Before I finished speaking, the three of them were looking in the direction of the forest at the same time. At this moment, the old man who often came to talk to Chentu came over again.

"Are you still talking to Chen Duo so late at night?"

As soon as the man came close to him, an extremely strong Qi burst out!

In this case, it is tantamount to explaining one thing.

"Looks like we just don't want to talk anymore!"

The next moment, countless mosquitoes and birds flew up, confusing their sight!

And the moment the birds surrounded them.

A black bullet suddenly shot out, deeply bending Ring's right leg in just an instant!

And he was about to kneel down because the huge force was unbearable.

Another black bullet also broke his other foot!

217. Chapter 217 Fighting!

"my leg!!!"

Zihuan panicked for a moment and started shouting crazily.

But he didn't forget what he should do now.

He fell to the ground after a brief panic.

He immediately took out the protective magic weapon hanging on his chest!

This protective magical weapon is a high-end product, almost the same as the one in Qiu Rang's hand!

However, just when he touched the protective magic weapon hanging around his neck.

A black bead suddenly rushed over from the shadow at an extremely fast speed.

This black bead is extremely fast,

The sound of stirring wind is like a turbine!

It just disappeared in the blink of an eye!

It fell into Zihuan's hand, and the protective magical weapon was hit so hard that it flew to nowhere.

In just a few short moments, Zihuan's legs were crippled!An arm was cut off!

After seeing this situation.

Zhong Xiaolong locked the opponent's direction immediately!

In the shadowy woods next to this middle-aged man!

It's just that the distance is too far, and the opponent's power is greater than his, so he can't lock on!

"over there!!"

Just when Zhong Xiaolong was about to take action, another steel ball flew over again.

This time the direction was extremely fast, and a white light streaked through the air before landing on Zihuan's head!


Zhong Xiaolong immediately grabbed Zihuan's shoulders and started to drag him over crazily!

As for Hari Chagai on the other side, he also reacted!

In fact, it's not that they react too slowly, but that the opponent's attack is too fast!

Who would make any move after seeing such a middle-aged man?

That's why he fell into a short-term sluggish state, and now Hari Chagai reacted.

He jumped forward and stood there.

With his strong and thick body, he can withstand the fierce attack of these steel balls!

For a moment, the steel ball really hit Harizhagai like a cannonball!

However, this did not achieve any accurate results.

After all, Hari looked at the rough skin and thick flesh, and the whole person was equivalent to a walking protective shield!

It can be said that such a simple attack has no effect at all if it falls on him.

They all saw the moment Zihuan was knocked down just now, it was the head!

If the consequences were serious, Zihuan might have died!

Zhong Xiaolong knocked open the wooden door.

He and Zihuan fell to the ground like this.

"Zihuan is not dead, he just fainted and his hands and feet were disabled!"

Hari Chagai stared at the other party, his pupils narrowed slightly.

"Xiaolong, calm down!"

At this time, Harizhagai, who was the largest in size, could instantly see clearly the essence of this matter.

"Except for Zhang Chulan, only one of the five of them has shown up and taken action. Their purpose is to move us all away!"

At this time, Zhong Xiaolong poked his head out, but just as soon as he poked his head out.

At this moment, a steel ball suddenly arrived!

He hit the door firmly, seemingly missing, but in fact he missed it deliberately.

The force caused by this steel ball was so great that it caused cracks in the surrounding walls in an instant. It is very rare to reach this level!

"I can't see clearly in the woods!"

"His vision is farther than mine!!"

At this moment, another steel ball hit hard.

Hari Chagai frowned when he heard this, and his face darkened.

This kind of enemy battle shows that they are most difficult to deal with in the dark.

"It's really troublesome!"

"Xiaolong, you go inform the leader and I'll deal with him!"

Hari Chagai understood that it was better to take the initiative than to be passive and always interrupted.

The next moment, Hari Chagai's footsteps trembled!

A steady stream of powerful and terrifying Qi began to emit from his body!

Hari Chagai is under the influence of Qi's power.

The whole body is as light as a feather and extremely fast, and the agility is twice as strong as before!

Just like this, he kept dodging sideways and shuttled quickly!

His figure is like a giant black baby that keeps shuttling back and forth, leaving traces behind.

Both eyes burst into dazzling white light!

His speed was so fast that even as he left the tree, the fallen leaves had not yet fallen to the ground.

He had already jumped forward as far as two trees. This speed was really fast and completely inappropriate for his thick body!

Not far away now.

He was squatting on the treetops, holding his hat.

Wearing an infrared night vision device, Black Guan'er was a little shocked.

I never thought that this guy with such a big body could be so fast!

The reason why Black Pipe wears infrared night vision is not only to enable him to see clearly, but also to see far, because only in this way can he evacuate and attack properly.

When he saw the opponent's extremely powerful movement, he also understood that at this moment, it would be bad if he didn't act seriously.

Then he raised his hand, under his sleeve.

The dark nozzle of the weapon worn on the arm should begin to gather bursts of white light.

At this moment, the white light condensed into shape, and then burst out!

This light is even more brilliant. It is not an ordinary steel ball, but a steel ball wrapped with the black tube's own power!

The power caused by this can be judged to be extremely strong just by looking at the momentum in the air!

Hari Chagai just used his body to resist!

The original speed was suddenly interrupted, and then it fell downwards!

As soon as he landed on the tree, he couldn't wait to lift up his sleeves and look at the scratches on his arm.

I can't help but feel a little hairy.

It seems that those things before were nothing, this is the real deal!

If I hadn't dodged just now, I'm afraid the result would have been that my hand was shattered!

The two people were facing each other like this, and the atmosphere was solemn.

After receiving the call, Ma Xianhong hurriedly issued an order, and all the root machines in the village were dispatched in unison!

All these people must be captured alive, but how does he know?

Each of these temporary workers represents the company's top combat capabilities.

Just rely on these good and bad root tools.

That little strength is simply not enough.

As for Ma Xianhong, Zhang Chulan successfully dragged her into telling a little story between them.

At this time, a figure suddenly passed by in the forest. This was Li Tong!

Li Tong is following Zhuge Qing and Fu Rong.

If he remembers it correctly, he will find that the scene king is also outing in the picture!

Thinking of this, the corners of Li Tong's mouth could not help but raise. At the same time, he confirmed again that the phone could turn on the recording function completely, accurately and quickly!

He didn’t want to miss the famous scene!

Zhuge Qing is here.

"Fu Rong, do you have to go and help?"

Fu Rong hung up the phone and asked with a puzzled look on her face.

"What do you mean?"

Zhuge Qing spread his hands and shrugged.

218. Chapter 218 Dog Abuse

"Can't you not help?"

Zhuge Qing's words sounded a little leisurely, after all, he didn't want to care about these things.

"How could you not help?"

"They want to capture Chen Duo!"

Fu Rong said and turned around to leave.

"Do you have a good relationship with Chen Duo?"

The question Zhuge Qing asked is more profound.

The meaning is also very clear.

How could a simple-minded love-minded girl like Fu Rong understand the underlying meaning of Zhuge Old Fox's words?

Zhuge Qing, an old fox, still speaks very well.

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