"Oh, I'm not complimenting your face. After all, Yanxing's gene technology is quite advanced, and you are almost a little below the average level of the public's appearance."

"I'm really sorry that my ancestors didn't make it in time, so our family basically can't have the appearance of those genetically modified guys because of their natural beauty."

"So I think the way you desire the [strongest] is very beautiful."

"...I won't say thank you."

"But I wanted to say thank you."

Emperor Yan looked into Luo Sha's eyes.

"Thank you for accompanying me to this point."


"Of course not. My goal is to be the strongest in the Ming Realm! I will one day witness the Emperor's glory in person!"


Luo Chao made a sound that was unclear whether it was a sigh or a mocking sound.

"Then come on, you are the strongest."

"Aren't you coming with me?"

"How can I stay with you if I'm going to die?"

"I saw in the Soul Melting Technique that the sacrificer's will will remain in the armor. So I think that with your talent, you can become the armored beast of Shura Armor."

"...Is that kind of thing all based on luck? And in a total of eight cases, this possibility was discovered together. It was after many years that the armored beast woke up from the armor. Before that, the armored beast was like a newborn."

"Isn't the one-eighth success rate a sure win compared to the one-in-a-million armor promotion rate to the ultimate armor? And I will definitely live until you wake up."

"Hahaha, Emperor Yan, now I completely believe you are a fool."

"It's the strongest."

"Okay, okay, the strongest idiot. I'll be thankful if someone doesn't treat you to a cup of tea and poison it if you drink it."

"If I really want to drink it, I will fight as hard as I want before I die."

"Shouldn't you say at this time that you won't drink or die?"

"Everyone is mortal. If I dare not drink a cup of tea because I suspect it is poisonous, that would be a loss of face for me."

"Which is more important, face or life...forget it, you don't have to answer this question."

Crimson flames burned on Luo Sha's body.

"There is still a lack of energy here. I guess I am going to use energy crystals to provide energy, but I don't have the conditions right now."

"If you don't need much, I'll use the Flame Star Energy Crystal."

"Each time it is used, it consumes an energy supply of energy crystal level, and it requires a high concentration of life energy."

"Isn't your design cerebral palsy? Where did I get so many energy crystals?"

"Can't you just kill the opponent with your own life for a few seconds and then use the sublimated armor to search for the energy crystals of the local planet and replenish them? The data of the space-time force has been entered. Remember to go there later."

"Are you going to help fulfill Yan Gang's last wish?"

"No, I want the Shura Summoner to obtain the data of [Heaven and Earth People] and completely complete the transformation of [Dharma]. If nothing else, you can take your moves to the next level."

"God and Demon Extermination Cleave?"


"The name of the move I just made, isn't it cool?"

"Then the advanced special move you use with your evolved Shura Armor after fierce fighting is called [Extermination of Humans, Gods and Demons]."

"It feels like the pinnacle of naming."

"...There are also the preset special moves [Stardust Crushing Strike] used by the Rakshasa Purgatory Cannon combined with the Shura Purgatory Knife, and the predetermined [Earth Stardust] that is upgraded with the data of [Earth] Shatter]. You can figure it out on your own in the next [day], I will be too late."

More than 50.00% of the flesh and blood melted in the flames, turning into light spots and falling into the silver flip phone.

"Don't worry, I am the [strongest]! Not only my own [strongest], but also the [strongest] that transcends everything you mentioned to me."

"Then, the strongest, do you have any other words of farewell to me?"

"See you."

"……See you."

The flame burned faster and faster, and the crimson light spot lit up the crimson "eye" on the devil's face on the silver phone.

About Yandi·End

Good news, 4K encoding is finished.

Bad news, this chapter is not finished.

And as I said before that Emperor Yan will end within thirty years, I found that there are still some things to write that exceed 8K. According to my writing power, I need at least 6K, plus for the setting of the subsequent plot and some Yang Weiwu who is a half-spectator. The explanation also needs to be carefully chosen. There is no way it can be done before the network is disconnected at [-] o'clock today.

So I will send it tomorrow

【224】 Emperor Yan (End)

The remains of the thin black and red armor fell to the ground and were submerged into the masonry ground together with the blood.

Yan Fei reluctantly relied on the two knives in his hands as crutches to support his body and did not fall down.


The heavy breathing that seemed to knock out his lungs made this man look extremely miserable. The large dents all over his body silently described the miserable battle he had endured.

The complete Hiden Hiikage... no, it was the Hiden Hiikage after the liberation. He was killed by the overwhelming power of Natsuten.

It made Yan Fei feel a little sad.

But it wasn't because he couldn't stop Yan Tian, ​​but because the truth he had always understood was told in the most direct way.

Even if the total amount of energy intensity on both sides is exactly the same, whether or not they have the strongest energy will result in absolute unilateral crushing.

This can be regarded as common sense as truth, after all, there has never been an example of it being broken.

I obviously thought that I would be the first to break it... but in the end, I thought too highly of myself.

"Ho ho-"

Like a broken bellows being forcibly used, a hoarse and unpleasant sound came out of his throat.

It's ugly, me.

A palace-level weapon with the same [Magic] attribute as the God of War Fiery Sword was in his hand, and Yan Tian on the opposite side didn't even summon the God of War Fiery Sword.

