Zhuge Qing instantly became shorter than the little fox.

He could only defend himself crazily while being beaten, but soon he found that he was speechless.

It’s because of that mouthful of mud!

Finally, this situation lasted for half a minute. Zhuge Qing finally vomited out the sand in his mouth, and then hurriedly spoke loudly!

But how could Wang Ye give him a chance?

Punches, kicks, punches, kicks, it's only halfway through now.

In the end, the fists were like raindrops, crackling towards the opponent!

Zhuge Qing parried and resisted frantically, while Fu Rong's mouth twitched inexplicably when she saw this.

"Is there some personal grudge between these two guys?"

She suddenly turned her head and found Li Tong squatting there, filming the scene between the two of them with his mobile phone.

There was a silly smile on his lips.

Finish the calf!

These three are all crazy, and the degree of crazy is not ordinary.

Finally, Zhuge Qing caught the opportunity and shouted in a hurry.

"Don't fight, I have promised them to surrender, and I will leave Biyou Village!!"

As soon as he said this, Wang Ye stopped!

And he also helped Zhuge Qing up with both hands.

Although when his hand touched Zhuge Qing, the other party subconsciously stepped back.

But Wang Ye's goal has been achieved. At the same time, Wang Ye still pretended to speak slowly word by word.



"I was reckless, but it's your fault too!"

"Old Qing, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

When Zhuge Qing heard this, he immediately became furious.

"I said your grandma has bad legs! I said!"

Wang Ye smiled as he went up to dust Zhuge Qing.

Zhuge Qing was still resisting. Who said Wang Ye was too cruel just now?

The two people just wanted to refuse and welcome.

"Old Qing had better take Fu Rong down the mountain as soon as possible."

"I just received news that people from the company have surrounded this place."

"You will meet people from the company after you come down the mountain, and they will arrange it for you."

After hearing this, Wang Ye glanced at a few people and immediately grabbed Zhuge Qing.

"Okay, I'll talk to him about something, Lao Li, I'll lend him for a while first!"

What more can be said about the relationship between these people?

Li Tong nodded.

"You're good, you're such a thief!"

Zhuge Qing still smiled and said nothing.

"I still admire you a little for being able to pull back from the brink and not follow Ma Xianhong."

"But don't you feel a little guilty for being easy on Ma Xianhong?"

"No need to beat around the bush, just say what you have to say!"

"How about Ma Xianhong, let's put it aside. You don't know how good he has been to you since he entered the village."

"You're a good boy. You can run faster than anyone else when a disaster strikes, and you even kidnap someone with a stick!"

"Don't use words to provoke me, talk about things."

"Let me tell you straight. You are worried that I will be influenced by Ma Xianhong after I enter the village. Ma Xianhong is indeed a good person, but there is no need for him to be worthy of my close friendship!"

"The fundamental factor that determines whether a person is sincere to him or not is propriety!"

"You have a gentle personality, and Bilian has a transparent personality. You are both worthy of my deep friendship, so I will pay whatever price you are willing to pay to have a deep friendship."

"But not with Ma Xianhong. He has no sense of measure and never considers other people's feelings. It is very difficult to have a close relationship with such a person."

"So I'm not going to be close to him, and I'm not going to do anything else, and I've never had any other situation with him,"

"Although he is very kind to me, I also helped him design the stove, so I only receive due remuneration. There is no dependency relationship between us."

After hearing this, Wang Ye nodded and understood what the other party meant, but in the end he asked again.

"You said at the time that you prioritized yourself in everything you did, but did you get the thing that prompted you to go to Biyou Village and conduct such a series of transactions with Ma Xianhong?"

After hearing these words, Zhuge Qing did not speak, with a smile on his lips and no other emotions, and then he spoke slowly.

223. Chapter 223 Sister Baoer’s Rules!

After hearing this, Wang Ye always ignored Zhuge Qing.

It is true that he is a warlock.

But how is it possible to make calculations on such a thing?

And he understands that the results of any calculation related to the Eight Magic Skills will be very serious!

After all, the original cause of the Jiashen Rebellion was the Eight Wonders, and anything related to it could not circumvent the Jiashen Rebellion.

Based solely on Wang Ye's current lifespan, it may be difficult to calculate.

And looking at Zhuge Qing's appearance, it's obvious that he has already obtained it, so what's the point of counting it?

Not long after, the two of them had returned to Li Tong.

"Old Qing, just take this Miss Fu down the mountain."

At this time, he actually looked back at Li Tong, and Li Tong also understood that he had to give some details at this time to make others understand.

The king is also traveling with them and will definitely be arranged to go.

And it develops according to the original plot.

Wang also faced Jin Meng, one of the top weapons, and then met Qu Tong again through Jin Meng's puppet.

"There will be a big war next, and I can tell you clearly that Ma Xianhong's creations and Xinjie must be eradicated!"

After hearing.

Zhuge Qing and Fu Rong looked at each other.

If the two of them surrender, they will no longer care about the affairs of Biyou Village.

However, there is also friendship between Zhuge Qing and Li Tong.

The two of them bowed to each other, and then Zhuge Qing hurriedly took Fu Rong down the mountain.

Li Tong looked back at Wang Ye.

Nod slightly.

"Everything is going according to plan!"

"Got it!!"

Wang Ye went to deal with those superior weapons.

As for Li Tong walking deeper into the woods, everything now was unimportant to him.

Having seen the famous scene, the next step is to get rid of the poison for Chen Duo.


"Why did it catch fire!?"

"Where did the fire come from? Come on! Come on! Come on! Put out the fire!"

Rewind time to a few hours ago.

The night is coming to an end.

Feng Baobao has already started riding her tricycle around the village.

The people behind it are all people.

These were all the people who had just been transformed into aliens by Feng Baobao in broad daylight.

These transformers are too weak, but it is precisely because they are too weak.

They didn't go through the beatings that go into gaining strength.

This makes each of them look so arrogant and willful.

Feng Baobao walked on the road.

There happened to be an acquaintance, he said hello, Feng Baobao didn't move, the other person was already on the trap, and then there was a clang.

The man fell to the ground again and was carried onto the tricycle by Feng Baobao.

In the shadows, a figure suddenly flashed past.

Qiu Rang looked at everything in front of him with some confusion.

What on earth is this Feng Baobao going to do?

Why put all the villagers in Xiaosanlun?

Qiu makes doubts return to doubts.

But he followed anyway.

Then he watched helplessly as Feng Baobao placed the villagers one by one at the head of the village.

At this time, he was squatting behind the tree and was a little confused. What was Feng Baobao doing like this?

However, at this moment, I suddenly discovered that Feng Baobao had disappeared!

This made Qiu Rang a little confused.

However, the next moment he suddenly jumped forward to where he was just now!

Feng Baobao had already raised his hammer and smashed it down.

This time it missed.

Qiu Rang quickly dodged.

Then as soon as he looked up, Feng Baobao rushed up.

Kick out.

Qiu Rang resisted and retreated.

But Feng Baobao still attacked with his legs.

In her cognition.

The magic weapon on this man is terrifying!

What was the draw for Feng Baobao on the bridge?

She won't heal the scar and forget about the pain!

So now Feng Baobao naturally understands that the best way is to distance himself from the other party!

Do not!

It should be said that this keeps the distance of close combat!

Because magic weapons can never be used in close combat, even if they can be used.

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