"Heavy words, heavy words."

Ma Xianhong could see the meaning in the other person's eyes, that he wanted to have an in-depth discussion with him.

It seems that no one can resist the temptation of the magical Hundred Refinements.

In the end, he could only nod and quickly asked the people behind him to leave.

And this naturally includes Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing.

Neither of them expected that Li Tong would come here.

Unable to figure it out, they could only follow the crowd and leave.

Wait until you return to your room first and call the other person quickly.

As for Chen Duo, he had been sizing up the man in front of him from beginning to end. Who could he be?

How could he be treated like this by Ma Xianhong.

Soon everyone in the crowd dispersed.

As for Li Tong himself, at Ma Xianhong's invitation, the two of them continued walking into the mountains.

"To be honest, this is not the first time I have seen you, brother Li Tong, but you are indeed majestic and powerful."

"What do you mean?"

Li Tong turned around and asked.

"As early as the Luo Tian Dajiao ceremony, Zhang Churan, who my people have been paying attention to, told me that there is another person who is very powerful."

"After personally knowing what you have done, brother Li Tong, I think you are very worthy of my, Ma Xianhong."

"In my opinion, brother Li Tong, you are perfect. If you can join me in Biyou Village, then I think it will be a great blessing!"

"I don't say what other things there may be, but one of the 12 upper penis positions will definitely be reserved for you, brother!"

When he heard about the 12-year-old root device, Li Tong still pretended to be confused.

Ma Xianhong smiled, did not speak, but changed the topic.

"Brother Li Tong, how much do you know about the Qimen Escape Technique?"

Li Tong curled his lips in disdain when he heard this.

"You might as well just ask me if I'm a warlock."

When Ma Xianhong heard this, his smile did not diminish.

"Indeed, then I won't play charades with Brother Li Tong."

"Brother, what you will see next is something that Biyou Village is proud of."

Although Ma Xianhong was asking questions to himself, Li Tong already knew the answer to this matter.


"Before that, let me ask you one more question, brother. What is the relationship between ordinary people and aliens?"

This sentence aroused Li Tong's thinking. After thinking for a moment, Li Tong spoke.

"The aliens have always been hidden among ordinary people and cannot reveal their true nature."

"The foreigners will be disturbed no matter what they do, and there are special organizations to manage the foreigners."

"At that time, the aliens were much more united than ordinary people as a whole, although there were also overt and covert struggles."

"But I think the relationship between the two can be regarded as tolerance and peace."

"The relationship between the two is that the aliens are more like a race that lives in a dark forest. As long as no one shines a little light, they will never be noticed by ordinary people in the entire forest!"

Ma Xianhong paused and looked at Li Tong in front of him.

The other party's words made Ma Xianhong thoughtful.

Chapter 171 Self-cultivation furnace!

"I really didn't expect you, brother Li Tong, to say such things."

Ma Xianhong only felt that it was unexpected that a person like Li Tong was so powerful, it could be said that he had almost reached the level of leading.

It's absolutely okay for such a person to say that he is a strong person!

But this man is too young. Until he became famous, he is still no more than 25 years old.

What are other people doing when they are 25 years old?

Others at the age of 25 can practice to the point where they are ahead of their peers.

Practice your own techniques to a certain level of proficiency.

It can be said to be extremely rare.

But the person in front of him shocked him too much, too violently!

Under the age of 25, he can become a master comparable to the master and the two great heroes!

Such top masters are usually arrogant and arrogant, and because they are young and promising, they will naturally be a little manic.

But the other party's answer was beyond Ma Xianhong's expectation!

From the looks of it, maybe I can think carefully about how to give the other person an identity.

"Brother Li Tong's answer really exceeded my expectations."

But then Ma Xianhong didn't say anything else, but continued to lead Li Tong to his self-cultivation furnace!

Li Tong walked on the road and looked at the current scene of Biyou Village.

I couldn't help but feel a little happy in my heart.

He had seen this look of Biyou Village in comics before, but now, after seeing it for real.

