"[Justice System] - let's not drag out the foreign language - [Justice System], the core operating rules that drive this armor to make it closer to the unlimited power of multi-element armor."

"When the reason why I use my power is in line with [justice], I will not be judged by thunder and lightning first."

"When my will is enough to conquer the power of my driving, I will not be counterattacked."

"I used too much power just now. The fifth element mobilized by that move made me miserable. That's why I ended up like this... Ahem!"

Somewhat anxiously, she took out a small pack of napkins from her body and wiped the blood from her lips. Duan Muyan comforted her in a panic: "No matter what the will of the earth thinks, I think what you do is in line with justice. You are a Hero, Yang Lucun."

"...You know, Duan Muyan. In fact, you are in line with my ideals?"


"My father was a policeman and he was a man who thought a lot about justice."

Duanmu Yanxin said, "Brother, please stop talking and let me take you to treatment quickly." But looking at Yang Lucun enduring the discomfort and insisting on finishing the story, he remembered the consequences of various lack of communication between himself and Ma Lingling. He hesitated, but listened to him.

“The views on procedural justice and substantive justice impressed me deeply.”

"Procedural justice is justice that is more rigid but less error-prone and pays attention to the process. The results may not be so satisfactory sometimes. Substantive justice is justice that can sacrifice the process to a certain extent for the results, but it is prone to errors and has great harm to society. potential for impact.”

"Apart from many discussions, in terms of results, I fully realized the justice of both of them under his influence."

"So I also understand very well that the reason why I am being criticized is because what I am going to do next is so [unjust]."

Duan Muyan, who didn't understand these words, only felt a big hand pressed between his chest and abdomen, and the numbness made him fall down instantly.

"Based on both emotion and reason, I should let him go to jail here to atone for his sins. But I'm sorry, a hypocrite like me chose my family in the end... I'm really sorry for making you feel this betrayal. "

The earth element built the purple stone gate with the power of his mind. Yang Lucun, who had no strength to get up, almost dragged his body to his eldest brother by squirming.

I don’t have the strength to complete the final steps.

He clearly recognized this fact.

So he looked with some difficulty at Mingming, who looked like he was leaning over to help him with emergency measures, but didn't dare to come over due to some emotion.

If you do that, you will not only violate the law, but also turn an innocent person who could have been exonerated into an accessory to the evil act.

However, the so-called [unjust people] are trash who have abandoned the bottom line. Even if they are reviled later, it is natural, right?

"Ming Ming..."

He called the other person's name.

"Can you please take us two through that door?"

End of Volume Remarks·The Shadow Emperor Chapter is concluded majesticly

Hi hi——

Here is the cat who stays up late at night and has successfully finished coding the third volume.

Oops, it’s not easy. By the end of the third volume, there are already 100 million words. Think about it, I have spent most of the volume in a single-player life with almost no one posting, and I can still persevere. I should praise myself. .

So let’s talk about this volume.

The core of this volume is looking back to the past, which means that the bulk of the writing does not entirely lie with Yang Weiwu.

In my personal opinion, the kind of person a person will grow into will be most influenced by the people around him.

Knowledge, mentality, ideas... these should be most closely related to parents.

This book was actually conceived very early, almost 15 years ago.

From the beginning, he foresees a sealed character with memories contained in the mysterious blood, relies on the opponent as a summoner protagonist with a gold finger (backup energy) to fully activate the Shura armor, to the expected five light and shadow armors, taking turns to practice, and finally becoming an emperor. The Emperor's Armor, which was finally written down and became the Shadow Emperor's Yang Weiwu, actually went through a lot of modifications.

Of course I have to apologize. The part about the nosebleed was written in the early years. The protagonist is sick and weak, and relies on various magical things that have the effect of breaking bones on his body to be treated bit by bit by running around in different worlds - this setting was written. . (Then because the manuscript was missing some parts, it was very painful when I first started coding it, so I polished it a little and posted it. I also used the explanation that when I was a child, I had nosebleeds every three days because the blood vessels in my nose were naturally slender. (Purely due to personal health reasons)) Now I think it is a bit obscene, but since it was a mistake I made when I was young, rather than correcting it directly, I prefer to correct it later.

There is such a thing as an outline, but it cannot be static. Due to changes in writing mentality, the author must make appropriate changes to both the outline and the detailed outline.

So regarding this point, I made a slight patch of the Lao Yang family's secret technique of compensation. Basically, the overuse of abilities can offset the burden at certain costs.

For example, the setting of Yangwu Qu is to increase the desire to reproduce. When Yang Lu was there to output and find monsters, this guy was afraid of being found and his plan would go wrong, so he simply looked at modern paintings and figured it out on his own.

For example, Yang Lucun is set to go into deep sleep instead of excessive consumption, and cannot wake up until he is fully recovered. Because he encountered the drug developed by Zhulong and Yang Wuqu, the price does not seem that bad.

