That is the same kind of people. In Chen Duo's knowledge, she has only seen two kinds of people.

One is those who imprison them.

The other kind were those who were in the cave with her.

A bunch of half-grown boys looked exactly like her.

After long deliberations, Liao Zhong came to a conclusion.

No matter what, you must use the same kind to awaken the Gu boy.

The process of awakening Gu children can be said to be tortuous, requiring a large number of similar people and the ability to protect themselves!

The only possibility is that they are members of the major families in the company, and that's exactly why!

That’s why they have to work hard to mobilize and fight for it.

This action must be approved by the company's superiors.

Then Liao Zhong went to the company in person to persuade!


In a vast grassland, there is still such a familiar smell, accompanied by the ups and downs of green grass.

A man was standing there facing the wind. A huge helicopter roared over his head and was slowly descending.

The shadow gradually enveloped the man.

And it stirred up quite a bit of dust.

It filled the fuselage of the plane.

Then two people slowly walked out.

"I never thought the board would approve your plan!"

"It was indeed not easy to argue with them for a long time, but they finally supported me. Are you ready?"

When the other party heard this, he hurriedly spoke.

"The participants are all above average. We can inform the participants' families of the necessary personal information and dangers. Our experts are all around, no problem!"

At this time, Liao Zhong brought Gu Tong over.

After slowly taking off his headphones and eye mask, Gu Tong looked at the group of people in front of him.

He was panicked for a moment.

These are the words spoken by her peers.

She doesn't understand at all!

Even their actions were completely unprecedented to Gu Tong!

"You know how to do CDs?"

"I'll go, second girl, how did you grow up?"

"Be careful! Waste!"

In Gu Tong's young mind, these are her kind!

They were all the people who practiced together with her in the cave.

But why do they react like this? Why is everyone so active?

How could they talk like that?

Who are they?

When the Gu boy had not yet recovered from such a reaction.

A child was pushed away while playing, and then the Gu boy was knocked down hard.

The Gu boy stepped back in surprise and she couldn't believe it.

Why is there such physical contact?

Logically speaking, in her cognition, it is absolutely impossible for such serious physical contact to occur!However, at the next moment, she began to retreat in panic.

She was really panicked for a moment.

People around me kept talking.

Their voices fell into Gu Boy's ears, and he was simply astonished.

The Gu boy quickly covered his mouth, as if to stop something, and was covered in cold sweat.

The whole person was scratching his head, and there was no movement on the ground for a long time. The only thing was the constant trembling of the body.

After seeing such a situation, Lao Liao immediately stopped the action.

At this moment, these children were suddenly confused as to why it was over.

"Gu boy, what are you expecting? Are you expecting the abuse that will come as expected?"

"I see!"

"Compared with that pain, do these unexplainable existences make you more at a loss what to do?"

"I'm sorry, I can't give you back the world you expected. Even if you don't know how to describe it and don't know how to express it, you should have experienced it yourself!"

Chapter 204 The Gu boy who regained his senses!

The Gu boy knelt on the spot, tears streaking down his face!

This is the first time Gu Boy has received such a strange knowledge since his appearance!

Why does this exist?

What the hell are they doing?

At this time, Liao Zhong threw the basketball in his hand!

The sound of basketball is ping-ping-pong-pong.

At this moment, basketball is about to encounter Gu Tong.

Liao Zhong's spirit is all concentrated here!

Can the Gu boy respond? !

Catching the basketball for the first time?

How should he face his choice?

is it right or not?

But in the next moment.

Gu Boy hugged the basketball with both hands, his face still filled with tears and his body trembling.

"The one who's been abnormal all this time is you!"

At this moment, the Gu boy seemed to have caught something.

She finally understood.

Why have these people been paying such incomprehensible attention to me?

Why do everything they accept seem so incompatible with them! ?

It turns out that the person who really doesn't fit in is herself!

She can also live such a happy life like these children!

She can enjoy it this way too! !

next moment.

The Gu boy began to continuously smash the basketball out of his hand.

This is something she has never been exposed to before!

It is precisely because of this that she started running again and again to catch the basketball!

Crazy smashing into the sky.In the midst of smashing again and again!

Gu Tong's tears continued to soak the surface of the basketball.

They gradually slipped down again. What these tears contained was something she had not figured out for so many years!

It turns out that the person who has been abnormal all this time is herself!

What she has to face is a world she has never seen before!

The Gu boy hit the ball into the sky!

Looking at the sky, tears kept flowing in my eyes!

He even started yelling crazily.

Her roar continued for a long time without stopping.

Until on a plane, even with a seat belt on.

She was still yelling at Gu Tong.

This is the original her!

She also really understood a lot that she could be like this!

Such a relaxed roar and such a joyful running!

Liao Zhong didn't say anything after seeing his performance.

The subordinate couldn't hold it any longer and asked after taking another look at Liao Zhong.

"It shouldn't be a problem, right? It's been more than an hour."

He didn't say anything after seeing it.

He was just a little embarrassed, thinking that the Gu boy would be very emotional.

I didn’t expect it to be so big!

In fact, people like Gu Tong have never shown any other emotions since they entered the Yaoxian Association.

So this is the first time Gu Tong has expressed his emotions like this.

After gradually expressing her emotions in life and regaining her humanity, her life returned to normal, and she got her first name, Chen Duo!

This name was given by Chen Junyan, and it is his surname.

A single name with one word.

Chen Duo!

When he learned this name, although Liao Zhong was blushing, he still couldn't deny it.

He ignored Chen Duo's name.

Then there was nothing more.

But as Chen Duo stayed in the bunker longer and longer.

Gradually other problems emerged.

Chen Duo has certain learning ability.

She can also do many things, but the only thing that remains unchanged is their treatment of Chen Duo!

If released, her poison will definitely affect many people and cause widespread destruction!

But if Chen Duo is not released.

She doesn't get much learning opportunities in the secret bag!

After all, Chen Junyan and the big monster were out.

Their departure left Chen Duo alone with an emptiness.

How could a young girl like her live her whole life in a bunker like this?

This is what Liao Zhong has been worried about.

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