The thick trees seemed to be transparent in his eyes!

And he himself locked onto a figure instantly!

This figure is tall and strong, and you can tell it is Hari Chagai at a glance!

Zhong Xiaolong was convinced, and finally he ran to the side and hurriedly called Mr. Bi and the others.

Let them settle Zihuan, and he gallops away.

At this moment, the woods are dark and the moon and stars are sparse.

at this time!

A figure slid through the air with extremely ghostly traces.

His speed was so fast that he was already close in the blink of an eye.

Then he dashed past quickly.

This man locked onto one direction in just an instant, the moment he rushed out.

Black Guan'er in the shadow also took action, and the two of them just fought hand to hand.

Just keep going back and forward!

The winner is decided in the blink of an eye!

Hari Chagai caught the opponent, then chased him and punched him out.

His size is huge!

Under this punch, Black Guan'er could only bear it passively.

Then he quickly fell to the ground.

But there was no hesitation.

He hurriedly ran forward.

Black Guan'er was shocked, and he couldn't see any strange means.

But this speed and strength are really far beyond ordinary people.

As soon as he jumped into the air, Hari Chagai noticed something strange in the surrounding air.

Looking up at this time, the opponent's sleeves had already condensed extremely powerful cannonballs, and they were shot out in the blink of an eye.

Even though Hari Chagai withstood the blow, he couldn't help but feel shocked.

"His Qi bullets are so powerful. If he hits five more shots, oh no, four!"

"I guess I can't even withstand four shots!"

The two people attacked and collided with each other, but the results were different.

When feeling the strange skill of the other party.

Hari Chagai couldn't help but be stunned.

It reminds me of what happened on the grassland before.

His father and mother were the strongest generation on the grassland, so it was when his parents met.

Or is it because my father has the courage to pursue my mother? The middle method is very special.

But in the end Hari Chagai was born.

He is the golden generation on the grassland!

The strength, speed and agility of his body can be said to be far superior to his peers in all aspects!

Since childhood, I have been receiving major awards.

Until that year, he met someone who claimed to be his disciple.

That master taught him how to understand Qi!

At that time, he was arrogant and arrogant, even though he defeated his master with his brute strength.

Let his master escape in shame.

But after encountering Ma Xianhong, it was still difficult to resist!

In his opinion, that thin figure is a completely unequal player!

But those strange and obscene skills on his body defeated him life and death!

He has always despised these strange and obscene skills.

It was precisely because of this that he came to Biyou Village.

According to Ma Xianhong's algorithm, his physical talent is extremely strong, so he was selected by Ma Xianhong as the top weapon.

Now he finally knows what it means to be someone outside the world, and there is a world outside the world.

Didn't expect that the thing that I had always looked down on would turn out like this?

But the daze lasted only for a moment.

Hari Chagai rushed out again.

But Black Guan'er had already responded, and the two of them punched each other in the air.

Hari Chagai was surprised to find that his strength was no match for his opponent!

This must be another one of those strange and cunning skills!

At this time, Hari Chagai didn't know that Black Guan'er was also extremely powerful.

In the end, he stumbled and fell to the ground.

The clarinet had already seized the opportunity and came to Jin and raised the clarinet in his sleeves!

The black tube was already emitting a cold light, and at the same time it was continuously condensing light. How could he withstand this shot?

However, at this time, Zhong Xiaolong has arrived in time!

His ability is magical power at the snap of his fingers!

Anything in his hands can be extremely powerful, like a cannonball!

And what he used was the small stone!

The speed is extremely fast, and the black tube is always immersed in the opponent's presence.

He just wanted to handle him easily, so he didn't notice the rocks speeding toward him!

Soon he was knocked out.

But this shot knocked out his infrared night vision device.

And there was blood on his forehead.

However, Black Pipe also reacted in time and dodged instantly.

If not, the consequences may be even more serious!

However, Chen Duo had already left this place at this time.

The direction she went to was exactly where Li Tong had discussed with her.

"I'm here, where are you?"

After seeing this message, Li Tong glanced at the two people in front of him.

There is just enough time.

But Wang Ye didn’t want to miss this rare picture of Wang Ye’s outing.

After all, the camera was ready. It would be a pity if he didn't take any pictures, so he made up his mind.

Please Chen Duo wait a little longer.

After thinking about this clearly, Li Tong hurriedly replied, and Chen Duo also knew that the other party was busy.

So I dare not say anything. After all, whether I can remove the original stock from my body now depends entirely on the other party.

Although I don't know what kind of methods Li Tong has on him, he must be very powerful.

This level of power, even if it is the original stock in Chen Duo.

This is the first time that this extremely powerful reaction has occurred!

She didn't know what such symptoms were, but she knew it.

If you don't resist it well, I'm afraid it will be really hard to resist!

And for Chen Duo, this is also the time when he can really crack it.

Thinking of these places, Chen Duo understood that she should stay here honestly. This was what Feng Baobao told her at the beginning.

Calculating the time, it seemed that it was almost time for him to take action.

Finally he took a step forward and jumped out.

Just quietly lying in wait for the opportunity.

221. Chapter 221 Love brain Fu Rong! !

Chapter 221 Love brain Fu Rong! !

Zhuge Qing and Fu Rong ran forward quickly.

At this time they saw a fire.

In this silent and deep night.

This fire is very unusual!

And Fu Rong recognized at a glance that this was the direction of the village!

Something has definitely happened in the village, thinking of this!

The two of them also increased their speed!

But on the way, Zhuge Qing had already noticed something. He turned his hand slightly, and the next moment, the character Xun that best matched his attributes flew out in a strong wind.

Wrapped around the tree stump.

The wind is flowing fast?

Like a knife blade, it instantly stirred up the tree stump and broke it.

A figure slid down from above.

After seeing the person clearly, Fu Rong stopped, and Zhuge Qing did the same.

The visitors are just like them, all from Biyou Village.

Even Ma Xianhong did not hesitate to open the 13th location for the root device for the other party!

Naturally, there is a lot of emphasis on this, and the meaning is clear.

"Lao Li, why are you here?"

Li Tong smiled.

"I have promised to help the company, so I'm here to stop you two."

"If you two don't listen, I can fight you off, or you think you two together can beat me."

Of course Li Tong knew that what he said was inappropriate, and it irritated Zhuge Qing's heart!

However, only by continuing to stimulate like this can the inner demons in Zhuge Qing's heart be properly nourished.

When Zhuge Qing cracks his inner demons, he will master the top skills of their Zhuge family!

Among the generations of the Zhuge family, only Wuhou pioneered it and passed it down to future generations.

It is even said that in the past three generations of the Zhuge family, no one has been able to master that thing!

Samadhi is really hot!

Once available.

Zhuge Qing's strength will be a rapid leap, although he did get it in the original work.

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