Zhang Chulan and the three others were exhausted. This action had drained all the energy from their bodies.

Now everyone is extremely tired.

Zhang Chulan gasped for air.

Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing on the side were sweating profusely.

For them, this was their first experience, and they did not expect it to be so energy-consuming.

"Thanks to Lao Qing's formation, if I were alone I would have spent most of my life to get this result!"

"This is the peculiarity of our Wuhou family!"

"Have you gotten the result you wanted no matter what?"

Several people nodded.

"In addition to Wang Ai, there is one other person, and the remaining groups of people are all hired by him."

"The current top figure in the Shuzi Sect and one of the ten men, Chen Jinkui!"

Wang Ye also never thought that his Feng Hou Qi Sect would attract the covetousness of the Shu Zi Sect.

And generally speaking, the pinnacle of their cultivation in the Shuzi Sect should be Mr. Lu's Tongtian Lu.

How could it have anything to do with myself?

Wang Ye was confused, but he didn't have any other emotions.

It’s best if this matter is settled like this.

Although a certain amount of strength has been exhausted now, it is naturally the best to get the desired result.

Speaking of which, this thing from the Zhuge family gives me a chance to study it carefully.

Then Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing talked about the Qimen Escape Technique.

Especially when the Zhuge family's affairs return to the Yuan Formation!

Who would have thought that it could have such power?

You can let three people come in together and share the losses among them equally.

Share the power of three people and share everything they get.

The things contained in it are naturally too huge and the power is extremely impressive.

It is precisely because of this that it carries a lot of things, and there are also many unexplainable factors.

Zhang Chulan looked at the two people in front of him, and then took another look at this wonderful interior world.

If it weren't for Wang Daozhang and Zhuge Qing, I might never be able to see this strange sight in my life.

Zhang Chulan clenched his fists tightly.

At this moment, an extremely huge question suddenly flashed in his mind.

Why don't you take the opportunity here to ask about Sister Bao'er's life experience?

What will you get if you ask?

I'm afraid it should be no less important than hiring someone to harass Daoist Wang Ye's family behind the scenes.

This matter is of great significance to Zhang Chulan himself.

So no matter what, he had to take a closer look to see what the relationship was behind this.

Just when Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing were still thinking about things seriously, they suddenly felt strong fluctuations.

Especially Zhuge Qing!

This is his inner world, and he is aware of every move and change.

He quietly looked at the huge fireball that emerged in front of him. This fireball looked to be many times larger than the question Wang Ye asked before!

And there are flames flowing on it, and there are things that are constantly condensing!

What exactly is this?

Why has it reached this level?

Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing were shocked. Logically speaking, they didn't ask questions now.

Then it can't be them.

The only possibility is Zhang Chulan!

He must have asked something!

And this issue involves too much!

The king was also dumbfounded, and Zhuge Qing was trembling.

"how come?"

"Zhang Chulan, what on earth did you ask!?"

Chapter 126 Out of reach!

Zhuge Qing was panicked. He had often been told before that the world was inside.

Especially after entering it using the Tasanqi Formation, there are very few things that can really be asked.

They are all closely related to themselves and the difficulty will naturally increase!

It's just that he has never thought about what kind of question Zhang Chulan asked! ?

Would it actually cause such a big fireball to appear in the interior world?

And the size of this fireball is still growing!

The temperature also climbs more rapidly!

What kind of situation is this?

What exactly did Zhang Chulan ask?

How could there be such a big implication?

The two people hurriedly looked in the direction of Zhang Chulan, and Zhuge Qing immediately felt that something bad had happened.

Zhang Chulan is now floating in the air, his eyes dull, and the fireball extends a tentacle to pull him into it.

Generally speaking, when facing this kind of situation, there is only one remedial measure, which is to take the person involved away quickly.

Zhuge Qing hurriedly mobilized his formations to escape from here, but it had no effect.

They entered this formation as Sanqi.

Now that Zhang Chulan is in a coma, Sanqi's identity is no longer established.

That's why.

Zhuge Qing suddenly panicked.

How can this be?

If that's the case, what should you do next?

Zhang Chulan has fallen into a coma, and the fireball is still rising!

The interior world actually expands when it comes to a complete stop.

Although Zhang Chulan was unconscious.

But Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing only felt as if they were looking at a huge planet!

This fireball can actually reach this level!

In other words, what Zhang Chulan asked about is closely related to the way of heaven!

And this incident not only has a great impact on Zhang Chulan himself, but also the entire world!

Wang Ye was shocked!

He suddenly thought of it, which means that it seems that the truth that Zhang Chulan is pursuing is just that difficult.

What should I do now?

Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing hurriedly shouted Zhang Chulan's name, trying to wake him up.

It was Zhang Chulan who responded to them. His eyes were still dull, and his whole body had been slowly dragged. It was over now, and he had ended up in such a situation.

outside world.

The bodies of the three people suddenly burst out with intense light, and the bleeding from the seven orifices deepened!

Feng Baobao's heart trembled when he saw this, and he was about to step forward to give the three of them a good look.

But suddenly Li Tong's body held his hand.

how so! ?

The soul is out of body, why can it still control the body? ?

Feng Baobao turned around and saw that the other person had his eyes closed and could not see any emotion.

But the meaning in his hand was very clear, telling him not to touch the three of them.

Feng Baobao was confused, but he nodded honestly and then squatted aside.

In the interior world.

Zhuge Qing felt a strong tearing sensation.

And the power gradually became obvious, and at this time they were completely panicked.

What should this do?

Just as they panicked and started frantically trying to save themselves.

Zhuge Qing was keenly aware of something!

Something came in?

He looked in that direction and realized that the other party was actually Li Tong!

Why can he enter his own inner world uncontrollably!

And he can be so casual and know that he is the only one in the world. Why has it reached such an extent?

"Zhang Chulan will really cause trouble for others."

Li Tong complained, and then he raised his hand.

A faint light began to condense in the palm of his hand!

Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing really have no choice but to throw all their hopes into each other!

This layer of light condenses very quickly, and it bursts out in the blink of an eye!

It turned out that the bond between the three people and the fireball was quickly cut off like an ordinary laser!

Then Li Tong looked at the fireball in front of him, it was too big!

It's really like a planet. It turns out that Feng Baobao's life experience is so involved!

Sure enough, you can understand the difficulty only after experiencing it yourself and feeling the hot air waves hitting your face!

Li Tong's figure was swaying, but he finally looked at everything in front of him and gradually calmed down.

Then he looked back.

Zhang Chulan still looked at the fireball in front of him with a dull expression.

It seemed to be a huge attraction, just when I was about to get closer.

Suddenly I heard a roar.

The next moment, Zhuge Qing felt like the world was spinning. When he opened his eyes again, he no longer appeared in the interior world.

On the contrary, it is the reality of the outside world!

He looked in Wang Ye's direction, and the other party did the same.

As for Zhang Chulan, he was the last one to wake up. He was a little confused when he saw his hand, so he quickly remembered the cause and effect of all this.

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