["What happened?" Anku and Souta looked at each other. This feeling was too depressing.It feels so horrible to myself. 】

["Hey!" When the two of them were surprised, a scream suddenly came from outside. Souta's face turned aside: "It's the voice of senior."]

[A few people pushed away and ran out immediately, and saw a very surprising scene. 】

[There is an open space at the back door, and the open space is mainly a parking lot. Of course, there are no cars now. And in the distance of the parking lot is a small forest. The small forest is the strength of the park. 】

[And after pushing the door out, there were coins flying everywhere in the sky, which looked very strange. 】

["Anku, what's going on?" Souta had never seen such a battle before, and a puzzled expression appeared on his face. Anku observed the situation in front of him, and then was shocked: "Hurry up and transform. ”]

[While Souta was holding the OOO driver and the core coin, Kazali's figure appeared.He pounced directly on the tiger core coin that had not yet been inserted into Souta's hand. 】

[The picture stops at this moment. 】

[Then the screen dimmed. 】

【Continue tomorrow·Preview! 】

["Mezier...where are you? Don't you want me anymore?" Gamel had a worried expression on his face as he walked on the road. 】

["The experiment has failed. But it doesn't matter... at least the power gained in this way is quite a lot." Kazali held a few blue and silver core coins in his hand and showed a smile. 】

["How do you feel, Yamada?" Souta looked at Yamada with some worry, and Yamada was in the hospital, looking like he was in heaven]

["Anku, where have you been?" Souta, on the other hand, looked worriedly at the place where Anku was in the leisure room. He was no longer there. 】

["Then Yamada gives me the octopus core coin."]

[Then the octopus core coin hit OOO's faceplate directly. 】

Today’s video channel ends here.

However, the content of today's video makes everyone feel a little confused, because the second story seems as if nothing happened. Of course, it is best if there is no tragedy.

But the trailer that appeared in tomorrow's video has everyone talking, because Anku disappeared in the trailer.

Chapter 101 ['Desire of the Greedy']

Although Anku is said to be greedy, everyone thinks Anku is a good person, just a bit arrogant.

As a result, the preview this time actually said that Anku was missing?

Isn't something really going to happen?

Everyone is a little worried now, because after the W chapter, it has entered the later stage, and the things that follow are more serious.If it weren't for Belmode, then Philip probably wouldn't be able to come back.

Although the Christmas story this time can be said to be ordinary, there is no tragedy.

But there are too many flags.

To be honest, it is actually quite warm to see now. Although Anku is relatively indifferent to other people in the store, it is much better than the first day. At least others look back after saying hello, which was the case before. Just ignore it.

Even before Jun Sato asked Anku, he answered.

"Wait a minute, what's next for Sato? Didn't he go drinking with Miss Todoroki?"

"After drinking..."

"Hey hey."

"I have some things I want to watch live,"

"I heard the abacus from the flower grower upstairs."

"But I still admire this couple."

"Me too."

The discussion on the Internet is still going on.

Human beings are creatures that adapt easily. In the week when this video first appeared, almost everything would cause trouble, but now everyone is completely used to it.

Even Mo Chen felt that everyone was too adaptable.

However, since viewing is compulsory, there will be no shortage of Chuangxing Energy.

Mo Chen could feel that the current Star Creation Energy was enough to create all the Kamen Riders except the Imperial Cavalry and the King of Time.Even monsters created many.

Gaia told Mo Chen today that many countries have discovered monsters hidden underground.

Except for Yingjiang, everyone else is in a wait-and-see mood.

Of course, one of the reasons why others chose to wait and see is because Ren Long who helped Kamen Rider W appeared in the previous video, so everyone was a little in awe. Of course, they were prepared for early warnings and so on.

It's Yingjiang, who launched an underground missile a few days ago.

At that time, Gaia directly transferred the monster away, and by the way, also transferred some others on the Eagle Sauce side.Mo Chen did not stop this.

No one can control the monsters except Mo Chen and Gaia, and they also have their own personalities. The main purpose is to prevent future events.

Of course it is impossible to just let humans destroy each other now.

"Gaia's power is still lacking." The Gaia mentioned here refers to the existence of Ultraman Gaia, and Mo Chen discussed with Gaia and prepared to invest some people with 'Alchemy Star' IQ.

People with this kind of IQ are all very high.

Even taller than Einstein (original Ultraman Gaia)

However, if it is a newborn, nothing can be done in five years, so Gaia plans to directly select people between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five.

