As if the cold voice coming from the Nine Nether Hell was full of anger, the silver armor that originally covered the whole body like a seal rotated and opened, turning into black and red colors.

The golden-red eyes stared at Emperor Yan who didn't even summon the armor, and the mental energy field transformed into a pressure as huge as a mountain and sea.

"Emergency Combination Technique—Have you ever learned this technique?"

There are still 28 seconds left until the lock time.

"By establishing contact with the summoner through its own magnetic field, as long as the summoner itself is within ten kilometers of itself, it can force itself to temporarily complete the armor fusion without the summoner. The disadvantage is that it cannot summon weapons."

There are still 22 seconds left until the lock time.

"No need? You'll die."

There are still 20 seconds left until the lock time.

Faced with this absolute power gap, Emperor Yan——

I was so excited that I almost pulled the flag!

"Before, you used to use your physical strength to decline to try and frustrate me, and you were unwilling to use your true abilities when you occasionally fought with me. Are you actually willing to use this level of strength now?"

"As expected, not only Xia Tian, ​​but you and Yan Fei are also the stepping stones on my way to becoming the strongest, Yan Gang!"

The purple electric light was transformed by the mental energy field driven by the secret technique, covering the figure of Emperor Yan.

There are still 12 seconds left until the lock time.

"Asura armor, fit together!"

He casually swung the purple cloak behind him, and purple electric light gathered in his hands.

There are still ten seconds left until the lock time.


"Wrathful Buddha·Shan Hai Fist!"

The same moves were improved differently under different armor powers. The power of the magnetic field tore up the surrounding air, causing cracks to spread like the broken space in fantasy novels.

Four punches collided, and the unarmed fighting skills were charged to the extreme. After a second of stalemate, the winner was decided.

The silver armor shattered, and bloody flowers bloomed on the strong man's body, and he flew out upside down.


He took a long breath, and after the summoner made a sound of "[The set time has expired, the locking is completed.]", the armor on the Explosive Fury King Kong spun around, the black and red faded, and turned back into the Explosive King Kong.

One stepped forward, picked up Yan Gang, and activated the transformation.


"So, the necessary material you this guy?"

Luo Shao looked down at the unconscious Emperor Yan, with an indescribable look in his eyes.

"If you want real artificial [life]... there is no one who can meet your standards better than the armored beast, right?"

"You want me to use the spirit-melting method?"

Luo Sha understood what the other party meant, but——


Isn't that your most valued junior?

"I should value myself more than others."

Such a voice came from under the armor.

Luo Chao looked at Yan Gang, wanting to see his expression under the armor.

But of course it failed.

After all, even if it has the ability to see through, this armor also has an anti-see-through interference mechanism - and Luo Sha doesn't know how to see through.

"I do this, what do you get?"

Luo Sha believes that people's actions must have a purpose - or a reason. It's not impossible to do something just because you have nothing to do, but for this reason, it would be unreasonable to directly kill a junior who has known her for many years. It's too...

"I hope you can add this to the Shura Summoner."

A cube shining with silver light slowly rotated in Yan Gang's hand.

Luo Sha recognized the true form of the thing.

"Genetic code."

It is a technological product that records vital life information. It is said that on a planet called Ares, through this technology, a living body will have the possibility of resurrection.

However, in Yanxing, this technology has another purpose, which is to seal some kind of [existence] that is difficult to capture into the living body, and use it as a restraint to retain it.

In the process of making Shura Armor, Luo Sha used this technology in the design of sealing the body of the imaginary weapon instead of creating the projection of the imaginary weapon.

"What's the ability here?"

"The power of space and time."

Just three words, Luo Shao's heart skipped a beat.

Of course she knew how valuable this ability was.

Except for some special beings, time and space abilities are by no means easily obtainable.

The key point here lies in that [time].

Intentional energy can interfere with space, but at best it can distort space or replace one space with another.

Intentional energy can interfere with time, but at best it can stop time and cannot reverse it.

Luo Sha has not yet thought clearly about what she wants to be the most powerful, but the power of space and time is indeed within her preparation plan.

"Normal armor cannot bear this ability, so I hope you can complete the fierce fighting evolution that you mentioned to me before, which is more correct than the hell fighting evolution, so that Shura Armor can gain the ability to travel to the past. ."

