['These two people are really awkward. "Seeing the two people transforming their mutated bodies back into human appearance, Koizumi Hongzi turned around and led Lu Mingbian, but the corners of her mouth were raised crazily, as if they were slapping CP. 】

[Arrived at a very ordinary room, but after entering, Koizumi Anko snapped her fingers again, and a line invisible to the naked eye, but clearly visible in the eyes of Anku and Souta, appeared outside the house. The red barrier covered this place like a ball. 】

["I'm sorry, we also have enemies we have to deal with. If there were no barrier magic, it would be difficult to deal with me if I was found." Xiaquan Hongzi raised her hand slightly, and the teacup from far away flew over to the two of them. The man poured two cups of tea. 】

["Who are you?" Anku looked at the super-scientific side in front of him and was still very wary. Moreover, although Anku has not retrieved all the core coins, his strength has recovered a lot, which is not the case. Why are you afraid? 】

["There is no need to be so wary of you two... Let's take these things as a gift so that we can communicate normally." Koizumi Anko raised her hand slightly, and a wooden box flew in front of the two of them. 】

[The wooden box slowly opened, containing rows of core coins. 】

["Coin coins?" Looking at the Peacock and Vulture core coins inside, Anku was also very shocked. These two core coins were the last ones left by Anku. Of course, he had collected almost all the other core coins.In other words, all core coins are now complete. 】

["Magicians and alchemy were often called together in ancient times. Magicians are not as powerful as various rumors say, and alchemy is not as powerful either." Koizumi Anko smiled softly and took a sip of black tea. 】

["But magicians do like to collect other things. Originally, I planned to find an opportunity to give these things to Mo Chen anonymously."]

["Anonymous?" Souta had completely adjusted himself at this time. He looked around curiously. Although the room here looked like an ordinary small private house from the outside, there seemed to be some chimneys inside the room. There are also many strange things, such as a skull not far away, crystal balls, crystals, weird flowers and the like. . 】

[However, after hearing what Koizumi Anko said, Souta asked curiously: "Why do you want to be anonymous?"]

["Witches generally do not interfere in anything in the material world." Koizumi Hongzi meant something: "The witch-hunting movement almost eliminated all magicians back then. So we generally do not participate in any disputes." 】

["Witch hunting?" Souta had heard of it, but Anku on the other side didn't know, and frowned. 】

["It's an old thing four to five hundred years ago. It's just the past. I won't say more." Koizumi Hongzi stopped her hand and looked at the two people in front of her: "One of the reasons why I found you two this time is because I want to I leave these to you, and the other is the picture I saw of the future."]

["Future?" Upon hearing such content, both Zouta and Anku were a little surprised. 】

["Well, in the future... the witch can occasionally see some special things, and you can take it as an early warning for the future." Koizumi Anko's eyes were actually always on Souta and Anku. 】

['It's really cruel...' After whispering in her heart, Koizumi Hongzi said: "But before that, you should take a look at this first."]

["What is this?" Then Koizumi Anko took out a mobile phone. The mobile phone looked very trendy. This surprised Souta. Seeing Souta's appearance, Koizumi Anko smiled: "I'm just a magician. , rather than ancient people.”]

[Then Koizumi Hongzi opened a website, and it turned out to be a live broadcast?The content is about the ancient king who has just released his transformation. 】

["What does he want to do?" Souta and Anku looked at each other. 】

Chapter 153 The Birth of Dao Keji

"Live broadcast? Why another live broadcast?"

"Has Daidao Katsumi done something like this before through live streaming?"

"It's simple...because most people watching the live broadcast are better at keeping up with the rhythm."

"The nonsense upstairs is telling the truth."

"But it's just a joke. I probably know that the ancient king will rely on the video to get other people to help get the core coins back, right?"

"If this continues, there will be chaos. Souta's drive has been taken away. Now we can only transform into a greedy person, but the greedy person will go berserk again. Damn it, what should we do? It's a dead end."

[The content of the video is very simple. The Ancient King has only one request. I hope everyone can help collect the core coins if they see them.Not long. 】

["Is he just going to rely on others to collect the remaining core coins?" Anku frowned. 】

["Except for the ones you have, all the remaining core coins are with me." Koizumi Hongzi was very calm: "So it is destined to be fruitless. But his plan is more than that."]

["In the future, Vagonalia will become a battlefield, and you will lose a lot." Koizumi Anko took a sip of tea and said: "This is the future I see."]

["..." Souta was silent for a while: "Is it because of the core coins?"]

["No, it's because of you. Kotori Yu Souta." And Koizumi Anko's red eyes looked at Souta. Souta was silent for a while, and Koizumi Anko asked: "If you want to break the situation, then there is only one way. Already."]

["Tell Anku-kun your current information."]

["..." Souta took a sip of water. It should be black tea, but there was no taste at all: "Miss Koizumi, can you answer me a question? Can my plan be realized?"]