Mo Chen doesn't need to care about these people's choices, he only cares about Gaia.

Of course this is Gaia's request.

According to Gaia, Mo Chen knows the direction of many stories in this world, and it is inevitable that they will have different directions.So this matter was left to Gaia, and of course Mo Chen did not refuse.

He still has a lot to deal with.

For example, regarding Kamen Rider, there is also the strengthening and repairing of the world barrier.

Of course there is another one, Mo Chen is planning to go to another dimension.

Kado Yaji appears in this world a lot lately.Although he didn't come to Mo Chen, after today's video playback ended, Menyaji came to Mo Chen and told Mo Chen that there were many knights who wanted to meet Mo Chen.

So Mo Chen plans to use Chuangxing to 'derive' all his video content

As for the artificial Kamen Riders, Mo Chen has completely prepared the data. When he has time, he will take it out himself. If not, then he will ask Gaia.

As for the content of the video, Mo Chen is fully prepared to hand it over to Derivation, and he has no intention of intervening. Moreover, if something happens, Gaia will also modify it.

The time for the 'business trip' to another world is probably tomorrow.

Tonight, Mo Chen planned to go home and explain to Xiao Ai and Dr. A Li that after all, this time he was going to a real different world, not this fake world created by himself and Gaia.

Xiao Ai seemed to want to go with Mo Chen, but Mo Chen refused because Xiao Ai's research had reached a bottleneck. Of course, just in case, Mo Chen used special means to contact Black Jack. .

Black Jack's surgical skills are among the best in the world.

In addition to Black Jack, there are other doctors who are relatively strong and have a certain character. The instrument Xiao Ai wants to make can save many people, and Mo Chen has no reason to refuse.

It had been planned before, but at that time Mo Chen thought that he could help and was still observing. Now that he was going on a business trip, he still had to arrange things first.

After Mo Chen packed up his things, he passed through the portal opened by Kadoya Shi and left this world.

After Mo Chen left this world, the video continued to play.

【'Desire of the Greedy'】

[The number of coins of Anku and OOO appears on the screen.Two eagles, a peacock, a vulture, a lion, a tiger, a locust, an octopus, and a gorilla]

[In addition to these coins, there is a picture of the three core coins of eagle, tiger, and locust with dark gold outlines at the top. 】

[These are the core coins held by Anku. 】

[Although the three core coins seem to be confirmed to be the core coins held by Anku, they are obviously still somewhat different. 】

[The first screen is to maintain yesterday’s content. 】

[There were a huge number of core coins flying in the sky. Then Souta took out the three core coins of OOO, inserted the two core coins of eagle and locust into the drive, and held the O scanning ring in his right hand. Holding the tiger's core coin in his left hand, he prepared to insert it into the OOO driver on his waist.And the picture of Kazali sprinting over to snatch it. 】

[The screen continues. 】

[No matter how fast Souta's hand speed is, it is not as fast as Kazali's. Kazali almost rushed in front of Souta, with the sharp claws on the back of his hands extending out.It almost pierced Souta's clothes. 】

[After a while, Zouta hit his own head hard. 】

[duang! 】

[Souta's head and Kazari's head collided. 】

Chapter 102 What happened on Christmas!

[Souta’s head is actually not hard, but under such a collision, Kazali’s sharp claws tore through Souta’s clothes, and at the same time, a large piece of Souta’s body was torn apart by the sharp claws from top to bottom. , blood oozed out, and because it hit Kazali's head, Zongtai leaned back.There was also a wound on his forehead. 】

[Although Souta seemed to be rolling his eyes in pain, Souta still put the tiger coin into his OOO drive: "henshin!"]

[When the transformation ended for the first time, Souta hit him with his head. At this time, Kazali twisted his body and swung his claws down at the fallen Kazari. However, after the transformation was completed, OOO grabbed it with both hands. Kazali's sharp claws were frozen. 】

[And in the sky, a large number of cell coins are still flying.Originally, this time should have been early in the morning. When Zongtai came just now, the sky was still bright and there was a sense of freshness. But now, there are too many cell coins flying in the sky.And with the strange aura, the whole sky now gives people a very depressing feeling. 】

[After a stalemate for a while, Kazali gave up supporting his body on the ground, and instead raised his foot and kicked it violently upside down. Seeing this, OOO wanted to block it, but the power of this kick was very strong, even if OOO stretched out his hand to block it It hit him on the head, but this time it still kicked OOO so hard that he staggered back a few steps. 】

[Fortunately, after just using an upside down kick, Kazali's hand was not strong enough. Although he hit OOO's abdomen with his claw, he did not take away the core coin. 】

["OOO, your strength has become much stronger..." Kazali, who fell on the ground, looked at OOO who was about to fall to the ground, showing a smile and said: "But now you can Can you beat them?"]