Should we say that it was thanks to the ancestors who considered the situation of summoning people to go berserk and strengthened the requirements for using weapons after liberating the armor?

However, this is already the limit.

The equipment used by Yantian at this moment is the two-handed Fire Palm, the Lightning Strike, and the Fire Sword.

But it was enough to defeat him completely.

But if you really want to say it, although Yan Fei completely lost in a personal sense, in terms of strategic significance, he still won.

With the time bought by Yan Fei, a group of members of the Yanxing Armor Troops used a large amount of high-risk equipment, alternating with absolute firepower suppression and Yan Fei's high-speed duel, forcing Xia Tian to be held back for two hours.

But it's finally over.

The armored troops were defeated a quarter of an hour ago, and now Yan Fei is just struggling to his death.

Judging from the results, his death was completely meaningless.

Although he is not dead yet.

Xing Tian slowly walked towards him, his exaggerated mental energy field forming the shadow of armor above his head.

The shadow, far more ferocious than the armor itself, roared, showing a beast-like posture.

That was the manifestation of the power of the Hell War God, the [Heaven] Armor.

Its true form of power is the [Destiny] that can never stop fighting and live forever.

If you have the strongest energy to use Hiei's forbidden data to complete another upgrade after Hell Fight Evolution, you might still have a chance to stop him.

With blurred vision, he could vaguely see Xing Tian's gesture of crushing the earth.

Finally, he came to Yan Fei.

With a hook of his toes, Yan Fei flew into the sky due to the force on his chin, and then fell.

No, he couldn't even fall to the ground. Xing Tian directly kicked him out again.

Hiei couldn't even maintain his battle-damaged state, so the combination was canceled.

Stepping on the ground stained with Yan Fei's blood, and walking past the armored troops who were unconscious or even seriously injured due to the pressure of the powerful mental energy field, Xing Tian finally entered Yan Xing's most taboo treasure house.

Emperor Yan, wearing a tight-fitting black battle suit, stood next to the Flame Star Energy Crystal in the center of the treasure house.

Wisps of pure white energy turned into purple electric light and penetrated into the silver flip phone in his hand.

Surrounding the energy crystal, things equipped with the sealing and suppression technology of Yanxing's master of past and present technologies are being sealed in several black boxes that are large enough to hold a person.

One of them... no, the third is Xingtian's target.

But...he needs to solve a certain obstacle now.

"Adi," he spat out the title he had used since Emperor Yan was a child, "don't stop me, okay?"

"You now..." Emperor Yan turned around and faced Yan Tian with his hand holding the Shura Summoner behind his back, "Are you doing things with your own consciousness?"


Xia Tian admitted.

There is no denying the possibility. Not to mention that the strongest Qi is also resistant to mental abilities. Domination on the mental level can basically be regarded as impossible. If he is really controlled, he may not be able to defeat Yan Fei. Add a lineup like the Flame Star Armor Troops.

The strongest Qi is proof that it is controlled by human will. Even if it is unclear, it will only make this power completely ineffective.

Therefore, in Yan Tian's opinion, the question Emperor Yan asked at this moment was stupid nonsense.

"I remember that you discussed the leader's responsibilities with me."

"You said that the leader does not need to be proficient in government affairs. He only needs to have a general understanding, and then find a scapegoat with full government affairs ability, and then don't let that scapegoat get into trouble."

Of course Yan Tian knew what Emperor Yan meant. A few minutes ago he walked in on the ground stained with the blood of the enemy.

"I'm sorry about what happened to Yan Fei."

He said so.

"Then what? You told me that instead of apologizing for something, the leader should set an example and solve the problem with practical actions, right?"

Emperor Yan raised the corners of his mouth, but there was no smile in his eyes.

"What I'm doing at this moment is exactly what I'm doing to solve the problem."

The black and red armor looked at Yan Emperor, and the condensed mental energy field told Yan Emperor that the other party did not waver at all.

"In this treasure house that Yanxing regards as taboo, there are the true bodies of the three armors, as well as what the ancestors of Yanxing paid the price of blood to obtain from the Shadow Realm."

"One of them is a [weapon] that can directly cause [injury] to the world."

"The other thing is the physical laws of digitization."

"The former has the power to break the rules and even nail the results. The latter has been explored by Yanxing researchers after investing a lot of energy and massive resources into the data of space-time force and the evolution of hell fighting."

"As long as I get the real one, Xingtian, and fuse the data that contains the laws of space and time, and finally travel to the past, and use that weapon to crucify the results of my changes, the future will also be changed."

"My teammates who were far more talented than me and died because of my poor judgment will survive."

"So, in the changed future, Yanxing's leader will no longer be Yantian."

"So, neither Yan Fei nor the Yanxing Armor troops will suffer this kind of difficulty."

"So, people will have a better future."

That was definitely not an idea that someone instilled in him, but an idea that had always been hidden deep in Xia Tian's heart.

Precisely because it comes from the heart, the strongest energy will be mobilized to the maximum extent.

Precisely because the results it brings are just and great, its body is not the strongest evil spirit as Yan Fei judged, but the strongest righteousness.

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