Looking at the man slowly leaving in front of him, Li Tong's expression remained unchanged, but he became a little more hesitant. Was what he did correct?

Just as he was thinking about it, the phone rang.

Chapter 143 Li Tong’s decision

"Hello, Lao Wang?"

Li Tong was a little confused now. What was he calling him for at this time?

"Lao Li, did you see any strange people or things just now?"

After hearing these words, Li Tong immediately understood that what he had changed was Zhuge Qing's things.

What he accepts now is also everything Zhuge Qing has.

However, the other party's tone just now indicated that he had already gone to find someone else. Zhuge Qing must have also been invited to Biyou Village.

Then we can see another famous scene.

What is Wang Ye's outing picture?

You must know that in order to block Zhuge Qing's mouth, Wang Ye summoned the sand and threw it in.

At this time, he even went up and staged a wave of King Ye's outing. Along the way, he also performed extreme operations and pretended to be stupid when nothing happened.

This operation is really amazing!

Especially his face-changing operation at the end, which can be called a Peking Opera face change, is full of details.

He definitely can't go, after all, he has to follow the main mission.

But then I think of Qinling Mountains after Biyou Village.

As for what will happen after Qinling, it will be a big story.

Especially Qu Tong from Yao Xing Club who was exposed in Biyou Village!

As a civil force that can keep pace with the Tianxiahui.

Naturally, there is a certain level.

And I don’t want Wang Ye Ta Qing Tu to become Wang Ye Ta Li Tu.

By then the difference will be huge.

After thinking of this, Li Tong looked calm.

"No, I've been resting in the room and didn't notice anyone coming."

Wang Ye immediately breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

It's great that he's okay.

If someone helps me here, will something happen?

Then he really felt guilty.

But before he could react, who in the world could hurt Li Tong?

Li Tong's strength is just there, who in the world dares to touch him?

After a while, Li Tong returned to the hotel.

What he held in his hands was a pile of parts of the divine machine.

These were all from two Ruhua's bodies that he had dismantled before.

Now he wants to test how far his divine machine can condense them?

After figuring this out, Li Tong quickly put it into practice.

After confirming that the door is closed, all the strange doors will be unfolded.

Check again and again that no insiders are entering.

Only then did Li Tong begin to refine his magic skills.

The pile in front of me is all dismantled parts, and it looks really pitiful.

A faint light began to gather in Li Tong's palm.

When he put all his hands on the pile of parts in front of him, a faint light came out.

Li Tong began to simulate the portrait in his mind.

The next thing he wants to verify his abilities is to see the quality of the forged divine machine!

The other is to see if they can be given life?

After a burst of light, Li Tong's palm began to undergo countless changes.

This change was too rapid, and at the same time it gathered unprecedented power.

But in the blink of an eye, his palm had condensed it all.

Therefore, the magical machine that was still defeated in front of us has now been completely repaired.

But he actually became the third mate!

The size is much smaller than the previous two divine machines.

But the quality to the touch and the texture it looks like are far better than the two Ruhua figures that Ma Xianhong forged before!

This kind of power was so powerful that it shocked his heart.

Now you can test the strength of these three magical machines.

As for how to operate it specifically, this should also be carefully considered.

Then Li Tong's palm began to condense three spiritual threads!

These three spiritual threads touched three divine machines in the blink of an eye!

At the same time, there is even more powerful power above it.

Li Tong closed his eyes and began to sense slowly.

After a moment, he realized that there seemed to be something extra in him.

When he opened his eyes, the perspective in front of him had changed dramatically.

He soon realized that this was one of the divine machines he had just forged.

This strange feeling is as if it is really your own body, but there is an inexplicable reminder!

It seemed to be telling him that this was something he manipulated, not something he owned.

Li Tong finally understood now.

But it seems that the power is indeed extraordinary.

When his consciousness began to touch this body, he had already felt the power in it.

For now, any magical machine that I create has the ability of a mid-level artist!

And there are many situations among these divine machines.

For example, these magical machines can basically be said to be indestructible no matter what.

No matter how hard you apply force, it will not break even if it is broken.

This can also be regarded as some kind of upgrade of his top divine machine.

Now it seems that the top-level divine machine is indeed well-deserved.

After Li Tong thought for a moment, he looked at the three divine machines in front of him. He could change the vision of any divine machine at will!

Even able to assimilate the power of their bodies.

This is tantamount to having three clones! !

This feeling is so amazing.

After thinking through these points, Li Tong stopped talking.

Then he looked solemnly at the three divine machines in front of him.

Now he wants to verify the last ability!

Can I give life to the divine machine? !

If possible, then he will have a group of absolutely loyal servants!

There are too many things that I have to face in the future.

The people in Biyou Village are a big level.

After thinking about this, Li Tong no longer hesitated, but casually chose a magical sentence.

A faint light began to glow on the palm.

As soon as the light floated out, in the blink of an eye, he nailed the opponent's forehead with his palm.

Just for a moment, bursts of light!

A strange wave rippled around.

The originally empty pupils of this divine machine suddenly had something extra in them?

Gradually, Shenji's facial expression began to change.

Not only that.

This magical machine is bathed in a unique light all over its body!

This kind of thing began to gradually cover all around.

A moment later, Li Tong looked excitedly at the divine machine in front of him.

This magical machine is really lifelike!

It’s really extremely beautiful!

Add some improvements to your own abilities and make it a little more perfect.

Now he is looking forward to it too.

Will there be any changes next?

If it is really possible, I can mass-produce it myself!

Even a huge change to some extent!

At that time, destroying Biyou Village by oneself will no longer be a joke.

Under Li Tong's expectant gaze.

Something gradually appeared on Shenji's face.

In this dark and silent night.

Shen Ji slowly opened his eyes.

Looking at the world around him excitedly.

Chapter 144 Six major temporary workers gather together

Zhang Chulan was a little puzzled.

This phone is so special right now, so it stands to reason that the person who should send the message would be someone from the company.

It is very likely that he is a temporary worker of the company this time!

Central China Region.

South China Region.

East China Region.

North China Region.

Northeast Region.

Northwest Region.

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