The services were originally running back and forth like crazy.

They went up with the plate in hand, but when they came it was like an empty plate.

Not even a little oil and water.

And there are several bowls of rice.

No, who dares to eat like this in Zhuangyuan Building?

I'm afraid it's too much for this price and quantity, right?

It tastes good, but the price is really expensive.

This is also the reason why many people dare not eat too much.

The ones currently devouring food were a man and a woman.

Both of them were wearing simple work clothes, and their expressions really looked like they had been hungry for days and nights, as if they were reincarnations of starving ghosts.

Eating this stuff like crazy.

These two people are naturally Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao.

Zhang Chulan now had a bite of chicken legs, a bite of braised pork, and took a sip of a drink in the middle.

Feng Baobao is even more exaggerated. He has a bowl of noodles in his left hand and a bun in his right hand.

Eating it is called a relish.

The chopsticks of the two people were constantly intertwined among the piles of dishes.

high speed.

Seeing this scene in front of them, Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing had strange expressions on their faces. Why did they feel like Feng Baobao and Zhang Chulan were reincarnated as starving ghosts?

Although they didn't speak, their eyes said so.

"I'm starving to death. I haven't had a decent meal after spending so many days squatting here."

As Zhang Chulan said this, he bit off half of the chicken leg in his mouth, chewing it so deliciously.

After eating for a long time, Zhang Chulan suddenly burped, and his mouth was bulging. After finally chewing it all, he let out a sigh.

"I've been busy for so long, and I'm finally almost done."

After hearing this, Wang on the side was obviously stunned.

No, didn't the person behind this just be found out?

Why is life almost over?

"Finished? Finished?"

The king did not react.

Zhang Chulan nodded.

"Well, yes, it's basically all over, and there's still a little ending."

Zhang Chulan looked at Wang Ye doubtfully while eating.

"Then what do you want, Master Wang?"

Wang Ye still didn't believe it, so he continued to ask.

"Is this all for fun?"

Zhang Chulan looked at Wang Ye like he was an idiot.

"Otherwise, what do you want, Taoist Wang? It's impossible to rush to those two old guys' homes and kill them at this time, right?"

"Not to mention whether you can beat him or not, even if you do, Daozhang Wang, your family will face such a situation. Besides, we are still a society ruled by law. If you do something like that, Daozhang Wang, you will have to run away for the rest of your life. "

Hearing this, Wang also understood the meaning of Zhang Chulan's words.

Zhang Chulan continued his clear analysis.

"It's not yet time for the two sides to meet each other. The reason why they are fighting is because of who is shameless."

"Master Wang, you are facing a bunch of scoundrels, so naturally you will be even more scoundrel than them!"

"That's why I sent the three of them to follow their families and take photos. Only in this way can they understand that you are a scoundrel. They dare not touch you. If you really want to go on, no one will be able to please you. .”

"And you should also be happy, Taoist Wang. Fortunately, the people who are targeting you are just helpless people who don't completely trust you. These people at least have scruples in their hearts."

"I understand what you mean. We will each take a step back and not disturb each other from now on. Taoist Wang will just treat this matter as if it never happened. As for the other things, I think it's nothing. If it's a brand new group of lunatics, I can't guarantee it. He will definitely do something else."

"But having said that, Quan Xin was lucky that Lao Li personally took action and severely damaged their vitality. I think there won't be any big movement in the next year or two!"

"Speaking of which, where did Lao Li go?"

Wang Ye suddenly thought of it.

"I don't know. Lao Li said that he seemed to have a relative at BJ's side. He also felt that the mission was almost over, so he ran to see for himself."

Zhang Chulan still remembered when Lao Li asked him for leave, so he responded as usual.

However, he also specifically told Lao Li to come over quickly.

Mr. Wang, if you want to invite them to have a meal at Zhuangyuan Building, the cost of a dish here is at least [-] yuan.

Isn't this a good way to kill Taoist Wang?

But why haven't I come back yet?

Zhuge Qing looked at Feng Baobao who was eating crazily, with a bit of weirdness in his eyes.

He remembered Zhang Lingyu's words on Longhu Mountain.

"Soon you'll see something more interesting than my humble deeds."

Obviously he is talking about Feng Baobao in front of him!

What other secrets does Feng Baobao have about him?

I can't always see through it.

Zhang Chulan spoke to him while eating.

