Zhuge Qing couldn't help but sneered when he heard what happened.

He looked at Wang Ye with some mockery.

“I thought you knew about this, but I didn’t expect that you, Fenghou Qimen, didn’t know about it.

Chapter 122 Three people do divination together!

Zhuge Qing's face was full of ridicule.

"This is our Wuhou Sect's unique method!"

"Our ancestors discovered that the interior is not unique. The interior that every warlock enters is exactly the same!"

Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao were stunned when they heard these words.

Li Tong looked at them and was thinking about something in his mind.

If that's the case, then it seems that there are more ways for you to practice, and you can also achieve more improvements.

For now, it seems pretty good.

I just don’t know if I can get the martial arts from the Wuhou family.

"Speaking of which, who's responsible for watching those guys?"

After hearing this, Li Tong came over.

"pass it to me!"

Several people looked at each other, as if asking Li Tong to do this was a bit of a bargain.

But that doesn’t matter anymore, the next step is the serious business.

The scarred bearded man looked at Li Tong, and while he was still thinking about where he had seen him, he saw him blowing out a breath.

As soon as this breath came out, Scar's bearded face felt something was wrong.

He looked at everything in front of him, feeling in a daze.

The other party had also knocked him out with just one breath.

No, come again?

A few people met each other. Is this the demeanor of a strong man?

"Zhang Chulan seems to be a little confused about this matter when it comes to formation formation, but with Li Tong here he can fill all the vacancies."

"First of all, Wang Ye will be responsible for controlling this formation. He only needs to move the Qimen Four Disks once within an hour."

Wang also nodded.

Zhuge Qing then looked at Li Tong.

"If we have any accidents, we will have to rely on your help."

Li Tong nodded, he could be regarded as their little helper.

It just so happened that he wanted to see what Zhuge Wuhou had in store.

"The first problem this time is that it must be used when Qimen's fourth set is restored!"

"In other words, the three wonders, six rituals, eight gates, nine stars, and eight gods will all fall into their original positions."

"So it is destined to take action at a certain time, so in the eyes of the contemporary Wuhou Sect, this formation is extremely impractical!"

"But with Lao Wang and your Qimen Escape Technique, it won't be a problem."

"My ancestor Zhuge Wuhou, during a great war, he decided to use 15 sacrifices to form a Wuhou array in order to gain the power to reach the sky!"

"But in the end, there were three sacrifices missing, and the time just came, and in the end the success fell short."

"The Qimen is broken, but the set of spells has remained, and the normal time to activate the Qimen should not be a problem for Taoist Wang."

"So now we can do divination in this way. Besides, we don't ask for any heavenly power. It's just a small question. It should be very simple."

Zhuge Qing's analysis of this sentence is so clear that even a layman like Zhang Chulan, who doesn't understand it at all, has some clues.

"What else can you say? Let's get started!"

Zhang Chulan couldn't wait, and then Wang Ye calmly took a step forward, and a breeze blew by.

Strange escape techniques have spread under his feet.

Except for Zhang Chulan who didn't see it, everyone else stared at the ground thoughtfully.

Li Tong had a lot of thoughts in his heart.

His god-level Fenghou Qimen is obviously much stronger than his opponent, and naturally has more power, but looking at it now, there doesn't seem to be any big deviation.

However, although he knew how to do it, he had never known anything about divination.

Looking at it today, I can also obtain the divination skills from the Wuhou family.

Speaking of which, why does the Wuhou family feel like they are the wronged ones?

The proud Wuhou Qimen was suppressed by Fenghou Qimen.

In the end, the divine machine of the Hundred Refinements completely suppressed those of the Wuhou family.

In comparison, the Zhuge family really chooses to be wronged.

But Zhuge Ting is indeed a talent.

It is extremely good to be able to resist the temptation in the end and finally understand the true fire of Samadhi of one's own family.

They were all a bunch of geniuses, but they were only in the era when Zhuge Wuhou was born.

The creators of Fenghou Qimen and Shenji Bailian have not yet been born.

It is precisely because they can do research based on the foundation of their ancestors.

Speaking of which, Zhuge Wuhou can be regarded as the ancestor of the two of them.

This is the so-called Yangtze River wave pushing forward the wave.

But the moment Wang Ye used Fenghou Qimen, Zhuge Qing secretly let out a sigh.

"Qimen Imaging Mind Technique!"

Then two faint rays of light floated out of his pupils, biting his pupils like little snakes.

This thing can bring him closer to the essence of things.

Although it does some damage to him, if used for a long time, this damage can be eliminated.

In his own Qimen escape game.

Zhuge Qing's every move can really be said to be invisible in Wang Ye's eyes.

Wang also raised his head and looked at Zhuge Qing.

He sighed helplessly in his heart

Hey, Zhuge Qing.

Is this the real reason why you want to follow me?

No matter what the purpose is, you want to take another look at Fenghou Qimen.

Zhang Chulan looked at the two people who were already in a daze like a fool, a little confused.

"What are you doing? Have you started?"

"Let me go, Lao Qing, is this formation very strenuous? You have already closed your eyes to open them!"

Feng Baobao shook his head.

"Not yet."

Zhuge Qing kept observing Fenghou Qimen.

As the Qi Men Dun Pan was turned, the passage of time was constantly heard in his ears.

There is also the sound of a lot of mechanical gears churning.

This was not the first time he had seen this situation, but he was still as shocked as the first time.

Fenghou Qimen can indeed modify the time!

Like his Zhuge family's Wuhou Qimen, they always remain in a certain space and cannot stop.

This is their unique escape method!

However, Fenghou Qimen can move at will and can control time much better than them.

Why did it fail in the first place?

Zhuge Qing later figured this out and realized that he had not lost unfairly.

Being able to see such a strange escape method, he would have died without regrets.

"Is this the peak of your strength now?"

Zhuge Qing was filled with emotions.

At this time, Wang Ye said softly.

"All right."

Then he walked to another direction.

"I am practicing the Dharma at Binghuo, and Lao Wang is practicing Dinghuo at Dinghuo. I won't tell you what Dharma to perform."

"As for Lao Zhang, you are not compatible with Yimu, but you can make do with it now."

"Just use the golden light spell."

Zhang Chulan nodded.

"Finally, I would like to thank Li Tong and Feng Baobao for guarding the gates for us."

"The three of us are going on a trip to Sanqi. When the time comes, I can pull you all into the interior!"

Chapter 123 Interior World

Zhuge Qing sat down cross-legged.

Finally, he began to direct Zhang Chulan to a certain direction.

Because he was not sure, Zhang Chulan pointed specifically.

Finally got a positive answer.

Then he sat down cross-legged and looked at the divination technique that the few of them were manipulating.

Li Tong concentrated his mind, waiting for the moment of enlightenment.

A strange light appeared in his eyes!

Just as the thought came to his mind, a familiar voice came to his ears.

[Understand the divination skills of Zhuge Wuhou and obtain the divine divination method! 】


Divine divination method!

This time it was much simpler.

After figuring this out, he was extremely excited now.

There is another skill, and divination is the most mysterious art!

Even if Zhuge Qing and the three of them do divination together, it will still take a lot of time, and they also need to bear the responsibility for cause and effect.

But as far as I am concerned, judging by the abilities I have obtained, I can fully perform divination by myself.

And things of cause and effect will not be imposed on oneself.

It is indeed a divine divination method!

Zhuge Qing made a secret with one hand.

"Li Zi, Explosive Flame!"

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