Erzhuang, a temporary worker in the Northeast District, always appears in virtual form.

It's not because of how mysterious he is, but because he doesn't have many means.

Not to mention other things, how could he appear in the world if he didn't have any physical body?

He himself is now in a deep mountain forest in the Northeast!

In Wuliumen, this method is called Chuyang Shen, and only elders can learn it.

Er Zhuang is both an innate artist and an acquired talent.

Only the combination of the two has such ability!

As for why his body was in that condition.

There is no reasonable explanation so far, but they can all be roughly judged.

It was the protection of his body, and what Chuyangshen consumed was the soul. If the body could not bear the burden, the soul would be destroyed.

To a certain extent, it is also to protect her body!

The male protagonist took a look at his hands and wondered if he could learn Erzhuang's method now?

If possible, he really wants to study hard!

Deyang Shen is far more powerful than the soul method of one of his hands!

And if you can also gain the ability to swim in the online world, wouldn't it mean that the world really doesn't exist at all in your eyes?

He originally planned to go to Biyou Village.

But halfway through, I suddenly remembered that the temporary worker from the Northeast seemed to be here too.

He really wanted to learn from the other party's abilities.

The next moment, his eyes began to shine.

Then circles of magic circles began to appear under his feet.

The Fenghou Qimen was unleashed in just an instant. Even Wang Ye couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the size of the Qimen.

Nowadays, the male protagonist’s god-level Fenghou Qimen can cover almost the entire mountain range!

He can naturally feel the soul floating in the air.

But he wasn't the only one who felt it.

Erzhuang also had feelings at this moment!

I don't know why, but it just feels so sudden.

It seems like something is beginning to imprison itself invisibly!

It was as if a ghost emerged from the abyss, staring at him.

He had never felt this kind of feeling since he came out of Yangshen!

It seems that the other party is also a soul body!

It is impossible for any soul body to have such means!

At this moment, he subconsciously chose to escape.

However, at the next moment, he felt a strong suction force, which began to act suddenly.

This powerful pulling feeling was hard for him to accept!

The whole person was suddenly dragged a few ten meters away before he could make any sound!

not good! ! !

escape! !

At this moment, her only thought was to run away!

No matter who used such a method, it was completely a method to restrain her soul body!

So what if the two strong men can produce Yang Shen?

No matter how you look at it, this is just a soul body!

In the face of this kind of power, he didn't even have the strength to resist!

What kind of person would make him feel like this?

As soon as this idea came up, something suddenly came to his mind!

The only method in the world to restrain the soul, or a method that can have a strong effect on the soul!

There is only one person he knows who has such extreme restraint!

One of the Eight Wonders of the Year, Feng Tianyang personally created the Juling Dispatch General! !

But why do people from the Feng family appear here?

You must know that the company prohibits anyone from aristocratic families from becoming temporary workers!

Even if they want to enter the company, someone from the company is clearly keeping an eye on them!

How can they escape?

I simply can’t find a suitable method!

This is the situation that Erzhuang is facing now.

When he saw that Er Zhuang had been pulled over, the male protagonist immediately understood.

It seems that Ju Ling and his generals are really exciting!

No wonder the old woman who was under the Northeast Horse took a flight overnight to leave Longhu Mountain!

So what if she goes?

The restraint of the soul sent by Ju Lingqian is too strong!

No matter what she does, she can't avoid it with all her strength, and even if she can't guarantee it, her family Xian'er will also die!

The male protagonist looked excited, and then he looked at the power condensed in his hand with some surprise.

Could it be that the original Ji Ling Qi General did not have this ability?

It is only after I have upgraded that I have the opportunity to catch this soul lurking in the virtual network! ?

If this is the case, that would be awesome!

The hero finally understands now.

With this kind of method in his possession, he can roam freely in the Ma family in Northeast China!

But it's a pity that one of the Eight Miracles doesn't have any skills in the Northeast.

Now he wants this ability very much.

Then he began to concentrate, and a different kind of light burst out from his eyes.

At this moment, Erzhuang had begun to try his best to escape!

The moment you observe the opponent's Qi path running in the body and the initial appearance of the body!

The hero suddenly had an epiphany in his heart.

[Congratulations to the host for understanding the Five Willow Gate and emerging from the Yangshen! 】

[Automatically upgrade the host to become the top Yang God! ! 】

What is the rank of the top Deyang God?

The male protagonist didn't know this, but the next moment he immediately withdrew from Julingshang and Fenghouqimen!

Just at this time.

Er Zhuang suddenly felt that the shackles on his body became lighter and gradually dissipated!

How could she have time to think about the reason?

Start running away immediately!

But the next moment, she felt a majestic soul power!

This power is so powerful that even if her two abilities are combined, it will be difficult to resist it!

Then she felt a little scared!

Because generally speaking, it is difficult for the soul to affect the real world!

But at that moment Erzhuang could clearly see the land in front of him beginning to sweep wildly!

Fallen leaves blow away, and countless air currents gather crazily!

This powerful feeling is like the end of the world.

She didn't even notice it at all!

In the next instant.

Er Zhuang looked back in surprise!

Only to find countless air currents stirring!

At this moment, a huge figure appeared in the mid-air!

This kind of body shape is comparable to two or three floors!

Not only that, the broad body really looks like a giant!

At this moment, Er Zhuang felt fear in his heart!

He was extremely sure that the person in front of him was the Deyang God like himself!

But which one is the Deyang God?

Such a sun god? !

You know, the size of Yang Shen is directly linked to the soul and body!

How could anyone have such a size in real life! ?

This kind of existence is completely inconsistent with common sense!

But the next moment, she saw a figure standing there!

Although he can't see his appearance clearly, his figure is too majestic!

Coupled with the way he looks now, it seems that he can really stand alone!

What will such a huge sun god say next? !

Er Zhuang was shocked!

At that moment, it was like the sound of panic, resounding throughout the world!

Chapter 155 The upgraded version of Yangshen! !

Feel this power in your body.

Li Tong is surprisingly excited now! !

This feeling... so cool!

It's as if the power in the body is accumulated, waiting for it to be released at this moment! !

This feeling is really, really exciting! !

Moreover, who would have thought that someone’s Chuyang Shen could be so big!

Now his Yang Shen is already seven meters tall by visual inspection!

And judging from the size, it is impossible for such a huge creature to exist in this world!

The size of Yang Shen is directly linked to the strength of the body.

Unless it's an old monster who has cultivated his soul for hundreds of years!

But now the oldest person in the world is Lao Tianshi, an old man who is about 100 years old.

How is it possible for someone to practice cultivation beyond the age of 100?

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