How can we avoid being attacked by three people and escape unscathed?

Just when he thought of this, he heard Lao Meng speaking to Wang Zhenqiu.

"Qiu'er, you better stop teasing Zhang Chulan, look at his expression changing!"

Lao Meng pointed at Zhang Chulan.

Hearing these words, Zhang Chulan looked up and saw that Wang Zhenqiu had arrived beside Lao Meng.

He touched his chin with his hand and said as if he was thinking deeply.

Chapter 178: Seeing things run really fast!

“I always feel like something is wrong, but I just can’t put my finger on it.”

When Wang Zhenqiu said this, his expression was exactly the same as Zhang Chulan!

When he saw the other party's expression, Zhang Chulan was completely stunned. He did not expect to encounter such a situation.

Wang Zhenqiu stared at Zhang Chulan in front of him.

Although the other party is a few years younger than him, it is rare for someone to know how to play tricks at such a young age.

Zhang Chulan is indeed the legendary Unshakable Bilian.

But no matter how you look at Zhang Chulan, although he is scheming, he is too superficial.

Who wouldn’t be able to see such an obvious attempt to trick oneself into thinking?

Lao Meng and Lao Xiao on the side had already noticed that they were just cooperating with Wang Zhenqiu in acting.

Now this good show has been solved because of the expression on Zhang Chulan's face, so everything now belongs to Zhang Chulan's side.

"The expression of emotion is too full."

The atmosphere was tense for a moment, and Zhang Chulan didn't know what to say, but just looked at a few people.

At this time, Wang Zhenqiu turned to look at Xiao Zizai on the other side and said.

"Brother Xiao. What do you think of Lu Bei's approach?"

Xiao Zhi had his own analysis in his mind, which the two people had already seen from the moment they met together.

Feng Baobao seemed to have nothing to do with her from beginning to end. She was obviously a temporary worker in the company.

But the expression of Zhang Chulan, the so-called assistant, was a little too negative.

It seems that everything has something to do with him, as if he wishes to hold everything on his body.

This kind of thing seemed to be deliberately hiding something. It was obvious what it was hiding. The two of them came together.

Since it wasn't Zhang Chulan who had a problem, it was Feng Baobao who had a problem, so Xiao Zizai quickly reacted and combined with Feng Baobao's strength.

The white hair they were talking about could be defeated so easily.

Feng Baobao's strength is not easy to underestimate. No matter how many adventures Zhang Chulan has, these abilities are definitely not enough.

Perhaps it was for this reason that Zhang Chulan's performance was full of flaws in Xiao Zhizai's eyes, and the moonlight reflected in Xiao Zhizai's eyes when he turned his head.

After looking at the people in front of him with a pair of pupils clearly, he stretched out his finger to make a gun gesture, pointing at Feng Baobao, and said a word lightly in his mouth.


Then Xiao Zizai's gun gesture moved to the other side again. The direction he was pointing was Zhang Chulan!

Xiao Zizai's expression was really at ease. He couldn't see any other emotions, and there was nothing else revealed in the expression on his face.

The whole person looked so calm, unbelievably calm, and at the same time even more scrutinizing!

It seems that he wants to see through the other party completely!

Being able to overdraft this outfit and see Zhang Chulan completely, this feeling makes Zhang Chulan feel that there are no other secrets in front of the other party.

A hint of indifference flashed through Xiao Zizi's eyes.

He even said three words.

"The swordsman!"

After saying these three words, several people on the field fell into a brief silence. The only sound that continued to sound was the sound of the flames licking the wood in the center, crackling, sparks flying, and the sound of the flames. The light was shaking terribly.

Wang Zhenqiu smiled and shook his head. In his eyes, the behavior of Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao was too clumsy.

Not only him, but also several other temporary workers present could see it, and then Wang Zhenqiu explained the reason in an understatement.

"Generally speaking, when the company sends temporary workers to perform tasks, the regional director will not ask other people in the company to join forces in order not to take responsibility."

"If temporary workers want to join forces to perform tasks, they must hire people through their own connections. If they do, they will hire people from outside. But two people from Lubei came to you all at once!"

At this point, Wang Zhenqiu had already walked to Zhang Chulan's side.

"Obviously you are hiding something. If it's not your problem, it's this baby's problem!"

"I don't know what the specific problem is here."

While he was talking, Wang Zhenqiu had already arrived next to Zhang Chulan. He gently patted Zhang Chulan's shoulder with his hand and spoke slowly at the same time.

