Isn't this the new old man Xia Liuqing?

It is precisely because of this that Wang Zhenqiu is particularly sensitive to Xia Liuqing's aura!

Furthermore, both of them performed the same shamanic techniques!

They will also react to each other.

This is also one of the reasons why those wizards always have a telepathic connection with each other and sense each other's existence.

After hearing these words, under the moonlight, two figures rushed out one after another.

Although Xia Liuqing is old, she is still very skilled!

He was the first to sweep out with a stick and knocked Ma Xianhong away from the front!

At the same time, he roared angrily.

"Dog thief!!"

Xia Liuqing's face also had traces of the divine mask, and his drama also sounded at this time.

"Give me back the golden phoenix!!"

Ma Xianhong was repelled from the front.

Then he subconsciously summoned his own sky-shattering roar in the air.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Zizai noticed it in advance at this moment.

Absorb it directly!

Ma Xianhong subconsciously moved forward to seize this moment.

Wang Zhenqiu is already possessed by the godly mask Sun Wukong.

He also attacked from behind, forming a pincer attack with Xiao Zizai.

When she saw the two people, Ma Xinhong used her magical weapon again!

"Liuhe Pearl, isolate them!!"

Finally, behind Ma Xinhong, three beads flashed past.

However, rays of light were just circulating around these beads.

But in the next moment, it suddenly split into two halves!

And Ma Xianhong was so surprised that he was stunned!

Who could be the person who can chop his magic weapon into pieces! ?

He looked back and realized it.

The opponent was wearing short sleeves and had a strong physique.

He had a short head and was holding a military dagger in his gloved hands.

He looked like a man who had retired from the army, and he had a very solemn air of a mercenary.

This is the helper Xia Liuqing invited, Barron, whom they all trust!

He is also the master of one of the Eight Wonders, and is known as the successor of the Saint Thief of Liuku!

"After watching this battle for so long, I roughly understand that direct attacks on you have little effect. It is better to prioritize your magical props!"

Barron had an accent when he spoke.

After all, he had just returned from abroad and still knew nothing about these refining instruments.

Therefore, it is more appropriate to use such a magic prop as a description.

Ma Xianhong was full of shock!

How can it be? !

Who could this person be?

You want to know how sensitive Ma Xianhong's perception is?

In addition, he has his own magic weapon to assist him.

He didn't even realize that this person was right next to him!

At this moment, Ma Xianhong suddenly looked back.

Only then did he realize that he had been surrounded by 6 people.

Li Tong, Xiao Zizai, Wang Zhenqiu, Feng Baobao, Barron, Xia Liuqing!

They each have their own means.

Li Tong is currently exposed as a master of sword energy!

As for Xiao Zizai, it is still a Buddhist method.

After all, people are essentially Buddhist abbots.

Wang Zhenqiu is the godhead mask.

Feng Baobao is a heavenly soldier who knows everything.

Barron is still using physical skills.

Xia Liuqing and Wang Zhenqiu also wore godhead masks.

On the other hand, Ma Xianhong currently has an exposed magical weapon.

There are only two types: Zhenkong Roar and Swallowing Beast.

At this moment, the battle situation can be described as anxious.

You must know that Lao Meng and the clarinet have not come yet.

With the current situation, Ma Xianhong is already difficult to deal with!

His Liuhe Pearl has been destroyed!

So far, he has destroyed two magic weapons!

These magical instruments were refined and maintained by Ma Xinhong himself.

Therefore, to a large extent, the magical weapons he refined exceeded ordinary low-end products!

Now it’s truly high-end goods!

As long as these magic weapons are placed outside, they are marketable and priceless!

It just falls on the company's side, no matter what.

It is all done as a secret method of the company.

Although the situation is not favorable now.

But Ma Xianhong was not afraid.

For him, although these people are powerful, how can they be compared to his own magic weapon?

Each of his magical weapons is refined by himself!

To a large extent, the magic weapons can complement each other!

Even mutual benefit!

Thus reaching the strongest level!

And now Ma Xianhong has determined what he wants to do!

Then he looked at everyone present.

All six of them knew that their enemies were all Ma Xianhong!

Or to be precise, those magical weapons around Ma Xianhong!

As long as all these things are destroyed, how can Ma Xianhong still be able to resist? !

The next moment everyone rushed out in unison!

The six rays of light and shadow were very fast, and Ma Xianhong had already sensed the other party's thoughts!

Controlling Feng Baobao's dagger, a powerful sword energy burst out!

The sword energy roars with extraordinary power!

It spread to all directions and actually blocked the attack of six people in an instant.

They each ducked.

Li Tong faced him and put on his sword energy to resist.

Others were overwhelmed and dodged away.

Li Tong's sword energy was passed down to Fu Rong!

You must know that sword energy itself is a branch of weapon refining.

Ma Xianhong knows how to practice magic skills, so he naturally also knows how to use sword energy.

Therefore, his sword energy is considered powerful, but in fact Li Tong's world-breaking sword energy is much weaker!

Li Tong has determined Ma Xianhong's current status.

No matter how powerful he is, he can definitely defeat the opponent easily with a full blow of the sword that created the world!

But he didn't want to do that.

Because he suddenly had a strange delusion.

It seems that the direction of everything is changing.

But I can't describe this feeling.

Li Tong felt a little depressed.

While everyone was dodging, Ma Xianhong had already removed all the iron pieces around the swallowing beast!

Several red needles began to shoot out from the end of the Devouring Beast!

These needles connected to Ma Xianhong's spine one after another!

Then a red light began to flash, as if it was instilling something.

The power of this indoctrination just comes in.

Ma Xinhong's pupils suddenly turned red, and even started to burn with red flames!

His whole body was full of energy, and the red dots on his black armor shone brightly.

250. Chapter 250: Burn, Ma Xianhong is in full condition! !

Chapter 250: Burn, Ma Xianhong is in full condition! ! !

How could Ma Xinhong not be angry now? !

He worked hard and finally found the right way to finally refine the successful self-cultivation furnace!

Now it was destroyed by the other party like this, and this person is also the successor of their eight magical skills!

There was absolutely no way he could leave the descendant of the Eight Magic Skills alone.

At the same time, he would never trust the successor of the Eight Wonders enough!

At first he was a little frustrated.

He actually used such measures to kill Zhang Chulan!

You know, it was originally just to guard against those with ulterior motives!

But I didn't expect Zhang Chulan to be able to withstand these forces!

I destroyed my own self-cultivation furnace!

For Ma Xianhong, destruction is a trivial matter!

As long as the core of the Slimming Furnace is not broken!

Then all your efforts are not in vain.

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