"Why Shura?"

Without being dazzled by the huge surprise, Luo Sha was keenly aware of the problem in the other party's words.

It is true that not all armor can bear the power of space-time force, but it doesn't have to be Shura, right?

"...let me tell you a little...not very interesting story."


Once upon a time, two children who loved music and games met.

With their common hobbies and comfortable personalities, the two quickly became friends who talked about everything.

They grew up together, traveled together, played together, and vowed to become game producers of the most powerful games and music producers to produce music for the most powerful games in the future. should be said that it is natural. Neither of the two children is the only one in the family.

Since they all have older brothers at home, they don't have to consider the option of becoming warriors - the cost of cultivating warriors in Yanxing is not low, and each family only has one quota that can provide a lot of benefits.

Of course, unlike a child who wants to be the most powerful game producer in the future, whose fighting talent is far inferior to his elder brother, a child who wants to be a music producer has talent that is not weaker than his elder brother, and indeed has a fighting spirit.

One day, the two talked about each other's deepest wishes.

In the end, in order to give the fighting child a chance, they went to the treasure house where the biggest taboo of Flame Star was stored.

There, lies the path to the strongest data.

With luck and a few other factors, they managed to sneak in and find the data.

But eventually, someone stole their data.

This incident later had a great impact on the two children.

The child who loved games lost his eldest child because of the child who loved music, and was driven by anger to attack the other party.

Then he lost consciousness under the absolute strength gap.


"It's really not a very interesting thing."

Luo Sha commented.

"There is no description of how the children's friendship deepened. Even how the two children arrived at the treasure house where the most taboo of the Flame Star is stored is a problem. There is also the great influence that was brushed aside and a certain mysterious person... You and you Dad, Riddler, your mother, right? You can’t even speak well!"

"The opponent is wearing Shura armor."


Luo Sha fell into silence for a moment.

"...Let me ask, who are the two children in the story?"

She asked this question without any hope at all. Luo Sha felt that the other party had been beating around the bush just now, although it was not impossible to guess the protagonist's possible partner.

"It's me and Yan Fei."

Yan Gang admitted directly.

"Are you also the type who has no talent but relies on hard work?"

"Huh? I want to be a music producer."


"You talk in a roundabout way because it's a little embarrassing to praise yourself directly... Why do you look at me like that?"

"Aren't you Xingqi?"

"Who stipulates that Xingqi cannot have musical talent or like music?"

"Okay, so what do you mean by telling me this?"

"I hope you will use the evolved Shura Armor to go back to the past and take away [people's] data, leaving [Dharma], [Heaven], and [Earth] behind."


"The power of time and space has the possibility to change the past, but it is only a possibility. The [human] data in my body now has led to me being lucky enough to survive and have the power to be as strong as the strongest... But he also made me Lost my brother."

Yan Gang recalled the past.

"Because the genetic code was directly introduced into my body, when I was young, I couldn't bear the power and almost exploded to death. In order to save me, my brother used his own life to re-transform it into genetic code... I have always been very... Resent yourself, why would you touch this power for that reason?"

This is the poison of anger,

Inexplicably, Luo Sha had such an idea.

"I thought about it for a long time and came up with the only possible way to change this outcome."

He looked into Luo Sha's eyes.

"Now, it has nothing to do with the identity of the deputy leader of Yanxing. Even if I die because of it, it doesn't matter. What is here are all my belongings in this life and Yanxing's most advanced instruments."

"I can guarantee that there is no more suitable occasion for you to let Shura Armor complete the fierce fighting evolution than this."

Luo Sha made a thinking expression.

After a long while, she raised her head and showed a bright smile.

Yan Gang breathed a sigh of relief.

"do not want!"

The words of rejection came, and a sense of crisis came to my heart.

"Qingtian impact."

Emperor Yan, who still used this fighting skill without relying on armor, knocked away Yan Gang - or in other words, rolled to Luo Sha's side with the help of the reaction force.

"It's so embarrassing."

he laughed.

"Who are you talking about? Idiot!"

Luo Sha also smiled.


"Don't get me wrong, we have just discussed the spirit-melting method a long time ago."

The silver mobile phone was stuffed into Emperor Yan's big hand.

"I rejected the spirit-melting method she mentioned - I just rejected the possibility of sacrificing Yan Tian."

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