["It can be said that this time I have gained a lot." Birth looked at the rain of falling cell coins and looked relieved. 】

[OOO slowly fell from the sky and landed next to Birth. Looking at the cells falling all over the sky, his body could no longer hold on. Souta had been injured before. 】

["..." Upon seeing this, Anku's right hand popped out directly forward, flying directly towards the shining core coin among the rain of falling cell coins. 】

[But at this moment, Lost Anku flew over from a distance, and the target was naturally Anku! 】

Chapter 110 Yamada’s awakening, Anku’s choice!

["Anku!" OOO saw this and wanted to stop it, but it was too late. Lost Anku's attack hit Anku hard, but Anku was just knocked away and fell out of his arm. What fell was an octopus, a gorilla, and two core coins. 】

[And now, except for an eagle core coin, Anku has everything else on Souta's body. 】

["Anku... let's leave now." Kazali also appeared. He snatched away all the core coins of Mezier and Gamel, and focused on the flying extreme memory, and then Said to Lost Anku. 】

[The two left quickly. 】

["Anku." Souta's body could no longer maintain the transformation at this time. He immediately canceled the transformation and stumbled towards Anku. Nanatsuki Koshizui also supported Souta. 】


[Yamada, who lost Anku, slowly opened his eyes at this time! 】


[The screen stops with Yamada opening his eyes, Anku falling to the ground, and Souta being completely unable to walk, being supported by Nanatsuki Koshimizu. 】

The picture dimmed.

This time, the barrage was actually very quiet. In this part of the battle, the huge greedy man's violent state put too much pressure on him.

The sky and the earth changed color because of the flying core coins.

"Anku, should you be okay?"

"The thing that worries me the most right now is that everyone still remembers those core coins in Anku's body, right? Anku should also have a set of TATOBA combinations on his body now, right? Why hasn't that combination been knocked out?"

"That combo gave me a weird feeling!"

"Is this the case for you too? I feel like that combination has a powerful force, but I'm sure it's definitely not an ordinary thing."

"Now that Yamada wakes up, what will Anku do next??"

"There's no reason for Anku to continue to occupy the other person's body, right?"

"This, not necessarily."

The 10-minute break is not a black screen, because today's content is almost from beginning to end, and it also explains the heavy past of Metzler and the others, so today's break is very interesting content.

That was the 'date' between Sato Jun and Todoroki Yachiyo last night. It turned out that Todoroki Yachiyo didn't know how to go drinking with outsiders, so he asked Kotori Yu, the third sister who could 'drive', who came to the restaurant to eat and drink.

Anyway, Jun Sato almost choked on the cigarette several times, but the final result was pretty good. Jun Sato gave the gift to Todoroki Yachiyo. Of course, he didn’t express his feelings, but hugged Yachiyo Todoroki and then called for help. The soldiers were sent back.

Anyway, this interaction between the two people made everyone feel relieved.

【"Desire for the Sky"】

[Then the story continues. 】

[The scene begins in a high-tech sanatorium. Souta is wearing a set of dark green clothes. There are serious wounds on his abdomen, forehead, elbows, and feet. He is passing through a scanner. 】

["The condition is not bad." Katsumi had already put on a black leather jacket, and his hair color had become almost the same as before in the Memory of Destiny chapter. He looked at the computer data in front of him, and looked at Bai Yang and Bai Yang behind him. Yibo said: "The wound on the abdomen is not serious and heals quickly."]

["The wound on the head is not a serious problem, but there is a slight concussion. In the next battle, it is better not to use head-butting attacks, especially when you have not transformed, it is too self-inflicted. .As for the wound on the leg, the leg bone is broken. The most serious one."]

["Can it be treated?" Yiba looked at Souta lying on the bed with a very worried look on his face. 】

["Of course." Katsumi's hand quickly operated on the computer: "After using the power of the core coin to transform, Souta's body has begun to evolve, and he has begun to have symptoms on the way to me. After the healing process, it is estimated that you should be able to walk normally in three days."]

["But I also have some instruments here that can be used for quick treatment. One day is enough." Katsumi said, and several robotic arms extended over. There were some machines on them, and green lasers and the like came out, which can heal quickly. Holding Souta's body: "But Souta is indeed very suitable as a user of Kamen Rider OOO."]

["Why do you say that?" Yibo on the side asked curiously. 】

["Not everyone can become the user of Kamen Rider OOO." After setting the program, Katsumi turned and looked at the two girls behind him and said: "The core power of OOO is originally the power of the core coin. , that is, the power of the greedy person. That is, the power of desire."]

["If such power is not grasped well, it will explode just like OOO 800 years ago. However, after using it, Souta shows no signs of going berserk, and his physical fitness is also improving rapidly. If this continues, Today's use of the bird contact group did not put much pressure on him, mainly because he was injured before."]

[While explaining, Katsumi moved his chair and looked into another room. In the room, Yamada, who was also lying in an instrument, looked around curiously.]

