[The sealing mud has been completely uncovered. Katsumi slowly opened the lid. Inside were ten core coins placed in a circle in the sealing mud.The color is an eerie purple. 】

[The patterns of three different dinosaurs: pterosaur, triceratops, and tyrannosaurus rex shine slightly on it.Of course, there is still one more core coin of Tyrannosaurus Rex.This set of ten core coins is among them. 】

["Desire for Extinction! PuToTyra Combo (Dinosaur Alliance)" Katsumi's eyes seemed to be shining. He looked at the ten core coins in front of him, stretched out his hand and stroked them gently, as if looking at his lover. 】

["But..." But soon Keji's tone was very low, as if he was angry: "Those useless guys actually said that I couldn't control such a powerful desire, so they spent me ten years creating The strongest alliance team that came out was taken away."]

["Now I... am back, and more powerful than before." Katsumi said, his fingers already placed on an extra Tyrannosaurus Rex core coin. 】

[Curaçao on the side frowned and looked at Katsumi in front of him, clenching his fists slightly, and then unclenching them. His eyes also looked like he admired a lot, and asked curiously: "So Katsumi, Are you going to do this?"]

["Curaçao, you have been following me for a while. Although I have been doing research on Gaia's memory before, you should also know how the Greedy One appears, right?" After licking his own snake head, Katsumi stretched out his hand to One of the Tyrannosaurus core coins bounced away. 】

["Are you going to create a new greedy person?" Curacao asked curiously. 】

["Creation?" Katsumi shook his head, looked at the core coin that began to shake violently, and then began to make three different roaring sounds. He chuckled: "No greedy person will appear in the desire for extinction, they They will only look for the most suitable host. And I... am their most suitable host."]

[After the words fell, even the Tyrannosaurus core coin that was ejected by Katsumi at the beginning was flying, and then suddenly five of the core coins, two pterosaurs, two Triceratops, and one Tyrannosaurus rex, The five core coins flew out all of a sudden.It disappeared like five purple meteors. 】

[The remaining five core coins entered Katsumi's body. 】

["There are still people in this world who will be recognized?" Katsumi looked a little surprised, but not angry, but sat down, and then held his cheek with a hand: "Is this OOO? It's a Interesting man. When the world returns to my hands, let him be a general."]

[The five flying core coins are sliding rapidly in the sky. 】

["I'm so tired!" Souta, on the other hand, was wiping his sweat with a towel. 】

[Every night after the store closes, Souta has to give himself special training for a period of time to improve his combat effectiveness. Not to mention that this move is very effective. At least Souta now looks better than just now. The slightly thinner image at the beginning has become much stronger. 】

[While Souta was wiping his sweat, five core coins flew in from the open window next to him and entered Souta's body directly. 】

[Souta paused for a moment, and then his eyes lit up with a strange purple light, but this phenomenon only lasted for a second.Then Souta's expression returned to normal. 】

["Strange?" Zouta was a little curious, but he didn't seem to notice anything wrong. 】

["Souta, where are my popsicles?" At this moment, Anku's voice sounded outside. 】

["It's coming! It's coming!" Souta didn't think too much about it, but wiped it and went out. 】

[The screen slowly stops here. 】

[This chapter of "Desire of Extinction" is considered to be over, and then there is a 10-minute break. The scene that appeared in the 10-minute window this time surprised everyone, because Kamen Rider W appeared, but it was not the W of this world, but It's...a man named Shotaro, and of course there is a Philip, but that Philip is not the same as the Philip in this world. 】

[Because it is only 10 minutes of content, there are not many details.It's just a MV-like thing, the content is fighting and some small interactions. 】

"Is this Kamen Rider W from another world?" Conan can be said to have watched it most seriously. Although it is only a 10-minute MV, its content, but this 10-minute MV is enough for Conan. .

You may not be able to fully analyze what kind of things and world the other person is like.

But the ability used by W in the MV is almost exactly the same as his own, and Philip also has almost the same ability.

However, the personalities are indeed somewhat different.

Although Conan still looks like a child now, I was surprised to see that Shotaro in the video was often bullied by a girl who was their leader. At the same time, he was very unreliable at times.

But there are also many expressions in the content. Shotaro, who seems unreliable, is actually a very tough guy most of the time.

And although it can't be said to be perfect when it comes to handling things, it does have its own set of rules.

They have never met, but now Conan has a lot of affection for Shotaro.

Kado Yashi appeared before, and he said that Shotaro and the others were also very interested in him. Before, they just guessed who the other party was, but now seeing this 10-minute MV, Conan also became very interested.

He also wants to meet Kamen Rider W from another world.

However, although Kadoyaji said there would be a chance to meet, so far there has been no action.

Of course, Philip is also looking forward to meeting: "I don't know if our Kamen Rider W is stronger, or is W from another world stronger?"