It can be regarded as the same setting as the later patch. Yang Weiwu is considered to have the ability of [wisdom] and [understanding]. Yang Wuqu tried to turn him into an omniscient god, and then beat him because his good second brother found out. I can only stop.But the transformation cannot be changed back casually, so a secret technique similar to Ultraman's timer was used to remind Yang Weiwu how to pay attention to himself and stop overusing his abilities.

So please regard his nosebleeds at that time as a side effect of analyzing the racial composition of the [True Ancestor] with the naked eye——

Now that you’ve read this, it’s still a free book. There shouldn’t be any big brother who wouldn’t even accept this setting that would enhance the protagonist’s style, right?

Okay back to the topic of parents.

At the beginning, I set up the scenario where both parents were dead. After all, the Armored Warriors traveled to different worlds in their early years, and the world they lived in was still dominated by Japanese comics. It’s better for you, your parents, to die as soon as possible instead of doing shit later.

Later, I grew up a little and became more aware of my parents' existence.

They are the path that children are most likely to choose in the future, and they are the last wall for children. Until they die, children do not need to consider the philosophical issue of how to face death.

This idea was because my grandma died, and then I began to realize that my grandma and the others were not too young.Whether they are still around or not by the time I get married may be a problem. After all, anything can happen when I get older.

So in the end, I decided to let the protagonist’s parents appear and play a role before dying.

Not to mention being cold-blooded, it still makes sense to say that parents don’t travel far away, because I set the protagonist as a [human], and I have a high degree of recognition of this aspect under the influence of national culture.

But what should I do if my father Taichusheng writes a poem like Dao Gang's father when I have to arrange some flowers?

Hello, it’s time for some bro drama.

At first, I planned to create a dual personality, but later I felt that this kind of thing had a high level of showmanship and I might not be able to grasp it, so the brother drama became Yang Lucun's role.

Proud and inferior, strong and weak, loving and hating, this is the initial design of Yangwu Qu.

Originally, in about [-] years, he was still a murderous swordsman who would kill children in front of his mother.

Later, my anger gradually subsided and I felt that this was inappropriate, so I became a fun-loving person who was willing to party, whether it was due to side effects of my abilities or my personality.

The biggest joy that Lezi people give people, I think, is to overturn the car.

Then if the Lezi people are to be used to promote the plot, then power is needed.

In order to avoid the emergence of another evil white, I used the images of Superman Aguang and Tregear. In fact, this guy was also set up as the human body of Superman Aguang, and relied on the advantage of the field to beat Aguang to his knees. Drag him back to serve as a test subject.

He has to be a fierce man, and he has to be a strong one.

What is a strong person?

In my writing, only those who are self-centered can be called strong.

With a firm belief, an unshakable bottom line, the courage to stop everything, the wisdom to seize the opportunity to win, and a little bit of luck.

So Yang Wuqu and Yang Lucun were written bit by bit into their current characters.

He is a forensic doctor, so he respects the dead.

It's a fire alarm, so we can't leave it alone.

Why did I choose such a career, and how did I end up like that? After thinking back bit by bit, this operation on the Nava studio emerged.

Then they all arrived in another world. How to make Yang Lucun, who was expected to have an excessive sense of morality from the beginning, violate justice and bring Yang Wuqu back, is another problem.

In the end, I chose to add the character Yang Wei.

In fact, the name was originally written as the name of Yang Weiwu's father. Later, he thought that the astrological name might sound better, so he let it go, and finally it became the name of Yang Weiwu's little father.

Considering that Yang Weiwu must have a normal outlook on life, the three heavyweight father figures must be able to restrain themselves under the premise of conflict.

I came to the conclusion that it would only work if they both loved each other.

It doesn’t matter if the form of expression is out of character abnormality or even causes tragedy, this love must be genuine.

Because he loves his brothers, and even loves his younger brother the most, Yang Wuqu will give him the Melt of Dreams.

Because he loves his brothers, Yang Lucun is willing to trample on his ideals, violate justice, prevent Yang Wuqu from being imprisoned in another world, and even let Mingming be an accessory to achieve his goals.

Because they love their brothers, the Yangwei family loves Wujiwu, and also loves their eldest nephew and second sister-in-law. Of course, this does not affect the various misfortunes that they have suffered.

And because these three guys were so weird, I didn’t think it was appropriate for a normal person to put them in, so at first it was Yang Wenqu who changed his gender to Yang Wuqu, and later it evolved into Yang Weiwu’s mother Mingming .

In order not to waste the name she worked so hard to come up with, and to give the youngest of the three brothers some strength, Yang Wenqu joined the suffering battlefield as the eldest sister.

So the family settings are finished, and normal people understand all three views. It is not a big problem to converge on each other and teach a child who was a little abnormal at a young age.

Next is the part about the Shadow Emperor in this volume.

