Then this person belongs to the practical school, and firmly believes that being beaten will make both talented and untalented people gain something.



Lao Zhang's voice sounded like it was coming from the Nine Nether Hell. Niu Jian was so frightened that he slapped the table and stood up.

"...Is there something you can't accept about what I just said? Mr. Niu?"

The white-bearded foreigner said in a not very proficient Chinese.

"...White bearded man, right? I think what you said is very problematic."

Under the pressure-filled sight of his uncle, Niu Jian bit the bullet and began to remedy his rude behavior.

"May I ask which aspect you are referring to?"



The foreigner looked as if he had heard something wrong.

"I said I have objections to everything you just said."

Relying on his extraordinary memory and ability to capture sounds, Niu Jian still heard part of what the other party said just now.

"Is there anything wrong with using the media to embellish the existence of the Red World to ensure social stability?"

"Yes, why should we cover up the crimes of a group of fugitive murderers? They should kneel down and die."

"Mr. Niu, the only means that we can confirm so far are demons like us. The number of demons is always limited, but the unknown number of demons from the Red World can continue to attack them. The Red World has come to this world, and under such circumstances, I think it is more appropriate to maintain the previous strategy with the Red World’s followers.”

The speaker was another old man, who spoke Chinese much more fluently than the white-bearded foreigner.

"you are?"

"The current President of United States."

"I remember this was a meeting of demons."

"The demons of Hezhong belong directly to me."

Niu Jian remembered that the demon named [Superman] was a mass product manufactured through technology, and his average ability was just that, but he was essentially a demon.

"Then what Mr. President means is..."

"Maintain the status quo. I believe that there can be an equal relationship between the disciples of the Red World and humans. We in Hezhong are currently hosting some of the disciples of the Red World and have a good cooperative relationship with them. Through full and in-depth communication, we are convinced that there is The possibility of creating a beautiful society in which people and the red world are harmonious. This is a great thing that reflects mankind's love for peace. I believe that if it is passed at this meeting, it will definitely be used by future generations."

said the President of the United States.

He has studied the culture of the Chinese side, and knows that people in this country still value their reputation for future generations. Using such a big cake... I am good at speaking, I think it can soften the other party's attitude.

"Furthermore, we have invited Fire Mist Warriors named the Four Gods of the Earth to join us. They are currently staying at the hotel where our Hezhong delegation is staying. If necessary, we can also ask them to help us have friendly exchanges with the Red World disciples. .”

The so-called Four Gods of the Earth are four powerful Fire Mist Warriors.

They once launched indiscriminate attacks on the Red World disciples and Fire Mist Warriors because of the unrest in America, and many of them directly affected ordinary people.

No, it should be said that they were driven to suppress everything by the atrocities committed by ordinary people, the atrocities committed by the Red World gangsters who took advantage of the situation, and the atrocities committed by the Fire Mist Warriors who took revenge without hesitation.

From the conclusion... the relationship between the Four Gods of the Earth and the top management of Hezhong should be similar to that of Japan and South Korea. If they want to reach cooperation, unless one party is willing to take a "brave step" and "apologise" to the other party.

Precisely because he thought this kind of thing was impossible, Niu Jian was shocked after hearing what the other party said.

"The alliance represented by Mr. Baibeard and we all believe that it is better to maintain the status quo. Although the Mao Xiong side allowed a small number of Red World gangsters to steal a Four Evils Tower due to their poor supervision, we believe that as a world leader, The Chinese side will still consider the overall situation."

Niu Jian: "..."

No, what does the big picture have to do with me?Although we have a constitutional monarchy here now, it is not my turn to speak. The final decision is made by the political management. My uncle had talked with them before coming here. What are you talking about? We must deal with those who use the masquerade party The leader of the Red World gang did it, so you look like a clown now.


When Niu Jian was considering whether to have a showdown with the other party, the door to the conference room was suddenly opened.

A hurried figure found the President of the United States and shouted: "Mr. Joseph, it's not good! (Mr. Joseph, it's not good!)"

President Joseph frowned.

"Sorry, my man was rude."

"what happened?"

"Masquerade stole thetower!"