"We won't lose that easily, partner." Regarding Phillip's curiosity, Conan showed great confidence.

Chapter 122 Pterodactyl Greedy!

【'Desire of Objects'】

["Saiya!" The holy emblem slashing sword in his hand swung down, and after directly killing a cat-type Desire Monster in front of him, OOO straightened the driver on his waist. 】

["There have been too many Devouring Monsters in the past three days." Souta breathed a sigh of relief. There was sweat on his forehead. While wiping the sweat, Souta looked at Anku next to him.And Anku raised his hand and absorbed a lot of cell coins into his body, and then his expression was not very good: "Are you missing cell coins?"]

["Isn't it that Kazali's plan has been completed?" Souta said worriedly. 】

["That guy Kazali, if he really succeeds, he won't be so silent." Anku didn't look good, because he could probably guess that the current situation may have entered the worst state. It's time. 】

["It's only [-] o'clock in the morning, and four appetite monsters have been eliminated. Those guys in Kazali can't take any time off." Souta sighed, and then he seemed to be no longer tired. .He packed up his clothes and said, "Okay, let's go back now."]

['Souta's physique has also changed. Anku looked at Souta walking in the direction of the store and was a little surprised: "We fought four times in a row, but there were no major side effects." '】

[I returned to the store and started to get busy again, but Souta seemed to have completely recovered at this time. 】

[The store started to get busy.Then just when getting off work, the store manager suddenly stopped everyone: "Oh, by the way, everyone, the head office provides benefits to each of our employees. Today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, in the afternoon, every four people can go swimming in teams. Let’s play in the park all afternoon. Then, let me briefly divide the groups into groups: Kotori Yu, Tanejima, Anku, and Ipami. Tomorrow it will be Sato, Soma, Yachiyo, and Yamada. The day after tomorrow, me, Matsumoto, and..."]

[There are actually quite a few employees in the store. Anyway, everyone has made arrangements. 】

[But Todoroki Yachiyo was obviously a little embarrassed that he couldn't be with the store manager, but he didn't refute after taking a look at Sato. 】

[They set off for the bird tour in the afternoon. 】

[At the same time, in a karate gym, Kyogoku Makoto was wearing a karate costume, kneeling and sitting in front of Koshimi Nanatsuki, and in front of Koshimi Nanatsuki, the two of them had silver boxes in front of them. 】

["...I'm sorry, I refuse." Looking at the belt in front of him, Kyogoku shook his head: "I told my girlfriend that I generally don't do anything except in competitions. Although I am also very I want to help you, but I’m sorry.”]

仛【"Hey, that's okay." Hearing Kyogoku's rejection again, Koshimizu Nanatsuki sighed, said to Kyogoku, and then walked out, while Kyogoku stood there. He clenched his fists and took a deep breath.It seemed like he was holding back something. 】

["Ma, you actually want to go, right?" After Nanatsuki Koshizui left, an old man walked up to Kyogoku and sat down on his knees. He was Kyogoku's teacher. 】

["Well... Actually, Yuanzi's childhood sweetheart, Mo Chen, approached me before. He wanted me to become a Kamen Rider. But Yuanzi didn't want me to be in danger, and I didn't want to worry Yuanzi, so I refused. Kyogoku said softly. 】

["You have grown up a lot...but Ah Zhen...sometimes, when something is in front of you, you have to make your own choices." The old master did not say anything in detail, but showed a smile, and then said : "Okay, let's go clean up. Didn't you make an appointment with your girlfriend to go to the amusement park today?"]

["Yes." Kyogoku took a shower, looked at himself in the mirror, took a deep breath, took off the OK bandage from the corner of his left eye, and looked at the appearance inside, Kyogoku took a deep breath One breath.Turned and left the room. 】

[The amusement park still looks very lively. Souta is having a lot of fun with Yiba and Bai Yang, while Anku has a look of disgust on his face and a cute hat on his head.Although he still looked disgusted, he still held a popsicle in his hand and ate it. 】

["Eh! You're the one from last time..." Then the four of them met an acquaintance, Kyogoku Makoto and Suzuki Sonoko who they met last time at the Suzuki Museum.Suzuki Sonoko recognized Souta.After all, Sonata was still impressed by Souta's previous transformation. 】

["Miss Suzuki." Souta was also a little surprised and immediately joined the team. Everyone had a great time. 】


["What is that? A dinosaur?" When everyone was sitting in the rest area and preparing to eat something, someone suddenly pointed at the sky and shouted, and then everyone also looked up at the sky. 】

[In the sky, there is indeed a creature that looks like a pterosaur, hovering in the sky on the wings of the instigator. 】

["That's the Devouring Monster." Anku also looked up and shouted to Souta with a sudden look on his face. 】