Because it was initially set that the protagonist was a pure armor summoner and the enemy was from the Shadow Realm, I didn’t consider the setting of the Shadow Emperor.

Back then it was just a background board. I heard that Aofei wanted to integrate the armor world view, so I went to improve the settings.

After tasting it carefully, my rating is - 6.

In addition, I reviewed the first three Armored Warriors films and found that these three films, which were all pretty good under the influence of childhood filters, had the same sloppy ending.

The settings basically have the intention of overtly or covertly stepping on the predecessor.

For example, Lufa at the beginning blew up the Shadow Star, which was the former base camp of the Shadow Realm and now is the outpost of the Shadow Realm. For example, the ultimate raging bug completely insulted Lufa's spaceship.

Then in the first and third parts, people from the film industry were all involved. What was confusing was that in the first part, the specific function of the magic spirit stone was unclear, but in the second part, the aggressive virus actually has such a big spread restriction as MAOA.

So while I gave the Tyrannosaurus worms the setting BUFF of the original body, the Tyrant Emperor, I also made the Death Black Star, which is the planet-level unit setting after the reformation of the Tyrant Emperor.

The younger brother is so outrageous, and the elder brother is very embarrassed. After all, when the enemy is Zhu Chongba, although there is a chance that he will be frightened by the news, if he loses, he will still lose to a hero. If the enemy is a gangster, he will feel a little disgusted whether he wins or loses.

Therefore, the Demon Spirit Stone is set to be a spiritual life form similar to the energy crystal but imbued with the power of the Shadow Emperor. Just by existing, it can transform the surrounding into the shadow world (five-dimensional space).

The Emperor of Storms was also a miracle born due to the long-term pollution caused by a certain magic spirit stone. The person who met him was someone who had not yet become the emperor, and he was also a very powerful person when the golden path was popular in the entire universe. [Snow Mastiff Prototype].

I have been elusive about the Five Elements Bagua for a long time. Finally, because Zhen Gua belongs to the Wood Element, I hesitated for a long time and created [Xia]. This style of painting is a bit strange, not like special photography but more like the secret technique of cultivating immortals.

Okay, now that the force grid thing has been set up to this point, it would be a bit humiliating for you to still treat yourself as an enemy.

As we all know, the end point of tokusatsu is that we and the enemy have the same origin.


The Emperor of Light, starring: Yang Weiwu.

Shadow Emperor, starring in the leather cover: Emperor of Darkness, the man in it: Yang Weiwu.

Of course, the boss's younger brother can't be too lazy, so he added a patch to the Shadow Protector and made it stronger at an epic level. Of course, this will be revealed later, so I won't spoil it here.

The setting has been perfected to this point, and the first volume is only half-written.

Such a design should be written until the Year of the Monkey and the Moon of the Horse?Free book: Do I really have the perseverance to finish writing this kind of outline?

From Ordinary Man to Emperor Man to Shadow King is expected to be completed within three volumes.

A total of five volumes of Shadow Guardian are expected to be collected for epic level enhancement.

Finally, return to Blood Devouring Raid to learn about the past volume, and there may be an extra volume that may or may not exist.

It is expected to be ten volumes, and the first volume will be about this length.

Haha, you idiot, are you overestimating yourself?

Then I found a lot of books on Hedgehog Cat that can be said to be powered by love, with no posts, no clicks, and no money.

I just thought, give it a try and finish writing the Shadow Emperor first. The three ultimate armors must have some role.

Then I succeeded.

Because of the writing style, it was pretty bad in the early stage, and it sort of eliminated a lot of people.

Then because the second volume really wanted to write only the story of Luo Sha and Entei, and Shana of the Shakugan was really not suitable for a second creation, at least I didn’t have much motivation for a second creation, so I stitched up the story of the hero of the fallen knight as a lead-in For the subsequent settings of the Demonic Spirit Stone and the preparations for the Evil Gold Scroll, this scroll was basically treated as a sacrifice.

Of course, the number of posts dropped significantly at the beginning of that volume, but considering that I can't keep making jokes and the armor history is too thin, this makes sense.

So as the last volume of the Shadow Emperor chapter, and also the mostly original story of the third volume, I have to make up for and fill in the problems of the second volume and the first volume.

That is, the Lao Yang family that you see is full of shit.

Objectively speaking, the Lao Yang family has made great contributions to mankind from generation to generation. Subjectively speaking, the three brothers who have actually been directly persecuted cannot think that the old guys have done a good job.

This is also to reflect the concept of struggle.

After thinking deeply about armor, I found that one of the most unchanging subjects is "fighting".

The light world and the shadow world, the Ares orthodoxy and the Nether Demon, the elements and the tyrants...

There are fights between people and aliens.

In the final setting, the image was exactly the same as the Emperor's Armor. Only the color scheme was almost completely reversed. The image of the Shadow Emperor was completed almost as soon as the subject was clearly defined.

He has no need of self because he acts by rules.

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