The thoughts in my heart are naturally different.

No one would have thought that in a few days, the entire Biyou Village would turn into a mountain of corpses, not to mention a sea of ​​blood.

too exaggerated.

Sparsely populated at best.

All those trained by Ma Xianhong were taken over by the company.

After thinking about these things.

Li Tong also retracted his original idea and brought them under his command.

He has seen too many strange people along the way, and it would take decades of effort for others to practice.

However, these talents had only been practicing for a few days. They dared to fight with a few temporary workers before, but they later supported Ma Xianhong.

They didn't put in the effort they deserved, but they got rewards beyond their imagination.

Such a situation is absolutely impossible to happen!

And people's efforts and rewards in this kind of thing correspond to each other. They get rewards without paying anything.

This is totally unsatisfactory and no matter how you look at it.

Such people cannot be called aliens.

It can only be said that they are passers-by in this world!

They have succeeded in cultivation without any practice, and naturally become arrogant, arrogant and arrogant.

It is precisely because of the emergence of such people that perhaps these people are more suitable for collective processing in the company.

They are not suitable for his requirements. What he wants to cultivate is a force where everyone can at least be successful in cultivation, so that he can have capital!

There is already a suitable candidate, Chen Duo.

Once Chen Duo's original Gu attacks, his whole person will be swallowed by the poison!

Life and death are always only in her own moment!

It is precisely because of this that everyone in their company misunderstood Chen Duo.

The girl Chen Duo has been rescued by them from the Yaoxian Society.

With the help of the company, she gradually regained her human instinct and nature.

But again, what does Chen Duo want in the end?

No one knew that Chen Duo was not thinking of an ordinary person.

All she wants is support behind a decision!

If Liao Zhong had supported her decision, then she would not have to die, but this would be a pity.

But Li Tong has enough confidence to save Chen Duo, as long as he can see the poison in Chen Duo's body with his own eyes!

The poison circulates in the body relying on Li Tong's understanding.

You can understand it instantly!

Then everything in it can be easily resolved!

Maybe then Chen Duo can still be active in the public eye.

This was also the reason why he wanted to come here in advance.

Because only in this way can Chen Duo not be noticed by everyone.

Only in this way will the few people in the company not come over in advance.

There are still two days before they arrive at Biyou Village.

He will definitely have a chance to meet Chen Duo alone within these two days!

Likewise, he wanted to take a good look at Ma Xianhong's sincerity!

If he can really become the No. 13 top talent, then everything will be fine.

If not, he can continue to live here as a tourist.

Judging from the extent that Ma Xianhong united all the people in Biyou Village to welcome him at night.

The former is more likely, but Ma Xianhong's twelve root tools and his self-cultivation furnace are both determined by special numbers!

It is completely impossible for anything else to happen, but everything is still negotiable.

It was precisely because Li Tong acted very calmly after thinking through these points.

Soon, the two came to the self-cultivation furnace.

Looking at the huge self-cultivation furnace in front of me.

Li Tong was shocked. The existence of such a huge thing was indeed inconsistent with common sense.

Its core trajectory does not come from Ma Xianhong.

Ma Xianhong cannot explore it with his current ability, but he can easily transform it.

This is entirely due to his eight magical skills, which are magical and refined!

What Li Tong lacks now is the Hundred Refinements among the Divine Machine's Hundred Refinements!

As long as you can get all the Divine Machine Bailian, plus the top upgrade of the system!

Ma Xianhong can complete the imperial weapon within 4 to 5 seconds.

Then here, I can even refine all these things in the blink of an eye!

And to this extent, it is not an exaggeration to say that everything is a vessel!

But Li Tong was really shocked. There were many runes on this huge self-cultivation furnace.

These were all engraved by Ma Xianhong.

At the same time, there are also many strange transformation principles, which Li Tong can understand.

But judging from the top miracles he currently has.

The methods currently produced by Ma Xianhong are too simple!

If only he could obtain the complete Divine Machine Hundred Refinements!

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