Why did he meet such a person? But thinking of the company's actions, he hurried to the place he had agreed upon before!


As soon as Zhang Chulan rushed out of it, he looked back and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"You are awesome, old horse."

"I had already guessed that your rotten stove would definitely have protective measures, but I didn't expect it to be these things!"

Zhang Churan frowned and looked carefully. It seemed that these flowers were frozen in place like statues, motionless.

He still maintained the same action he did before coming out, which made him frown again.

"It's all stopped. Those concepts without dodge protection just now are automatic!"

Zhang Chulan also understood this during his time in Biyou Village.

Many of these flowers are divided into types to some extent.

These are just like programs set up in advance, just execute them as usual.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chulan had some guesses in his mind, and then he bent down and picked up a stone.

The Qi in his body suddenly enveloped the entire stone.

Then suddenly he was thrown out.

Under Zhang Chulan's power, the stone moved very fast, passing through a bunch of flowery bodies like a bullet.

And those Ruhua also acted quickly as if they were ordered.

The movement stopped suddenly the moment the stone stopped.

This feeling is quite a bit like that of a 123 wooden person.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Chulan confirmed his thoughts, and a trace of certainty flashed in his eyes.

"Sure enough! How come these only react to the Qi coming close to the stove!"

"There is a time lag from activation to reaction. Sneak attacks outside the guard range should also be shot slowly. Come again!"

Zhang Churan threw several more stones one after another, and in the end they must have sincerely destroyed Ruhua.

He knew it wouldn't be long if things continued like this.

You can get rid of all these flowers yourself!

So get into it!

However, I felt that when he aimed at Ruhua and fired another stone.

A dark shadow stood in front of him.

The black shadow waved his hand and knocked the stone away.

This is a black doll.

Wearing extremely strange magic weapon armor.

Show your teeth.

Zhang Chulan was determined the first time he saw the other party.

Eyes lit up!

That's him, it's just special!

"These flowery movements are simple and cannot keep up with my speed."

"The advantages are numbers and a fighting style that doesn't care about itself. The speed and strength of this Songhua Egg are far superior to others, and it also has special perception capabilities."

Zhang Chulan quickly analyzed the complementary advantages between the two mornings, and also determined his current plan.

"Prioritize dealing with Ruhua, and at the same time observe the preserved eggs."

The next moment, streaks of lightning began to appear around Zhang Chulan.

There is also a hint of light in the depths of the pupils!

"Thunder's speed can basically guarantee your own safety. You don't have to worry about the 5-minute limit."

"If we fail to win, it won't take Lao Ma him 5 minutes to get here!"

Zhang Chulan understands that all he can do now is to use his strengths and avoid weaknesses?

Facing the preserved egg head-on is not only a waste of time, but also likely to result in failure to complete the goal.

So the only thing that can be done now is to deal with those flowers.

Only after the absolute numerical advantage is evened can the next operation be carried out.

next moment.

Zhang Chulan was pregnant with thunder and lightning all over his body.

His whole figure seemed to be bathed in a sea of ​​thunder, and then he suddenly broke through the wooden door and broke in.

As soon as Zhang Chulan came in, countless Ruhua reacted instantly and looked towards him.

Then a bolt of lightning dodged crazily among these flowers!

This is Zhang Chulan’s Thunder!

With one blow, everything in its path was shattered like flowers, and then Zhang Chulan swam away like a fish in water among these flowers.

I saw a bolt of thunder and lightning flashing crazily.

In the blink of an eye, everything disappeared.

These are like flowers, but they cannot survive the blink of an eye if you are close to them.

Among them, Zhang Churan is even more proficient in combining golden light spell and thunder method.

However, among these running flowers.

But suddenly a black figure flashed across.

Zhang Churan stopped.

Looking back, he realized that the pine flower egg had already been struck at him, but it had been emptied.

Instead, it hit a flowery arm.

After the arm broke, the dark barrel was exposed, and then countless steel balls shot out.

After seeing this situation, Zhang Chulan immediately used the golden light spell to resist.

Simultaneously dodge backwards.

Although several steel balls came close, they were still blocked by him.

Then it quickly turned into thunder and swam around to dodge.

"Yes, even if the action is disclosed, these attack golden light spells can still protect it!"

"The success rate of killing all flowers except preserved eggs within 2 minutes is very high!!"

Zhang Chulan understood instantly.

But at this moment, in Songhuadan's eyes, the strong air flow erupting from Zhang Chulan's body was a threat to him.

Two fingers of Songhuadan were suddenly exposed.

And at this time, a dark steel needle began to emerge from his index finger!

Then bursts of black air flow wrapped around the steel needle!

On the other side, Ma Xianhong was running wildly facing the siege of 6 people.

"Don't panic Ma Xianhong, their arrangement is to keep you from looking at each other."

Ma Xianhong ran to avoid the attack and cheered secretly in his heart.

"Just rush back and collect the furnace. The only one there is Zhang Chulan. He shouldn't be below the level of a top-level device."

"But it's not realistic for him to deal with Ruhua who guards the furnace by himself, let alone the black puppet!"

However, at this moment, the clarinet suddenly stepped forward to fight with him at close range, but the two of them turned out to be evenly matched!

"You can do it, little one. A weapon refiner can fight me at close quarters!"

"You really opened my eyes!!"

244. Chapter 244: Old Farmer’s Skills!

Chapter 244 Old Farmer!

The two of them gnashed their teeth at each other.

However, at the next moment, they all suddenly shook with force!

At this moment, the two of them were like giant steel beasts, confronting each other head-on!

The earth suddenly cracked!

Countless rocks around him suddenly flew up, as if they had escaped gravity.

"It's such a pity that a master like you is chained up by the company and treated like a dog!"

At this time, Li Tong suddenly flashed past and struck out with his final palm.

But who would have expected that Ma Xianhong actually stretched out another hand to resist the attack head-on.

"Why did you betray me!!"

Ma Xianhong couldn't figure out why Li Tong himself gave him so much sincerity, but in the end he got betrayal? !

Li Tong raised the corners of his mouth and smiled.

"Isn't that what you said? You don't like forcing others, and everyone has their own destiny!"

At this time, Ma Xianhong looked back and realized that four other people were running over quickly.

Then, he hurriedly controlled the Zhenkong Roar.

There was a roar in the air.

After Xiao Zizai saw it, he used his Great Compassionate Palm to break through the layers of air waves and strike towards him.

Wang Zhenqiu seized the opportunity.

Holding the monkey stick, he suddenly rushed forward.

At this time, the soil suddenly surged, as if something rushed out!

The next moment, white lotus roots surged out. In the blink of an eye?

Wang Zhenqiu threw the monkey stick in his hand.

The monkey stick streaked across the air with brilliant and gorgeous traces.

Then recite the mantra silently.

The next moment, the monkey stick grew in size and slammed down like a sea-fixing needle!

At this time, Feng Baobao also rushed forward, blasting out the power in his hands. Li Tong and Black Guan seized the opportunity, and the three of them worked together to punch out!

Ma Xianhong was beaten backwards by the combined force of these three people.

At the same time, there were also obvious cracks in the protective magic weapon on his body.

However, the three beads hanging on his chest all glowed brightly!

There was a crack on the center bead.

The marks on this bead are exactly the same as the cracks on the amulet!

But under the echo of the other two beads.

Unexpectedly, the light gradually dissipated, the cracks disappeared, and it was intact as before.

Instead, the same is true for the magic weapons around him.

At this time, the ground beside him surged, and Bai Lotus rushed out, but Bai You's right arm was broken, and the sword energy was still lingering in his other hand.

"The white friend next to me is the first doll I forged."

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