["Them?" OOO shook his head to clear his head, which was a little uncomfortable.At this time, a mechanical bird flew over and floated above OOO's head. 】

[It is the ultimate memory. 】

["Please look forward to it." Kazali also saw the ultimate memory, and slowly put away the sharp blade on the back of his hand, then bowed slightly, looking very elegant, and then left quickly. 】

["What...purpose..." Souta saw the scene in front of him, pulled out the core coin from his waist, released the voice change, and covered his painful head. 】

[At this time, the ultimate memory flew away quickly.No one else except Anku noticed such a scene. 】

[Anku just glanced at the ultimate memory that left. 】

[Mo Chen was confirmed dead last night, but Anku could feel Mo Chen's breath from the ultimate memory. Is this your back-up plan?Mo Chen...']

[Anku seemed to be thinking about this issue, but Souta's side was like blood slowly seeping out from his forehead. The attack just now was too powerful. Souta's whole head was hurting now. He took a few steps back. Souta I wanted to sit down, but I leaned back and slowly fell down. 】

[Anku also noticed this situation from behind and held up Souta who almost fell down with one hand. 】

["Kazali's power has become stronger." Anku helped Souta walk into the room with one hand. Ren thought: "Although Souta's physical strength has become much stronger, if there is no need to join forces next time, , which is more troublesome.But if you use grouping, the side effects...']

[Glancing at the unconscious Souta, Anku looked at the sky outside and frowned tightly. 】

["Wait, where is Bai Yang?" Souma saw Souta being brought in by Anku, stepped forward to help him, and then realized that it was Bai Yang's scream just now. 】

[Anku would not answer, but held his chin and thought about something. Seeing such a scene, Soma took out several jars from his satchel.Jar robots such as peacocks, sea snakes, gorillas, and eagles quickly flew out of the open window. 】

[Souma took out bandages and alcohol from the medical kit in the drawer to bandage Souta, and at the same time took out his mobile phone and looked at the picture transmitted from the tank machine. 】

["What on earth are these?" Cell coins were flying in the sky. The sound just came from somewhere far away. It came from the opposite side of the small forest. As the jar auxiliary machinery entered the forest Cell coins are everywhere.There are so many of them that it's a bit weird. 】

["Call that woman and ask if the cell coin warehouse has been stolen?" Anku turned to look at Souma and said almost commandingly. Souma shrugged, but quickly dialed the number. Got the phone.The person who answered the phone was naturally Koshimi Nanatsuki. 】

["Really? It was indeed stolen by a greedy person." Koshizui Nanatsuki's voice sounded breathless: "Mr. Mo Chen said last night that if he dies, he will be transferred immediately. One of the cell coins stored by the company was robbed last night, and about 5000 core coins were lost."]

["5000 pieces?" Anku was a little surprised when he heard this. 】

["By the way, Souma, come here and pick up Ama." Just when Souma was about to ask something, an explosion sound sounded on the other side of the phone, and after the explosion sound, Koshimizu Nanatsuki gasped After a moment of anger, he said to Soma. 】

["Ama Da? What's wrong with her?" Souma frowned tightly. 】

["He hangs out with greedy people!"]

[What is going on?Set the time back a few days, back to last night, Christmas time. 】

[Kazali, who disappeared from the sight of Alternative Yajituo, returned to the high-rise building, while Anku (Lost) had been looking at the sky in a daze, as if thinking about something, feeling a little stupid. 】

[Kazali smiled as he looked at the special cell coin retrieved from his hand, then took out the electric eel core coin he had snatched before, and then... actually took out a gorilla core coin. 】

["Then let's start experimenting. But before that..." Kazali licked his lips, then went out and called Anku (Lost)]

[The two disappeared on the roof of the building under the darkness of night, leaving only red and yellow cloth strips composed of the energy of the two on the roof. 】

Chapter 103 The gift prepared by Water Girl (Mezl)

"Even though Mr. Mo Chen is dead, he is still worried about things here, hey..."

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