This is also a harvest.

However, Zhao Guizhen Ye Maoshan has good methods and can take the blame for himself!

For the rest, forget it.

Thinking of this, he knew clearly, and then began to think about other things, especially Lao Meng's methods!

Biologist, control cells?

Chapter 173 The result of Biologist Lao Meng’s ability upgrade!

Li Tong had already begun to think continuously in his mind.

Lao Meng's ability is to control cells, cell transformation, and even various situations!

This ability is a benign change in the ability of ordinary beast masters in contemporary society!

With the plans of the times, the abilities of many aliens will be affected to a greater or lesser extent!

Generally speaking, there are two ways in which this influence can be transformed.

One is benign, such as Lao Meng's ability.

Originally it was just limited to living things.

However, with the rapid development of modern technology and the continuous refreshing of various cognitions, this ability is also constantly being upgraded and changed!

Biological cognition began to evolve, from the initial body surface to the cells in the body!

This is a benign change and will greatly improve Yiren himself!

There is another kind, which is malignant. This kind of situation is the most common. Most of the manifestations are that part of the alien's abilities are limited.

For example, Xiangxi's unique method of driving corpses!

Now, where can we see bodies being stolen?

The management of corpses is all cremation.

Naturally, there are fewer and fewer corpse chasers.

Li Tong thought in his mind, now that he has obtained Lao Meng's ability, he just doesn't know how far his understanding can be improved?

Looking at his hands, Li Tong needs a test subject now!

Then, his thoughts surged wildly!

Everything in the village began to appear in his mind one by one.

Everything here doesn't seem to work very well.

It’s better to be a bug!

Thinking of this, Li Tong stretched out his hand, and a faint black light began to gather in his hand.

The black light condensed in just an instant, and what it contained was Lao Meng's ability!

The next moment, a rustling sound sounded.

Outside the cracks in the door and between the cracks in the wall, more and more ants are crawling over.

They are small in size, but have terrifying numbers!

Li Tong looked at the scene in front of him and smiled.

His smile became weird and gradually became wonderful!

Li Tong opened his mouth, his lips were red and his teeth were white, and his voice was clear and crisp, as if it was vibrating layer by layer in a completely unknown space with endless fluctuations!


These ants exude an extremely small breath, which is Qi!

Although it is small, it is enough to show that these are manipulated!

This ability is also manipulation.

However, the difference is that this is not the Feng family's Jiuling general, but a beast master!

In ancient times, animal masters were simply monkey tricks, and one of the few uses of this ability was to make people happy.

This is also the type of alien who has the most contact with ordinary people!

It is also recognized as the most useless ability among aliens!

Apart from manipulating animals, what else can this ability be used for?

Li Tong now begins to think and think!

Cell, what is it?

The moment this idea came to Li Tong's mind, a strange feeling began to fill his heart.

For a moment, his consciousness seemed to be divided into countless parts and began to be scattered on these tiny, ubiquitous ants!

Moreover, it is still divided!

Not just ants, it seems that these ants have nothing to hide in themselves.

The whole body of these ants seems to be in their own thoughts and hearts!

It seems that I can control any cell in these ants at will!

It seems that the life and death of these ants depend on one thought! ! !

Li Tong was a little excited.

Is this, is this the beast master?

No, it should be called a biologist!

Is this the ability that Lao Meng currently has?

So strong!

Control the cells!

Coupled with his own abilities, he can control it as he pleases!

You don't even have to touch these ants with your body at all. This ability is so cool!

Then, Li Tong's eyes suddenly flashed with excitement.

Lao Meng's ability is already outrageous enough, so with the blessing of his own strength, what kind of level can it reach! ?

Thinking of this, Li Tong became more and more excited.

He looked at his hand greedily. Next, don't let yourself down!

Then, light burst out from Li Tong's palm!


Under Li Tong's expectant gaze, he clearly watched the ants he controlled turn into powder and dissipate in an instant!

how come?

This, how is this possible?Why did it become like this in such a short period of time?

He admitted that he had used a little more power just now, but that was impossible!

This, this, what's the situation?

Li Tong was a little confused, what is going on?

Why did it turn into powder?

Li Tong began to think about the reason. Logically speaking, this was impossible. His ability should be able to control them!

Looking at the ant corpses that had turned into dust in front of him, Li Tong quickly figured it out.

The creatures he mobilized were all ants.

And ants themselves are creatures in microscopic dust.

What ability does this creature have to withstand stress?

Can you withstand your own changes?

After thinking about it, Li Tong understood, this is why it is so easy to turn ants into powder!

This is because the ant body cannot afford big changes!

If Li Tong wanted to find an experiment, he would at least have to be a cat or a dog.

Li Tong always understood when he thought of this.

Just now, we can see that he can control the transformation of many things in cells, increase or decrease in number, even kill or even devour them!

This ability is much more evolved than Lao Meng's.

There is also a great improvement in strength. After thinking about this clearly, Li Tong felt relieved.

Now he figured it all out.

After Lao Meng's abilities improved, he turned out to be so awesome!

Time passed quickly, and Li Tong no longer pursued these matters.

His only thought now is to use Ma Xianhong to get to know the cultivation furnace he forged tomorrow.

What’s so good about this thing?

In addition, I also want to gain the abilities of those few people.

Of course, one of the most important eight magical skills is the Divine Machine Hundred Refining!

After he gets it, he should be greatly improved. By then, he alone will be the superposition of a bunch of weapon refiners. Easily practicing weapons is no longer a joke!

Early in the morning on the 2nd day.

Li Tong wandered around the village.

They also met many superiors among them. They all knew Li Tong's terror, so they naturally greeted him politely.

Li Tong naturally knew the fate of many of them, and the most miserable among them was none other than Zhao Guizhen.

Of course, this is considered deserved.

This is the only result that can be targeted by that patient Xiao Zizai.

Having said that, it seems that after the fight with Xiao Zizai, the other party still has some other emotions in his heart.

Maybe then I can compete with him again and convince him, so Master Jiekong will also thank himself.

Chapter 174 Controlling the Self-cultivation Furnace!

Hang out all the way.

Li Tong did meet a few strangers on the road.

Just like those temporary workers said at the beginning, these people were forged by Ma Xianhong.

Just a tourist in this alien world.

They have gone through too many hardships and disasters in cultivation, and they can easily achieve such success.

Naturally, they were arrogant and arrogant, and Li Tong would not pay attention to them.

Can he easily deal with such a little quack?

As for Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing, they are still depressed.

Why didn't one thing get resolved before the other one followed?

But having said that, it's almost time for Zhuge Qing to master the True Fire of Samadhi.

After experiencing two kinds of tortures, namely, the rich Qimen and the divine machine.

If Zhuge Qing sticks to his true intentions, he will not be confused by the inner demons in the interior world.

They will also get the final inheritance of their Wuhou family - Samadhi True Fire!

It is said that Zhuge Kongming, the originator of Wuhou Qimen, used the Samadhi True Fire to reverse the situation in many games!

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