"Hey, Lao Li, where are you? Why aren't you back?"

Li Tong glanced at the surrounding sky, and the sky was beginning to fade away.

It's a little slow, but it's quite reasonable.

"I didn't find the person behind it that you asked me to find. On the contrary, I thought BJ City was pretty good, so I walked around and took a lot of photos."

"What's wrong? Have you finished your meal? It's such a pity that you sent me away to eat something delicious secretly."

"Old Li, Old Li, you have to listen to my sophistry on this matter. Taoist Master Wang said that he will open a table for you alone later, and we will also benefit from you and eat together."

Just after Zhang Chulan said these words, the prince beside him immediately turned pale.

I'll go, you kid is just lying to me.

If you have a meal at Zhuangyuanlou, it will be your portion.

Once built, it should be worth 5 figures at least!

You guys really dare to say such a big portion.

However, he thought that the other party was also helping him with things here, and Li Tong was not part of the company.

I came here purely because of the friendship between Zhang Chulan and Wang Ye.

I don’t bother others much with other things.

During the time he was here, my family did not receive any threats, and it has always been very good.

Calculating it this way, it seems pretty good.

"Okay, let's meet up at the hotel and treat our Taoist Master Wang to another meal at noon tomorrow!"

Seeing the evil smile on Zhang Chulan's face, the prince immediately understood that he seemed to have been tricked by this kid again.

However, you should be a little grateful when someone does something for you.

Then he hung up the phone and looked at the sky. It seemed that the dark clouds that had gathered just now were dissipating.

It looks like a little bit of morning light is about to bloom, which is extraordinary and beautiful.

Li Tong was standing on the top of the building looking at the scenery on the horizon, thinking in his eyes.

From this point of view, the Eight Miracles will soon be collected by themselves, and they will all be upgraded.

Then after helping Taoist Wang finish things in BJ City, we can go to Biyou Village.

At that time, the Divine Machine Bailian can be obtained again.

But did he act with Zhang Chulan and the others, or secretly followed Zhuge Qing?

Having said that, there seems to be a bright scene there.

That is Wang Ye’s outing picture.

At that time, you can take photos and videos again.

No, no, who would have thought that Taoist Wang would have such a big grudge against Zhuge Qing's boy.

He even used Fenghou Qimen to summon a lump of mud in advance and threw it in his mouth to seal it.

Otherwise, Zhuge Qing is really pitiful.

Li Tong thought a lot and no longer hesitated.

The whole person jumped down from the building.

His body fell straight down like a meteor!

In mid-air, his eyes lit up, and the Liuku Immortal Thief began to absorb everything around him.

His body changed dramatically according to his thoughts.

Not even using other abilities.

When he landed, he was light and airy.

Even just a little bit of dust was stirred up, like fallen leaves, which looked too light.

This is the wonderful use of the Liuku Immortal Thief that he discovered.

Liuku Immortal Thief can make up for physical defects!

In addition, I have already upgraded it.

So now the role of the Liuku Immortal Thief is simpler.

You can even modify your body as you wish, which is also one of the wonderful uses.

Li Tong's steps moved slightly, and his whole body began to beat forward.

Now he is physically and mentally happy and will soon receive more of one of the Eight Miracles.

Then he can explore carefully. What will happen once all eight miracles are gathered together?

Is it possible that there really is a secret to becoming an immortal?

Or should we say that outside the world under this person, there are existences like all the heavens and realms.

And their existence goes against all known common sense.

Maybe when he collects the Eight Miracles, he can take a good look at the heavens and the worlds?

Learn about that completely unknown world!

Li Tong's heart was filled with enthusiasm, but now he would go to the hotel to meet them honestly.

Today's incident may not seem like much turmoil to him, but it has already exploded in the company branch.

"Head, we have started counting the time based on your split. So far, this dark cloud has lasted for a total of 37 minutes and 32 seconds! The coverage covers the entire BJ City and surrounding areas! And the energy fluctuations are extremely normal, almost nowhere. It exceeds the standard, so we classify it as probably some kind of attack method that mobilizes lightning."

"It may also be a representative of some kind of witchcraft, or it may be the Ma family in the Northeast, in BJ City, but according to our survey statistics, the last possibility is basically ruled out."

"Furthermore, there is no population loss in BJ City, and we cannot detect the movements of a large number of people, but we can be sure that it is the work of insiders! However, there are no other abnormal behaviors, and it can be tentatively set as a suspected alien incident. event!"