["And this Mr. Yamada is quite interesting." Katsuki looked at the data on the computer, then glanced down and squatted on the side of the road: "Before, my father and I checked Yamada and Anku together. The situation of the integration. Yamada’s vital signs are indeed very dangerous, but he has almost recovered this time?”]

["And there are no sequelae. This is indeed a bit surprising to me." Katsuki opened the drawer as he spoke. Inside the drawer were some documents and some messy things, such as a metal shell that looked like a core coin, and some U disk, hard disk, etc. 】

[However, the few ladies present did not understand these technologies and the like, so they did not ask questions, but just watched. 】

[About half an hour later, after Katsumi collected their fingerprints, palm prints, and physical fitness, he let them come out. 】

""Kotori Yu, you are more injured than me." Yamada was much more lively than Anku. He looked at Souta who stretched out his hand to wrap some special medicine and said with a smile. 】

["It's so noisy, Yamada!" Souta rolled his eyes helplessly, but in the end he asked curiously: "By the way, how is your health?"]

Chapter 111 Anku leaves!

"Of course I have no problem, or my strength is much stronger than before. Now I will not simply be pressed to the ground by you." Yamada smiled. 】

[The first day Yamada and Souta met, because Yamada met Ibo first, the purpose was naturally to find his sister, but Yamada forgot about it as soon as he entered Wagunaria, and began to pester Ibo. 】

[Ipami was being taken care of by Souta at that time, so he just said a few words, but Yamada grabbed Souta's sleeve...and was suppressed by Souta using grapple. 】

["Really?" Souta looked at Yamada helplessly. 】

[Yamada is an understatement when it comes to his personality. He said it was because he wanted to find his sister, but he almost forgets this matter as soon as he encounters other things. 】

[It has been several months since he was possessed, and Yamada doesn’t feel sad at all.On the contrary, I am still happy. 】

【'Such a good attitude. '】

[Because his feet were not healed yet, Souta changed into a wheelchair and was pushed by Yamada to the roof to bask in the sun. 】

["Yamada, do you really have nothing to do with it?" Although they had argued before, Souta still asked with some worry. 】

["Of course it doesn't matter, and I can feel it even when I am possessed by Anku-kun, but most of the time I feel unconscious. And..." Yamada was also more serious at this time, standing He grabbed the railing at the edge of the balcony with both hands and looked at the city below: "Xiao Niaoyou, have you ever had a strong desire for something?"]

["Mini things." Souta said without hesitation. 】

["You are still like this." Yamada was not surprised when he heard this, but he looked into the distance and said as if he was in a daze. 】

["It's like the desire to want something, just like a blind person wants to see the blue sky, and a deaf person wants to hear the sound. But it is dozens or hundreds of times deeper than that kind of desire. This is what the greedy person wants for The desire for one’s own core coin.”]

["..." Souta actually couldn't understand, but he could understand what Yamada wanted to express. 】

["Hachiman-senpai said before, 'Don't encourage others to do good unless they have suffered.'" Souta also looked at the blue sky when he saw this. The sky was very blue. This morning, the sky was dim because of the flying cell coins, but now it is very blue. Bright. 】

["Even though I am getting to know Anku better now, I still feel that there is a big gap between me and Anku."]

["Little Bird Yu, have you ever lost your sense of taste and touch?" Yamada suddenly asked again. 】

["No." Souta shook his head: "But when I was abroad, the bomb was not far away and I couldn't hear or see it for about half a day."]

["A greedy person cannot feel any sense of taste, and even his vision is like snowflakes on old TV. He likes to eat popsicles, not because they are delicious, but because he can feel the coldness of the popsicles. .”]

[Speaking of this, Yamada seemed to feel the seriousness of his words, so he jokingly said: "But it's me who gets hit every time."]

["..." Souta was still silent. After a long time, Souta whispered: "Anku, where have you been?"]

[On the other side of the screen, Anku (arm) left when Yamada woke up. 】

["Damn it." Anku floated on the roof of an old warehouse and landed directly on it. He looked a little angry and said: "That guy Kazali actually did it!"]

["Singing..." Suddenly the sound of birdsong sounded, and the extreme memory flew over and landed next to Anku. 】

["Mo Chen, is this your back-up plan?" Looking at the floating extreme memory, Anku's tone was very unhappy, and then he sneered: "Can't you even maintain your humanity now? ”]

["..." The sound emitted by the ultimate memory was a kind of bird song, but Anku understood it: "Go back? Souta doesn't need me now."]

["..." I don't know what Ultimate Memory said. Anku looked a little excited and said: "Impossible, all the production abilities should have disappeared... Could it be that he has recovered his memory?" 】


["Damn it, all I have left is the Eagle Core coin that represents my will. Most of my power is used to suppress the power of the alliance."]