Silence often creates a strange atmosphere.

For a long time, Joseph closed his eyes, then opened them.

The old man smiled and said to Niu Jian: "Mr. Niu, I think we need to discuss our respective responsibilities regarding the hunt for the masquerade. To show my sincerity, I decided to sacrifice the lives of the four gods of the earth to express my unity. Determination for the future of mankind.”

【235】The current situation of the main force of Fire Mist Warriors

Deep in the Xingli Palace—

There is a place that even satellites cannot detect.

There were roasted ducks one by and women were hung one by one like roasted ducks.

That's humans.

Genuine human beings.

However, a few hours ago, this identity was something they had long given up on.

A teenager wearing a white vest and jeans was half lying on the sofa, holding a bottle of eau de life in one hand.

"Former Fire Mist Warriors, how do you feel now?"

With a majesty consistent with it, God's whisper reached everyone's ears.

God of Creation, Serpent of Sacrifice, Weiwu, this is the current title of this god who has been exiled for thousands of years.

Judging from the appearance alone, this person is just a young man who has both Chinese and Western aesthetics, but has not yet fully grown up.

Handsome, mysterious, and well-trained, there is power hidden beneath his body that far exceeds what his muscles can express.

Beside him, the long sheathed sword was burning with his own black flame. The power in it was completely restrained but could be detected by the oldest Fire Mist Warrior who had been fighting for hundreds of thousands of years, just like the undercurrent under the sea. Generally frightening.

"Why do this?"

The person who raised such a disrespectful question to God was Yu Xuan, the Fire Mist Warrior with the title of [Sword Flower Wielder] and the contractor of Fengzhi Jinzhi and Dihong.

Oh, now I should say he is a former Fire Mist Warrior.


"Why, we need to strip the Red Devil out of our bodies."

That's right, under the research of a certain monster, a free method called [Contract Break] was developed.

The effect of this free method is very powerful - it forcibly erases the contract between the Red Demon King and the Fire Mist Warrior, and allows the Demon King to compensate the contractor, allowing him to transform from a [vessel] back to a [human].

Strictly speaking, the effect of erasing the contract itself is already very powerful. Without the contract, the Fire Mist Warriors would not be able to borrow the power of the demon kings, and they would even be forced to wake up because there is no contract to restrict the demon kings.

In short, the previous effect is equivalent to letting the Fire Mist Warrior who has cast this free method be equivalent to being hit directly by the Happiness Trigger, which is enough to kill every Fire Mist Warrior with a special attack.

And the uses of the two subsequent effects [Demon King’s Compensation] and [Container Transformed into Human]——

According to [Yang Wuqu]'s explanation, the former is to weaken the strength and will of the demon king who is hostile to him, and then he can use a large number of viruses to make them "one of his own".

And the latter...

"I know very well that the only way to achieve my desired destiny is to increase the power in my hands as much as possible."

"And someone told me that making others weaker is also another way of making yourself stronger."

"Then, if there is a method that can achieve both ends at the same time, why should I not use it?"

The Ritual Snake Wei Wu suddenly realized that his current tone seemed...maybe...maybe...probably...a little bit like a villain.

This is not okay. I came here to try to understand [Yang Wu Qu]’s thoughts through communicating with [Humans]. If this continues, I am afraid it will cause unnecessary trouble.

Considering that Dantario Dantario has been found in the past few days, the Red World disciples who have obtained the flesh have conquered the Tower of Corruption with overwhelming numbers, and have indeed devoured the tower owner Taotie... Things have progressed to the point where you only need to complete the last two and a half things before you can start creating the new world you desire, Wu He Bing Jing.

The first is to capture the last confirmed tower owner, Yatsura, somewhere in Japan.

According to [Yang Wuqu], only by completely devouring it and sealing at least three ancient supernatural beasts in Yang Pojun's inherent spiritual equipment can we ensure that Yangpojun will not stop him from realizing the creation of Wuheyoujing halfway. .

Second, in order to fully display his power, he must prepare to build a complete divine body.

Pulling out his original body from Yang Pojun's body has been given up by the ritual snake. Being able to pull out his own consciousness and power is already an extreme operation.