["Plan! Souta, you guy really has a plan." Anku heard this and grabbed Souta's collar.He had actually thought about this issue before. 】

[Souta is a guy who values ​​relationships so much, and before both Gamer and Mezel, Souta wanted to save each other, so how could he want to kill them.It was indeed planned. 】

["This kind of information, without my intervention, Anku-kun, you will also find out after today's battle is over. It's just that you were covered up by many things in front of you." Koizumi Anko smiled softly and then explained : "As for Ankujun's plan, I can tell you...it is feasible."]

["What is the plan!" Anku was extremely angry at this time. 】

["..." Zouta was silent for a moment, but still told the plan. 】

[It turns out that Souta asked Soma to investigate all the information about the core coins before, and Soma did get it. There is a way to prevent greedy people from harming mankind.That is to leave only the core coins containing their will.All other coins are destroyed. 】

["Where did you get the information?" Anku had obviously never heard of such information. 】

["It was Souma who found it. He is a descendant of alchemy 800 years ago. He knew it from the notes left by his ancestors. He felt that he created you and turned you into monsters. He regretted it very much. He studied it before he died. I learned a lot of things. The final conclusion. And if all the core coins can be destroyed..." As Souta finished speaking.The scene dimmed, and an old man wearing gorgeous clothes appeared.He was writing a diary with a quill pen, and his voice also changed from Souta's side to his old voice. 】

["King, it has been many years. The country of the dead king is on the verge of collapse. We cannot enter the sealed land. But those greedy people who appeared because of us will not die so easily." 】

["I am just an alchemist. Because of our relationship, the greedy people appeared. The existence of the seal means that sooner or later, it will be unlocked, so I spent the rest of my time studying the greedy people. exist."】

["Actually, before we studied the core coins, we also used the core coins of human existence." In the picture, a group of children appeared on strange experimental alchemy tables. The picture moved down slightly, and then after adjusting it up, a group of children appeared on the strange experimental alchemy tables. A silver core coin, and this core coin is the core coin before Dao Keji. 】

["It is very troublesome to activate the core coins of mankind, and there are not ten coins, but only one. It does not have any will, because it hosts the will of the king. It is a heavy insurance. It is an existence created by the king for eternal life. .”]

["The king was sealed with him. After research, we found that the most likely thing is that after the outer seal is broken, the first person who comes into contact with the sealed sarcophagus will be copied by the human core coin. Being born in the form of a baby, he will grow very quickly, and unlike other greedy people, he has all the feelings of a human being."]

[In the picture, Mo Chen entered the seal and placed his fingers on the sealed sarcophagus. Silver-white light flickered, and then a baby slowly appeared. 】

["However, the king's will will rely on this child. I don't know when he will awaken."]

["I spent the rest of my life researching, and finally found a way to turn greedy people into ordinary humans, or to lose their abilities without destroying their will. That is to leave three different core coins and destroy all others. , and then use human core coins to replace the lack of other core coins in their bodies. The core coins must be destroyed directly."]

["Remember, even the core coins that were initially taken out need to be destroyed. The way the human core coins are made...I have recorded it. Future generations...I do not ask you to completely save them. They It’s the child I created. If you can, I’ll leave it to you.”]

["How to make human core coins. I don't have it here." The scene shifted from the ancient notes to reality, and there is also this note in reality.And this note is in the hands of Koizumi Hongzi. 】

["Why are you so surprised?" Koizumi Anko looked at the surprised Souta and said with a smile: "The information in this note is what I gave to Mr. Souma."]

["The method of making human core coins is available at Fusae Company." Although Souta was a little surprised, he explained: "I have seen Dr. Katsumi resurrect several people using human core coins before."]

Chapter 154 'The King's Desire'

"This also explains the mystery of the birth of Dao Keji."

"But I really didn't expect that there are actually witches in reality."

"Koizumi Anko, I know her. She is the school beauty of Ekoda High School. She is indeed a very 'magic' girl, but is she actually a witch?"

"Wait a minute, look at the official website. It has been officially announced that Koizumi Hongzi is indeed the magician of Red Magic. And because of her special status, she has already been in contact with Mo Chen before."

"Now let's watch the video. Who has time to watch the official announcement?"

"Magician, I also want to be a magician, Koizumi Anko-sama, am I qualified? I am a virgin over 30 years old."

"If any virgin over 30 years old can become a magician, then so can I."

Apparently a system different from Kamen Rider has appeared. Everyone is very curious and want to ask if they can become a magician.

After all, almost all the Kamen Riders appearing now are pre-appointed. Even artificial Kamen Riders like G3 or Birth probably have a lot of requirements.

So if you want to get special power, then a magician can do it.

As a result, the discussion about magicians on the Internet became more and more heated.

["I don't care about these things." Koizumi Hongzi didn't seem to care at all about such information. Instead, she chuckled and looked at the two people in front of her: "I stopped your battle this time just because If we continue fighting like this, it will cause some unnecessary consequences. It will affect us at that time."]

["Influence?" Souta looked at Koizumi Anko with some doubts, then thought about it and said, "Is it because of alchemy?"]