Especially after hearing the last sentence, the branch director didn't know what to say.

I have never seen the ability to mobilize such an area.

It was impossible to provoke such a person. As long as the other party did not commit any crime, the company had no reason to arrest him. He sighed when he thought of this.

"Write it into a scroll and send it to the person in charge of North China Region."

Thinking of this, the branch minister thought for a long time.

The general manager of the North China Region is much younger than him.

Logically speaking, he should be able to climb to the top of his position as branch director at most.

However, the other party always said that he was taking over the old father's place in the family.

His father used to be the general person in charge of the North China Region.

There is no talk of a son's succession within the company.

From this point of view, the young general manager should have some abilities.

And who would look down on the person in charge of a large district?

Let’s talk about the sexual riots caused by Longhu Mountain in Jiangxi some time ago.

That is, the heads of the three major districts took action at the same time.

They brought all this to perfection, which led to the tragedy in Longhu Mountain.

Such a bizarre thing happened in BJ City today.

I wonder what the person in charge of the North China Region would think?

Chapter 135 Zhang Chulan leaves BJ

Li Tong still doesn't know what happened in the company.

After returning to the hotel, he met Feng Baobao and Zhang Chulan.

"Lao Li, where have you gone?"

Zhang Chulan threw the bag aside as soon as he entered the door, feeling very tired.

"I just found a place to play. Anyway, the mission is almost over now, so naturally I found some places to play around. After all, it's my first time in BJ City."

After hearing these words, Zhang Chulan did not doubt that he and Lao Li had the best relationship, so there was no need to have other thoughts.

Feng Baobao was lying on the bed next to him with his head buried in his head.

Li Tong looked at Zhang Chulan.

"Lao Zhang, what are your thoughts now?"

Zhang Chulan turned around and looked at Li Tong in confusion.

"Wang Ye's commission is about to end. What do you think we should do next? Do you want to return to the company?"

Zhang Chulan understood, and then sat up straight, holding his knees on both sides of his hands and looking at Li Tong.

"This matter has indeed been settled. It is estimated that the results will be available as soon as tonight. Then we will have a meal with Wang Ye and the others at noon tomorrow and we will break up. I don't know when we will see you next time."

Zhang Churan also sighed a little. Although he was tired during this period of time, he gained a lot.

"I said, Lao Li, you are not yet a member of the company. Do you need me to apply to Fourth Brother and the others to let you join the company?"

As the general person in charge of the North China Region, Xu Si's manpower arrangements were nothing more than sprinkling water.

Then he looked at Li Tong.

He really hoped that Li Tong would become a member of the company with him, but he had no reason.

People in the company have always set the standard by completing tasks.

Although Zhang Chulan is now proficient in task operations, he is still a little confused about Li Tong.

He really wanted to work with Li Tong, but he couldn't find such a reason.

It was a good thing that the other party could come to Longhu Mountain to join the Luotian Grand Sect. As for other things, he couldn't think of anything else.

After hearing these words, Li Tong's expression remained unchanged.

"This is my first time coming to BJ City. I have been helping you with tasks during this period. Of course, I also played a lot, but I still want to play again, so I won't leave any regrets."

At this time, Feng Baobao also turned his head and looked over.

She also felt a little reluctant to give up on Li Tong.

This is strange.

Even when Gou WaZi died, she didn't feel this way. Li Tong was very special, and there was a kind of power that kept attracting her.

"Don't worry. If you need my help in the future, just let me know. Now that my strength is at the level of the Ten Guys, I also want to travel well."

After hearing these words, Zhang Chulan also understood that Li Tong was relatively undisciplined and naturally wanted to spend more time traveling.

Wasn't this the case for me in the past?

After thinking for a moment, he stopped talking.

There was a moment of silence in the room. At this moment, Zhang Churan received a call from Xu Si.

"Hey, fourth brother, are the results out? Okay, okay, I didn't expect there to be such a big dark cloud here in BJ City. We have seen it so far, and there is no other situation."

Only then did Li Tongse realize that he had summoned the general.

It was so eye-catching that people in the company noticed it?

But it does seem a bit too serious.

It seems that Qu Tong should have woken up by this time.

After thinking of this, he also knew his next direction in his heart.

When the time comes, just follow Zhuge Qing. After all, he is one of the twelve superior weapons that Ma Xianhong has finalized.

The next day.


Several people came to the Zhuangyuan Building again. This time, the scale was larger than before. All they drank were hundreds of small cups of fine wine.

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