Rather, being able to achieve this step was far beyond his expectations.

The last thing is that [Yang Wuqu] said that he wanted to build a satellite.

The other party explained for a long time that "satellites are beliefs" and "please, the light coming from outer space looks cool, okay?" and other such incomprehensible words.

Just in terms of conclusion, it seems that there is no need for Wu He Bingjing.

But in order to make that satellite, this guy has used the remaining body of Surat to amuse himself alone. Regarding the life-controlling poem he has reconstructed in the gap between the two worlds for thousands of years, Dan can only Talio analyzed and adjusted alone.

Strictly speaking, this is not a bad thing, because the Ritual Snake, who had a glimpse of Yang Pojun's memory, can understand that the so-called [Yang Wuqu] is a [villain] with [rebellion].

Generally speaking, the man who helped others either had no good intentions or did not use normal helping methods.

While he was thinking, time was still flowing.

The silence caused Yu Xuan, who had listened to the previous words of the Creator God, to change several times, and finally said meaningless cruel words: "Creator God, your conspiracy will definitely fail, as long as you plan to continue to create the great lock. , delineate an area within this world, and use the power of existence gained from devouring humans to once again create a paradise for the Red World disciples. The Fire Mist Warriors and humans will definitely join forces to crush your conspiracy!"

"You got a few more important things wrong."

"First, the Wuhe Realm I will create does not need to devour humans. I have already solved the source of the power of existence, so humans do not need to be my enemy."

"Second, I will not create nothing in this world, but will accomplish great deeds in the gap between the two worlds. Therefore, in order to prevent us from causing unwarranted distortions that may harm the world, I choose to select Fire Mist Warriors to attack the Red World. There is no need for the demon kings to stop me. Besides, there are not many red demon kings left in this world who are not controlled by me."

"At last……"

"I have sent people to inform the human society about this matter. Although it is their business to believe it or not, but even if they still plan to use any reason to hinder me now, I will not stop."

He glanced at the people around Yu Xuan who had not yet regained their consciousness, and left a final announcement——

"Tell your comrades what I said. Even if you still want to stop me, you no longer have the ability."

【236】Illumination and satellite

The golden long sword and the silver-purple sword collided, and large areas of sparks flashed.

[A person] looked at [himself] through the same bright red eyes.

"Is this the only extent of your determination to beat him?"

The golden warrior who looked like an emperor asked.

The silver-colored warrior just sneered: "Strictly speaking, we are the same person, but you said some unintelligible things and hindered me from walking my own way. Why, the past lives and incarnations in fantasy novels Is the next life the true form of the relationship between the two of us?"

"It won't come to that."

Yang Weiwu let out a slight sigh.

He was somewhat mentally exhausted.

After actually getting a certain pair of ultimate armor hidden in his body, he got a glimpse of the bad memories of some old things and experienced a little old thing shock.

Memory is the brick that builds a strong will. Even if the essence is the same, there is still a very deep concept of "common consciousness". The "Soul of the Extreme Yang" that retains more memories is currently stronger than the "Spirit of the Extreme Yin" in terms of "foundation". Soul] is a fact.

Intentional energy is a derivative of a person's energy and spirit, but the most influential factor is one's own will.

Although he was somewhat in a trance, resulting in a decrease in the quality of his mental energy, Yang Weiwu could still suppress his other self with armor and more strength.

Why has it become like this?

LISA was thinking, while the illusory Shura Man crossed his legs, half lying in the air, watching the battle that had continued until now from a distance.

Although he was really making a fire at the beginning, there is no doubt that the two guys later made a real fire on their own.

No, this statement is actually very problematic.

The last quarter of the highest authority he proposed was actually easily obtained by Yang Weiwu by slowly grinding most of the highest authority he had, but he still chose to attack his other self.

For a moment, he felt that Yang Weiwu had probably stayed in his own consciousness space for too long and had not communicated for a long time, causing a mental disorder.

But then I thought about it, during this period, he had no less fights, and he had a first-person experience of everything Ji Yin Soul witnessed. This possibility simply did not exist.

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