["..." The ultimate memory said something about you, but Anku did not answer. He seemed to be in a coma, and the ultimate memory moved quickly and then disappeared. 】

["Anku!" Below, everyone else in Vagonalia is looking for Anku. 】

[Of course it’s not just people from Vagonaria, there are also some gangsters. 】

[However, these gangsters are not malicious. They are the subordinates of the store manager Xingzi, or they were former subordinates. After all, the store manager Xingzi used to be a eldest sister. 】

["It's so noisy." Hearing the noisy voices below looking for him, Anku whispered, and then became quiet. 】

[The sky gradually turned from day to night, and there were many stars in the sky. It was Christmas last night because it snowed, so my heart was not so bright. 】

["Are you sure there's nothing wrong with your feet?" After Yamada was checked again to make sure there was nothing wrong, he came out and saw Souta standing up from the wheelchair, and Souta stepped on the foot: "No problem."]

[The two of them walked out of this laboratory with Yamada. This is one of Fushae's laboratories. 】

["By the way, Yamada, now that you have found Flax, what are you going to do next?" He walked to the vending machine on the side and took out a cell coin from his pocket. 】

["Since Xiaokui is living well here, let her continue to be here. Although mom is a little worried, she has been working a lot recently." Yamada seemed to be tolerant. 】

["Isn't your mother worried?" Zouta asked curiously. 】

["Of course I'm worried. But mom has always been someone who doesn't know how to express her emotions, and there's no instruction manual, so it's hard to understand. But she's also been worried about Xiaokui."]

["That's it..." Souta put in the cell coin, then pressed the button to turn the vending machine into a motorcycle. Before he even got on the car, he realized what Yamada had just said and turned around in confusion. Looking at Yamada: "What did you say?"]

Chapter 112 Unreachable Coins

["Still haven't found Anku?" He returned to the store, but he didn't see anything about Anku, which made Souta a little silent. 】

["Little Bird Tour, this..." Yibo took out the box containing the core coins, which was the gift he gave to Anku yesterday.But there is nothing inside now. 】

"Thank you, Ipo." Souta thanked her and then took the box over. 】

[Everyone went back to rest, but Souta and Yamada still stayed in the store. Souta was still very worried about Anku, but Yamada was so worried that he had already gone to bed. Anku was so angry that he kicked him several times, but Yamada still slept like a dead pig. 】

[But what Souta noticed was that Ama did not leave the store tonight, but also stayed in the attic, where she used to live. 】

[It seems like she still cares about her brother. 】

[Even if they fight and fight and have conflicts, they still care about each other. This is blood relatives. 】

[Looking at such a scene, Souta also showed a smile, but Souta couldn't sleep in the middle of the night. He took out the core coin box, in which the six core coins on Souta's body were already placed. 】


"Anku is really a tsundere. He possessed Yamada, but he still helped to treat Yamada."

"Everyone is looking for Anku, but Anku still refuses to go back. Why?"

"Probably because I'm afraid of being laughed at."

"Anku's self-esteem is still very strong. It is indeed a bit embarrassing to go back with his arms in such a dejected manner."

"But Anku only has one of his own core coins on him now. It is impossible to recover it, even with those three weird core coins."

"Yesterday, Souta still had a lot of core coins, but now there are only these few left. It feels so dangerous. The only thing that can be used is the bird-type combination, and the other ones are not enough to make up a set."

"Although Mo Chen is dead, Keji is still there, and the content of his previous help was also very good."

"But Keji is not a human being, and I think Mo Chen and Anku have also discussed about Keji. Obviously Keji may eventually rebel and become a greedy person."

"And Katsumi has already begun to study the core coins of human beings, right? There were borders and special things in the drawers before."

["Ouch..." On the second day, Souta asked for leave with everyone. He used a lot of jar auxiliary machinery and began to search everywhere, looking for Anku. Of course, there was another person, that is Yamada. Also helping with the search. 】

[Suddenly there was a roar of a beast in the distance, followed by screams. 】

["Devouring Monster?" Souta ran over immediately and soon saw a Devouring Monster destroying the red light.Souta had doubts on his face: "Attack a traffic light? What is this desire?"]

[This Devouring Monster looks like a cheetah overall, but there are pink squid-like tentacles on its body: "Is it another hybrid Devouring Monster created by Kazali?"]

[As he spoke, Zong first took out the OOO drive and placed it on his waist. Then he took out the coin box from his arms, took out three core coins, and transformed. 】

["Stop!" OOO stepped forward and grabbed the arm of the Squid, Cheetah and Desire Eater, and pulled it back a long distance.Then he kicked the opponent.But the Squid Cheetah Devourer did not fall down, but moved quickly, as if it was trying to destroy the traffic light. 】

[The power of this move was very strong. His right hand was originally a sword formed from the tentacles of a squid, and he swung it down directly, smashing the entire traffic light to pieces. 】

[Then he focused his attention on OOO. The color scheme of OOO is three colors, which looks like a traffic light, so...]

["I'll go." The mantis armor on both legs bounced quickly to avoid the attack.He quickly stepped back a distance, and then took out the coin box, but before he could open it, the Squid, Cheetah and Desire Devourer rushed over and knocked OOO away. 】

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