Chapter 226 Finally Breaking the Original Gu

She wanted Li Tong not to let her go!

Chen Duo understands!

This is her only chance!

This opportunity has passed, and I'm afraid there will never be a time to crack the original Gu.

This is the best time and the perfect time.

After Li Tong felt the other party's mentality, he immediately understood.

Chen Duo was tortured by the original Gu, if he just gave up.

She herself would definitely not be willing to do so.

Thinking of this, Li Tong suddenly understood, since Chen Duo insisted on this.

Then just follow your original idea.

First remove this third of the original Gu, and then study it slowly.

next moment!

Li Tong's pupils trembled.

Just in the blink of an eye, a huge force suddenly came on him, that was the power of Supreme Gu!

The Supreme Gu is far superior to the original Gu and can even kill all poisonous poisons instantly!

Under this huge pressure, the original Gu succumbed instantly, and Li Tong seized the opportunity.

Using the pressure of the Supreme Gu, the original Gu was forced out of Chen Duo's body.

The pain Chen Duo endured during this process.

In a true sense, it can be called cramp peeling!

The pain was so severe that she couldn't bear it for a while.

For Chen Duo, every minute and every second spent immersed in this pain is a great torment.

Li Tong couldn't bear this, but he also increased his efforts.

Finally, the power of Supreme Gu was suddenly injected.

Chen Duo let out a scream and fell backwards.

And his body was dripping with blood at this moment.

Floating in Li Tong's hand was a piece of black irregular suspended liquid that was 30 centimeters long.

This thing is very much like venom, floating in the air like this.

Even breathing continuously as if alive!

And this thing had just been pulled out of Chen Duo's body.

In addition to being covered in blood, Chen Duo suddenly became weak.

And the strength in his body also dropped to the extreme at this moment.

Her power has always been linked to the original Gu.Although he has been suppressing the power of the original Gu, he has become very powerful.

But at certain times, it will be very weak. This is the disadvantage brought to Chen Duo by the original Gu.

Li Tong looked at the primitive Gu in front of him. It seemed to be very dense, but also very scattered.

Then he tentatively squeezed the original Gu, only to find that it had no effect on Chen Duo.

Li Tong's eyes paused on the original Gu for a few seconds.

Finally, I finally felt something in my heart.

Annihilate the original Gu and turn it into flying ashes.

At this time, Li Tong already had some definitions in his mind, since he could peel off the original Gu.

So why not try a more direct approach?

Primitive Gu is full of disadvantages for Chen Duo, but Supreme Valley is different!

The Supreme Valley was realized by Li Tong himself. He also tried to integrate the Supreme Gu into the bodies of other creatures to revive them.

The final results are without exception successful.

Since the Supreme Gu suppresses the Original Gu and there is no loss at all, then why not let the Supreme Gu enter Chen Duo's body like this?

Let the Supreme Gu's overbearing power drive away the original Gu for himself?

After thinking about this, Li Tong felt that everything in front of him suddenly became clear.

If the original Gu is removed, he will teach Chen Duo how to practice.

Give her the ability to protect herself in a short period of time.

But it seems that there is no need now. The energy of Supreme Gu is powerful and terrifying. Once Chen Duo masters it, it will be a hundred times better than before.

And there won't be any negative effects.

This situation is completely in line with Li Tong's own expectations. As expected, as long as his thinking does not slip, there are always more methods than difficulties.

After figuring this out, Li Tong began the process of implementing it himself.

Chen Duo has full trust in Li Tong, even though Chen Duo is now covered in blood, bruises and dying.

But he still believed that Li Tong would be able to help him get rid of the original Gu.

At this time, golden light began to ripple around Li Tong's body, followed by an aura that shook the heavens and the earth, like the arrival of the Supreme Being of heaven and earth.

It exploded in him again.

The original Gu on Chen Duo felt scared again, thanks to the small space arranged by Fu Fu Qimen.

Otherwise, if Chen Duo's voice spreads to the outside world, I'm afraid it will attract a lot of people.

And the aura that Li Tong has now is also due to this consideration.

Li Tong stepped forward and took his hand, and bright golden light began to condense in his palm.

A vast force came suddenly, and then touched Chen Duo's eyebrows slightly.

At this moment, Chen Duo felt like a spring breeze blowing on his face.

The next moment, Chen Duo felt particularly relaxed, as if bathing in the spring light. At this time, Li Tong carefully observed the movement of the meridians in his body.

I saw that the Supreme Gu that had just entered Chen Duo's body from the center of his eyebrows was like a king, and began to rush downwards.

And those escaping are the original Gu!

The original Gu was constantly being swallowed up, and the pain caused made Chen Duo grit his teeth.

Chen Duo could feel that things in his body were undergoing huge changes.

The pain gradually disappeared, and her body began to be filled with that inexplicably familiar power.

This kind of power is even more powerful and advanced than the original Gu!

This is a power that Chen Duo has never been exposed to before, but now it has completely appeared in her body.

It can be said that the original Gu is extremely funny when facing the Supreme.

It didn't take long for the original Gu to be dealt with completely, and golden light began to emerge from Chen Duo's body.

Her whole body was floating in the air, and her expression was a little more peaceful.

The blood stains on his body gradually dispersed due to unknown reasons.

The power that had been bothering him for many years suddenly dissipated, and the absorbed primitive Gu became the nourishment of the Supreme Gu.

It has completely become the real strength of Chen Duo.

Chen Duo was extremely excited, and then he felt the flow of power in his body.

She opened her eyes immediately.

The body also slowly stood up at this time.

Chen Duo looked at his hands, unable to contain the excitement in his eyes.

The original poison is finally broken!

She could feel that the shackles in her body that had been confused for a long time suddenly shattered at this moment.

And the golden power on her body was what the other party had just given to her. What kind of power was this, Chen Duo was so curious.

"What power is this?"

Chen Duo was full of energy and high spirits at the moment.

Li Tong looked at Chen Duo's appearance without raising the corners of his mouth. It was so good.

The ending that he had been looking forward to finally appeared, and Chen Duo no longer had to die.

At this moment, Li Tong's heart could be said to be extremely excited. This feeling was wonderful.

Let him feel a little flustered.

However, Li Tong still explained to Chen Duo the source of the power in his body.

There are naturally some omissions in this process.

227.Chapter 227 The Five Directions Reveal the Truth!

Chapter 227 The Five Directions Reveal the Truth!

the other side.

Wang Zhenqiu ran with Wukui like this.

Two people are running.

No matter how much Wu Kui yelled, Wang Zhenqiu would never stop.

"Stop, Erweizi!!"

"I do not."

"Do you have any potential left?"

"It's like bullying those villagers so fiercely that they run away when they see my sister being irritated. Just stop!"

"If I didn't want to experience your methods firsthand, I wouldn't bother to do anything with you!"

"Although it is not as incredible as Feng Bo Ming, it is not easy to meet someone like you. The legendary boy's fate!"

But at this time.

The two of them suddenly arrived in a dense forest.

Wang Zhenqiu stopped in his tracks with a sliding tackle.

Wu Kui also looked at him.

"Erweizi, why don't you run away?"

Wang Zhenqiu slowly raised his head and spoke mysteriously.

"Why are you running when you're already there?"

At this time, Wang Zhenqiu put one hand on his hips and pointed the direction to the other party with the other hand with a relaxed expression.


Although Liu Wukui was disdainful, he still turned his head and looked.

Immediately, his pupils shrank and he sweated profusely.

What she saw was that her brother stood up! ! !

"elder brother?"

Liu Wukui felt unbelievable!


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