["Not bad." Koizumi Anko nodded: "I won't go into details. This is the only assistance I can provide you."]

[Having said this, Koizumi Hongzi is not revealing too much information.Then they kicked the two people out. 】

["..." Souta and Anku at the door looked at each other. 】

["Is this place no longer usable?" After the two left, Koizumi Hongzi's body turned into a red mist, and then returned to the place with the big pot at the beginning: "Even if I rushed there like this , but is it still too late?"]

[Speaking, Koizumi Anko looked into the cauldron, and the strange liquid inside slowly appeared. The battle between Souta Greedy and Anku continued. Souta Greedy gave Anku's core coin to It's almost destroyed.Only three were left. 】

[However, it is said to be a scene from the future, and the content is just some simple silhouette-like scenes, and then it appears. The ancient king is angry, and the ancient king is looking for the descendants of the red magician.These are simple images. 】

[But soon the screen stopped at Souta and Anku, back to back. 】

["Even if I intervene, can't the cause and effect between these two people still be broken?" Koizumi Hongzi looked at the picture, and then waved slightly, the two figures in the picture disappeared, leaving only one The bird ties the group picture. 】

["Among the two...will there be only one left?"]


"What the hell?"

"What does it mean that only one of the two will be left?"

"Does it mean that either Souta or Anku died?"

"Is this also the witch's prophecy?"

"I'm not too worried. I think it's just like Conan and Phillip."

"I cried when Philip and Conan said goodbye before, but didn't the two of them get together perfectly in the end?"

"That's true, huh...but why do I still feel a little uneasy?"

"I actually have this uneasy feeling too."

"I feel uneasy. The most important problem now is that Souta has lost his transformation device. If he can't transform into OOO, he can only become a greedy person, but when he becomes a greedy person, he will go berserk. This is It’s an endless loop, and now there’s only one Kamen Rider Birth left.”

"With a Birth... hanging."

There is a break in the middle of the screen, and the content is a 10-minute long MV. The content is Kamen Rider Kuuga, but there are two Kuugas, one is Kousaka Kyosuke, and the other is a person named Godai Yusuke , the two people's experiences are somewhat different, but from the content in the MV, it seems that the time where Godai Yusuke lived should be 20 years ago.

The final battle between the two men took place in the same place.

【'King's Desire'】

["Vagonaria's store will be closed starting today." Kyoko's store manager has always been expressionless, but this time his expression was a little sad. 】

["I'm really sorry, but I promise you, I will be able to get you back soon...soon." Souta bowed to everyone. 】

["..." Everyone in the store looked at each other, and finally stepped forward and patted Souta on the shoulder. 】

[If this continues, everyone in the Wagunaria store will be in danger. 】

["Senior sister, Yibo, aren't you going?" Seeing that everyone in the store went their separate ways, Bai Yang and Yibo both stayed. Bai Yang looked at Souta and said in a low voice: "Little wandering bird, you Do you think we can all still be together?"]

[Obviously Bai Yang is very reluctant to let go of everyone in the store. Although Wagonalia’s store is just a very ordinary family restaurant, and many of them are part-time students, everyone has a very good relationship. It can be said that Existing like family. 】

[But now this family is about to break up.Not just Baiyang, everyone actually feels a little nostalgic. 】

["Senior sister." Looking at the little senior sister in front of him, a gentle smile appeared on Zongtai's lips. He squatted down, reached out and gently stroked Bai Yang's head: "I promise you, we will all be able to I'm back. When the time comes, senior sister, can you be my sister for a day?"]

["Mo...little wandering bird, I am the senior sister."]

["Okay, little senior sister."]

["Don't call me young." After making a fuss, Bai Yang left, while Souta turned to look at Yibo.Ipo looked at Souta with tender eyes. 】

["Let's go outside and talk." Souta said with a gentle smile to Yibo. 】

[The two of them went outside, but when they got outside, they heard the conversation between two other people. 】

["I like you, Todoroki...that's not right, Yachiyo. Although this separation is temporary, I can't accept not being able to see you again." Sato Jun and Todoroki Yachiyo confessed. 】

Chapter 155 The Greedy Man’s Plan

Although Sato Jun and Todoroki Yachiyo don't appear much in the video, everyone actually admires this couple.The Christmas night date had made them very excited before.

Not to mention actually confessing his love?

This can be said to make everyone in the video excited.

And as Todoroki Yachiyo agreed in the video, it was almost like a carnival.

After the carnival, everyone turned their attention to Souta and Ipami.

Ipami likes Souta. This can be seen from the performance in the video, and Souta obviously has a different attitude towards Ipami. It is obvious that he also has a good impression of Ipami.

"Little Bird Yu-kun...I like you."

With this confession, everyone became excited, but apart from the excitement, there were some worries.

What's this?This is a death flag!

["Breathe..." Taking a deep breath, Souta looked at Yiba who was so safe, and the screen changed to Souta's sight. It was actually black and white, and there were also snowflakes that flashed across the screen from time to time, like old black and white TV series. . 】

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