At this time, Xia Liuqing also acted at the same time, and his speed was faster.

Although he is already in his 70s, for now, he still looks like a young man in his 30s or [-]s.

Just when he dived in front of Chen Duo, the other party opened his mouth and slowly exhaled.

The breath that was full of purple didn't seem like something that a human could utter, but it was rather strange.

After seeing such a scene, Xia Liuqing dodged frantically for the first time.

The breath exhaled by Chen Duo swelled up in the wind, and in the blink of an eye, it formed a cloud of smoke and filled the air towards Xia Liuqing.

Looking at the smoke in front of her, Xia Liuqing's face became solemn.

He has fought against this kind of person before!

Having lived so long, he has naturally met many people.

This is one of the best!

This profession is very popular in southern Xinjiang.

Almost everyone does it.

This is the Gu Master!

At the same time, the smoke in front of him suddenly dissipated.

And what emerged from it was the figure of a python.

This python is several feet tall and half erect.

Eye pupils are scarlet.

The figure gradually emerged from the fog!

The python spits out snake letters, which looks extremely weird.

"Gu, King Snake!!"

Xia Liuqing looked at each other.

The tone was full of disdain.

"Become a Gu Master and appear in front of the enemy with such arrogance!"

"The current generation..."

"You are so ignorant!!"

Just after saying this, Chen Duo replied calmly with three words.

"you are wrong."

Chapter 147: Gu, Emperor Snake! !

The moonlight is long and the forest is layered.

Li Tong looked at everything happening in front of him with a calm expression.

He had already blocked time and arrived at this place ahead of time.

But after that day, Zhuge Qing was invited to Biyou Village, and he came here according to the planned track.

He, the dark horse, can be said to be following him all the way.

When Fenghou Qimen spreads out a barrier for him, no one who comes will be able to find any trace of him.

Xiao Zi was there, but he didn't go.

After all, he can handle Xiao Zizai's compassionate hands.

Besides, he doesn't want to expose his traces yet.

But when Xiao Zizai fights Zhao Guizhen, he can go and see it.

He really wanted to see Ye Maoshan's methods.

No matter how you look at it, his current strength can be said to be extremely strong.

But in a way, he wishes he could master more things.

The stronger Yemaoshan’s methods are, the better!

While watching helplessly Chen Duoshi gave birth to the Gu King Snake.

He has long been keeping an eye on the luck valves of all the Zhoutian acupuncture points in Chen Duo's body!

After a moment, he realized it completely.

[Congratulations to the host for understanding the Gu King Snake! 】

[The host has been automatically upgraded to become the Gu Emperor Snake! ! 】

The difference between the King Snake and the Emperor Snake can be judged just by their names.

It seems okay!

The king snake is to choose one snake in the snake group as the snake king to control the snake group!

But the Emperor Snake is the king of snakes who rules over all the great snakes!

The difference between the two is as much as 10 times!

I wonder how they will fight next?

He also wants to get more of Chen Duo's skills!

Chen Duo is also pitiful.

Now that I have gone through so much, it is still the same in the end.

With his thoughts under control, he still stared at the battle between the two.

The moonlight shone fearfully on Chen Duo's face through the gaps in the forest.

Chen Duo stepped forward slowly.

"Grandpa, you are wrong."

"I don't want to be an enemy of you or Grandma Jinfeng."

"and also."

Chen Duo said it very easily.

The expression on her face was strange.

It seemed like she was calm from beginning to end.

No matter how you look at it, there is something unusual about her.

"I'm not a Gu Master."

Chen Duo spoke slowly.

His tone was extremely calm as he said this.

"I am Gu."


between forest gaps.

The branches here are strong and thick.

The fallen pine needles quivered.

Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao kept shuttling through the gaps in the mountains and forests.

The speed of the two is almost the same.

Then Zhang Chulan paused suddenly. He had already caught a glimpse of Wang Zhenqiu and Xiao Zizai who were rushing down below.

At this moment, Feng Baobao felt something and turned back to look at Zhang Chu. The two of them stopped in unison.

The two people who were still running at the origin below also noticed it and subconsciously hid to the sides.

As soon as the two people dodged, countless attacks flew out from where they were standing.

Three people with different abilities can stand there.

Wang Zhenqiu was surprised.

Lu Bei’s is fine!

Attacks can be detected from such a distance!

As soon as the attack ended, Xiao Zizai put his phone in his pocket and sighed.

Then he walked out in two steps.

He looked at everything happening in front of him with a cold expression.

A faint light began to condense in his palm.

The moonlight was low, and his expression was dull.

He also had a special expression on his face.

The moonlight is as bright as water!

His expression was extremely cold.

The next moment, the monstrous palm prints broke through the gusts of wind and exploded in the air.

Sweeping through at extremely fast speeds!

The destructive power caused deep ravines in the surrounding earth!

The moment the palm print was blasted out, the three people already reacted and gave feedback.

They dodged around one after another.

The huge attack did not stop, leaving a ravine dozens of meters ahead, accompanied by streaks of smoke and dust!

Xiao Zizai continued to move forward.

Just after taking two steps forward, a figure jumped out of the air beside him, and layers of light cannonballs began to solidify in his palms!

These shells are extremely powerful!

The degree of attack caused is faster!

Just in the blink of an eye, he rushed towards Xiao Zizai.

However this time.

Xiao Zizai easily resisted these attacks by raising his hand.

These things are too easy for him!

The next moment, countless attacks suddenly stopped.

The moment the other party rushed out.

Countless attacks came suddenly.

Xiao Zizai raised his hand to make a simple move.

Before the other party could react, Xiao Zizai's other hand had already become like a flower.

A strong attack erupted at the fingertips.

The attack came with a bang.

It landed on the other person's neck in an instant.

In an instant, he choked the opponent alive.

"Very good, at this level, no need to kill."

The next moment, three people rushed over in unison.

They will surround him from almost all directions!

Xiao Zizai raised his hand to touch his elbow!

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