It seemed particularly empty, and it didn't look like it came from BJ at all.

The last two people seemed to sense something was wrong.

Just as he was about to get up, he realized that someone stood up strangely in the carriage.

These are puppets.

His face was expressionless, but there was something sinister and sinister about it.

Almost at the moment when the two were about to escape, these puppets rushed up and one of them was lucky enough to have jumped out of the train car.

After jumping out of the window, his body was broken into half, and half of it was left in the wilderness outside. The blood stains were wiped away without a trace by the flying train.

At this moment, on the roof of the train car, a man stood up and looked at the scene in front of him, with the corners of his mouth raised.

Then several figures disappeared into it under the darkness of night.

Chapter 137 The leader!

At the same time, in some remote corners of BJ City.

The six artists who were still shouting and boasting about each other suddenly looked towards the entrance of the alley.

Under the moonlit night, a figure was always standing there.

The other person just stood there.

He looked stiff and motionless.

This person immediately noticed something was wrong.

To be able to appear here and remain motionless at this time gave rise to the thought of fear in all of them!

Such a person is definitely not a good person!

But they have nothing to be afraid of. After all, there are six people here. No matter how powerful the opponent is, what can they do?

And now it is better to be proactive than to be passive.

Then the six of them formed a group and got close to each other in just the blink of an eye.

The leader was suddenly startled!

The person in front of me is not a human at all!

That skin tissue does not belong to humans!

More like some kind of strange wood!

Just when the shock in his heart was not over yet.

Suddenly I noticed a fluctuation.

This feeling of fluctuation is very strange, but it comes in the blink of an eye!

At this moment, in the shadows that six people sensed almost simultaneously, dozens of figures appeared at the same time!

They all stopped and looked up.

Only then did I realize that the originally narrow alley was now filled with puppets!

The expressions of these puppets are very strange. Although there are no subtle changes, they are the most frightening after seeing them!

Where did these puppets come from?

The six people were now scared and suddenly sober. This situation was simply unbeatable. It could be said to be an absolute crushing!

Just when they were about to escape.

These puppets moved almost at the same time and flew towards them in an overwhelming manner!

The next moment, not even a scream could be heard in the entire alley.

Six corpses had fallen to the ground in different postures.


A figure slowly stopped here, and he calmly took out his mobile phone to take pictures one by one.

Finally, he silently lit a cigarette, and with the sparks curling up, he walked out of the alley.

Not only are murders happening in many corners at this moment.

These people all have a common identity!

They were all entrusted by Wang Ai and Chen Jinkui, the leader of Shuzimen, to harass Wang Ye and his family!

According to the original development, many of them have already left BJ City at this moment.

But everyone died on the way.

As for those who stayed in BJ City to live and enjoy their lives, this was the fate.

Afterwards, they all died in unknowingly and extremely remote places.

Within just a few days, Zhuge Qing had already found a hotel to stay.

As for Li Tong himself, he went to the room opposite Zhuge Qing Hotel!

The location here is better and it's easier to get what you want!

at the same time.

Wang Ye himself has said goodbye to his family in the past few days, saying that he is going to travel around.

When I checked my son's belongings over and over again, there were no annoying robes.

Wang Weiguo then let him go with confidence.

However, it is stipulated that you must make a phone call every day to report that everything is safe.

Wang Ye also took a final walk around the streets today.

Today, the streets of BJ City are already bustling.

Pedestrians flocked to the place, showing a scene of family reunions.

There were no other emotions in Wang Ye's heart.

The whole person seemed particularly calm.

For all this, nothing changed in his mind.

I can't stay in BJ City.

Just like Zhang Chulan said, this will not only expose his own weaknesses, but also put his family in danger!

Therefore, it is also a good thing for him to travel and travel.

However, just when he arrived at a food stall.

The whole person stopped.

The tip of his nose twitched.

Delicious wontons.

The king also sat on the chair.

"Boss, cook a bowl of wontons!"

"Okay! The guests can sit down for a while, and we'll be ready later."

Wang also waited happily.

It’s good to eat like this alone and travel.

At this moment, Wang Ye only felt a shadow coming over him.

Wang Ye just raised his head.

What caught his eye was a tall and sturdy man.

Wang didn't pay attention to the other party. He noticed it as soon as the other party sat down.

These are the people in the circle.

At this time, why would anyone in the circle come to see me? !

Then the only possible thing is your own Fenghou Qimen!

Another one.

have to.

But with your strength, I’m afraid it’s still not enough!

Wang Ye's current level, mature Tai Chi Kung Fu, coupled with this powerful Fenghou Qimen.

The current king is equivalent to a melee mage!

What's more, the strength of the man in front of me is simply too weak.

No matter how you look at it, trying to defeat yourself is tantamount to wishful thinking!

No matter how you look at the other person, he is basically a rookie here.

"Are you the king?"

Wang Ye turned to glance at him and snorted.

After hearing this, the other party nodded calmly, with scrutiny in his eyes.

"Our instructor wants me to bring you a message!"

Wang Ye turned his head and became impatient.

"Who is your leader? How do I recognize him?"

After hearing this sentence, the other party still looked calm.

"Our leader said that he is the same type of person as you."

Wang Ye frowned.

A class of people! ?

and yourself! ?

Wang was also stunned for a moment.

"Our leader is also the successor of the Eight Wonders!"

Wang Ye was once again confused.

The movements of his hands also stopped.

"Don't be nervous, this is from the leader, and this is the phone number from the leader."

Looking at these photos on the table, Wang Ye frowned!

Something is wrong!

He knows everyone in these photos!

Moreover, these are the people sent by the two old guys to his house to stare at his family. How could he not recognize them!

But according to what I said before, these people should leave BJ now! ?

It's impossible to die like this! ?

Could it be that the person in front of me did it? ?

But for what purpose did he do this? Did he just want to kill innocent people?

With some doubts, Wang also took the call from the so-called leader of the other party.


Wang didn't know how to address the other party, so he could only use such polite words.

Meanwhile, on the other end of the phone.

In a small mountain village.

A trickle of water flowed by.

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