"Although I don't know what the problem is, I think you seem to care about the ownership of this baby Feng!"

"You seem to be very concerned about whether the management rights of this baby will be handed over to the company!"

Wang Zhenqiu leaned against the other person's ear and spoke slowly. Under the firelight, his blond hair was swaying and his eyes were clear.

"What's the secret between you two?"

Just after saying this, Zhang Chulan broke out in a cold sweat and didn't know what to say.

Then Wang Zhenqiu seemed to have interrupted his desired purpose, and his words changed.

"But none of this has to do with me?"

Zhang Chulan was a little in disbelief. The other party's attitude just now was just to break the casserole and ask, what is the situation now?

"Next time if you have anything to ask, just say it directly, don't beat around the bush like this."

"I am very satisfied with my current person in charge. If the company's board of directors really replaces me with some old-fashioned old guys, I will also have a headache!"

"Furthermore, even wanting to become a temporary worker has some ulterior motives. Look, everyone here has their own ulterior motives. So what problems do you have in Lu Bei have to do with me?"

Xiao Zizai looked at the scene outside the window and spoke slowly.

"Last month I celebrated my birthday, and Lao Dou specially chose a task for me to celebrate my birthday. I had a very happy time, and I am very satisfied with the status quo and don't want to change it."

After saying this, Xiao Zizai turned around and glanced at them.

"So I still have to trouble you all with this mission!"

In addition, Lao Meng smoothed things over from the middle.

The atmosphere among everyone suddenly returned to a good time. Zhang Chulan lowered his eyes and looked at the crackling fire in front of him.

He started to think about it, maybe he should really change his way of getting along with these weirdos in front of him.

Each of them has a secret, but it is definitely not as big as Feng Baobao's secret!

But this is also their secret.

It cannot be touched by others, it can only be hidden in the heart!

It seemed that he really needed to think hard about how to get along with the bunch of freaks in front of him.

At this moment, they were in the mountain forest where they met Xia Liuqing before.

Everywhere, the staff looked at the scene ahead and searched continuously.

Finally, the leader received information that his subordinates were exploring the surrounding area.

"We have already searched, and according to the information reported by frontline comrades, we have not found the omnisexual old man Xia Liuqing!"

"The old guy runs really fast!"

"You must have smelled something!"

Then the people in the company continued to explore forward, but at this time.

in the forest.

Xia Liuqing had already dragged a half-dead corpse over and looked at the man in front of him.

Even if he is even the least injured, he can still be tortured and tortured.

Then the same thin starlight as Wang Zhenqiu began to appear on his body.

Chapter 179 Temporary workers gather!

The next day.

Feng Baobao, Zhang Chulan, Wang Zhenqiu, Xiao Zizai, Lao Meng.

A group of five of them had arrived at the nearest pink shop.

It's still early.

A few people decided to try the local specialty mutton noodles.

While they were still immersed in the smell of mutton powder, they suddenly heard the ringtone of their mobile phone.

This is the company alone which is a mission issued phone.

Every move inside is related to the mission.

Zhang Chulan picked it up and took a look, only to realize that it was the temporary worker from the Northeast.

"What are you doing? Why are you eating so early in the morning? Go catch Chen Duo!"

"What's the hurry? Who takes action so early in the morning!"

Zhang Chulan didn't think anything of it.

I said something about this Northeastern guy.

It's been a long time and I haven't shown up yet.

"Sister, you're cheating! I'm working hard here to keep an eye on you, but you're eating noodles over there!"

"Those who can do more work."

"How about I take over for you after eating?"

Xiao Zizai said this casually, and then heard this sentence.

"Brother Xiao still loves people, okay!"

After seeing this sentence, Xiao Zizai spat out the powder in his mouth.

This sentence almost choked him to death. Who can accept such a sentence?

And at such an age, he can't stand these little stimulations!

"No rush, no rush."

"When Chen Duo reaches his lair, we won't be in a hurry to take action again!"

Everyone looked back and saw the man in front of them.

The other person was tall and strong, but he had unkempt hair and an unkempt beard, making him look like a mountain savage.

"you are?"

Wang Zhenqiu asked.

He could feel the fluctuations in the opponent's abilities.

In addition, after saying such a sentence, it is obvious that the other party is also a temporary worker.

I just don’t know if it’s from Northeast China or Central China?

"I'm from Lu Zhong."

The other party brushed his hair and then looked at everyone present.

"Just call me Black Pipe!"

Wang Zhenqiu and Xiao Zizai looked at each other, not knowing much.

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