"Chen Duo said that she wanted to see the person in charge of the region. If you don't agree, I think even if you don't die, you will still have one or two protective weapons on your body."

"And it was in this invisible way that you said your words of support for Chen Duo, so you won Chen Duo's trust."

After hearing this, Ma Xianhong was in a daze for a moment, but he quickly asked again.

"What does this have to do with your rebellion? You ungrateful villain!"

After hearing this, Li Tong stopped arguing.

Instead, he lightly picked up a leaf, and then suddenly ejected it.

The leaves turned into sword energy and flew out in the air. Li Tong's sword energy could cause substantial damage to anything it touched!

This is his upgrade!It is also a height that Fu Rong cannot reach!

"It's useless to talk too much."

"Let me give your little magic trick a try!"

Ma Xianhong must not be insulted by anyone!

This thing was passed down by his great-grandfather with great difficulty, how could it be insulted like this!

Ma Xianhong took a sudden step and rushed over.

Several small balls flew out of his hand.

There are six balls in total.

Each one can cooperate with each other.

Can form a kind of enchantment effect.

Li Tong recognizes this thing!

230.Chapter 230 The true strength of Black Guan'er

Liuhe Pearl.

This is the most flexible thing about the village chief of Mada!

It was as terrifying as the enchantment when Feng Baobao was trapped.

Make him curious about this thing now.

But Li Tong naturally understood their mission this time.

Although Li Tong was not there when they discussed the mission.

However, due to Li Tong's strong strength, the temporary workers unanimously agreed.

Zhang Chulan transmitted all the details of the mission on his behalf, so Li Tong understood that he also knew it from the original plot.

It doesn't matter what happens to Ma Xianhong now. What's important is to seize the opportunity later to lure Ma Xianhong to that place, and then gather all the firepower to encircle and attack him!

How to encircle and suppress that is their business. The problem Li Tong faces now is how to lure Ma Xianhong there?

The appearance of Liuhe Pearl just gave Li Tong a very suitable reason.

Then he picked up fallen leaves and stones on the ground and threw them at them.

While frantically dodging the lasers ejected from the Liuhe Pearl.

Ma Xianhong's biggest shortcoming is that he gets angry easily.

Li Tong took advantage of this just right.

First, he used the divine machine Bailian, which Ma Xianhong cared about most, to stimulate him.

Then it was just running and seducing like now.

As for Zhang Kun?

Although Feng Baobao's temper can get out of hand, he will never let anything happen to the other party.

And just as Li Tong expected.

At this moment, something was stirring crazily underground, and then the ground suddenly cracked.

One hand was broken out like this.

Then Zhang Kun's entire body was dragged out.

As for Feng Baobao, he jumped out and ran in the direction planned before.

While running, Feng Baobao secretly counted the plans this time in his heart.

First beat people, and then lead him to the village after meeting Ma Xianhong.

But due to Li Tong's joining, the task of seducing Ma Xianhong fell on Li Tong.

However, at this moment, Li Tong's voice rang in everyone's ears.

"Everyone, I have lured Ma Xianhong, let's fight quickly!"


Rewind time 20 minutes.

Hari Chagai was a little confused looking at everything in front of him.

What is the situation now? How could this happen?

Why didn't his own bite bag take the other person away?

How could such a thing happen?

Why is this again?

He is really curious now, why is this happening?

The same thing happened to Zhong Xiaolong on the side. Zhong Xiaolong shook the bite bag in his hand.

If I remember correctly, I did fall down once some time ago.

But I only fell down once. How could this happen?

Why wasn't there any dramatic reaction?

What's happening here?

Logically speaking, the bite sac can swallow all living things without any consciousness, but what is the situation now?

"Xiaolong, will the capsule-eating thing break?"

Hari Chagai has such a huge body and is holding a small thing.

At the same time, he picked up some inexplicable things and studied them.

"Although it did fall to the ground a few days ago."

Zhong Xiaolong also looked at his gadget, and then waved it to the uncle lying on the ground.

The phagocyst that had always been responsive now had no reaction at all.

And it looks downright bland.

Could this thing really break?

"That's weird, why can't I fit it in?"

Just after saying this, Hari Chagai suddenly thought of something and it seemed like some kind of special induction told him.

Then he quickly retreated immediately, breaking out in cold sweat and having hairs all over his body.


Extremely dangerous!

Just when he stepped back and called Xiaolong to stop.

The man who was originally lying on the ground suddenly jumped up and grabbed Zhong Xiaolong's hand with a big hand!

Then Black Pipe sneered.


The black man's unshaven face stood in front of Zhong Xiaolong.

At the same time, there was a bit of pride in his tone.

"Catch me now, you little kite-flying bastard!"

At this moment, a roaring black bear emerged from Black Guan'er's aura!

"What's going on? I obviously got hit?!"

Zhong Xiaolong suddenly looked at the opponent in shock as he had just hit several key parts of his body.

How is this possible? His magical power is so weak!

I obviously didn’t see him having any body-protecting magic weapon or having any body-protecting skills activated!

"Don't look so incredulous, you don't really think your bird-killing skills can hurt me!"


Although the magic power of a snap of the fingers sounds infinitely powerful, is it actually true?

There are only a few people in the Tang Sect who practice this thing.

After all, to be honest, what's the use of cultivating magical powers to the extreme?

After all, the magical power of snapping fingers is a trick on the fingers, and at most it can only be used to fire three or five rounds in a row.

But what's the use of injecting your own power into such a tiny stone?

The result of this is often the smallest stone hitting someone. How painful is it?

Even if the power injected into it can cause it to what extent?

Therefore, in the eyes of some experts, it is just for the purpose of snapping magical powers, but it is just a way to kill birds.

At this time, Hari Chagai had already rushed over from behind.

Power down!

He has a generous body, and he can be heard instantly with a slap!

It seemed like a crazy bear roar came out from nowhere.

Black Guan'er turned around and pounced like a black bear.

He immediately interrupted Hari Chagai's attack and dragged his body around!

Then he slammed him and threw him away!

It was deeply embedded in the tree next to it, and the tree was almost half broken.

At this time, Zhong Xiaolong was caught by the opponent from beginning to end.

He couldn't break free for a long time. To him, such a hand was like an iron pincer.

How can it be?

Has this person been playing tricks on them before?

Still hiding my clumsiness! ?

How could such a powerful burst of power occur at this time? !

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not playing tricks on you."

"That black tube seems to seal some of my acupuncture points and extract my power."

"With it, I can only play with you for a while. It's not my weapon, it's just a prop for me to practice my basic skills!"

At this time, Black Guan'er's other hand had begun to gather unprecedented momentum and light!

Seeing this scene, Zhong Xiaolong panicked!

Being able to throw Hari Chagai away so far with just his strength!

Can such a person be beaten by himself? !

The answer is often no!

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