem.

If it's a title like "principal"... then I don't know if it's a smooth word or if it's to establish a relationship or something.

It's good to be straightforward. Although the beginning of friendship is a little difficult, subsequent heart-to-heart conversations cannot be achieved with veiled politeness.

"As expected of you, you guessed my purpose right away."

Luo Sha complimented and then let the topic get straight to the point.

"I want to create an artificial intelligence with the potential of an armored beast."


Xia Tian placed the bouquet in front of Yan Lie's tombstone.

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