After hearing such words, Chen Duo was shocked again. Who is the other party?

Why can she say everything in her heart so clearly? What she is hiding is indeed this fact!

207. Chapter 207 Supreme Gu!

Chapter 207 Supreme Gu!

this moment.

Chen Duo stared at the man in front of him!

It was the first time that Chen Duo was so impressed with the man in front of him!

When we first met each other, his appearance was not outstanding.

But he still looks handsome.

But it actually made that fellow Shanggen device so awed.

This person must have a high status!

But Chen Duo did not attend the other party's welcome ceremony.

She was used to being alone.

There is no need to go through so many fancy things.

But Chen Duo couldn't figure out why Ma Xianhong would arrange for him to follow him.

Now Chen Duo has seen through it, there are too many secrets in this man.

From the previous welcome of the whole village in Biyou Village, to some time ago.

She heard that they had a fight, and this man's sword energy was even more shocking!

Chen Duo felt horrified when he saw that sword energy.

But now this man actually heard the flaw in the story she made up for Lao Meng!

How terrifying is this man?

He was able to penetrate so many thoughts in his heart. Although Chen Duo had many other thoughts in his heart, he did not express them at the moment.

Then he stared at the man in front of him.

Every cause must bear fruit!

Chen Duo wanted to see what the other party wanted.

If it goes too far, then Chen Duo will have no choice but to let the other party leave.

But if the other party really has a so-called method that can crack the original Gu on his body, then Chen Duo would rather spend more!

Chen Duo only believed that diamond Gu was so terrifying. Why was it like this?

If it was really that simple, Uncle Liao and the others would have eliminated the original Gu for Chen Duo himself.

Although Chen Duo didn't believe it, he couldn't let go of any opportunity.

She looked at this man and thought of the poison he showed just now.

Then he weighed it in his mind and agreed, just simply rehearsing the operation of the poison in his body.

It is impossible for Chen Duo to suffer.

Anyway, just give it a try.

Thinking of this, she began to close her eyes, and now the poison in her body was flowing smoothly.

Li Tong opened and closed his eyes and began to stare at the movement of poison in the other party's body.

At this moment, Li Tong finally understood what the so-called original poison was. It turned out that the so-called poison was in the body.

Just rely on your own flesh and blood to continuously nourish it and let it grow.

As for the location of this thing, it can be anywhere, but the original Gu is different.

The primitive Gu is planted when a person is the youngest. As long as the person grows, the primitive Gu will grow with it and never stop.

Until the original owner is consumed alive or grows with him, this situation is very complicated.this

It was only then that Li Tong truly understood the existence of each other between them. It could be said that he wanted the original Gu to not destroy Chen Duo, so that Chen Duo would not be able to survive.

Sure enough, the original Gu is incurable!

Not even Chen Duo himself can save him!

This poison is naturally terrifying, but Li Tong already has measures to deal with it.

It was at the moment when he had observed the entire process of the poison in Chen Duo's body that he heard a voice in his ears.

[Understand Chen Duo’s ability - original Gu!The host has been automatically upgraded to the ultimate poison, the supreme poison! 】

[Supreme Gu: The power is far greater than the original Gu and can be called the king of all poisons in the world. Any poison will be eclipsed in front of it. Even the founder of the poison will never be able to compete with the Supreme Gu! ! 】

Seeing this scene, Li Tong was shocked!

It is indeed a system!

He can actually create supreme poison!

If you look at it this way, you are really invincible!

But the man immediately carefully examined the difference between the original Gu and the Supreme Gu.

It was just like this that Li Tong understood instantly.

Compared with the Supreme Gu, this so-called primitive Gu is nothing compared to the Supreme Gu. It is too weak in the real sense!

The original Gu can kill everything instantly, which is indeed very powerful!

It is absolutely impossible for even the owner to survive!

But Supreme Gu is different. Supreme Gu can be called the King of Eternity.

Any poison becomes eclipsed in front of it!

This is not a joke!

Li Tong could now feel the connection between the original Gu in Chen Duo's body and the Supreme Gu in his own body.

Absolute suppression in the true sense, which is a good thing!

Li Tong could even take away the original Gu from Chen Duo's body with just a thought.

But what would Chen Duo lose in this case?

This is an issue that Li Tong has to consider.

So now is not the best time!

And how Chen Duo can escape to appear reasonable is also a question worth thinking about!


Chen Duo turned to look at the other person, already starting to think about the meaning of the other person's words.

"How is it?"

"I can crack the original Gu in your body, but I can't guarantee what kind of damage your body will suffer, so I have to try a little now."

Thinking of this, Chen Duo nodded.

Then she looked at the man in front of her in surprise.

Many strange things began to emerge from the other party's body.

Then something extremely majestic suddenly came!

It only took a moment for Chen Duo to move, and he looked up in surprise!

Only then did I realize that the man in front of me was not even remotely ordinary.

At this moment, in Chen Duo's eyes, he is a completely peerless strong man!

Even if the opponent didn't move at all, he still had a little bit of extremely weird power on his body. These things overlapped together!

It made Chen Duo feel scared, as if the other party could suppress him!

Do not!

In other words, the other party can suppress his original Gu!

What's happening here? !

Suppress the original Gu! !

Chen Duo has never met him before, and even Ma Xianhong only dares to say that after his cultivation furnace is completed, he can help Chen Duo improve the original Gu problem!

Make the original Gu afraid?She has never met him.

Chen Duo is naturally excited, but the original Gu is afraid, which means that Chen Duo is starting to be afraid!

Although Chen Duo was excited at this moment, a constant fear emerged from his body.

What is this scenario?

Li Tong looked at Chen Duo.

Looking at his hands again, it seemed that he really only needed one thought.

You can extract the original Gu from the opponent's body in this way.

To say it's effortless is an understatement!

This feeling was so good that Li Tong was a little confused for a moment!

Just like the ability of the biologist back then, wouldn't it be possible for the biologist and the poison to have some weird interactions?

At this moment, Li Tong suddenly woke up, but he looked at Chen Duo's uncomfortable look.

He hurriedly retracted his hand, and then began to slowly peel off a little bit of the original Gu.

These things were probably just things that Chen Duo exuded on a daily basis, so Chen Duo didn't have any discomfort at all.

And Li Tong hurriedly took back the power emanating from the Supreme Gu on his body.

Start observing the original Gu carefully.

208. Chapter 208 The so-called primitive Gu!

Chapter 208 The so-called primitive Gu!

Chen Duo gasped violently.

In Chen Duo's current state, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is still frightened.

Why does this happen?

She doesn't want to understand now.

What kind of power does this man in front of me possess?

But what kind of power can be so terrifying?

This level of horror can't be overstated in the true sense that it directly hits the soul.

This level is too scary.

Chen Duo was still immersed in shock. She quickly came to her senses and then looked at the man in front of her.

There are more and more doubts surrounding the other party.

Perhaps as he said, the other party is indeed very confident that he can help Chen Duo get rid of the original Gu in her body!

As long as the original poison can be broken.

Then Chen Duo is completely an ordinary person, as long as he can crack the original Gu!

She can live like a normal person.

But...that's not what Chen Duo wants.

What does she want?

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