["What?" Souta was also a little surprised. He looked at it carefully, and then saw that the pterosaur was slowly getting bigger. It did have the appearance of a pterosaur, but it had a human body.It looks very weird, like a weird pterosaur. 】

[No, it’s not slowly getting bigger, but it’s quickly approaching the ground. 】

["Anku, coins!" Souta didn't hesitate when he saw this. He glanced around and everyone was looking up at the sky. No one was paying attention, so Souta immediately shouted to Anku. 】

["..." Anku's expression was extremely ugly, but he quickly took out the three basic core coins and threw them to Souta. 】

["henshin!" Souta quickly inserted the core coin and then completed the transformation. 】

【"Taka! Tora! Batta!"】

[After the transformation, OOO's legs slightly bent, and then he suddenly jumped up, rushing directly towards the pterosaur Devouring Monster in the sky, and the pterodactyl Devouring Monster in the sky was seen facing the sky The OOO that collided directly sprayed out an energy bomb. 】

[The energy bomb directly hit OOO, and then OOO suddenly fell from the sky and landed on the ground. Fortunately, when OOO fell from the sky, he still noticed that there were people below, and his body suddenly swayed. , fell directly to the side and there was no one there. 】

[And below, Ibo and Baiyang, plus Sonoko and Kyogoku, began to evacuate the crowd. 】

Chapter 123 Kyogoku Makoto: New Kamen Rider Birth

[The pterosaur's appetite-devouring monster is a bit strangely strong. OOO was directly kicked away by the pterosaur Devouring Monster. 】

[But OOO soon adjusted his breathing and began to fight back. He took out the Holy Emblem Sword and started fighting the pterosaur. 】

["The strength of Xiaotiaoyu is indeed very good. But..." On the tall building in the distance, Katsumi was sitting on a chair alone and eating a large bucket of ice cream. He was eating continuously and looking at the situation below. , Katsumi licked the ice cream at the corner of his mouth, then held a cell coin between his fingers and pointed it at a sign on the table. 】

[It’s the kind of sign that appears on the table in a hotel or restaurant to represent the table number here. Katsumi flicked his fingers in, and then the cell coins entered the sign, and the whole sign lit up strangely. Purple light, and then this purple light turned into black mist, slowly passed through the glass, appeared outside, and then turned into a pterosaur that was more colorful than purple.]

["Go ahead and force out all his power." After Katsumi left these words, he slowly left with the ice cream bucket in his arms. 】

[And the brightly colored pterosaur floated in the air, bowed slightly to Katsumi, turned around and flew down. 】

[Although OOO's battle below seems to be at a stalemate, OOO understands that his own strength is still weaker than the purple pterosaur's Desire Eater in front of him. 】

["Anku! Join me." OOO rolled over, used the Holy Emblem Sword Sword in his hand as a spear to throw at the purple pterosaur, and then shouted to Anku. 】

["Go on." Upon seeing this, Anku immediately took out the lion and the cheetah coin he had previously obtained from Suzuki Jirokichi and threw them towards Souta. 】

[OOO took the two core coins and replaced them. 】

["Lion! Tora! Cheetah! LaTaLaTa~LaTorarTar!"]

[The speed of OOO, who has become a cat-linked group, has accelerated a lot, but the strange thing is that the purple pterosaur's body actually bursts out with a strange light, like a purple arc. 】part

["Little Bird Tour." At this time, Koshimi Nanatsuki, who was also riding a motorcycle, looked at the situation in front of him and found that the pterosaur was difficult to deal with, so he took out the Birth driver.The transformation was completed immediately.I just wanted to come and help. 】

[But at this time, in the sky, the brightly colored pterosaur, Devouring Monster, will hit Birth directly from the sky. 】

["Uh-huh..." Birth was knocked out and landed not far from the other people being protected by Kyogoku.Kyogoku clenched his fists as he looked at Birth who was lying on the ground, looking very painful. 】

[Birth quickly stood up, and then continued to fight the pterosaur, the appetite eater. The purple pterosaur, the appetite eater, actually kept up with the speed of the cat-linked group, and now the battle fell into a hard fight. 】

["Sonoko...I..." Kyogoku Zhen clenched his fists tightly as he looked at the scene in front of him, as if he was hesitating. 】

[While the battle continued, Birth and OOO joined forces to fight, and the two Devouring Monsters also joined together.One uses ice and the other uses wind ability. 】

[OOO uses melee combat, while Birth uses long-range attacks. 】

[It looked as if the two Desire Devourers were restrained, but suddenly the two Pterosaur Desire Devourers hugged each other. OOO, who happened to be close, was overjoyed when he saw this, and his claws popped out, trying to scratch them. the other person’s body. 】