"Old Wang, I think you are much stronger than them in terms of means, but do you know why you are having such a headache this time and you have to ask us to help you with the commission?"

Wang also shook his head.

"Because what you encounter is a rogue. There is no way to deal with rogues. The most important thing about them is that they have no lower limit."

"The only way to deal with scoundrels is to make you a scoundrel. When facing the same kind of people, there will be no lower limit for their competition."

"Obviously, people like Wang Ai and Chen Jinkui didn't expect that you, a Wudang disciple, could do such a thing."

"The two of them are throwing a tantrum, so naturally they won't take any action."

"At this time, if you don't say anything about the commission, it will be canceled naturally, so the threat to you will be much less when the mission ends."

Hearing Zhang Chulan's words, Wang Ye was thoughtful, but he suddenly thought of a place.

"Aren't there two groups of people that haven't been dealt with yet? One is the one who pretended to be Scarface and beat me, and the other is the one who kidnapped my family."

After hearing these words, Zhang Chulan swallowed the food in his mouth and spoke word by word to Wang Ye.

"This matter is very simple. When we asked questions in the interior, there were only two people behind the scenes. This means that the other person does not pose any threat to you."

"Maybe he's just out of curiosity, or maybe he wants to come see you because of some psychological factors and see what you can do."

"It's as simple as that. He has no ill intentions towards your family or you."

Wang Ye thought for a moment and realized that Zhang Chulan's words were indeed correct, but he had not figured this out.

"And according to what you just said, the other party was just someone who beat you easily, so it's obvious that he doesn't have any ill intentions towards you."

Wang also nodded.

"As for kidnapping your family, I was the one who did it."

Chapter 130 President of Yao Xing Club

Hear this.

Wang Ye was still thinking about who was behind the kidnapping of his family, when he heard Zhang Chulan say this.

He looked at Zhang Chulan speechlessly,

What kind of medicine is sold in this gourd?

"Thief Sun, you'd better give me a reasonable explanation!"

Zhang Chulan, on the other hand, continued to share the food with Wang Ye.

"I'd like to give you a suggestion. After this incident is over, change places, that is to say, leave BJ."

Wang also turned his head and looked over.

"You can go anywhere, just don't stay at home."

"Staying at home can only make you feel at ease."

Wang Ye was stunned for a moment, as if this was indeed the case.

Zhang Chulan picked up a piece of green vegetables with chopsticks and began to analyze it logically.

"You can't possibly protect every member of the family. On the contrary, you will let others see your weakness in this matter."

Wang Ye turned around and sighed.

What is the outcome of this matter?

He couldn't go into details, and the reason why he entrusted Zhang Chulan and the others to help.

I just want to protect my family and behave like this now.

It would make no difference to just give up the family members.

But what Zhang Chulan said does seem to make sense.

"You leave BJ first and leave the safety of the people at home to others to help!"

"You can come back when something happens."

After hearing these words, Wang Ye lowered his head and thought, why does Zhang Chulan, a little scoundrel, always speak in such novel ways?

Then Zhang Churan continued to tell the reasons why he arranged for people to kidnap Wang Ye's family.

"How could your family hire someone to protect them for no reason? So I went to arrange for several colleagues in the company to cooperate with me in this drama!"

"This is to make it easier for you to hire someone to protect them now."

Then Wang Ye looked at Zhang Chulan.

Zhang Chulan now said with some fear in his tone.

"But should I say it or not, your father is really tough. His skills are absolutely outstanding among ordinary people."

The king also laughed when he heard this.

Although my father looks like he is middle-aged and putting on weight.

Take some psychoactive drugs throughout the day, but I should not say that.

Being a soldier, you still have to have something.

"Normally, my father comes from a military background, so it's normal for him to have skills."

Zhang Chulan continued his clear analysis.

"And you also think about why the people I sent out were discovered by your people at the right time."

"Is this just a reminder for them and a small wake-up call in their hearts?"

"Although it's not a threat, let them keep this idea in mind."

"At this time, Mr. Wang, you suddenly proposed such an idea. Who would refuse to agree?"

Zhuge Qing on the side was even more impressed with admiration after hearing these words.

Zhuge Qing looked at Feng Baobao, who had been digging for food, and suddenly asked this question.

"You said you are such a naive girl, why do you hang out with such a cunning and cunning person every day?"

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