If you are within the range of Luanjin Tuo, you will slow down based on the other party's impact on the world.

But the person in front of him refused to be slowed down, and actually let himself relax his vigilance.

How can this be?

What kind of methods does the other party have?

Wang hasn't finished thinking yet.

The force of this punch was so powerful that he fainted from the pain.

He fell to the ground, and when he was dying, he only saw the other party running away into the distance.

Scar Beard-face felt excited after taking care of Wang Ye, but at this moment, his dangerous intuition came quietly.

For a moment, he broke out in a cold sweat and sweated like rain.

He was most sensitive to these dangers, and he had never been in a situation like this before.

How is this going?

Why such a strange reaction?

It is precisely because he is extremely sensitive to danger that he has set up traps throughout the building.

If those two people want to go out, they must follow the route designated by him to succeed.

This is why Scar Beard Face reacted as soon as Wang Ye and the others arrived.

But this situation was something he had never encountered before.

Why would the opponent have such a strong attack?

And it makes him feel so dangerous!

What the hell is this?

Thoughts in his mind were constantly gathering together.

The next moment he saw a man walking in front of him.

"Wang Ye is really good at letting his guard down."

"People who play traps are sensitive to danger, so they set up thousands of traps in order to have an impact on the world!"

"I didn't even understand such a simple truth."

Li Tong walked slowly and looked at the scarred and bearded face in front of him.

"Tell me who sent you, and I can save you from death."

I felt the killing intent dissipate from my body.

The scarred bearded man was shocked. Who is this person?

But even this would not allow him to betray his employer.

Then he turned around and ran away.

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt attacks from all around rushing toward him.

What are these situations?

Aren't these all mechanisms set up by yourself?

He hadn't reacted yet, so he could only passively dodge.

But the mechanism was linked, and when he came to his senses completely, he had already appeared in front of this man.

Li Tong glanced at him, and then breathed out lightly.

I originally thought it was poisonous gas or something, but I found out that the gas came very quickly.

He actually grabbed his neck in an instant.

Then he slowly fell down and fell into coma.

Until he fell into coma, he had not figured out what methods the other party used to crack his mechanism and let them attack him.

This method is simply incredible.

What happened to that last bit of anger?

There are so many secrets in this man!

Chapter 120 Office Features

The king was also panicked. He quickly raised his head and looked around.

Only then did he realize that the moonlight was still there, but the scarred and bearded face that knocked him unconscious just now was no longer there.

This punch really hurts.

Wang Ye held his stomach and wiped the foam from his mouth.

His forehead was still sweating.

This punch hurts so much!

He was knocked unconscious when he had no reaction.

Wang Ye touched the wall and approached Zhang Chulan and the others step by step.

Soon he saw Zhang Chulan and the others.

"Hey, Lao Wang, where have you been? We're all done."

Zhuge Qing pointed at the scarred bearded face lying on the ground.

"Now that you've done it, why don't you tie him up and leave him alone? If I hadn't tried to turn around and see him, I might have missed him."

Normally, the Battle King would be extremely serious.

Use your own strength to add it all together.

Come in to resist the battle with the aliens.

Only this time he didn't expect it anyway.

One's own chaos cannot affect the other party.

20x speed doesn't help.

And the other party happened to use the power in his body again.

This resulted in Wang Ye using a physical body with the same strength as a mortal to resist a full-force punch from an alien.

Being comatose is still a good thing. If it weren't for his special constitution, he would have passed away from the pain by now.

But after hearing what the two of them said, Wang also woke up instantly.

"You, how did you catch this?"


The other party had beaten him almost to death, so how could he appear here?

But looking at the opponent, they really looked like they were knocked unconscious, which meant that someone besides them had taken action!

Li Tong, who was leaning against the wall, slowly walked out.

"Can't you be more careful when doing things?"

"I helped you defeat him, but I don't want to save you."

"It can be considered a lesson to you."

Hearing these words, Wang Ye felt that his face was ugly, don't say it, it was a bit embarrassing.

Seeing that there was an inside story, Zhuge Qing and Zhang Chulan were about to ask something when they saw that Li Tong had already turned around and went back. Obviously they didn't want to say more. They had no choice but to do it. They just had this ability.

Nowadays, Li Tong is called Zhenshan Tiger in the circle, which is just an identity.

They want to ask others to take action, which can already be said to be a great gift or something.

However, their relationship remained as usual, except that his temperament was colder.

Zhuge Qing and others have become accustomed to not saying anything when getting along with each other these days.

Soon Feng Baobao's people came to carry these people's bodies away.

The moonlight is lingering, inside an abandoned factory building.

Everyone stood in a row and looked at the man in front of them quietly. Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao were torturing him from the front.

Zhang Chulan was wearing the clothes of a veteran in the workplace, holding his hands and looking helplessly at the scarred and bearded face in front of him.

"Everyone has been recruited, but you are the most arrogant, brother, right?"

Zhang Chulan looked helplessly at the scarred and bearded man in front of him, who was now unable to eat anything, neither hard nor soft.

"But I do admire your ruthlessness, brother."

Zhang Chulan had her hands on her hips, looking arrogant and domineering.

"As long as you tell me who sent you here, I will let you and your guys go."

He was not holding a cigarette, but instead had a small toothpick in his mouth.

But just like that, he looks a bit like Xu Si.

The scarred bearded man cut in disdain after hearing this.

"Little kid, don't play this trick with me if you have nothing to do."

"In our line of business, it's all about credibility!"

The tone with which the scarred bearded face spoke was extremely strange, as if it was a matter of course.

He looked up at Zhang Chulan in front of him.

"Tell you? I was confused after telling you!"

"I just won't say anything anymore, what can you do to me?"

Look at the other party's arrogant and domineering attitude.

Zhang Chulan took off the toothpick in a similar manner, and then slowly spoke.

"I can't do anything to you, but as far as you are engaged in eavesdropping and surveillance."

"I can already send you to detention!"

Then Zhang Chulan acted exaggeratedly and pulled Wang Ye's face aside.

"Look who this is, he is the third son of Zhonghai King Wei!"

"Your behavior has brought extremely serious mental pressure to Mr. Wang and his family!"

"Look at the little face of the Third Young Master, which is covered with sallow and black eye circles caused by you. What a handsome man he is, but you have ruined him into this horrible state!"

"And you are also aware of Mr. Wang's behavior. He takes that medicine every day. Mr. Wang is an outstanding representative who has made tremendous contributions to the country's economic construction!"

"You are hindering the development of the country by harassing him!"

"So from this perspective alone, the consequences of your actions are extremely serious!"

Zhang Chulan pointed at the other party indignantly.

"Extreme! It! Strict! Heavy!"

As soon as the four words were said, the whole audience suddenly became cold.

Scar suddenly broke into cold sweat in his beard and his whole body was shaking.

Li Tong on the side couldn't help but chuckle after seeing such a scene.

It’s Zhang Chulan who is the bastard who talks dirty.

Seeing that the other party was scared, Zhang Chulan folded his hands and looked serious.

"You are also a veteran, so you should know the weight of these words, right?"

"Don't think this can end with a simple detention!"

Zhang Chulan's face was crooked, and the toothpick stuck in his mouth like a sweaty cigarette.

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