[However, an extremely strong purple current suddenly appeared from the bodies of the two pterosaurs. This powerful purple current was a range attack.Under this strange attack, OOO was bounced away, and at the same time, the driver around OOO's waist also emitted a strange purple arc.Then he released his transformation and fell to the ground. 】

[Of course, Birth was also thrown away, and even the arc of the driver on his waist did not appear. The voice change was immediately canceled. Birth's driver fell out and landed not far away from Kyogoku. 】

["What?" Although many people ran away in fear because of the sudden appearance of the Devouring Monster, there were still some people who were watching without fear of death, but most of them were behind Kyogoku, because they also recognized Kyogoku’s true identity is revealed.They were naturally very happy to see the Kamen Riders fighting. 】

[But what they didn't expect was that the Kamen Riders who had been able to do so with ease before would actually be able to cancel their transformations under the power of this move.Now everyone is in danger. 】

["Ama..." Suzuki Sonoko was even more frightened and hugged Kyogoku's arm. Upon seeing this, Kyogoku clenched his fists and watched one walking towards Koshimi Nanatsuki, and the other towards Souta walked over to the two desire-devouring monsters. 】

["Sonoko...I'm sorry, I want to...protect you." Kyogoku took a deep breath at this time, took off his glasses, put his glasses in Suzuki Sonoko's hands, and then He nodded to Suzuki Sonoko, then squatted down and picked up the Birth drive that fell next to him. 】

["Zhen doesn't want it." Suzuki Sonoko seemed to want to stop Kyogoku's actions, but Kyogoku turned his head and glanced at Suzuki Sonoko, showing a very gentle smile: "In order to protect you, I must To fight.”]

["Ama..." Suzuki Sonoko looked at Kyogoku Makoto very worriedly, but Kyogoku Makoto still turned to look at Suzuki Sonoko, but the movement in his hand did not stop, but from the coin box next to the Birth drive. He took out a cell coin, threw it from his left hand to his right hand, and then put it into the Birth driver on his waist. 】


["henshin!" Kamen Rider Birth appeared once, and Suzuki Sonoko watched Kyogoku transform into Kamen Rider Birth. 】

["Drink!" At the end of Birth's transformation, the Pterodactyl Devourer had already walked towards Koshizui Nanatsuki. Koshizui Nanatsuki looked seriously injured, but he still insisted on getting up. But before he could get up, the pterosaur's head had already been smashed towards Koshimi Nanatsuki.It looks like he wants to use the pterosaur's sharp beak on his head to completely solve it. 】

[And just when the pterosaur's sharp beak was about to stab Koshimi Nanatsuki, Birth's fist hit the pterosaur's head directly, and in an instant the pterosaur's head was almost deformed. 】

Chapter 124 PuToTyra Combo (Dinosaur Combo)

[The Pterodactyl Devourer's entire face was deformed under the power of this punch, and then it flew out directly, rolled on the ground for a while, and directly smashed holes into the entire ground, as if It's like wasting water.But not on the water, but on the dirt. 】

[With the exciting music, the new Birth's strength is very powerful and very handsome. 】

["Mr. Kyogoku, you can use cell coins to summon steel drill arms." Koshimizu Nanatsuki behind him sat up with the help of Suzuki Sonoko and others, and shouted to Birth.Then he took out a few cell coins from his pocket. 】

[But Koshizui Nanatsuki's strength was somewhat exhausted in the battle just now. Seeing this, Suzuki Sonoko hesitated for a moment, grabbed the cell coin in Koshimizu Nanatsuki's hand, and then threw it towards Birth: " Ah Zhen, go on!"]

["..." Birth turned around and grabbed a few cell coins in his hand, and took a deep look at Suzuki Sonoko. 】

[Even in the transformed state, Suzuki Sonoko can feel Kyogoku Mana's affectionate eyes looking at her. 】

['I have always been worried that you will be in danger, but Ah Zhen... I also know that you are someone who will fight for the weak.So...go ahead, A-Jen. 'These words Suzuki Sonoko did not say out loud, but appeared in the video as her heartfelt voice. 】

[After seeing Suzuki Sonoko's expression, Kyogoku Shinya seemed to understand something. He turned his head to look at the pterosaur Devouring Monster in front of him and took a fighting stance. 】

[Compared to Koshimi Nanatsuki's fighting method using various props, Kyogoku's Birth fighting method is actually simpler, that is, relying on his own fists. 】

[Kyogoku’s true identity is a full-footed karate champion. He has a [-]-match winning streak without losing. He even has the title of “Kicking Noble Master”. This shows how strong Kyogoku’s true fighting ability is. . 】

[However, even if Kyogoku is really strong, he only faced one of the pterosaurs, and the other purple pterodactyl had no intention of helping his partner, but went straight towards Souta. Go. 】

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