I hope senior brother can regain his senses.

But despite this, what he got in exchange was still the opponent's fierce and crazy attack!

This power became more and more powerful, and even almost blew him away in an instant!

As Zhou Meng's mind was not on him.

next moment!

A huge earth dragon knocked him flying to the ground on one side.

Dust flew up, and at this moment, the senior brother suddenly realized.

He stood there and sighed lightly.

"Sure enough, I still won."

"My Feng Hou Qi Men finally saw success, so I will say that I did not make a mistake, and my path is still right!"

Zhou Meng walked out of it unscathed.

"Brother, please wake up, you are really awake now!"

"This is the real world! The previous ones were all made up by you!"

After hearing this, the other party obviously didn't believe it.

Even to prove himself.

His hair was unkempt, and he began to whistle due to the sound of wind.

The sharp wind blowing all over my body made the Taoist robe stand up!

The whole person actually looks like he is performing some kind of magic!

A Bagua picture also began to appear under his feet, gradually.


Eight doors.

Eight dishes.

Fenghou Qimen was completely revealed!

Each door and item is still rotating, and the changes are endless!

However, just when the scope of Fenghou Qimen expanded to a certain distance, it stopped!

This range is only a short 5 meters, and it can't even touch Zhou Meng who was knocked away!

After sensing such a situation, the senior brother was obviously panicked. He looked around and started to collapse and yell.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"How can my Fenghou Qimen only have such a small distance? It should be able to cover the whole world. Why is this? Why why?"

Zhou Meng stepped forward and spoke to his senior brother.

"Brother, you are really back. This is the real world. Think about why you see me again, because this is the real world. Your Fenghou Qimen failed in practice in the end. You will never do it no matter what. Maybe there is a threshold for successful cultivation! Senior brother, you have been immersed in it for 30 years, don’t get lost again!"

After hearing this, he raised his head and stared at the man in front of him.

"Then tell me how to prove that this is a real world?"

After hearing this, Zhou Meng shook his head.

"I can't be sure that this is a real world, but I can tell senior brother that at least you have truly lived during this period!"

After hearing this sentence, the Patriarch only felt something in his heart!

It is really being pried at this moment, like ice that has been stubborn for a long time.

Being nailed to pieces by someone!

At this moment, he understood that he really should wake up, and then his two pupils began to gradually converge.

Looking around, I can't believe it.

Then when he looked at his junior brother, his voice was even trembling.

"Junior brother, I, I, am I really back?"

Zhou Meng nodded after seeing this scene.

"Senior brother, you are really back, this is your original world!"

After hearing these words, the old man immediately fell to his knees on the ground. Gradually, he lost his backbone and strength and then collapsed to the ground. After a long time, he burst out laughing.

In the past 30 years, everything has turned to dust.

Who else would be willing to do it?

He felt both devastated and amused at the same time, a strange emotion that tormented him.

At this time Zhou Meng stepped forward.

"Senior brother, there is a successor to Fenghou Qimen!"

"who is it?"

"A junior."

Chapter 141 The magic machine is perfected!What a machine! ! !

BJ City.

On the rooftop, the night is leisurely.

Li Tong looked at the two Ruhua in front of him.

He turned around and glanced at the man walking out of the shadows.

The other party just said a few words in English, which made his whole body tremble!

It seems that I have indeed ignored these problems! !

No matter what people say, he can defeat half of the whole sex by himself! !

And what the leader said at the beginning was to fight hard!

Take the opportunity to try the other party's methods.

See if it is Li Tong.

I didn’t expect it to be true, but what should I do?

The man is really panicking now!

How to do?

I am just a small role in the village.

He is not even qualified to carry shoes for the leader.

Now I actually feel that there is a person who is so much better than the leader!

What should I do?

The man thought for a moment, then looked at the other person, trembling.

"Actually, the leader's original words were..."

Before the other party finished speaking, he felt the overwhelming pressure being released!

By this time, the man had been lying on the ground panting for a long time.

There is also some competition in his heart!

Am I really not as good as this boy?

With this mood, there is still no reaction, the pressure is really like Mount Tai!

At the same time, the two Ruhua on the side were also crushed to the ground by this huge pressure!

They themselves are gods and puppets!

There is even less chance of any reaction.

Then Li Tong exerted force with his palm!

There was a burst of breath!

The two flowers were shattered on the ground.

At the same time, all the exposed bodies are made by machines.

There were bursts of sparks and short-circuited wires.

After seeing such a scene, how could the man on the side still have the slightest idea of ​​resisting?

Do you still need to try this strength?

Even if the leader comes, he won't be able to tear the two Ruhua into this state so easily.

This person is indeed very hidden and extremely powerful!

Who is he?

Why is there such a level?

There are so many thoughts in his mind now.

But at this moment, Li Tong had some thoughts in his eyes after seeing those two flowery bodies.

There seemed to be something gathering in his pupils.

As the light gathered the next moment, he finally saw everything clearly.

Is this the original structure?

Li Tong understood clearly and walked aside calmly.

A faint brilliance began to condense on the palm.

When his palms touched these two flower-like fragments, he carefully observed the internal structure.

At this moment, he heard a familiar voice in his ears.

[Understand one of the eight miracles, the divine machine that has been refined for hundreds of years (divine machine)! 】

[The top magic machine has been automatically upgraded! 】

When I heard the words "top magic machine".

Li Tong looked obviously stunned.

After a slight reaction, he was shocked in his heart.

I didn’t expect it to have such a heaven-defying effect!

Top-notch machine!

I didn't expect it to have such an effect!

If Ma Xianhong's Divine Machine Bailian can be manufactured in batches, it will always take a certain amount of time!

Compared to myself, this is very easy!

As long as you have a model in your mind, as long as there is something suitable.

Be it rocks or clods of earth.

They can all use their own will to change it into a divine machine!

Of course, if it were just these, it could only be regarded as an upgraded version of the god-level layout at best.

There is still a big difference between it and the top divine machine!

The most outstanding difference between these two divine machines is that the top divine machine you control can change something to a certain extent!

For example, giving life to the other person to a certain extent!

That's right!

This ability can give life to the divine machine! !

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